Silent Slough

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Bhaern Quel
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Re: Silent Slough

Post by Bhaern Quel »

Looks toward the creature, the long arms made IDing it harder, some cousin to raccoon maybe.

It appears to just be an animal, but in that case it should be known to Slog and Bludgeon. Unless some kind of balance has been upset and it is seeking a new home. It does not appear to be a danger even as a spy. There is nothing here to learn. Unless it decides to talk to Lady Lielanni we will not learn more. Let us eat.

Sips some tea and watchs how the others and the animal act.
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Re: Silent Slough

Post by Drathiranon »

Mouxsie turns her tiny head upside-down to see it's true face.
A trash panda?

Slog shovels a load of food into his mouth and turns his head around to have a look. The orc man swallows his mouthful.

Slog usually see racoon at night. Wonder why he hear.

The orc woman also looks up at the creature.

Bludgeon see them wash food in the water sometimes.

She refills her plate.

Llelanni can communicate telepathically rather by speech. The dark elf woman observes the racoon for a moment.

She is looking for food. The frogs are hibernating, no fruit, squirrels have taken all the nuts, and fish moved farther away. She has two babies outside with her.

Llelanni looks around the table.

She seems a little mischievous. We really shouldn't give her anything that has been cooked.
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Re: Silent Slough

Post by Bhaern Quel »

Shrugs, so she can talk with that one also. At least no danger.

Well if we are going to feed it, I can offer onions, potatoes, strawberries and cheese of which are not cooked. I have seen some of them eat rolls as well. I might have some herbs as well, however I do not believe she can or will pay for them.

Looks at the others

Do you want to feed her? It might avoid some mischief with our plans.

Killing it might also do that, but decides to see how the others feel.
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Re: Last Day - Grab, Root, & Growl

Post by Drathiranon »

What?! Not the strawberries?!

With a few mumbled words or perhaps fey language, and a mischievous grin of her own, Mouxsie manifests a small basket of wild fruits and nuts on the counter.

Elf girl, I need ya to take this gift and go with me around from the back.

Llelanni takes the basket and follows Mouxsie around to the front door and windows.
The fairy speaks a few more words and is able to speak with the racoon. The exchanges can be heard fairly clearly inside the store.

Accept me wee basket o' fruits and ye gullets be filled. One day I'll call in fer a favour of ye skill.

The racoon readily nods, taking the basket. She moves her brood out into the sunlight to be warmed and to feast.
Mouxsie flies behind Llelanni to return to the meal. The dark elven woman serves more of the tea to anyone in need. The fairy sits by Tarvis' plate and finishes her strawberry.

Bludgeon offers more food to everyone before clearing any dishes.
Tarvis right, have work to do, packing, cleaning, setting locks before journey.

Slog downs his drink, turns to Bludgeon to place his cup on her tray.
Slog get ready too.

Mouxsie looks to the orcs.

In the morn' me Puca' will come to take ye two down the trail. Take as much as ye can carry if ye intend to leave some things outside the caves for another round o' the battle.

She looks to Llelanni, pointing to the moose watching from the back door.

Looks like you have an admirer, Mate. Maybe he might give you a lift?

Llelanni looks up in surprise, seeing the moose still hanging around.
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Re: Silent Slough

Post by Bhaern Quel »

Alright, I will not offer her strawberries

Finished his meal and stands, seeing that the fairy has arranged faster travel for the rest of them in the morning, removes that concern. Well if the Moose agrees.

Yes if the Moose agrees that takes care of travel and to set up a store of supplies there. Maybe the Moose would agree to watch over the site. He could keep some animals away from it. We would like him to stay near any way for the ride back.

Nods to Mouxsie

That is kind of your wolf to offer, it might be interesting what you might ask in return for your baster of food. That for the future. Now to our tasks for today.

Goes over to the plants and takes them up, and strides outside toward the fields and boar.
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Re: Grab, Root, & Growl, last day prep

Post by Drathiranon »

Mouxsie is quickly relieved, the strawberries will not be a tool of barter, so, more for herself! She smiles mischievously. It seems Tarvis and her are reading from the same playbook.

Right! Sure, Me be thinking we get those weeds off to a good start!

The little fairy takes flight to Tarvis shoulder and holds onto his ear for balance.

Llelanni looks to Bludgeon. The orc woman looks back to the dark elf.
Bludgeon clean! Elf, you go, help Tarvis, I got this.

Her green eyes watch as Llelanni quickly departs to catch up with Tarvis and Mouxsie. She grins and looks to Slog.

Here, Slog, this for you. Maybe give to boar.

Bludgeon hands Slog a big green handful of freshly pulled parsnips. Slog smiles, turning his head to hide a deep grin after taking the parsnips and sticking them into his deep back pocket.

Slog go now, be back tomorrow.

The orc farmer also leaves. Slog thinks about bringing Bludgeon some more chestnuts for the ride to the cavern. He also thinks about making spiked steel bearings. He then realizes he left his sack of bearings at the store. He thinks they are OK there and keeps swiftly walking to his mill.

Outside, the moose and Llelanni seem to be talking. Slog keeps moving toward his shed. Llelanni doesn't seem to take notice of the orc farmer. The moose agrees to meet up in the morning. Having lost his horns, he can move faster but it doesn't help much with defense. He is happy to have others near who might help protect him as well.

Inside, Bludgeon is humming an orc battle tune and clearing the dishes. Her burlap sack is packed, sitting in the corner by the back door. Out back she stokes the fire to boil water for cleaning. Bludgeon thinks about the journey. It's been some years since she has done any traveling. As the wind blows past her, tugging at her black hair she wonders what kind of adversary the group might face and how best to prepare for anything.
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Re: Silent Slough

Post by Bhaern Quel »

Walking out with the earring is interesting.

Well it is warm enough to plant. They might winter well.

Reaches the line he planned to start planting the transplants. Taking a spage, digs the hole for the plants, and knees down to place the seedling and pack the dirt around the plant.

There you go, Grow well my little child.

Stands to walk to the next point a few feet away and before repeating the process and the blessing comments to Mouxsie

They say talking to them helps them grow.
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Re: Silent Slough

Post by Drathiranon »

Mouxsie holds onto the bridge of Tarvis' ear with one tiny hand firm as not to slip when he digs and plants. The tiny fingers of her free hand wiggle as if sprinkling fairy dust into each hole. She giggles.

Aye, you can be sure the boar will be waiting fer us when we come back with our loot.

The fairy turns her tiny head to see Llelanni running to catch up with them. She sighs. Mouxsie's expression melts away.

Ah here, looks like the geebag is back from her wee lolly dander. How nice she put a thought together to help out after we're done with the work.

The dark elf waves and stops to catch her breath.
Will I help with more growth, Sir Tarvis?
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Re: Silent Slough

Post by Bhaern Quel »

With the planting done for now, puts the spade away into his pack.

With your dust I am sure the boar will want to stay.

Turns to greet Lielanni

I am not sure if your magic will work with the fairy magic. Do you have spells for tomorrow? Then will be likely more needed, for fight or healing. Also I do not want other plants to grow just the weed
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Re: Slogs Mill, last day

Post by Drathiranon »

Llelanni looks at the plants then back to Tarvis. Mouxsie can be seen holding onto Tarvis' ear, sticking her tiny tongue out at the dark elf as they pass by.
Hmph, well, I guess I do have some spells ready. I'll head back to finish reading up on a few things before sleep.

Slog is standing on the shed roof about to pour down the oats for the boar to feed on until morning. The dark elven woman watches as Slog dumps the grain into the troughs. Her red eyes turn back to the stream where the moose is having a drink. She walks over to have a word with the big deer creature.

Thanks so much, Cervid. I was hoping you wouldn't mind helping me out.

Llelanni offers him a handful of tree bark from her robe pocket.

I will remember you with a willow planted in my garden when I open my apothecary. You will have the finest, most exotic of herbs to sate your interests!

The moose looks to the dark elf, it's new little antler buds starting to emerge on top of his large head.

We sleep together in the herd. Do you have a safe place for us to gather for the night?

The orc farmer climbs down from his shed. Looking over his barrels, he selects one with chestnuts to fill a pouch to give Bludgeon in the morning. He sees the moose and Llelanni.

Elf, no let moose eat Tarvis plants!

The moose looks to Llelanni and Llelanni looks back to Slog.

He's looking for a place his herd can sleep.

The orc farmer scratches his head, spots and grabs a pitchfork.

Slog have no barn. Try by store, maybe Bludgeon or Tarvis knows.

The moose lowers his body to allow the dark elven woman to ride on his bare back. She gingerly positions herself side saddle style and holds onto the mooses neck. The large deer like beast is strong and his large hooves sturdy. Llelanni bobbles around atop the moose. It's strange and will take some getting used to for a long journey. They catch up to Mouxsie and Tarvis, continuing to get to.the store. Once they arrive, the dark elf slips down, feeling sore from such a rough ride. Holding her back, she walks inside to inquire about accommodations for the herd of moose.
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Re: Silent Slough

Post by Bhaern Quel »

Girl problems and not even dating either one. Maybe should have found a portal and have stepped though it. It would be hard to say that he had even rescued the fairy. The elf ideas likely were as good as his on that issue. At least the planting has been completed and looks healthy.

With Lielanni walking away, not knowing the fairy's action does not get a chance to reply at this time. Clearly it would be good to talk to her when fairy busy someplace else to try to maintain a working party for the city investigation.

Once all are within the store, considers the issue of a herd gather.

Well a herds tend like a place that provides water, trees for cover, grass for food. There is a grove South of the mill along the mill river. The grass looked fresh and is not too far from here. MouXsie might remember it on our trip to the city.
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Re: Grab, Root, & Growl, last evening

Post by Drathiranon »

Llelanni straightens her back.

Sounds good, Sir Tarvis.

Moose has his big head peeking just inside the door to hear Tarvis' remark. He snorts and turns around to greet the others waiting at the woods edge.

Bludgeon hears the pounding of metal and sees smoke rising across the way. It seems Slog is back to work at his make shift forge. Her green eyes turn to the others.

Guess no more moose hunting for orc.

The fairy sits on Tarvis' shoulder, looking smugly to the dark elf, then passively to the orc woman. She lightly tugs at Tarvis' shirt collar.

What spells ya think we be needin', me laddine? There's always the handy cantrips but what do we do about the undead? Fire types?

Llelanni pouts her lips, grabbing her open book laying on the counter. Seeing the pages are in disarray, some upside down, and others in a foreign language, her red eyes start radiating a hot glow. She angrily stuffs the tome back into her travel bag of holding.

Well, I'm certainly no cleric or paladin. I'm not as knowledgeable as a wizard or sorcereress. I'm not a fighter. I'm afraid I still have very little to contribute to this thing.

Bludgeon watches as the dark elf pours water into the kettle. She hands Llelanni a jar of spiced tea. Bludgeon eyes her with a visage of warmth.

Elf, every hand make one big hand. Think like elf, orc think like orc, fae like fae, human like human. Together make one smart warrior.

The orc woman looks to Tarvis.

What else Tarvis think might be in cave to fight?
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Re: Silent Slough

Post by Bhaern Quel »

So much for plan to have MouXsie show Moose glade, the fairy might be smarter than he is. Clearly Moose iappears smarter than expected.

Lady Lielanni I see the Moose understands me or reads you very quickly.

Glances to Bludgeon remark about hunting Moose

Well I would think enemy Moose can still be hunted, just would need to know which is which

After the fairy asks her question.

Ladies it is hard to know what spells will be most useful. However cure often are needed, find / detect spells and shield spells. Sometimes a helping hand, levitate item might be useful. Light or even sometimes darkness to hide in. Water to oppose fire, earth also can fight fire just not well. Often it is hard to know what magic is most needed until the moment it is needed is faced.
Lady Lielanni you can fight and see greater into the dark. You can communicate with animals and appear to make friends with them. Those two things might find us friends in the tunnels to aid us. Even if they be small and will not fight. They will know where traps are, where food is, where danger is.

The final question of what might be faced.

Lady Bludgen, In the cave we found just skeletons. That often means there are more powerful undead, zombies or worst. Also often a wizard or powerful undead maybe even a vampire. Though I do not believe vampire likely, as they often use bats, rats and wolves. We did not see any . Other creatures including some of your lore still might be in there. Other cave dwellers like bears might have moved in as it is possible some goblins or ogres.
So it might be anything on top of magical traps like the fireballs, if that is not a trap. Then very blind, powerful wizard.
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