Silent Slough

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Bhaern Quel
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Re: Silent Slough

Post by Bhaern Quel »

Slog, Oats is a good feed for them. That sounds like the first thing we might do. With enough food they might not wander far. The food will make it easier to keep them together

Bludgeon looks to you.

The seed does not need to be planted today, There is time to clean and do other things the are needed quicker, he planting can be done after dark. We need the sunlight time to concentrate on outside tasks.

Llelanni Looks at you.

Is there anything else we should know about them that might help?

Answers Mouxsie

As for digging a pit or fencing them it depends on the ground. It takes time to dig and we might hit rock or water before a right size pit can be dug. Fencing with herb, earth and wood might be quicker. We need to look at the land and feed the swine.

Magic would make things go faster
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Re: Silent Slough

Post by Drathiranon »

Llelanni quietly answers Tarvis. Her hands are at her sides, her fingers nervously twitching.

I might be ready to try my Plant Growth spell. That could certainly speed up the fencing project and increase the fertility of the land.

The little fairy sits with her tiny legs dangling off the edge of the shelf and swinging them back and forth.

Aye me laddine, t'would be challenging to dig this water-logged soil. Sure, an pointless. The peat is spongy, difficult to carve out an no tellin' what history ye might discover under the eart.

Slog find old food troughs at empty feed and seed shack. Slog also have some old, hard, dry corn.
The orcan man steals a quick glance at Bludgeon, watching her mop the floors.

The orc woman, sensing eyes on her, plops the mop into the bucket of water. Her green eyes turn to look at Tarvis while still holding the handle.

Clean home, healthy home. Bludgeon ready now. When we go?
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Re: Silent Slough

Post by Bhaern Quel »

Considers all the comments before answering with his plan of attack.

First we need to feed the boar and look at the area to decide how to contain them. The seed planting will be this eve and planting outside at least a few days. A growth spell certainly not needed today. That will give Llelanni time to gather her strength for magic. We all should go and take a look at the boar and start feeding them. Getting food first before approaching them. As males all dead does not mean all danger is gone from them. We gather the food troughs and the corn also would be a good feed for them. I will have the weed with me if we need it, I am not sure , but maybe should all carry a weapon in harness so the weapon can be used, but both hands can be free to work. Other weapons can be placed nearby for use . The males are more likely to attack however hungry boar of any kind might charge before we get food to them.

Adjusts a sword to a scabbard. Then takes out a pouch and hangs it on a cord around his neck. A necklace carrying the pouch, so that his hands are free.

Look at the site is first thing I need to do. Getting the feed troughs and the feed a few of you can do.. When you are ready we will go.
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Re: Silent Slough

Post by Drathiranon »

The handle of the orcan farmer's machete can be seen just outside of his overalls pants pocket. He marks his shed on the white marking around the mill. The two buildings are joined together. The orc then looks to Tarvis.

Hmm...Slog think we can climb up on shack roof. Good place to see all boar and dump food. Oats in barrels in mill and behind shack.


Dropping down from the shelf, the little fairy lands on one of Bludgeon's shoulders. The orc woman grabs a pitchfork firmly in hand and looks over her selection of goods. She stands next to a thin roll of tin about 2ft in length and 2 1/2ft in width.

Maybe need a grain chute?

The dark elven woman eases up from the warmth of the fire to tuck her long white hair into the collar of her robe. Llelanni takes up her oar and turns to the others.

Will we need a distraction for the boar so the feeding can begin?

Everyone looks to Tarvis.
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Re: Silent Slough

Post by Bhaern Quel »

The roof gives entrance to the mill to get the food?

I need to walk the ground about the boar to know where build the barrier. Throwing down seed from the shack would draw them to the shack so you might want to have them to rat at a corner of mill and shack away from the door. We do not want them to try to get inside.

I do not think there is enough there for a grain chute, however Slog is the smith.

I can keep their attention while you get the food for them

With that said walks out of the store and toward the mill across the way. Eyes alert as he heads South toward the fields and boar.
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Re: Silent Slough

Post by Drathiranon »

The orcan farmer proudly boasts.

Slog make ladder outside on shack wall.

Armed with his machete, Slog is not far behind Tarvis. Bludgeon follows close to his side with Mouxsie on her shoulder, pitchfork in one hand, and tin sheet curled into a tube.

The two orcs and fairy head inside the mill to gather a few bags of oats, one under an arm, weapon readied in the other.

The fairy speaks into Bludgeon's ear.

Need a lift to the roof? It will be quieter than climbing the ladder and faster than walking across to the mill roof. I'll also send up yer make-shift little shute so ye can safely pour the feed down.

The surprised orcs look at each other. This seems good. They both nod in agreement and go outside. The fairy lifts her tiny hands and the orcs float up to the roof of the mill.

I'll send the food troughs over onto the ground once I get into the shed. Then I need to check on our laddine.

Mouxsie crawls between a plank of wood siding and squeezes into the shed. She makes the troughs tiny enough for her to carry and flies up through Slog's chimney. Her buzzing wings carry the fairy over the roof of the mill. She sends the troughs down as they enlarge, landing on the ground behind the corner of the mill as Tarvis suggested.

The orcs begin to send down food into the troughs.

Seeing her plan work, the fairy flutters off like a butterfly, drifting over to Tarvis and sits on his shoulder. Wiping the tiny beads of sweat from her tiny brow, she asks,

Whew! You find a good place for the pen?
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Re: Silent Slough

Post by Bhaern Quel »

As Mouxsie sits on his shoulder, he continues to look at the field, mill, shed and the boar,.

There needs to be water. If they are to be used to clear fields it makes sense to locate them. About where they are now. In time a roof area or even a building might makes sense to protect them from weather. For now I will make it from the mill to those trees.

Points to the points of reference.

Weed and wood should work to hold them. Then can plan the new grazing pens to graze new fields that Slog wants. Also of course they can clear the existing fields when not in crop.

Scatters his weed at points along the line. Taking more note of the land.

You can go back and report if you want.. I will be done soon.
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Re: Silent Slough

Post by Drathiranon »

Movement in the stream can be heard. In front of them is Llelanni in her boat opposite Tarvis and Mouxsie, near the crop field. The dark elven woman continues to paddle along the stream surveying the ground cover of boar damage. Seeing everyone ok and boar passed out in the empty fields, she moves along the stream to the 3-way channel only to discover the rest of the stream doesn't seem to have a proper outlet, causing the land to hold onto much water. She waves to the others and starts paddling back up stream to tie her boat back by the back entrance to the general store.

The boar have moved on from the side of the mill where the orcs have dropped the wild oats and are now sunning themselves in Slog's decimated fields.

The orcs stand on the mill roof, looking down on the land. Slog sets down the little shute and steals another glance at the orcan woman. He pats his chest, making sure he still has that pouch of horse chestnuts he wants to give her.
Bludgeon is busy watching over everyone below, holding her pitchfork like a spear.
The orc farmer, realizes the boar have had their fill of oats, he knows their bellies must be full after drinking from the cold stream. He looks to Bludgeon.

We go down now. Must get closer to keep them safe and to watch out for boar.

The orcs turn around to go across the roof to the shed and down the ladder afixed to the side of the shed. Slog opens one of the barrels and grabs a small sack of cracked corn to take with them. They see and wait for Tarvis so as not to bring attention of the boar.

Still sitting on Tarvis' shoulder, the little fairy decides to lift atop his head to have a better look around. Standing with her hands on her tiny hips, she hears behind her the orcs moving down to wait for Tarvis. Her little dress and hair ribbons rustle in the wind.

Hey Mate, what about slurry? The waste from those vile animals is bound to get manky!
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Re: Silent Slough

Post by Bhaern Quel »

Sees Llelanni in her boat, wonders about what she might have to report. For now however concerned with the boar as they move away from the feeding. With luck they will settle and stay in the fields. The herb barrier includes the fields so that is not being tested yet.

Looks at the stream and the field. before answering Mouxsie

The stream will wash some clear in time if not right away. Some will be worked into the ground returning what was taken from the ground.

As he notices the orcs coming near steps off to meet them.

All appears well so far. I have started the pen.
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Re: Silent Slough

Post by Drathiranon »

Slog give Tarvis sycees as promised. All will be well now.

The orc farmer is pleased. He hands Tarvis three sycees. He looks to Bludgeon but he can't speak. He takes the pouch of horse chestnuts from his overalls front pocket and hands them to her. She is pleasantly surprised when she opens the pouch.
The orcs seem to have an unspoken connection, not needing to speak at times.

Llelanni stops her boat at the side of the mill and pulls it out to land. The elven woman then walks over to join the others.

Slog, if you want your mill to turn faster we need to open the channel a bit wider to fully release the stream water. There is a section of watery bog that is holding up the waterway and should be dug out.

The fairy's wings lift her up onto Bludgeon 's head.

Sure, but how? It's too spongy to get a fair dig on!

Every eye turns to Tarvis.

Mouxsie chuckles. She figures this is going to be a routine thing.
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Re: Silent Slough

Post by Bhaern Quel »

Well getting some coin for herbs is nice. They seem to want more. Just the way they look at him to make an undershot mill go faster. The quick answer is magic, however that often but well defined or precise.

Well anything can be cut even the bog material . Just it can fill back in quickly. The best way is the let nature do most of the work. For here I would look for where the water flows the quickest and cut a channel with axe and shovel to try to get it flowing faster. With luck the water will will then continue to flow and widen that path, which lets the water flow faster from the high river to the lower river.

Looks again at the terrain.

It will not do much here, the only other thing that could be done would take much time and hours of work. That would be building a dam to control water flow. Here it would take us years to do. With 100 it might be done in a season.
Maybe a skilled move Earth spell could do something quicker
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Re: Silent Slough

Post by Drathiranon »

Slog is taken aback. He enjoys his solitary life, now, with a only a few friends. No need to have strangers decide to move in the village and start trying to take over the land.

Slog think we wait for now.

Bludgeon also seems to have reservations about a large coordination and activity. She enjoys her peace and quiet, not wishing to have too many visitors. She'd have to give up her fishing and hunting to keep up her stock.
She thinks of Kena, but hesitant to speak with her. Perhaps she doesn't know such spells but she does serve Eilistraee.

Maybe we find someone who can help in summertime, more daylight then.

The fairy remains quiet. While the orcs speak. She is also hesitant to speak but figures she prolly should.

Well now, I might be willing to call on me friends to help but, of course, not until me work here is complete.

Mouxsie stands contemplating on top of Tarvis' head, a tiny finger pressed to her chin.

Also, the eledrin from Feywild are hard to make bargains with as they have few needs and prefer to stay in Feywild.

Llelanni stands shamefaced, hiding her oar behind her back.

I don't think I'm quite ready to perform a Terraform spell. It's going to take about eight hours alone for me to have a nice permanent hedge of growth for the seeds.

It seems everything must continue according to the original plan. It's getting close to noon. Someone's stomach growls in the group.

Bludgeon go cook food.

The orcan woman blushes dep purple.
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Re: Silent Slough

Post by Bhaern Quel »

Slog looks to you.

There were other things to consider as well. The only reason to speed the mill would be if there was a need, to catch up work.
Also some mills can not endure faster speeds and can break under that stress. A faster water flow might be needed because of the boar. Some of their waste might have to flow clean. However the flow might be good enough for that now. That will be a wait and see thing.

Lady Bludgeon a few people indeed might visit from the river or clans that you might want to stay. The winter is not travel time for many. Summer time you indeed might want to hire help. Right now I think we should concentrate on securing what has been gained. Find that salt after the boar are secure I think is next.

For now does not reply to the fairy

Lady Llelanni you should not over exert yourself on even plant growth. A little at a time should serve well enough

nods at last coment

Yes eating enough to be able to work is important. Lady Bludgeon take who you need to help cook. The rest of us will continue to strengthen the boar barrier. Unless they have other things they must do.
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Re: Silent Slough

Post by Drathiranon »

Slog scratches his head. He really didn't think that far in advance about such things and it is beginning to show. He strokes his newly forming black goatee while taking a deep think.

Mouxsie, listening to Tarvis, agrees.

Right, yer wee water wagon wheel canna take the pressure, Orc Man. She surely gonna blow!

Bludgeon, standing with pitchfork in hand and with a satisfied grunt in agreement with Tarvis, she then calls the fairy by her real name, invoking her control over her. The fairy, like a robot, follows after the orc woman to go back to the Grab, Root, & Growl.

Delbachaem, we go now!

Slog's red eyes turn back to Tarvis.

What we do now to make fence strong? We still need herb, earth, and wood?

Llelanni manages a simple smile, happy to hear it is not pressing to work harder on the barrier.

We might want to check out your chosen area, Sir Tarvis, to make sure there are no plants there we do not want to grow. This Plant Growth will create overgrowth for 100 steps radius. There is a chance it might effect trees and certain types of grasses as well. Slog, your land will be fertile here for one years time, so much so it will increase production exponentially! So let's make sure you are ok with that.

Slog stops stroking his beard. He looks to the horse chestnut tree around the area Tarvis was walking.

Slog happy with that!
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Re: Silent Slough

Post by Bhaern Quel »

Watches Bludgeon and Mouxsie go to prepare lunch, before repling to the others.

Building the gate has to be made of wood. The rest of the barrier can be snengthen will wood and earth where to herb will not grow well. Let us walk off the areas we want to keep them in. Oh a fence will need to be of wood over streams, the herb can not be planted and dust will wash away.. So let us get started.

Starts out near the mill

We need a gate here for when you need to clean trough and likely take out boar to kill., though we might come up with better plan to harvest them. We then will run the line here

Starts walking his line. occasionally adding dust, and pointing out places that fence might be needed. once near the fields is there any location that has any sign of movable dirt that he sees so far.

We can divide the fields into sections so that the boar can grass after harvest. dividing the fields into sections allow some land to rest while others grow crop.

Not sure how to do with a plant grow spell that covers a circle area. The herb runs in a line so makes no recomendation about where to use the spell. His first thoughts was to use the spell to start the seeds into healthy plants. However Slog might have area that could benefit from such a spell.
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