On The Shores of Despair (Part 4)

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Post by CinderSuru »

Cinder ran her finger from his belly slowly up to his chin and around his shoulders drawing circles over his back.

she plunged her tung into his mouth she was not sure why but she had heard her cousins talk about this kind of kissing and she wanted to see how he would react.
it was her who reacted the butterflies were back in the thousands again, she gripped his strong chiselled shoulders and her legs coiled around him.
She struggled trying to pull off his tunic her mouth still on his in a frantic frenzzy she wanted to feel his skin on hers. She cought herself and suddenly stopped staring Adain strieght in the eyes.
Did you feel that. she asked
she put her head on his chest and arms around him breathing deeply...wow
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Post by veraka »

Neriah looked up at Pwdn and smirked at her comment; “well, he [b:3oebzqhm]is[/b:3oebzqhm] barbarian trained and is a champion of a certain platinum dragon, I think I got lucky with him. Besides, it’s always fun to tease him with, well, you’ll see,” she finished, a seductive smirk on her face as she turned to Veraka. The aasimar locked eyes with her, and seeing her, he shrugged and turned back to Lyon, chatting with the young warrior.
Neriah got up from her position, strode over to the storm warrior, grabbed him by the shoulder, pulled him around, and gave the aasimar one good long, passionate kiss. The fey’ri made the moment last for a few seconds, much to a surprised Lyon; when she was done, Neriah merely turned on her heel, and walked back Pwdn, in a slow pace to so that Veraka, gapping as he was and slightly smirking, could take in her full figure.
“And that, mi’lady is how you have fun with your lover or whomever male you wish to attract,” said the fey’ri to Pwdn.

Veraka turned back to Lyon after Neriah pulled her little playful antics on him; “Well, Lyon; if you want [b:3oebzqhm]that[/b:3oebzqhm] in your dream girl, you sure as the hells got it. Its wonder she hasn’t chained me down and just be done with it, but that’s one of her more loving attributes, she doesn’t like playing the nice girl and the basic D.I.D as I call ‘em. Anyways, if Pwdn’s in any way like Neriah, I highly doubt that she would be a cleric of Illmater still; more along the lines of Sune, if ya ask me.”

Neriah sat back down and laughed at Veraka’s reaction to her little kiss; “now are you sure you wish to find an aasimar much like my Veraka; they are somewhat restless at times,” she teased back at Pwdn, all in good fun.

“Truth be told, Pwdn, I never knew my parents, but as far as I’m concerned, my mother was the only person that was worth my love. I was told my mother was lucky to be alive, given the simple fact that half-fiends usually don't leave their unfortunate mates to live after their finished with them. So my mother gave birth to me, and she knew that I would turn out the way I did, but not without taking on her own characteristics myself."

"My mother raised me by herself, not caring for all the criticism and badmouthing that she received in her village just for bearing me. Elves in general, especially sun elves, can be fickle at the best of times, but some of the village elders were eladrin surprisingly enough, so it was no big surprise when the village banished her for merely just having me in her household. After making her way within to Cormanthor forest; she was assaulted, raped and killed off before she could do anything. I was taken from her, even as she screamed, even begged, to be taken with me."

"After I was mature enough, on the outside, to be considered "mate" worthy, I was sold into dancing, more along the lines of the exotic and entertaining for 'males-only' group. So for years, I was forced to do some things that, well, let’s just say if Veraka found out what was going on, he would bring the entire village to its foundation. All those years of being a sex-toy, slave and worse really builds up quite a bit of hatred inside oneself. So, finely, I said ‘enough is enough’ and, in a fit of rage, killed all in the place. After that, I sought out my origins in Cormanthor forest, where I was told of a place that could grant any wish to those whom touched the sacred waters of its pool. So, I built up some forces in a place called Daggerfalls, and from there started my seeking of this place.”

“Mind you, Lady Pwdn, I was nearly as evil as my fiendish bloodline suggests; kill those who get in the way, any and all, those who had no more use to me, it didn’t matter to me. As long as I got what I was after, then I was satisfied,” the fey’ri looked down at the campfire, and curled up, putting her arms over her knees, which were up to her chest and shivered, remembering her older days when she was part of the Raven’s Claw thieves guild.”

Veraka noticed that Neriah was now conversing deeply with Pwdn, though something was troubling her. “Well, Lyon I don’t know if you wish to accompany over to Pwdn, perhaps you could start up a chat with her; but my mistress requires, well a gentle touch, as I can sense her in an emotional entanglement at the moment. Well, which ever you decide, my friend I will be with my lover over there.” With that, the storm warrior got up and walked over to Neriah and Pwdn near the fire.

“Those days were not very forgiving, but then again, I was not the best of people back then myself;’ well, until that one fateful day that Veraka, Aurora, and a couple of his friends. They group blasted their way through the guild and made their way to our strong hold. That was where I first laid eyes on him,” she gestured towards Veraka; “and that was where I nearly killed him.”
The fey’ri looked down in shame; “I had nearly destroyed the one man who had actually taken the time to try and understand me, and for what; just because of my rage and anger that was pent up?” She looked at Pwdn; “Have you ever done something like that Pwdn? Have you ever come so close to destroying the love of your life in a fit of rage? I just feel that sometimes, I don’t deserve such a person in my life.”

“It wouldn’t matter if you wanted me or not, I’d stay with you till the end of the days. Tis the sworn duty of a paladin to protect those whom desire it, and most importantly, forgive those who can be forgiven and willingly accept it,” came Veraka’s deep voice from behind the fey’ri.
Neriah felt the burning sensation as the aasimar laid an armored hand on her shoulder; “and I would not back down from you whether you wanted me to or not,” he said as he sat down next to Neriah near the fire, and let her scoot into his embrace, his massive arms wrapping around her as if he was seeing her for the last time.

The fey’ri snuggled into Veraka’s arms, and laid her head against his armored chest, kissing him on the cheek as he stroked her curly honey-amber hair. Veraka locked his silver eyes with Pwdn’s glassy orbs and nodded at her, silently saying for Pwdn to continue with whatever she was going to say, and just let him be invisible.
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Post by CinderSuru »

As Cinder lay in Adians embrace she thought about just how she was feeling her body was doing things she never felt before and it was intoxicating and a little scary

But there so close to him she felt as light as a feather she glowed in affection for him in a way words could never be put too but she didn't have to speak to Adain he knew.

as the fire cracked she heard the voices of the others such good company she was in but there words were only trickles of sound

All she cared to hear was the sound of his elven heart beating and what a heart it was
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Post by Adian Novar »

It was as though Adian had been struck with a bolt of lightning. For several infinite-seeming seconds he seemed to have lost all sense of where he was and what he was doing. He had never, ever imagined himself feeling anything like this.

When he recovered his henses his hands had already begun to slide under Cinder's shirt and his head was filled with a pounding he couldn't stop.

The worship of Eilistraee did not require either chasstity or celibacy...but Adian had just enough awareness to realize that if he didn't slow things down right then and there, he and Cinder would find themselves in a place neither of them had expected.


An unspoken virtue of the Dark Maiden...primarily unspoken because it was self-evident.

And to cap it all off...they definitely were not alone.

He took his hands out from under her shirt and fought off the demands his body and heart were making. Breathing hard, he took hold of her shoulders...despite the intense temptation of other, softer parts of her.

"We...should slow down," he said, breathing hard and his face feeling like it was aflame. "Too fast."

That and he couldn't imagine a less romantic place at the moment.
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Post by veraka »

Aurora had been long done grooming herself and was content to lay down and slightly close her eyes, though she was all to aware of the crazed drow that were over near her. Noting Adian's desire to calm down his raging desires, she commented [i:yc3jibip]What, stopping so soon? And here, you two were going into the crazed frenzy that I've seen comparable to a couple of wolf's going in a crazed mating session.

And here I thought that you two wanted to bear cubs; well, I suppose that wouldn't be the best solution at the moment. Oh, and Adian, much to what you might think as bad, cubs can make your life all the more gifted and worthwhile.[/i:yc3jibip] Aurora was surprised at herself for the most straight forward, deadpan remark that she'd ever made.
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Post by CinderSuru »

Cinder kissed him passionately then pressed her nose on his

Yes ...she said... lets just enjoy the fire and the night together the day will bring adventure and who knows what danger there is a time for every thing and i am not sure i am quite ready for what could come next

I will pore us some more wine she hugged the great white wolf then pored the and relaxed back into his arms and listened to his heart and watched the fire.
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Post by Adian Novar »

"Cubs would be a...bad idea right about now," Adian said, still a bit breathless and wiping his forehead of sweat despite the cold. "It's too soon. I still have something my goddess wants me to do...I have my gifts for a reason. Until I know what it is, having cubs would be an unwise choice."

Besides, he thought. He just wasn't ready. He'd been amazed at the suddenness of his brief loss of control and the ease with which it had struck him.

[i:7e66yy2o]Moondancer, guide me with your wisdom...for mine is not sufficient...[/i:7e66yy2o]
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Post by CinderSuru »

Cubs!!!! ...Cinder laughed

I am with Adain on that one, i think it is you who may be aching for the padding of little paws jumping about Aurora

she smiled at Adain and sipped on her wine

How long to the cave in the morning Adain I am getting very curious about all this mystery and i hope we find some more books ..she said still listening to the music of his heart beating

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Post by veraka »

[i:uni0xffy]Oh, I'm not saying I don't want young pups scampering around me and keeping my fur standing on end for days; but at the moment, unlike you, I don't have a prospective mate to lay on. And at the moment, I would much rather see you two first get a cub delivered. At the very least, you will have a half ton winter wolf to watch them and keep them safe. Besides your heat patterns suggest to me that your bodies are saying the same thing.[/i:uni0xffy]
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Post by Adian Novar »

Adian's face warmed again.

"Yes, well...biology tends to be rather short-sighted," he said. "We are both...ah...young by our people's standards. We have a great deal of time. I will confess, however, that I find your offer and its sentiment quite appealing."
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Post by CinderSuru »

Cinder leaned over and again hugged the big wolf ...Aurora wants babies to play with you are the sweeties thing, maybe Verake is having some luck convincing his mate ...Cinder giggled

Falling back into Adains arms. She looked Adian directly in the eyes..BABIES!!! Well I Have heard that making them is quite fun... giggling again the wine was starting to have an affect. she was drawing circles with her finger under Adains sweater on his back teasing him.

High in a tree the kittycat was watching the camp from above she was quite comfortable keeping her distance from the giant wolf although he seemed friendly enough it was just some how unnatural to have a winter wolf as a friend. [youtube:1rfiw51c]KuNfFl9Zuak[/youtube:1rfiw51c]
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Post by veraka »

[i:idjwtg6p]Oh, I don't think that would take much on his part to do that,[/i:idjwtg6p] Aurora replied to Cinder, [i:idjwtg6p]Neriah would not take much convincing; matter of fact, it's probably safer to assume that Veraka would be the hesitant one with her. She's sorta like you, Cinder; about as crazy and wanting cubs as much to, maybe even more.[/i:idjwtg6p]
The great wolf looked the drow druidess in the eye and smirked.
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Post by CinderSuru »

Aurora I do not recall saying I was excited about having drow babies although having you around to help with the pac would be delightful i think it is you who is excited about babie drow

I think i would like to get to spend some time with Adain before we start thinking about babies but some how i think you are not going to give up. She stretched out her toe she had long taken off her boots and scratched his throat. Not wanting to take move from Adains side.
I think not a more beautiful creature a wolf could there be
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Post by veraka »

[i:6ltzmaeu]Well, I'll admit, I've never really seen a baby drow; so yes, I admit I'm excited about a baby drow joining the pack. Though I'm not the patron of such a baby, I would welcome such a cub to the pack.
And yes, you are right, I'm not gonna give up.[/i:6ltzmaeu]
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Post by CinderSuru »

Cinders eyes were getting heavy as she watched the fire, she turned around to Adain rapped her arms around his strong shoulders they kissed for the last time that evening it was passionate and tender. She wound herself in his embrace and feel asleep listening to his strong elven heart and the breeze that wisped throw the trees. [youtube:3empjk99]9aBAMnIUi8Y[/youtube:3empjk99]
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