On the Edge of the Breathing Swamp

Above all the Chosen are a roleplaying group, and this forum is the place to do just that. All posts are expected to be in character except when specifically noted otherwise. A few rules to keep it fun for everyone are posted within, please read them before posting. Otherwise we encourage everyone to participate. Please keep the out-of character discussions to the Out Of Character forum.

Moderators: Shir'le E. Illios, Bhaern Quel

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Aylstra Illianniis
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Post by Aylstra Illianniis »

OOC: Actually, the only things magical on him are his swords, boots, and a pendant he wears. Everything else is normal. (Odd, for a drow, I know, but he does not use much magic.) Even his cloak is non-drow, non-magic.

IC: When the last of the orcs and kobolds are dead, he finally comes out of the strange euphoric state and stumbles to his knees, panting and dripping with sweat. After a moment, he gets up, still slightly breathless, and looks around to see if anyone is injured. He finally sees Inrii stooping to examine the spellcasters, and makes his way over to her. It is plain that whatever he did has taken a lot out of the bard, for he looksa bit weary. (OOG- dervish becomes fatigued at end of duration)

"Did you find something?" he asks.
By the Dark Maiden''s grace do we meet. May she guide and protect us.

"Where Science ends, Magic begins." -Spiral, Uncanny X-Men #491

A link to my tales, including my Marvel hero!:
Inriiaynrae Jaelre
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Post by Inriiaynrae Jaelre »

((i'll fix it. wasnt sure. but i lit u up like a tree...haha... ;) ))

Inrii looked to Lothir to show the ring when she saw he looked beyond exhausted.
"Are you ok? or was that like some barbarian rage?"
She lets him rest a few minutes before continuing, seeing the rest of the camp remove the dead bodies and some begin repairs or healing.
She shows Lothir the ring, hoping he may recognize the insignia.
it wasnt orc or kobolt
Main character: Inriiaynrae
Second Character: Ariali
Antagonist: Alya
Aylstra Illianniis
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Post by Aylstra Illianniis »

He nods, gratified at her concern. Perhaps she is not so devoted to the Masked One after all. "I'm fine. It just takes a lot of energy to do that. Not like a rage, exactly, but I suppose that is close enough. Have you never heard of a dervish dance? Or a battledance, as they call it where I am from. I was fond of the neideirras, back home, so it was only natural to combine it with the Academy's teachings and form my own style. The Arms Master said he had not seen anyone use that form of fighting in more than two hundred years, so I suppose it must be a rare thing."

He looks over the rings she shows him, and shakes his head, not recognizing them. "some sort of controlling magic? I'm not as skilled with that subject, I'm afraid. My magic tends to run toward light amusement or, ahem, pranks. Not so much with anything combat-oriented, or major enchantments. Although...."

He pauses, then gives her an impish grin. "sometimes those spells DO come in handy in a fight!"
By the Dark Maiden''s grace do we meet. May she guide and protect us.

"Where Science ends, Magic begins." -Spiral, Uncanny X-Men #491

A link to my tales, including my Marvel hero!:
Bhaern Quel
Posts: 2106
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Post by Bhaern Quel »

((Please do not move my characters around))

The battle over Jenia takes the lead in striping the bodies, everything is taken from them and the nude bodies are dumped into the lake. There then is a sorting og the goods collected, determining its value and discussion among the group wonder the reason for the attack.
Inriiaynrae Jaelre
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Location: Panama City, FL

Post by Inriiaynrae Jaelre »

((oops. :( sorry boss, I forgot about that and i was tryin to be general about what was goin on. I'll not to let it happen again!))

"That spell caster going down, and soon. I dont appreciate having lightning thrown at me; that makes it personal. Plus, I dont think they'd attack for no reason. They're up to something, most likely a distraction with the orc and kobolds (not kobolts as i kept putting..haha). They were off to the south, south east. Aand likely close enough to enjoy the fight. I couldnt quite read their mind but I could sense their power."
Inrii looks back to the camp, seeing people at work after the battle.
"everything looks ok around here, but I need to get my pack and Zarstra before heading off into the woods."

During the battle Zarstra had spent her time casting a few minor offensive spells she knew well and sneak attacking. Her tail was as powerful as a whip and the spikes down her back could cut when she hit someone hard enough. When the last enemy had fallen she went back to her spot and waited for Inrii to get back from the lake.
Main character: Inriiaynrae
Second Character: Ariali
Antagonist: Alya
Zarae Zyne Kilanatlar
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Location: Chipley, FL, US

Post by Zarae Zyne Kilanatlar »

((what kinda powerful guy is the wizard/sorcerer or whatever it is gunna be?))

Zarae struggled in the prison. She had tried everything to escape, her magical swords, spells, even Shade her companion. Her captor was too powerful. The globe was some magical dimension. She was about to go crazy; Zarae's worst fear was to be captured alive and now she had been.
She hadnt even known how, but she knew soon that she would likely be going back to Matron Mae'Vir, back into Lloth's hands. There was no indication of who had her, or why they hesitated so long in the bog. Zarae couldnt hear what went on outside the prison, but she could see thru the translucent glass for the most part.
They had been sending spell out over the woods in the distance. His/her reaction, Zarae guessed, implied another had spotted or found out they were there. She could only hope they were more powerful, and hurried.
Last edited by Zarae Zyne Kilanatlar on Sat Jan 30, 2010 10:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
signature made by Larlan
Aylstra Illianniis
Posts: 1933
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Post by Aylstra Illianniis »

OOC: I have no idea. I was going to let Bhaern decide.

IC: He fixes Inrii with his cool blue gaze, wondering why she is suddenly so eager to leave. "You still haven't told anyone why you were here. You said something about a missing friend- why not ask the priestesses if they have seen her? And if you are worried about her, why take off so fast?"

The young drowstill has his doubts about the mysterious female- it seems entirely too much a coincedence that the camp was attacked so soon after her arrival. Were the attackers after her for some reason? He is not crude enough to accuse her of anything without solid proof, but he decides to watch her all the same. He has seen enough betrayal and deception in his life to recognize that she may not be entirely what she claims.
By the Dark Maiden''s grace do we meet. May she guide and protect us.

"Where Science ends, Magic begins." -Spiral, Uncanny X-Men #491

A link to my tales, including my Marvel hero!:
Inriiaynrae Jaelre
Posts: 1444
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Location: Panama City, FL

Post by Inriiaynrae Jaelre »

Inrii saw his icy stare.
With a bit of confusion, "I do want to ask her, but I dont know who she is. Based on what yall have told me, I am hoping her goddess, your goddess is with her. But if that threat is removed, then people are safe. How is she gunna help me if someone is out there threatening to flatten everyone beneath a barrage of magic. I cant tell you my story, there's not time right now."

She looked back at the camp then back to Lothir. She didnt add the fact that she was running from House Jaelre and that was a possibility of one of them after her. Worse if it was the male who assaulted her the week before she left. Or had they learned of Erelurra's identity and discovered she helped her escape?

"And if you think I'm behind this, that other female vanished in the swamp after the battle with the troll. Maybe she's behind all this."
Main character: Inriiaynrae
Second Character: Ariali
Antagonist: Alya
Aylstra Illianniis
Posts: 1933
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Location: Texas

Post by Aylstra Illianniis »

He sighs, rolling his eyes skyward. "And this is why I've learned never to trust a female completely- Very few of them ever seem to be what they appear. Anyway, I didn't ask for your story, but since you brought it up, what are you running from?" He asks pointedly.

"I've been on the run from things myself, so I can tell the signs. You said you were from House Jaelre- is that what this is about? You mentioned that it was personal, so I'm wondering if that might just be the case. But don't worry, if it's a family matter, I can relate. Why don't we go ask to see the leader here, and I'll help you find your friend. Deal?" He holds out a hand to her, waiting for her answer.
By the Dark Maiden''s grace do we meet. May she guide and protect us.

"Where Science ends, Magic begins." -Spiral, Uncanny X-Men #491

A link to my tales, including my Marvel hero!:
Inriiaynrae Jaelre
Posts: 1444
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Location: Panama City, FL

Post by Inriiaynrae Jaelre »

"I thought as drow, one could never trust a drow," she smirked with a smile, "and what fun would anyone be if you could figure us out right away." Inrii wasnt familier with the hand thing, but she cautiously repeated the motion.
She got a bit serious, "walk and talk, I need to check on Zarstra," Inrii said starting to head back. "If someone attacks me, I make it personal."
Inrii then looked away, "It is possible that someone from my house could have found out. As I said before, Erelurra follows the Dark Maiden. And if anyone else suspected, she would have been killed, no, worse, tortured for blasphemy and pretending to be a Nightshadow. I may not be the most moral person, but I couldnt let them find out. and if she had stayed and they found out I knew, I dont want to think about what uncle Jezz would have done. He took me in after I was orphaned, tho I suspect he had ulterior motives, and raised me in his family. But I already had enemies before that." she said, trying to hide the pain of that last statement and the memory. "And like I said, many males take the initiative on revenge twords any female drow. I wouldn't be surprised if he came after me since I'm away from 'security'."

'how could they find me anyway? I've been away for a while now.' she thought
Last edited by Inriiaynrae Jaelre on Tue Feb 02, 2010 5:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
Main character: Inriiaynrae
Second Character: Ariali
Antagonist: Alya
Bhaern Quel
Posts: 2106
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Post by Bhaern Quel »

((*blink*, I need to come up with BRBG, for a fight I did not start?
So be it.))

Derek curses as his bolt failed to kill the Dark Lady, though watching with Wizard eye the 8 appeared to become 10. His minions cut to pieces by what appears to be new players on the scene. He looks to his ring, the logo being a silver sword carried by a spider, enough to confuse both the Spider Kisses and the Tree Huggers and not traceable to him.

Time needed to reset and get a few more recruits and to research the new arrivals, maybe a value in capture is there.
Aylstra Illianniis
Posts: 1933
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Post by Aylstra Illianniis »

OOC: Whoops! That was not the intent. Exactly who is leading this thread, now, anyway? I sort of thought you were DM'ing. Sorry. I guess it's a habit to equate multiple NPCs with the DM. :-[
By the Dark Maiden''s grace do we meet. May she guide and protect us.

"Where Science ends, Magic begins." -Spiral, Uncanny X-Men #491

A link to my tales, including my Marvel hero!:
Zarae Zyne Kilanatlar
Posts: 1397
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Location: Chipley, FL, US

Post by Zarae Zyne Kilanatlar »

Zarae continues to watch from her prison. She had summoned Shade, who sat in the globe with her. They communed as Zarae kept an eye out on the situation. Her agitation made the situation worse. Shade had been unable to carry her to her home plane, her last means of escape and hope. Till Derek seamed irritated and flustered.
'they musta killed his minions' she reasoned.
signature made by Larlan
Aylstra Illianniis
Posts: 1933
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Post by Aylstra Illianniis »

OOC: Ah, what the heck. Just to spice things up, I'll toss Morganna into the mix. Trouble always follows her around....

IC: It had taken months of research and planning- both of which she hates- to track down the errant brat. Morganna tosses her silver-streaked black tresses back, annoyed at having to traipse through a fetid swamp after her younger half-brother.

Her violet eyes scan the area carefully, as she idly twirls her blade-staff. The cool night air brings sounds of chirping cricket, croaking frogs, and the occasional ripple of some creature in the water, as she picks her way effortlessly over the few bits of solid ground. Her copper-hewed gloves and boots would give off a faint gleam in the moonlight if not for the invisibility afforded by her cloak.

Coldly beautiful dusky gray features peek out of her hood, lips curled in a perpetual snarl. Her blue scale-armor shirt makes not a sound. At last she has tracked the foolish former prince to this place. <Soon,> she thinks, <I will kill him- and this time I will make certain he STAYS dead!>
By the Dark Maiden''s grace do we meet. May she guide and protect us.

"Where Science ends, Magic begins." -Spiral, Uncanny X-Men #491

A link to my tales, including my Marvel hero!:
Bhaern Quel
Posts: 2106
Joined: Tue Feb 14, 2006 10:32 pm

Post by Bhaern Quel »

Jordon returns to the fire and picks up his flute and starts to play again, the tune might recall to some the feeling of a lullaby.
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