The Surface Path

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Moderators: Shir'le E. Illios, Bhaern Quel

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Post by Elrohir »

[color=green:2oqlw142] Finishing from his medative Kata's at the sound of approaching voices and footsteps. Takeing up his staff he simply steped into the path before the others makeing himself known.

"The smell of recent blood stains your presance. Make your self known."

Before you all stands a strikingly tall elf. With a lighter color of ebon skin his half blood prevailiant in the tone. Shoulder length white hair stands up above his head in a sort of flat top style ((THink of colonel guile from street fighter or refer to my avitar)) Standing shirtless but wears a pair of loosfitting Dark green cotton pants suited for flexable movement in the legs. A Green silk sash wraps about his toned abs to hold his pants up. The same color tho not silk wraps about his calfs too. Barefoot as he likes the feel of the earth beneith his feet. He holds a staff with a dark tinge to the wood and it is carved in the fasion of a Cobra standing with its hood spread and fangs to bear. The fangs however were a silver in color. Two Grey wood and leather bracers wrap about his forearms. The symbol of a snake eating the tail of another snake repeating in a knot like fasion as they consume each other. is carved out of the wood plates on his arms. and a set of silver finger armors rest upon his first two fingers on his right hand. a closer inspection would note that a patern of scale like diamonds is tatooed across his body some simple outlines and others in the patern fill out to make larger black diamonds. ((Refer to the diamond back rattlesnake)) he stands with his staff in his right hand and a stern expression marked his face. A torque of strange looking leaves and other herbs wraps about his neck. giving off an acrid scent of sweet tinted with rotting death. [/color:2oqlw142]
Violet flames Hail my comeing. Cold oblivion swirls in my passing. But pain and agony beyond comprehenssion reaps in my presance. Odion Demonius Archmage Eternal of the Midnite Academy.
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Post by Tarlyn »

Looking around then to Aroas, Tebryn speaks loudly on purpose so everyone may hear him "So where are we going? Glad I am for the secure passage. I was just curious as to why our [i:2sja0kxl]little friend[/i:2sja0kxl] still lives. Does he serve any purpose? I am presuming he had a lucky guess at me speaking the draconic tongue. Though Kobolds are better known for their dexterity than their intelligence, would you not agree?"
Last edited by Tarlyn on Fri Jun 15, 2007 11:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Tarlyn »

Tebryn takes in the newcomer with a practiced eye. [i:1nlvb9d9]Strange garb, even for a half breed. Peculiar tattoos adorn his torso. Not anything Drow I have seen before. I wonder who does his hair? I would have left that untouched. Oh well...[/i:1nlvb9d9]

"Well met stranger". Tebryn bows really low, his hair brushing the floor, then stands straight. "I am known to these and now am known to you. Tebryn is my name. Now who might you be and what might you be doing here all by your lonesome, hmmm?" Tebryn raises his eyebrow at Elrohir as he speaks to him.
Last edited by Tarlyn on Fri Jun 15, 2007 11:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Elrohir »

Nods ever so slightly to the drow who adressed him back.

"I am a servant of Gaia. That be all you need know."

He gazed upon the others Pallid green eyes peering out at those assembled before him. Takeing not of the varius races most particularly elf even Full blood Drow. And a particularly small Kobold with a half Demon.

"An unusual troup to be paradeing around the surface roads. Who is Your Leader?"

Searching out to whome would be most likely the leader but showing no hint of recognition. (Useing sence Motive skill on the party to determin there stance)
Last edited by Elrohir on Mon Jun 18, 2007 1:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
Violet flames Hail my comeing. Cold oblivion swirls in my passing. But pain and agony beyond comprehenssion reaps in my presance. Odion Demonius Archmage Eternal of the Midnite Academy.
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Post by Tyrmer »

OOC: When I said to delete all the OOC, I didn't mean my IC post as well.

IC: When the newcomer appears, Meepo dives behind Araos, squealing.

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Post by Bhaern Quel »

At Tebryn's reply to Araos nods, he appearently not understanding the language you spoke to Meepo. Though finds it interesting that Meepo replies but saying "no know scale talk" as it clearly appears he knows the language well enough to identify it.

As the party fell into place, Araos leads trusting his three to keep an eye on the collection of travelers discovered this patrol. Being confronted by Elrohir ((Or whatever character name is)) draws a hand crossbow. Sleep poison works on many after all.

"There is no blood on my hands tonight, I wish to keep it so. I am Araos, my companions and I found a few wandering in the dark and we offered them food and shelter. You also may come with us if you come in peace."

Glances back to Tebryn. "The goodess has no race as a foe, the only foes are those that work against her. There yet is no reason to kill the Kobold or you."
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Post by Tarlyn »

Tebryn raises an eyebrow at Meepo's actions [i:1v1cks16] There is more to this one that meets the eye. And a Demon? What strange bedfellows indeed. This should prove rather interesting.[/i:1v1cks16]

Looking to Elrohir he says "I do not know who the leader is, but it is not I. Who is this Gaia? I personally prefer to remain neutral on deity selection." [i:1v1cks16] This way I can worship the one thing that matters [/i:1v1cks16], [i:1v1cks16][b:1v1cks16][u:1v1cks16]PROFIT[/u:1v1cks16][/b:1v1cks16][/i:1v1cks16].

[quote:1v1cks16]"The goodess has no race as a foe, the only foes are those that work against her. There yet is no reason to kill the Kobold or you." [/quote:1v1cks16]

"Yes that would make sense for your ... er.... Goddess? Well I will have to check my schedule. I do not think today or this week are even a good time for me to die. I can get back to you though if you think me a threat? I can schedule in my death then perhaps?" Tebryn winks at Araos and smiles really big showing all his teeth.
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Post by Elrohir »

[color=green:2sbov77j] Seeing the visible defencive postures of the party. A smile spread across his face as a raven came down from the sky landing upon his shoulder. The tallons biting into his flesh. He seemed to converse with the raven for a moment. Then looked back to the party.

"I have no claim to the road nor the land around it. It belongs to Gaia. (I think im spelling that right) My Name is Elrohir Druid of the Viper. You serve the night lady. You are no enemy of mine."

Looking about hearing his first enconter speak as well as seeing the lizzard hiding in fear.

"Ahhh seeker of the coin. Do you not know that your soul corrupts the earth each day you pass with out thanking it for its bountiful profit?"

Turning back to Araros the apparent leader and speaker for the group.

"I know this land better then you know how well your poison tipped dart will work. If you would like i would join you to help you safely through the lands ahead."

pauseing a moment for there reply. [/color:2sbov77j]
Last edited by Elrohir on Thu Jun 21, 2007 10:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Violet flames Hail my comeing. Cold oblivion swirls in my passing. But pain and agony beyond comprehenssion reaps in my presance. Odion Demonius Archmage Eternal of the Midnite Academy.
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Post by Tyrmer »

OOC: Quite simply...

IC: "Wha?"

Master of the Lady's Dances
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Post by Tarlyn »

Frowning at Elrohir's comments, Tebryn ponders this odd half breed. [i:fzora3rb]Knows this land better than any of us? I seriously doubt that. I have been coming here for the last 100 years and know it quite well. He presumes much, indeed. Darkhold can wait for now, this might prove to be quite an interesting trip this time. Jhondar won't be disappointed. Mayhap I learn something useful here. Remains to be seen what a Kobold, still alive at that, who understands Draconic but denies it, is doing here, alive. And a Demon? Stranger bedfellows I may have seen but alas, life leads us on different paths sometimes. Let us see where this may take me.[/i:fzora3rb] "Sorry" looking to Elrohir "Who is this Night Lady? Some woman of some importance we need know of?" Eyeing the bird, and smiling inwardly he says to Elrohir "Nice bird. Owls can be useful as well."
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Post by Unen_Stealthfoot »

[color=blue:2w750foc]Yes, she certainly is a lady of note. *small smile*[/color:2w750foc]
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Post by kaze_ookami »

Zetsume makes his way up the trail slowly, following the awkward yet growing party.

He had been following their demonic comrade for a good while, ever since he was ordered to by one of the High Preistesses back in the underdark. He had been able to track them unnoticed so far due to multiple cloaking and stealth spells he was granted by the very same priestess.

The last few moments, he could more or less feel the spells beginning to fade. Partly due to the time that had passed since their activation, and the moonlight itself hadn't helped matters either. In the beginning one couldn't seem, hear, or smell him if he were sitting on their very lap.

Now with the spells wearing off, he would still be increadably difficult to see due to enchanted clothing, but other means of tracking would become easier with each passing moment. He knew the growing danger, but more-so he knew the punishment he would receive if he were to back out and run home like a coward before having aquired the information his employer demanded.

He narrows his eyes as he crouches at the edge of the path, not more then 30 feet away from the oddling group. He slowly checks his weapons insuring none had been dropped. He came well armed, perhaps over armed this time. He carried many, many weapons. Both lethal and non-lethal. He was fairly sure if he was caught, he would have to fight for his excape route. Even if the blackskinned human-faeries that worshipped Eilistraee didnt have the guts to attack him, he was quite certain the demon would. Not to mention the false kolbold. He had caught a few glimpses of his tracking rival earlier in the shadows of the underdark, and was damn near ready to bet his very life that it was noticably larger then a kobold an hour or so ago.
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Post by Unen_Stealthfoot »

[color=blue:2p9d4bxy]Xandar becomes alert once more as he senses the approach of another person. "So much for a routine patrol" he mutters...[/color:2p9d4bxy]
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Post by kaze_ookami »

He comes to a stop, silently watching. Their posture had changed. It would seem either he had been noticed, or something else nearby had been. He crouches down in the middle of the path, remaining as silent as possable short of holding his breath. With his shrunken profile, and halted movement he hoped he would fall from their notice and be allowed to continue his stalking.
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Post by nightcancerwolf »

Tanrurh would become increasingly more agitated as more and more drow seemed to crawl out of the wood work. he shifted to a very defensive posture, slinking towards the outside of the group where he could keep an eye everybody. As he did this, his nose caught scent of another presence besides those he could readily see. He growled and looked around rapdly. He didn't like the way things were going. he got the sensation he'd at least gotten the spider quen's attention again,even if she wasn't speaking with him.
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