A Return to Faerun from Elben Aator - Part 2

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Adian Novar
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Post by Adian Novar »

"Then I will do what I can to enable that," Adian said. "And it seems to me that you could use a few smiles yourself. There are many to be found in the Promenade."
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Nedylene Rahn
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Post by Nedylene Rahn »

"I believe you shall dear Adian, my new Abbil." Then Nedylene looked down the way they had to travel. "Shall you lead on Abbil."
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Post by NathreeDe'Shezbron »

Zazzt smiled, "All this comradeship among drow. Ah, how far has my city fallen? " He clapped Adian on the back, "How far away are we form these crystals?"
A fight need not end with the death of participant. A fight also ends when the desire to do violence is gone.

Adian Novar
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Post by Adian Novar »

Adian practically glowed at the praise.

"A bit less than half-mile now," he said. "Follow me."

As the group moved on, the ranger-types in the pary would notice a faint, odd shininess to the floor and a bit on the walls as well. It was like the trail of some sort of slug or other beast.

Ahead of them there appeared to be a transparent curtain covering the middle area of the passage, approximately 10x10. Darksight showed it to be nearly invisible, but natural light showed a vague, slick shininess about it. Only the sharp-eyes would see the tiny pebbles and fragments of bone seeming to float in it.

Adian didn't see it. In fact he was walking straight towards it.

(Bonus points if you know what "it" is!)
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Nedylene Rahn
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Post by Nedylene Rahn »

Delia looked ahead then back to the slick, shinniness of the trail, then back ahead. "Wait! don't take another step!" Then she pointed with a sword down their direction of travel to the curtainlike effect. "We have a gelatinous cube ahead of us!"
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Adian Novar
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Post by Adian Novar »

Adian froze, an expression of confusion on his face. Something like that couldn't be here.

The thng brtrayed itself as it began to move forward, sensing living prey. Now [i:1ixuyke9]Adian [/i:1ixuyke9]could see it. With a startled oath he drew his sword and retreated back towards the group.

Fortunately for Adian the thing had to slide up a slight incline, slowing it.

(I guess I made it too easy.)
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Post by NathreeDe'Shezbron »

OOC: Yea ,I suppose u did... i didnt get it though :P

IC: Zazzt saw the edges of the thing slide forward, and called upon his drow abilities to summon fairie fire around the gelatinous cube, showing where it was quite nicely, "Nicely spotted," He commented to Nedylene, and raised his hands, fingers dancing wildly, in the signs for a ray of fire, that leapt, white hot, out at the ooze.
A fight need not end with the death of participant. A fight also ends when the desire to do violence is gone.

Adian Novar
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Post by Adian Novar »

The flame sizzled into the transparent sludge, gouging a line across its front. The thing distorted itself and reached out towards the group with wierd plasmic pseudopods, flailing blindly but determedly at the drow party.

Adian ducked under one and sliced at it with his sword. The tip end of the goo was hacked off but the thing continued forward.
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Post by NathreeDe'Shezbron »

Zazzt growled, he doubted his spell would do much, but he was apprehensive using other spells in the enclosed area. Growling his displeasure, he drew his swords, and with a thought, caused them to burst into life. The right hand sword was wreathed in flames, while the left hand sword crackled with barely contained electricity. He quickly stepped towards the slime, and his swords flashed, a blur of hits that would doubtlessly hurt the creature.
A fight need not end with the death of participant. A fight also ends when the desire to do violence is gone.

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Nedylene Rahn
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Post by Nedylene Rahn »

Calia Tyne quietly reached into her shoulder pouch, a greenish canvas bag hung diagnally to her baldric so the bag rested on her right hip. Her hand searched around until it found what she wanted. She retrieved a round ball like item of metal with a ring and strange looking flat covering with a long tail both attached to a square protrusion at the top of the ball. The ball was about the size of an apple or an orange.

She pulled the pin, cocked back her arm, and then pitched it into the large square mass of the gelatenous cube. As she did this she yelled at the top her lungs, "Frag Out!" Then she and the other Earth Born Drow all fell flat on the ground of the ledge or tunnel.

Nedylene seeing this ducked behind a boulder along with her daughters Delia and Elfie. Ulrike dropped to the floor as she thought Calia had just tossed a variation of Alchemical fire.
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Adian Novar
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Post by Adian Novar »

Zazzt's attack started cutting slices and scoring terrible burns in the thing's side. The thing tried to flow over him, attempting to overwhelm his assault by simply casting its mass over him. Then the little metal ball sank into the thing.

Adian was completely flat-footed. He had no idea what "Frag Out!" meant, and since he was in the front row he didn't see everyone ducking for cover.

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Post by NathreeDe'Shezbron »

Zazzt saw the little vial fly forward and certain in his wards to protect him from any and all variations of alchemical fire that a flask of that size could possibly contain, he paid it no heed, just keeping up his attack, swords cutting sizzling slashes in the cube. Soon he would reduce it to nothing more than a pile of slime on the floor. However, he saw no need to sully his boots. With a brief nod to Adian, he flashed a message to him in drow hand-cant, [i:2181hae2]Keep it coming forward, I will send it to another plane.[/i:2181hae2] He stepped back, and launched into a fairly lengthy spell, who's beginnings caused a curtain of shimmering energy to start forming in front of the ooze, just between it and Adian.
A fight need not end with the death of participant. A fight also ends when the desire to do violence is gone.

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Nedylene Rahn
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Post by Nedylene Rahn »

The apple sized sphere penetrated the cube and a few seconds later an explosion like that of Firepowder went off within the creature. Streaking wounds radiated out from the central area of the device's explosion, but the cube still shuddered forward toward Adain and Zazzt. It's density saved it from exploding into more and smaller cubes.

Calia looked up from the floor and all she said was in plain Drow, "Vith!"
:) The Light of the Night Above is our true home. Leave your dark ways and join us in Eilistraee's Light.
Adian Novar
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Post by Adian Novar »

Adian had just enough time to nod before the grenade went off.

The force of the explosion was deafening. Adian was hurled backward, though the shrapnel was caught by gate. The cube was sprayed all over the cavern walls. Zazzt was also staggered by the blast, though to a lesser extent.

The remains of the cube were a rapidly disintigrating pile of ooze. Adian, six feet back, was laid out and semi-conscious.
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Post by NathreeDe'Shezbron »

Zazzt shook his head to clear it. He looked over his shoulder at the group of females, "That was on hells of an alchemical flask ladies," He lowered his hands, and the gate began to close, "If not for my gate, I fear I would look much like that ooze yonder." Looking at Adain he nodded, "Who here has healing spells prepared?"
A fight need not end with the death of participant. A fight also ends when the desire to do violence is gone.

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