On The Shores of Despair (Part 4)

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Zarae Zyne Kilanatlar
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Post by Zarae Zyne Kilanatlar »

Zarae was laying off over to the side a ways(next to Biot?) she missed most of the interaction between the solar and the group. but the warmth of healing filled her and soon she began to stir. her maroon eyes open to the brightness. she felt the softness of the snow beneath the fur covering she had found herself in. slowly sitting up she blinked a few times to adjust to the light and looked around. she heard voices not too far off. familier voices. she sighed a happy sigh. she looked over to see Moonlight laying there. her hand rubbed down his neck as she turned to speak to the male near her.
"what did i miss then?"
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Post by CinderSuru »

Cinder moved close to Adain her arms around his waist and chest listening to his breath and the sound of his heart. She prayed to Eilistraee that Verake would find forgiveness, his mother loved him and that was all there was to it. Whatever the reason she gave. Such a beautiful women she is, and the loss of love would be so great for both.
But to have the love of one another would only make Verakes world stronger, she imagined her world was what it was, what ever happened The Lady Sanisa was a solar, she knew how to love, Cinder felt this no mater what the out come.
It was for Verake she prayed for that forgiveness and love would win him.
She lay quitely watching the fire and happy to be
safe with Adain again, and relieved he was no long tarring at demons.
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Post by Biot-Savart »

Biot looked at Zarae that was lying next to him. "I don't exactly know what happened Zarae, the first thing I remember was seeing Cinder protecting you and Pwdn and then a demon attacking. Before that I only remember blackness. I don't even know how or when you arrived. The same thing happened to me for the first time while I was relaxing in a warm water spring a day ago. The only thing I can tell you is that Veraka's mother is here. What happened to you?" Biot asked while making himself comfortable next to the fire. "Oh yea, it seems that love is in the air..." Biot said while pointing in Cinder's and Adian's direction.

Biot - Half Drow half ..... (Class: Dragonlord)
Nix - Drow (Class: Arcane archer)

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Ra'Sona Races-The-Wind
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Post by Ra'Sona Races-The-Wind »

Frad had sat down as offered to cool off and wind down after the fight. He nodded to the solar's request. "First point o' learnin' ta use my kinda humour, ya gotta know when ta draw tha line." He sidled over next to Zarae and offered her a square of toffee fudge, one of the last bits and pieces he'd kept from their first rest stop. "How'd ya do, lass? Ya miss me?" It was an insolent remark, but it wasn't difficult to see that what he was trying to say was that he'd missed her while she'd been gone. "Ya know, Veraka and Neriah are gettin' married by Pwdn, d'ya think ya could help me talk Aidan an' Cinder inta it as well?"

Lyon nodded his agreement to Sanisa's request, leaning on his weapon and breathing slowly. "It would be my honour, immaculate one." He'd learned the term somewhere along the line, and the appearance of this woman certainly fitted it perfectly. "I'm far from fearless, though. Fighting monsters is easy, the real fear is to be unable to do so. You just caught me at a good moment is all." He stretched his hand, it was still aching and bled slightly from the shock of his attacks, such was the zeal of his righteous charge. His whole body ached like he had never imagined it could. "And the vampire was just a ponce, too proud to actually try and fight me properly because of my lack of skill. He'll be back one day to fight me properly though, I'm sure of that much."

Pwdn smiled, feeling very weak and slowly moving closer to the fire. She lay down and sighed, she would probably have been smiling at Sanisa but her face was almost formless, only the slightest indications of form could be made out, much like a mannikin from a shop window. She lacked the strength to form anything more personable, she only barely possessed enough to move about. Her speech was lacking her usual musical note, being more obviously imitative due to not having a mouth to shape the sounds properly. "Be careful with your compliments, lady of heaven, you say that and I may think you are actually carrying a message." It was a subtle dismissal, she personally didn't feel that she had done nearly enough. Aidan had been wounded and she was unable to help, it just wasn't enough.

((Leaving for the weekend in 22 hours, I'll be at a friend's birthday/moving away party.))
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Post by CinderSuru »

Cinder heard Zerae was stirring, poured her a tea and went over and sat down beside her, is Frud fillin your head with silliness Zerae. Cinder hugged her affectionately, we are so glad to have you back and safe. Can i get you any thing some bread and honey there is some dried spiced meat if you want anything just let me know i will be your nurse maid ok ( she giggled )untIl you are up and around and your own self again.
Biot hows that tea workin for ya would you like some more i will have to get a little extra something for yours just let me know. Thanks for tarring that demon apart when he came at me I have to admit a fear came over me that just About froze me to the bone. enjoy some peace for a wile Zerae who know what is at the cave we should be there tomorrow that is if everyone is healed up.
We found a awsome cave back a ways, you will see it on the way back and there is a cat around her someplace a big lynx like winter cat. Cinder looked up in the tree and there she was. Come on down kitty and keep Zerae company come and meet our other friend. The cat jumped down and padded over to Zerae they took to each other like long lost friends. For some reason the animals in our group don't bother each other. Kinda spooky actually. I will be back to visit again, Biot take care of her. Call if you want any thing, she hugged her again and went back to Adains side bringing him more tea


Last edited by CinderSuru on Fri Aug 06, 2010 9:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Adian Novar
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Post by Adian Novar »

With the danger over, Adian's exertions began to catch up with him. He was definitely feeling tired. The Heal spell had restored his body, but it had not restored his fatigue. He took the tea gratefully and settled in for a good rest. When Cinder sat down next to him, he put an arm around her again. He was content to rest and listen.
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Post by CinderSuru »

Cinder opened her large hide pak and took out her amethyst beads and started stitching them on to the design she had bead working on..I was not sure what i was going to make with this ..she said to Adain.. but if you want i can make a new covering for your old sheath I also have silver beads and these are made of real amethyst. would you like that she asked, i would be honoured to do such a design for your new great sword..she took his hand and saw the scare that burnt into his hand. she looked up at him knowingly and with great affection then looking down at it again... it is beautiful you are truly blessed..she smiled at him pet the winter wolf and went back to her stitching by the light of the crackling fire.
Zarae Zyne Kilanatlar
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Post by Zarae Zyne Kilanatlar »

the young drowess was not use to affection, so it was odd to be hugged. and more funny in trying to figure out what to do.
"im goo..." she started till frad's offer. "i have to think bout that," she jested to the dwarf. the mention of marriage tho threw her for a loop (i thinks thats the right cliche).
"i sure miss alot when gone. I supose this Neriah is the winged elf over there?"
then the mention of cinder and adian she have a look of slight confusion and humor as she chuckled. "i shoulda seen that one coming i supose. tho if there my age, aint they a bit young?"
Zarae too tempted by the sweets took it and nibbled on it as cinder was already preparing foods then hurried off.
she looked to frad then biot with a look then shurgged.

((i might be slow the next couple weeks as i am in the processes of relocating. but i will write when i can.))
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Post by CinderSuru »

Cinder grew tired fast she put her art back in her pack, gave Aurora pet down and rapped herself around Adain and the blankets around them. The sound of voices and the wind slowly faded and she once again listed to the music of his heart and fell asleep.
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Post by Biot-Savart »

Biot got up and went to sit on a nearby rock. "I'll keep watch for the night." He said. He was afraid of what happens when he falls asleep. The pitch black darkness he sees when sleeping and not being able to wake up from it. He didn't want to concern the rest of the group with his problems.

He sat and watched the night sky. Thinking of what the future holds for him and if he will ever find peace in his heart again. His heart has grown hard to be able to survive and that might be unrepairable.

Biot suddenly heard a load growling noise, when he looked what it was it was only Veraka snoring. He thought to himself that if we weren't outside the roof would have been lifted with a snore like that. He smiled and again turned his attention to the surroundings. There was no sound accept the fire crackling and the sound of everybody sleeping.

Biot - Half Drow half ..... (Class: Dragonlord)
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Post by veraka »

Sanisa knew that her son was angry at her, and for good reason, for she had abandoned him and his father to their fates when he was but a young child. However, she did hope that he would at least listen to her explanation to the why of it all.

The celestial began slowly, her voice calm and controlled, but with a twinge of sorrow within it as well; “Very well; I did abandon you to your fate, yes; and for that fact alone, you have every right to be angry with me, and hate my guts. I did abandon your father while he fought off unbeatable odds to save you, which he did very admirably.”

Right then, Veraka wanted nothing more than to get up from his position next to Neriah and lunge at his mother, his anger spiking as she revealed what he had thought to be the truth all along. He however did not do so, not yet; there was something about the way his mother was explaining herself that made him hesitate.

He decided to sleep on it; “Alright mother, I’m going to bed; I think I need to chew on this for a bit and let my mind clear itself of all distractions and other thoughts. Whatever reasons you were going to explain save them for the morrow. I believe that it’ll be easier for me to take in than right now. I won’t deny the pent up anger and disdain that I hold for you right now, but. . . .” the mighty warrior paused in his words. Unable to continue speaking, he got up, walked over to Sanisa and wrapped his massive arms around her slender figure. She returned his hug with affection that he couldn’t begin to fathom.

“You’re still my mother, and for that, I won’t hold anything against you,” he said finally, pulling away from the embrace. It was then that he noticed that his mother held a smile on her face, and that a single, crystalline tear slowly made its way down her face. With that done, he wondered back over to Neriah and laid down beside her unconscious form and wrapped her in a protective embrace. With his anger still there inside him, but quelled for now he fell asleep, listening to the music that the forest offered.
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Adian Novar
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Post by Adian Novar »

Adian waited until he was sure the storm warrior was asleep before he looked over to Sanisa.

"Are you all right?" he asked quietly, stroking Cinder's hair as she slept. "I can only imagine what either of you might be going through. I am grateful I do not have such a burden regarding my family, but it has left me with a difficulty understanding what lies between Veraka and yourself."
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Post by CinderSuru »

Cinder heard Adains voise talking to Verakes mother, he is always so thoughtful of others she thought and gently ran her figers across his back affectionatly.
Such a strong women Cinder admired her so but knew even thow she must be sad over her son, Cinder had faith Verake would do right by her.

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Post by veraka »

The celestial woman looked over to Adian as his question reached her ears. She walked over to the young drow couple and sat cross-legged by Aurora, who rested her fury head on the solar's lap.

"Oh my young paladin, it is fortunate that you do not understand what torments my sons heart so; for his entire lifetime he has known that his father was killed protecting him from a orc raid and a terrible one at that. He has always wondered why I did not show up to assist his father as he battled for Veraka's very life and died saving my son while he was barely an infant," she said in an even, calm voice, stroking the great winter wolf in her lap.

Taking a deep breath, Sanisa continued "For years, Veraka wondered why I didn't come to his father's aid, why I didn't appear to heal his wounds. You see, when my son was born, I asked his father to raise my son by himself, which he grudgingly accepted, for I couldn't bring my son to the slopes of Mount Celestia to raise, and if I abandon my post as a soldier of my deity, then my magical abilities would be revoked, so I could not raise Veraka, though my heart yearned to."

She looked into Adian's eyes, her own golden orbs glowing; "Yes, Veraka has held his anger toward me for that fateful day, and for that, I do not blame him for it. He is right to do so; the only thing that I wish him to know before he completely casts his judgment upon me is this; and it is this, young Adian, that will shed light upon your confusion. The simple fact that Veraka does not know that he might understand is that I was forbidden by my own deity to intervene to help my son and save his father."

[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGEJcizQEXk:3amrge55]King of Pain[/url:3amrge55]
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Post by CinderSuru »

Hearing these words Cinders heart strings tightened in her chest, this was beyond her comprehension. She gripped Adain to her pressing her heart to him trying hard not to react and lye still and silent in his arms.

How could she protect their friend from such a truth and yet the truth must be told. She searched for calmness finding it somewhere within Adain it was not to be found within herself not now, she was amerced in the warmth of his embraceas . Cinder lay calm and fell back into her sleepy slumber in a safeness in him she had never know.
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