The Vale of Shadow (Part 5)

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Post by Zekafae »

Nodding slowly listening to him he'd shrug slowly before speaking." It does not bother me. I have seen the arts both from wizards and sorcerers, then the unrelenting power of warlocks. As long as I don't see any demons being summoned from you, we should be alright."

He would have said more hadn't the table decide to get all angsty. Rushing into the other room he'd burn the thing if the others didn't destroy it.
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Post by Pheurazath »

His magic detection had noted the minor effect upon the table, and had he been looking for such oddities, might have though it peculiar, but the minor dweomer had been glanced over, that is until Virgil's eyes alerted him to a very out of place movement, one that did not take his mind long to register. Knowing what spell stirred the table mattered naught, only that it was wood. The dark words of Abyssal tongue upon his lips in the next heartbeat, with a singular Invocation, rather than the longer, previous pair used to strike cold at an illusory hound at greater than normal range, his casting hand thrusts forward, launching a fiery ray of Brimstone Blast at the rapidly cooled and now heated table, the blast threatening to ignite it for continuing damage as well.

Satisfied that the table should not survive this, though certainly would he be impressed if it does, Virgil comments aside to Zek, [color=indigo:36i4bqov]"Summoning demons is not within my power, that is a trick or clerics, sorcerers, and wizards. If any do appear though, on my account, then I blame my ancestors."[/color:36i4bqov]
Primary (Pheurazath AKA Kalkyril Ilindl)
Secondary (Virgil Stahne -- A repentant Warlock)
Other Secondary (Skrach -- A rogue, a rat, touched by the best)
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Post by veraka »

Veraka lunged forward, Marala Vharc driving hard for walking table. The sword connected, plunging deep into the frozen wood; electricity arched down the length of the blade towards the animated table.

The table, however, reacted swatting outward with one of its legs; the attack hit the aasimar's side and sent him stumbling backwards.

"Alright, warlock; let's see some of your magics here, huh?!" Veraka shouted at Virgil, pointing at the crazed walking table.

Righ as the last word left Veraka's mouth, the fiery blast of energy from Virgil connected with the table and began to do some nasty work.
In War, Justice; In Peace, Hope; In Death: Sacrifice


Inriiaynrae Jaelre
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Post by Inriiaynrae Jaelre »

with all the attacks the table basically shatters throwing debris every which way. Inrii brung her arm up, clutching the side of her piwafwi into a shield from the 'missiles'.
Still on the floor, the pieces settled and done flying, Inrii retorted, "and I had to ask what else."
she sat there as the others explored the storage room. tho she knew she would have to find a way to pick herself up (im guessing it would be hard with broken ribs. tho i've never had them so im guessing alot of this)
the chain devil moved with renewed fury, crossing ground at what seamed impossible speeds. ahead he saw the door that would lead to the chamber he wanted. his arms continued to swings the chains, as if whipping himself into a frenzy.
((he'll arrive after some exploring. and if the dragon guy aint responded before we the companions enter the chamber with Alya, then he will have to join in late. ))
Main character: Inriiaynrae
Second Character: Ariali
Antagonist: Alya
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Post by Grahl »

[quote:14zgoxgm]"tsk tsk," Alya replied to the grumpy male. "I wouldnt presume to order such as yourself." her eyes narrow a bit, "tho eating me would be trouble than you can hope." a closer look would show a mask of pure shadow accross her face (not quite an avatar, but close enough). her countenance changed again as she continued. "but what I offer would help in your struggle against the platinum one," her words dripping honey as her bardic magic spun them in the most pleasing ways.
Strong is the will that Naien wields, the glamor of the bardic tricks, not swaying her in the least, though mention of her queen and mother's arch rival, does garner some attention, [color=red:14zgoxgm]"Get to the point, elf! I tire of your dangling tidbits of information, my... companion is still in need of my healing talents. Waste more of my time, and Tiamat shall have two heads for sacrifice, as cause for a particular dragon's faltering faith."[/color:14zgoxgm]
Red Dragon: See how the elf writhes as it burns, Little Naien?
Young Naien: Oooooh! So beautiful, can I burn one?! PLEASSSSE?!
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Post by Zekafae »

He couldn't help but not to chuckle hearing that" I'll keep that in mind." When the table finally went boom he shielded his face with his arm moving it down just soon enough to catch a larger splinter head his way. Batting it away to the side he shook his head." Stupid animated tables...."
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Twilight vampires are the vampire equivalent of Pluto...
Inriiaynrae Jaelre
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Post by Inriiaynrae Jaelre »

((sorry to wait so long....while backing up my files and stuff on my computer, it crashed. so im w/o mine. so till i can figure out much, i might be slower.
tho monday i start classes, so i'll be replying more at night- eastern time zone i think this is.
but if i need to give the information so i dont slow it down, let me know. i did post a character profile for alya, so should one wanna attempt to play her in the effects to write, then i dont mind. just dont kill her. she can get all beat up she wants...))

"aw, tire of banter so quickly?" the bard smirks, "very well. there is a group here in the camp, and one even you would enjoy getting your claws into. I need an exterminator. but leave the female to me," she wonders if she wants the ranger, "do what you will with the rest."
"has there ever been a smart table?" the smart elec remarked.
Main character: Inriiaynrae
Second Character: Ariali
Antagonist: Alya
Posts: 228
Joined: Fri May 28, 2010 4:35 am

Post by Pheurazath »

Virgil sweeps his cloak up around himself, striking the classic horror-movie vampire pose, shielding self and face from wooden shrapnel, then wades in across the room, for a brief second finding himself taken with the strange beauty of the prone Drow woman, but that notion is quickly dismissed. Even so, she might be afforded the rare opportunity to see his brief flash of pained resignation, that immediately follows that admiring stare. Even so, he makes his way, to kneel beside her, and lend his help and shoulders even to support and help her back to her feet. In those moments, his familiarity with things from the Lower Planes, a instinctual sixth sense, developed over time and exposure tells him something is coming, and no sooner would he have her up than he presses her toward the nearest wall, shielding her with himself, telling her simply, [color=indigo:1ifpggpr]"Darkness upon us quickly!" [/color:1ifpggpr]

Abyssal words flow off his lips, following the command, a spot before him comes charged with necromantic magic, and from the summoning portal, appears a Skeleton Warrior, equipped in Chainmail, and toting a Claymore, the minion positioned to guard the opposite doorway. [b:1ifpggpr][The Dead Walk][/b:1ifpggpr]

Not quite demons, but he's sure his new Paladin companion shan't be pleased with this summoning either. He never expected a Paladin to understand or accept him fully though.
Primary (Pheurazath AKA Kalkyril Ilindl)
Secondary (Virgil Stahne -- A repentant Warlock)
Other Secondary (Skrach -- A rogue, a rat, touched by the best)
Inriiaynrae Jaelre
Posts: 1444
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Location: Panama City, FL

Post by Inriiaynrae Jaelre »

((ooo..potential jealousy to come up? we will see...))

Inrii looked up to see the warlock over at her. she noticed something about his look, something she wasnt sure of. she jerked slightly as he helped her up, grunting quietly from pain. tho she wasnt expecting the next second to be up against the wall, the male leaning against her.
a globe of darkness (since inrii hasnt rested, would she be able to cast it? she hasnt access to her spells yet. if not then Zek can be the one to cast it) went in the room as she heard the summoned being move into position.
the devil entered the building in the chapel behind the large scrying bowl and the altar.
he growled as he hoped up from the tunnel. sniffing the air his eyes narrowed and he rushed twords the back.
Main character: Inriiaynrae
Second Character: Ariali
Antagonist: Alya
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Location: Colorado, USA

Post by veraka »

Veraka looked to Virgil as he saw the newest arrival; an undead among their ranks; he truly wasn't surprised by this creature being summoned by the warlock, but then again, he despised undead creatures with a passion that reviled some of the gods in strength and wrath.

Staring at Virgil with an even glance, Veraka just shrugged, letting the summoning go; If the undead became a problem, he could easily destroy it.

Neriah's tail twitched out, as she furled her wings and hissed "there is another with lower planes blood in them; one that was summoned here."
In War, Justice; In Peace, Hope; In Death: Sacrifice


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Post by Zekafae »

He noticed the look, knew it quite well. Though he learned not to let emotions cloud his mind when things were a problem. He wasn't jealous, mildly thankful for him helping her up, as his mind was on helping protect the group that was there. Hearing about there being another he muttered and drew the two silver swords." Let's see what these can do... I've been itching to use them really for some time."
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Twilight vampires are the vampire equivalent of Pluto...
Inriiaynrae Jaelre
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Post by Inriiaynrae Jaelre »

Inrii wasnt surprised the bard summoned such people to fight her battles. but her keen hearing picked up his movement quickly, and her wrist crossbow wasnt gunna do much against him. plus she wasnt in much a condition to fight the devil either. an idea hit her. if she could only get ahold of that coffer. maybe she should sneak ahead and take out Alya before anymore friends could show up.
thinking if she should, she decided she had too. they had came all this way to rescue her, and it was her fault they were in this mess anyway.
"let me go and find the bard," she started. they could get out and she could deal with Alya once and for all.
tho the fact that last time she did that, she ended up here in prision should have clued her to their reactions.
Main character: Inriiaynrae
Second Character: Ariali
Antagonist: Alya
Posts: 768
Joined: Wed Apr 23, 2008 2:41 am

Post by Zekafae »

Looking at her he spoke" You're not going alone, I'll go with you." Which meant bad news for her, and any host she had. He knew that if she was summoning a demon, he knew that inrii was in no way near strong enough to do this on her own unless some form of intervention came. He had no qualms on ruining the day of any bard. He had an itch, one that needed to be scratched as he had a feeling things went far deeper than he was comfortable with thinking.
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Twilight vampires are the vampire equivalent of Pluto...
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Post by veraka »

Veraka looked at Inrii as if she was crazy; "hold on there pyro-nut; you wanna go off again and try and get yourself killed. Alya's as much of my target as she is yours, and I'm not letting you just head off again to get captured and gods know what else have happen to you. No, if you're going up against that damn albino bitch, then [b:d30wvedm]I'm[/b:d30wvedm] taking the first blows of her attacks, not you."

At this, Neriah turned to regard Veraka and Inrii, near snickering, and said "You mean like the [b:d30wvedm]last[/b:d30wvedm] she came to Alya; I was there," the fey'ri said to the sorceress, "At least [b:d30wvedm]this[/b:d30wvedm] time you had friends among your ranks, and yet, you again managed to get captured. How very similar to what I remember. . . " her words stopped as Veraka wrapped an armored hand around her throat and lifted Neriah a good 3 feet off the ground. The fey'ri's eyes went wide as she was hoisted off her feet by the very person she [b:d30wvedm]least[/b:d30wvedm] expected to burst out in anger.

"I remind you that she was captured because the ranger and I were busy dealing with you," he growled in a low, very threatening tone; "had you actually kept your wits about you and decided that the albino bitch wasn't worth your time, we wouldn't have gotten separated from Inrii and therefore could have prevented her capture by Alya, perhaps even killed the bitch right then and there. Do NOT assume that Inrii got captured on her actions alone; myself, Zek and most of all, YOU, are to blame for that."

With that, the aasimar let her go from his death-grip, even as she was somewhat gasping for air; "come on, we got ourselves a fiend to kill and bard to hog-tie and deliver gift-wrapped for our client," Veraka growled as he unsheathed his sword
In War, Justice; In Peace, Hope; In Death: Sacrifice


Inriiaynrae Jaelre
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Post by Inriiaynrae Jaelre »

(im gunna let virgil get a chance to respond since he has inrii sorta pinned...;) tho such violence twords ur future wife... :uh-huh: ))

the undead elf changed his focus, realizing that the bard had too much protection amongst herself for him to penetrate. he descides to focus on the last person that was in his place, the fey'ri (why he released im not sure).
the view cleared and to his surprise was in a choke hold before relaesed.
"well, their problem now."
he was watching, waiting. he figured he [i:7agdsvxm]might [/i:7agdsvxm]send some help should they really need it. he was busy trying to secure the tomes and magical belongings again. and of course having to rebuild a tower was also a top piority. the fires in the city did quite a bit of damage, but only the slums truly suffered long term damage.
(we need to go back and get my horse then i figured we'd run into a good group for once, like a group of eilistraeeans for once before heading into the desert.)
tho the baelnorn noticed another person among the group also.
Main character: Inriiaynrae
Second Character: Ariali
Antagonist: Alya
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