Vale of Shadows Part 6

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Post by Zekafae »

Shrugging" Pretty much minus the baubles, I was tempted mind you, but knowing me I'd probably try to make them into some sort of a bomb.. to ruin the day of some poor soul..." He mused" So, what sort of magical things did you get that we should be worried about?
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Twilight vampires are the vampire equivalent of Pluto...
Inriiaynrae Jaelre
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Post by Inriiaynrae Jaelre »

"few scrolls, potions, that kinda thing; and of course mountain gear and desert gear. tho if someone ticks me off, i have this," she pulled out the wooden rod and showed him, "or if things are just too serene and we wanna liven things up."

The sheik (leader) sat on his stool under his large tent (overhang like a porch roof), contemplating the group whiled running fingers thru his beard. the group looked capable, could possibly accomplish the task. three of those dark elves, the demon elf and a near giant?
he'd speak with them shortly, let them buy camels and invite them to the evening meal.
the tent flap opened and a younger woman stepped out. she was also dressed fancy. there was a strong magical aura about her. she carried a trey of a flat bread and sauce and set it before her father.
"are they the ones?" she asked.
he nodded reaching for the unleavened bread and dipped a torn piece into the small bowl.
Main character: Inriiaynrae
Second Character: Ariali
Antagonist: Alya
Posts: 768
Joined: Wed Apr 23, 2008 2:41 am

Post by Zekafae »

Nodding slowly" So things that could incite riots and chaos amongst the lesser masses?" Shrugging slightly" Sounds like a plan to me. I've been contemplating to make a new took for death, so my hands are free I still have a blade to kill. I'd ask a gnome or a dwarf to make something along those lines, but I have a feeling they'd make it fail on purpose just to kill a drow." Looking around them" We should get moving soon. Less time we're at locations the less we can be accused of things we didn't do."
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Post by veraka »

Veraka, Aurora, and Neriah made their way over to the camel pins, with Neriah and Veraka trading off random jokes and the occasional flirt. The winter wolf merely rolling her eyes every-step of the way.

"What? You expected a fey'ri to be kind and fluttery?" Neriah quipped to the aasimar next to her.

"Nah; just maybe a little less rambunctious and more. . . " Veraka looked onward as he let the thought go on its own.

"More what?" Neriah shot back, a slender amber brow raising up to question him; "unless you're referring to more straightforwardness, in which case, I suggest that we do as your ranger friend recommended back in the dungeon where we found 'short-fuse' and her lizard."

Veraka felt his face go hot from the influx of blood, as his normally pale face turned a hue of red. This caused Neriah to laugh a little, whilst Aurora let loose her wolf chuckle.

When the three got to the camel pins, Veraka began to fit some of the scorpion plates together, in a loose but fitting armor piece, whilst Neriah went to the tents around the area, looking for couple items that she wished to get.

While the fey'ri went out looking for sorcery things, Veraka started out on his own shield, latching on a couple of the larger plates to his adamantine shield. After he was finished, the aasimar gave his handiwork a look over. It wasn't half bad, but the main point was to protect against those which lived and survived in the desert; what better protection than to use the armor of one such creature.

When Neriah returned she was carrying few items of magical use among other things. Veraka noticed two bracers on her wrists and a necklace bound around her neck(Bracers of Dexterity +3 and a Scarab of Protection +2), as well as a few different scrolls and potions, as well as spell components for her long list of known spells, and a couple of wands, one lighting and one for lobbing acid bursts at enemies.

"Here, try it on," Veraka said to the fey'ri, waving his hand at the armor of scorpion plates.

"Trying to impress a girl with a show work of crafting skills?" she retorted.

"Maybe, but also for your own protection against the natives of the desert. Last thing I need is you dead due to some random predator or what not out there," he pointed out into the Anauroch Desert.

Neriah let out a huff but nonetheless, accepted that the aasimar wouldn't give up that easily. So, she threw the armor on, surprised at its lightness.

"I suppose this is my saying thank you," she said to the aasimar.

[i:28vfaa5w]The winged one, giving a compliment. I'm shocked,[/i:28vfaa5w] came Aurora's sarcastic voice.

Neriah narrowed her eyes upon the winter wolf, glaring her down; "Shut it, wolf."

[i:28vfaa5w]Only if you give me this;[/i:28vfaa5w] Aurora padded on over to where Neriah was, and grabbed the acid burst wand from the feyri's purchases.

"Hey!" exclaimed the fey'ri.

Aurora pranced away, only to plop sit down on her haunches, the wand in her mouth. The pose made Veraka double over in laughter. ((Pic [url= ... g:28vfaa5w]idea[/url:28vfaa5w]))
In War, Justice; In Peace, Hope; In Death: Sacrifice


Inriiaynrae Jaelre
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Post by Inriiaynrae Jaelre »

Inrii was about to respond when she heard the flirtatious 'couple' coming twords them. she rolled her eyes and turned her back leaning arms on the wooden fence of the camel pen.
Neriah's voice just continued to irritate her; and Veraka seam to just keep falling for her tricks. grumbling to herself, to the overt display of affection, Inrii was tempted to 'fight' back with her own 'show'. something to stop her gag reflex.

Inrii turned upon hearing the words 'thank you' from the fey'ri, raising a snowy brow for a second. the disctraction from Aurora was much needed, chuckling to it.
"well, lets get the camels. Del should be here soon."
(left open for him to come if he comes back. and im pessimistic about it due to folks joining and never showing back up. nothing against anyone. [/size:2op17n60]

the sheik continued to watch them, his daughter entered back into the tent in her preparations for dinner and possible guest.
he dipped the last bit, and shoved it in, wiping crumbs off his beard and robes.
"Ororo," he ducked his head in to say something to her.
((do we want a sorta side quest along the way?))
Main character: Inriiaynrae
Second Character: Ariali
Antagonist: Alya
Posts: 768
Joined: Wed Apr 23, 2008 2:41 am

Post by Zekafae »

quest always fun I guess lol)

Watching her reaction he chuckled some and nodded slowly" If not less extra bodies to worry about." He knew they were being watched as he muttered" I don't like being watched like that, if I wasn't feeling humane.. I might do something..."
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Twilight vampires are the vampire equivalent of Pluto...
Inriiaynrae Jaelre
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Post by Inriiaynrae Jaelre »

"I sense it also," Inrii replied softly to her group.
she walked over to the tent.
she pulled out the coin pouch, careful to not let it jingle so he couldnt guess how much. she did want to try her spell, but in the desert, the camels would have better luck over a horse.
"5 camels"
the mans eyes widened, then she smiled, showing his yellowing teeth and a couple of spaces.
"50 gold each," he spoke in his harsh tongue, "tack (the riding equipment)[/size:3r590tmm] not included."
Main character: Inriiaynrae
Second Character: Ariali
Antagonist: Alya
Posts: 768
Joined: Wed Apr 23, 2008 2:41 am

Post by Zekafae »

Watching the sale go on he followed her over and motioned to the equipment" How much for the gear, and you're pulling some interesting prices... I want the equipment on the camels as well. Remember, we're paying you for them." He wanted camels ready to go, he did not want to tinker around with the gear, when they should have been done already.
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Twilight vampires are the vampire equivalent of Pluto...
Inriiaynrae Jaelre
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Post by Inriiaynrae Jaelre »

the man, unsure of the ranger, and a bit put off as well as confused, shook his head.
"camels tack here," pointing to the other part of the tent with the saddles, blankeys and bridles.
"hunered gold for it all. that cheep. no others around. camels better than horses."
Inrii rolled her eyes. but he was correct. and she already expected the high prices.
"alright, have then ready asap," giving him 25 at the moment, "and you get the rest when they are done."
the man took the coins, inspecting them before pocketing. snapping his fingers, his 'stable' boy went to work.
"give him, half hour, hour tops," the man said to the sorceress.
the boy began with catching then and leading them to the hitching post. he would have to groom with a quick brush down before attempting to equip them, and 5 camels was alot of work.

the Shiek stepped out, of his tent again and gracefully, as much as a shorter fat human could, and walked over twords the pens.
Main character: Inriiaynrae
Second Character: Ariali
Antagonist: Alya
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Post by veraka »

After Aurora's little random and funny humor, Veraka finally persuaded her to settle down and give Neriah back her wand that she purchased.

The wolf put on a pouting expression and skulked over to where Inrii and Zek were.

Neriah came over to Veraka, looking a bit more serious and calm than her norm. This caught the aasimar's attention, more at it's oddness than anything else.

"Can I ask you something?" the fey'ri spoke up.

Veraka looked to her with a confused look, but waved his hand telling her to ask away.

"Why exactly did you speak up for me when you and the ranger had me captured and bound; more like what did [b:i67a06iw]you[/b:i67a06iw] see in me that the ranger didn't?"

For a moment, the fey'ri's question had caught Veraka drop-jaw for a split second, but he quickly regained his composure and processed her question.

Then looking up at Neriah, the aasimar responded "Originally, me and Zek thought you were really just out to get Inriii and be done with her. Well, my being a paladin, I can't just stand by and let that happen, plus I now consider the sorceress a friend; and a rule that I [b:i67a06iw]always[/b:i67a06iw] abide by; no one gets left behind."

"Typical," the fey'ri retorted, rolling her eyes as she replied.

Veraka ignored the sarcasm, and continued on; "when I saw what your aura, for a split second, I didn't see that evil blackness that normally you might be used to. I saw something inside of it that told me to stay my blade, so I did, going as far as asking that ranger to stay his as well, near impossible as that seems."

Neriah giggled at that off-shot joke at Zek's expense.

"In all reality, though, I intervened because, I thought that you hadn't recieved a second chance to lose yourself of that sadistic side that both me and the ranger saw a while earlier in the guild."

"Are you sure that you didn't just keep me alive for the first hand benefits?"

[i:i67a06iw]Ohh please,[/i:i67a06iw] came Aurora's sarcasm, it was like lava.

"Oh, can't you take a joke, wolf?" Neriah asked, furrowing her brow at the winter wolf.

[i:i67a06iw]A joke, I can, even give it I want; a suggestive idea that comes from a little too alluring fey'ri, whom I think wants to seduce my little brother into doing something he might regret, well, that's another topic in and of itself.[/i:i67a06iw]

"What Aurora; can't stand a little love bird humor?" Veraka asked jokingly.

[i:i67a06iw]Love humor, I can stand; infatuation wanna-be, hardly.[/i:i67a06iw] To the aasimar, she gave [url= ... 6:i67a06iw]this face.[/url:i67a06iw]

"Pfft," Veraka snorted; "and [b:i67a06iw]you[/b:i67a06iw] wanna be around [b:i67a06iw]me[/b:i67a06iw] when I have a family?"

[i:i67a06iw]When you have a family, whoever your bride-to-be is and you will more than likely only have time for a daily lovemaking, and I'm being generous with that idea. Here I put up with it on an hourly basis.[/i:i67a06iw]

Veraka rolled his eyes, got up and him and Neriah made their way over to Zek and Inrii where they were.
In War, Justice; In Peace, Hope; In Death: Sacrifice


Inriiaynrae Jaelre
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Post by Inriiaynrae Jaelre »

the sheik walked over to them. "before yall go, i have a small proposition. I know yall are heading to the desert, and there is something of interest there. the dried sea, has...something im looking for, an enterance beneth the surface. If you can get one of my men there safely and to it, there is a nice reward in it for you."
Inrii crossing her arms, careful not to show too much interest lest what happen last time occured. they still had to hunt down Alya. good thing they werent given a time limit (hince part of why lookin for her in Darkness RP)[/size:3thsjhw4].
"whats so special about this? and why us? whats the catch?"
"no catch. yall are capable people. and able to see in the dark unlike us Bedine people. all you have to do is get him," pointing to a cleric warrior sitting under the shiek's tent with his daughter. "he will grant you your reward upon reaching the enterance."

the first camel was done and ready while the boy began the next camel.

((if Delvo hasnt replied by the time we leave, i'll assume he decided to go off a different way))
Main character: Inriiaynrae
Second Character: Ariali
Antagonist: Alya
Posts: 768
Joined: Wed Apr 23, 2008 2:41 am

Post by Zekafae »

Pinching the bridge of his nose listening to the proposal he knew no good could come from it." Humans, going below the surface? If he wishes to get enslaved, by all means..." He moved a hand dismissively." What kind of reward are we speaking?" The rogue in him wanted coin... lots of coin..." Thinking for a long moment he took a breath and nodded looking to her." Your call.. I don't mind as long as I can sink my blades into something... And relieve any annoyances I have.."
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Twilight vampires are the vampire equivalent of Pluto...
Inriiaynrae Jaelre
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Post by Inriiaynrae Jaelre »

the sheik thinks a moment, a wide smile on his face. he reached into his pocket and pulled out a large black sapphire that appeared to swollow light.
"this is just 1 thing. i have coins and gems and other magical trinkets of course to make it worth it."
he seamed to chuckle to Zek's comments. "lets say its got value to us Bedline and our struggle. there is little yall know of the city that use to exist there. i have no time to go into the details."
he looks to them if they will agree, the man they are to take walking over to them. the shiek put his arm around the man's thick shoulder and waited. magical, divine energy a thick aura around him.
he was dressed in mithril chain shirt with the symbol of his deity and people in the chest guard, a red tunic underneath and tan trousers and black boots. the mace was wicked looking strapped with his silver shield on his back.
Main character: Inriiaynrae
Second Character: Ariali
Antagonist: Alya
Posts: 768
Joined: Wed Apr 23, 2008 2:41 am

Post by Zekafae »

Looking at the sapphire he gauged things for a moment before speaking." I think we can manage. Now, I need to know one thing. If this is far more difficult than what we are being lead into believing. The reward will increase with difficulty. Else the work involved far exceeds initial investments." He was one always for business like this, cutthroat applications always were used with him. He got the job done and if he was misinformed the price rose atronomically. If a client refused to pay, he had means in extracting the payment one way or another.
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Twilight vampires are the vampire equivalent of Pluto...
Inriiaynrae Jaelre
Posts: 1444
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Location: Panama City, FL

Post by Inriiaynrae Jaelre »

the large rare black sapphire got Inrii's attention. she agreed along with Zek, if he was along the way, why not get paid? and if something happened to him, well that was the cost of travel. and if something out in the desert did show up, a cleric could be made of use, in more than one way.

the sheik smirked. "nothing yall cant handle im sure. you have access to his help," indicating the young man of probably 20.
the man walked over to them then nodded that the camels were ready, still remaining quiet.
the sheik walked over, to whisper into the clerics ear, the cleric bending down to accomidate his leader. then a bag of something was handed to him that went into his pack.
"here is the first portion of payment," handing them each male a small bag of 50 coins, and the females a small gem (since Neriah hadnt spoken i dont know her favorite stone).

walking over to the pens, the gem into her pack, Zarstra playing with it in the pocket.
the boy lead them to the camels all ready to go.

the cleric hurried to his own mount and joined over at the pen with the companions.
Main character: Inriiaynrae
Second Character: Ariali
Antagonist: Alya
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