Disturbance in the Dark Woods

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Post by Malek »

Malek sits there for a moment confused. Then remembers the animal he warned Athariel about. He jumps up and sprints back to where he left them. He arrives there in a few seconds, and stops, not wanting to disturb the serenity of the scene that lays before him.
My patron deity is Freddie Mercury.

"If you wanna find out what's behind these cold eyes, you'll just have to claw your way through this disguise."-Pink Floyd
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Post by Quin_Larien_Halfling »

Looking behind her she sees Malek stopping and watching him as he watches the two animals greet one another. Quin wonders what could be going through his mind as she returns her gaze back to her Pegasus and the wolf.
Last edited by Quin_Larien_Halfling on Sun Nov 18, 2007 7:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Tyrmer »

The wolf pads towards the pegasus and nuzzles it slightly, recognising a fellow intelligent animal and ignoring the two legged. She circles around Lightning snifing him and nuzzling his wings, curious about the winged horse in front of her.

Master of the Lady's Dances
Recoverer of the Tome of Moonlight
Scribe of the Dark Maiden's Temple

High Priest of the Church of Rooky :D
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Post by Quin_Larien_Halfling »

Lightning whinnied with excitement and reared up on his hind legs and when his front legs hit the ground lightning shot out like beautiful lights in the heavens. Quin knew that this wolf was not evil and she smiled. She sat on the ground where she stood and watched with enthusiasm, her eyes glowed as her steed was making a new friend. She asked in the language the wolf would understand, "Do you know him my friend wolf?" and she continued to watch.
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Post by Doxa'era »

It is at this particular moment in time that a peculiar little black fox crouches behind the cover of shrubs. With it's piercing, almost glowing blue eyes, it watches the scene unfolding. When he originally came, he had his eye on a tasty rabbit but the sight of the Pegasus caused him to lose his intended dinner. The small, but very sly and quiet beast remained still behind the bush that gave him such good cover. He was wary of the wolf, and should the animal catch his scent, the poor little fox would certainly be done for.
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Post by Tyrmer »

The wolf continues fawning Lightning and pawing at his shining hooves. She turns and cocks her head at Quin, looking puzzled; the strange two legged asked her if she knew of the winged horse, when his smell filled her nostrils and told her everything from his weight to his tendencies to his latest meals. The pungent aura of the lightning still hangs in the air like greasy tin, the two leggeds with bows smell of earth and the other two leggeds smell strange; like carrion that has been left for too long.

Master of the Lady's Dances
Recoverer of the Tome of Moonlight
Scribe of the Dark Maiden's Temple

High Priest of the Church of Rooky :D
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Post by Quin_Larien_Halfling »

Quin laughs to her self as she watches the wolf and remembering the days when she used to play with a pack of wolves long before Lightning came to her... After he came and became her best friend not just a mount, he freaked out when the wolf cubs came running to play with her. They had stopped and met with him and he became friends with them too. Quin always had thought they were one in the same even though they were from two different worlds.

Then one day a demon came and destroyed their home and most of them fled never to have been seen again. It was good to see another wolf she thought to herself and she smiled at the wolf as she cocked her head in Quin's direction.
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Post by Malek »

OOC: [quote:84odql1g]like carrion that has been left for too long.[/quote:84odql1g] Thanks Tyrmer.

IC: Athariel breathes a sigh of relief when he manages to convince the humans to leave this forest alone. He even managed to do it without threatening war. He turns to see a strange gathering behind him. He walks slowly over to Melari and says to her quietly in Elven, "We should go, honored cousin. I don't want us to disturb the magic of this scene." She looks up with sadness in her eyes, but nods slowly. Malek looks on, the expression on his face plainly telling them that they don't need to go. Melari walks over and whispers, "We will go back to the citadel. We'll see you there." They silently go as Malek walks towards Quin. He comes to a stop at her side. He can tell that she's reminiscing, but Malek interrupts her by putting a friendly arm around her shoulders.
My patron deity is Freddie Mercury.

"If you wanna find out what's behind these cold eyes, you'll just have to claw your way through this disguise."-Pink Floyd
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Post by Quin_Larien_Halfling »

Misty eyed for remembering her past she looks to Malek and then gets up off the ground. As she dusted herself off she called to Lightning, "Doer wiu, ol zhah draeval ulu alu. Udos z'klaen ragar udosstan natha k'lar ulu v'dri whol l'isto. T'yin udos orn tlu tir 'sohna, naut zhaunus ulu vel'klar d'elezz." (Come boy, it is time to go. We must find ourselves a place to sleep for the night. Then we will be off again, not sure to where though.)

Looking back to the wolf and how happy Lightning was she did not want to leave anytime soon. Quin looked to the sky and watched the stars flickering in the black velvet background as her past comes back to her in thought. A shiver runs down her spine and she walks to her bag on the back of Lighting and grab her velvet cloak and put it on. Walks back to Malek, and looks at him with eyes that did not want to leave... She was not going to put him on the spot after she just met him.
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Post by Malek »

Malek looks back into her lavender eyes, "I must be going, as well. But, before I do, do you know of the ancient citadel in the heart of this forest? That was where my clan used to live. My companions and I recently reclaimed it for Elwesoron. It's all cleaned up and provisioned. Would you care to stay with us there for a while?" Malek asked this question calmly, almost matter-of-fact, but inside his heart was racing, hoping against hope that she would accept his offer.
My patron deity is Freddie Mercury.

"If you wanna find out what's behind these cold eyes, you'll just have to claw your way through this disguise."-Pink Floyd
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Post by Quin_Larien_Halfling »

Quin looked deep in Malek's blue eyes as he had asked her to join him to his reclaimed home. Lightning came up behind her as she took a step back and gave her a shove forward. She almost went to her knees before she caught herself. She looks back at her Pegasus and it was almost like he was smiling at her.

"I take it he wants a good place to stay besides the ground tonight..." Quin pauses and ponders on the right words but was hard with this strange feeling growing with in her. She continues much quieter than she started with, "and it would be nice to sleep in a bed than the branch of a tree." Lightning shoved again and this time whinnied loudly at her. She growled at her steed she looks back and says, "I would be most honored to except your offer my lord Malek." she smiles at the words and at him for his kind gesture.

In the back of her head she tells herself she is going to give it to Lightning later and maybe say thanks for the shove forward. As she smiles and looks deeper yet into his beautiful blue eyes. She told herself she needs to keep her head clear, and not get too close it could mean trouble like it was for her mother and father. She looks away and patted Lightning on his muzzle.
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Post by Malek »

Malek smiles, and holds out his hand. "It's only about half an hour's walk from here. I know this forest well, so we won't get lost. There should be a warm fire going and Melari might even have a late supper cooking. And there is definitely room for Lightning in Citadel Elwesoron."
My patron deity is Freddie Mercury.

"If you wanna find out what's behind these cold eyes, you'll just have to claw your way through this disguise."-Pink Floyd
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Post by Ix'Chimalxochitzin »

A fairly large spider made its way back from where it had been hanging from a tree near the campsite, crawling into a small brush that was mostly hidden from view. In itself, this wouldn't have been anything out of the ordinary, especially in the middle of a forest.

What took place inside the brush however would have, if the others would know of the silver haired Drow that was hiding in it, keeping herself out of view as best she could. Perking up a bit as her animal companion appeared next to her again, she leaned over to it, listening to the sounds it made as it 'told' her what it had seen.

- "Mhm... So, two elves, a wolf... and a bird-horse? Got it... Think i should risk it?" [img:177fbth1]http://home.versatel.nl/piccone/Smilies/unsure.gif[/img:177fbth1]

She kept her voice down, talking to the spider in a hushed voice. There was a wolf nearby, if it belonged to the pack that had 'adopted' her, maybe these were friends too... Still, getting closer to see if she recognised the wolf might spell trouble if they were not...

She cast a Camouflage spell, reciting the incantation as softly as possible to keep herself hidden from view, knowing about the sharp eyes of the elves. After that, she'd -- carefully -- try to sneak closer to the campsite from her hiding place, sneaking until she'd be close enough to see if she could recognise the wolf.
"Watch your step... If you fall, you'll damage the floor."
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Post by Quin_Larien_Halfling »

Quin turns to look to his hand, she has never dreamed that the day would come when she would be wanted to join others. She slowly took his hand. Yet ready to jump on Lightning and fly away from the crowd and sleep in the trees like she has for the last several days. As her hand had touched his hand she felt the warmth that set her body on fire.

Quin shook the feelings and looked back to see Lightning right behind her ready to leave. It was like he was glowing for her as sparks came up from under his hooves as he stepped. She glared at him for doing so and he stopped as he pranced behind them as they headed to Malek's home.

"You are too kind and I still don't know how to repay you for this kindness you have shown me tonight."
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Post by Malek »

"Think nothing of it. Your company is payment enough." Malek leads her back towards the campsite. All that was left was his bedroll and his backpack. "Hold on. I have to get this stuff." As he packed he felt strange. That feeling that you get when you are being watched. He let out a shrill whistle, hoping the wolf he saw earlier in the clearing would come and help him.
My patron deity is Freddie Mercury.

"If you wanna find out what's behind these cold eyes, you'll just have to claw your way through this disguise."-Pink Floyd
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