On The Shores of Despair (Part 3)

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Adian Novar
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Post by Adian Novar »

He took a deep breath and fixed the sergeant with a glare.

"I apologize for the overreactions of my men," he said to Veraka. "However, then you leave the outpost on your own please check with the sergeant and let him know about it. At the very least that can prevent future...'misunderstandings.'"

The sergeant winced. [i:3reo0u0x]Someone[/i:3reo0u0x] was going to be on kitchen and latrine duty for the next month...
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Post by Biot-Savart »

"Wait!!!" The commander hells after one of his soldiers whispered into his ear. "One of my guards just died because of action taken by one of you." The commander points at Biot. "Take him to our dungeon!"

"I didn't mean to kill him, it was an accident!" Biot said loudly. "Your guards restrained me and when the lighting suddenly came from the sky my instincts suddenly took over and one of your guards fell of the wall. The wall isn't even that high! I'm sorry, it wasn't my intentions."

"Take him to the dungeon now!" The commander was getting impatient. "I took you in and gave you food and this is how you repay me! I want the rest of you out of my outpost now, get your things and go! You are pushing my patients!"

They took Biot to the dungeon and shackled his arms and legs to the wall. Some of the guards started to beat him. He didn't even try to do anything because he felt ashamed of what he had done.

After an our Biot saw the commander and someone who looked liked the guard he 'killed' receiving a pouch, filled with what sounds like gold pieces, from a strange figure that he couldn't make out in the dark and the blood in his eyes. Then he heard the commander tell his guards, "Kill Him".

Biot felt the rage inside him growing stronger, he didn't want to kill them, but the rage was just to much for him to take. With 3 guards approaching one took out his spear and trusted it towards Biot's head. Biot's muscles tensed as he pulled the chains holding his arms to the wall and out came the chains bricks still attached. The spear grazes Biot's cheek as he gets out of the way splintering on the wall behind him. Then the rage and lust of killing in Biot took over. He hit two of the guards with the bricks still chained to his arms, breaking the bricks and cracking their sculls. The 3rd guard wasn't as lucky, Biot released the Blades of Athena that was magically bounded to his arms and cut the guard precisely in to from the head down. Biot could feel his strength returning as he killed the guards. He then broke out the chains holding his legs in place. Some of his rage subsided for a moment and then he ran onto the wall of the outpost, jumping to the outer side of the outpost and he started running into the forest.

Biot - Half Drow half ..... (Class: Dragonlord)
Nix - Drow (Class: Arcane archer)

Only the dead have seen the end of war.
Ra'Sona Races-The-Wind
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Post by Ra'Sona Races-The-Wind »

((It's good to be back))

Pwdn understood Veraka's need to shout, more than willing to take the place of others before the aasimar's furious outrage but still flinching somewhat as his anger ran cold and he talked of the requisite of violence in education. She of course did not agree on any level with this but that wasn't why she was listening, it only hurt to have it said because she felt that in this case he did mean it at least a little. She thanked him for his patience as he went on to see the commander, and in her own gentle way rounded on the soldiers gathered about who had caused the trouble.

One she informed of several traits of his family's heritage far to the south and east, historically an area traditionally considered to be marked as an unpleasant and dangerous area and the inhabitants both untrustworthy and savage, listing several myths and rumours. Another she noted for having a red tassel on his sword (a better item than that of those around him) and mentioned the short-lived band of mercenaries who used very similar swords to identify each other among the garrison of a fort they had been hired to sabotage. Another had his name called into question, another simply for his posture, each offender was given a very calm and careful talking to so that by the time she came to the last few they looked almost ready to run off. "Being careful is understandable, there is no harm in being certain, but can any of you in all honesty claim that you hadn't already decided what they had been doing before you even challenged them over it?" All eyes flicked amongst themselves and Pwdn bowed and took her leave, knowing that to say any more was not necessary. Hopefully the lesson would stay with them, at least for a while.

Once she was out of the way she went to look around the camp and spent some time chatting with the garrison. She liked to get to know the people she spent her time around if at all possible, she'd never understood others' willingness to miss the opportunity to get to know more people as they travelled, even if there was ultimately no point to it.

Lyon had started taking notes about the materials from the smithy where he was lingering, and helping out as they talked by carrying about anything that needed moving. Frad and the Cook had come to blows, and were outside in the training ring exchanging punches while still cursing at each other and making all manner of threats of the ten thousand horrors that awaited their opponent when he was cast screaming into the depths of the hells during the course of the fight. Very discreetly, several bets were being made by those that had the tome to come and watch.
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Post by veraka »

Veraka strode over to Frad, whom he watched with a raised brow and a slight smirk.
"Frad now, what what did you do?" he asked, shaking his head, but on the verge of bursting into laughter.
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Post by CinderSuru »

After it was all sorted out, the sergeant and his men firmly put in there place, they disperst. Cinder went to the chamber she shared with Pwdn for some peace and quite.

The morning came with out any more disturbance. They broke their fast with the Captain at his table being served a hardy breakfast and ascorted to the gate to continue the journey to there destination. The sergent was glad to see them finally leave the out post, he had a stone cold look on his face as he said farwell.

Cinder turned her attention to the forest her sensitive ears alert. Adain watching the horizon and checking his map for land marks, everyone seemed glad to once again have there weapons in place. There was a sprinkle of snow and a light overcast of clouds in the sky to block the sun, which was a relief on the drows eyes. " I will take a light snow fall any day over a bright sun " she said with relief to Adain.
Ra'Sona Races-The-Wind
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Post by Ra'Sona Races-The-Wind »

Frad turned to Veraka as he approached, and the betting table hastily became a stand for polishing axes, and all the betting slips turned into duty rosters being very carefully read. There were a lot of kinds of magic, and the speed with which an idling guardsman could suddenly be doing something very important the moment an officer approached was one rarely remarked on. "Jus' havin' a bit of a discussion- UGH." He caught a fist to the face and returned one to the solar plexus, the cook grunting and backing off a bit. "About cookin' is all. Nothin' wrong here." He charged the cook who kicked him in the neck and was in turn treated to a tightly-balled fist that landed squarely in his family jewels. He fell to his knees, still having the wherewithal to clout Frad about the head again, but caught a snowball to the face to blind him as Frad met him with a orcish kiss, the loud crack of two skulls impacting together signalling the end of the fight.

Frad staggered out and leaned against Veraka for a moment to steady himself before grabbing his armour and reattaching himself to Veraka as the paladin's current company. "Don't mind me, figure we're still all bunkin' in the same kinda place. Dunno where that is, too busy bein' right about sugar." This was directed at the cook who called him something altogether unkind. Frad fired off a retort and a short exchange followed that used language foul enough to put tarnish on Veraka's armour. "An' another thing." Frad wandered back over to the cook and rolled him over, retrieving a payslip. "Yust so yeh don't forget about what ya owe me fer bein' completely wrong." The cook said something about Frad's mother, father and a tribe of swamp-dwelling trolls that was muffled by the ground he was trying to breathe through. "Yeah yeah, can't hear ya over the deafenin' sound of me bein' right." Frad grinned and pulled his armour on once again as he left the fighting ring, crudely pocketing the payslip.

Pwdn, after her encounter with the angered paladin and her subsequent speech, had walked about for the night exploring the new area then retired to the room allocated to her for the morning and played with the sunlight, holding up her hand above her as she lay on the cot provided to catch the beams through the window and and letting it refract through her skin to cast dancing light across the wall and floor of the room in blue and then green, gold and red as she changed colour like a kaleidoscope.

Lyon had dozed off in front of the forge, the heat having felt very cosy and the smith draping a blanket over him and leaving him be.
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Post by veraka »

The aasimar watched the dwarf with a bemused look on his face as the cook finally went down. Veraka shook his head; "and here I thought that I was the one who had stubborn personality problems," he chuckled, letting Frad use him as a stabilizing platform. "Oh, yeah, we be bunkin in the same place, that's for sure; lest I leave and find you accidently roomin' in the kitchen that you acquired from the cook via hostile takeover," the aasimar chuckled in response.

It was the dwarf's cursing tirade that sent Veraka into a laughing fit. The aasimar recovered, and smirked as the dwarf made his way back with his newly found coin; "remind me never to bet against you," he jested toward Frad.

After a good night's rest, followed by a decent meal with the commander, whom Veraka noticed was acting a little odd, Veraka followed Cinder and Adian out of the outpost as they made their way back into the forest, toward their objective.
At Cinder's comment, Veraka chuckled lightly, "Cinder, now that you mention it, I believe that I should develop a training regime for drow who follow the Dark Maiden, or are just of the goodly nature, who live on the surface for growing accustom to the sun."
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Post by CinderSuru »

" I think a that is a great idea Verake I for one would join such a training regime I need to develop my skills with a sword " she replied her attention was listen carefully to the breeze that surround them. " Biot was out there some where he does seem to be in a state, this strong drive in him to kill is taking it's toile on him. " she was concerned. " His foot prints are following the path we are taking, he is ahead of us some were, at least he was going in the direction we are for now anyway. "
Adian Novar
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Post by Adian Novar »

"I would take such training as well," Adian said. "I would have something explained to me first, however.

"I do not understand Frad's disagreement with the cook. How do recipies merit an-all-out brawl? And what is entertaining about such a thing? Frad is now going to be in a goodly amount of pain for the next two or three days...at least."

Adian looked genuinely confused. He knew about rough-housing...but this had been [i:2bymbz1i]fighting.[/i:2bymbz1i] Adian had never fought like that with anyone who was not trying to kill him.
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Post by CinderSuru »

" I believe the two simply feel a great deal of passion about cooking or cooking sweets in Frads case, passion can do unusual things to the one who feels it I belive " Cinder answered Adain concidering " I am sure Pwdn will comfort him. "

" I think we should be on the look out for Biot we can only guess what state he is in. I hope he comes to terms with all the alterations his father has force on him. " She opened her mind trying to find some trace of him. "
Adian Novar
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Post by Adian Novar »

"I suppose," Adian said. "And Biot...I can only imagine where he may have gone. He just seemed to disappear."

Adian glanced at Frad's battered face. Just looking at the mess was painful.

"I can heal that if you like," he offered.
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Post by CinderSuru »

" There you see Adain he has enough of us here to put him back together again and he does make awfully good candy

i will certainly give him that " Cinder smiled at Frad.

" Biot has a habit of disappearing he is out there some where, i just hope he is going in the general direction as the rest of us or his father has not brisket him off to who knows were again? "

Suddenly a flock of crows appeared circling over them opening her mind she she inquired about the wounded lone snow wolf that was with the druid.

" Verake " she said to the Aasimar warrior " you will be happy to know that the druid is on her way with the wolf she rides a swift horse and sleigh to ward us and may reach us this night it seems she had quite a reaction to the sent of the cloth. "
Adian Novar
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Post by Adian Novar »

"I have never seen a Winter Wolf," Adian said. "I am quite looking forward to this."
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Post by CinderSuru »

" They are truly beautiful animals it must be a true gift to have one as a companion, from what i have heard they are utmost of loyal and affectionate creatures to those they would deem there pack, in this case would be Verake. I am sure she would die to get to him, and is most likely why the druid brings her here herself if she is wounded. Such admiral qualities i think has rubbed off on our friend Verake himself." Cinder said watching Verake's eyes light up with excitment at the thought of being reunited with his trusted friend, she giggled with a nodd in his direction.
" There is much to be learned and gained in such an intimacy with the snow wolf I would think." Cinder surmised.
" I am sure you will not be disappointed Adain, the experiance I am sure will be delightfull one to know her, it is very exciting. I will have to perpare my own compainion for her coming, he may not be so delighted to see her, I guess as long as you Verake can temper her instinked to eat him, and i temper the instinct that he might have cram his antlers into her.... hmmm." Cinder raised her brow.
Last edited by CinderSuru on Sun Jun 27, 2010 8:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by veraka »

Veraka continued onward, unsure of what to expect; "the one thing I hope our friend, Biot, finds is peace and solace among these woods. Hopefully, he can overcome that affliction of his."

Looking at Adian and Cinder for moment, Veraka then looked to Frad, then doubled over laughing.
"You'd charge our fine upstart brawling dwarf candy for healing; By the Triad, that has got to be the most ingenious way of bartering I've ever seen," he breathed catching a breath to steady himself.

It was Cinder's comment about the flock of crows that were circling overhead that got him to jump up; "Aurora's on her way here. . . " he couldn't finish the sentence, his excitement was radiant. The aasimar hadn't seen his friend in almost six month's. If what Cinder said was true, then. . .

Veraka turned to Adian; "while normally I'd recommend not going out and finding a winter wolf, as Cinder has mentioned there are exceptions to every race; Aurora happened to be one of those fortunate few, as am I whom she considers her family. Let me just say that I'd willing take a death blow for her as well; she's the closest to any real family I've ever had. I've never really knew my mother, and my father was killed when I was but an infant, from I've been able to gather." The aasimar's entire body seemed more energized about the prospect of seeing his furry friend again, though his silver eyes seemed to light up like the heavens at Cinder's comment.

To Cinder's last few sentences, he chuckled "let me just say that having a wolves perspective on things can be both enlightening and disturbing at the same time;" he then stopped for a moment, then continued "Cinder, I assure that Aurora only eats when I do, which is often, so your companion has little to fear; but should his instinct to charge her surface, be assured that his antlers will collide full on with adamantine shield and Dragon-scale armor before reaching my friend."
In War, Justice; In Peace, Hope; In Death: Sacrifice


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