On the Shores of Despair

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Zarae Zyne Kilanatlar
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Post by Zarae Zyne Kilanatlar »

((OOC: Zazzt, I'm assuming you walked into the store and not the inn and are playing a drow.
I didnt get the post in before, so I'll include it))

Zarae shrugged as he signed discretely, [i:3e1mjhom]oh, right. Must remember that I'm not in the Underdark anymore.[/i:3e1mjhom]
She listened to Adian's tale. 'Promenade?' she heard something of it before, but only in passing. She watched Kyahel stir the pot and wondered. She had grew up hearing tales of how evil their surface cousins were, how they were responsible for the drows being forced underground those millennium ago. But the time with her first true friend, Tahllian a wood elf, changed her view of her cousins.

Pyoro sat there enjoying the tale. He enjoyed any tale, story or even songs. And if not careful could get lost in them. Kyahel grabbed the bowls and poured the hot chunky liquid into them, She served the drows first, then her father. The she poured herself and her son's bowls and set them on a short end table. Sitting in a cozy chair off to the side, she began sipping her stew, not taking her eyes off either drow.
"Yes your work here will bridge a gap between many of the elves and drow. Even if you two are the first drow we've seen here. And I have been here as long as my wife, Gaelinar."
He paused to blow on the spoon and sip the delicious meal.
"mmmmm delicious, Kyahel, as usual.
He turned back to Adian, "Promenade? Undermountian I'm well aware of. Skullport is near there. Tho I dont travel anymore. But back in the day, there was some who set out to remove much of the threats from several of the levels. Cant remember names, but I can assume they succeeded after all. I dont supose Zarae you Hail from there? Something wrong with your meal?"

Zarae had been swirling her spoon around her bowl. She hadnt had stew before and wasnt sure what to expect. Pyoro's question startled her a second.
"Um no, I just havent had this stuff before."
She took her spoon, and tasted it. To her surprise, she enjoyed it.
"I come from a place few have heard, Lith My'athlar. A small Underdark city far south of here. I have been on the surface only a short time. As to why, I'm not completely sure. I am new to this faith and, "

The door to the store opened interrupting Zarae. Kyehal set her bowl down as the stranger, another drow to her dismay, walked in. She was barely able to keep her temper. She turned and walked to her room, bowl in hand.

[color=brown:3e1mjhom]Adian seemed to freeze when he heard that voice. "I don't believe it," he said. "No way." [/color:3e1mjhom]

Pyoro got up and walked over to the newcomer. "My, My. I didnt expect this many, and three drows might I add. This is not the temple, however, all help is welcome. I'm Pyoro."
signature made by Larlan
Ra'Sona Races-The-Wind
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Post by Ra'Sona Races-The-Wind »

((Just en route. Another vow of poverty, hmn? Lovely!))

As she was called to, Pwdn stopped and turned on the spot with a rather beautiful pirouette to face the one who had called to her. "Me? No, I am from much further. . . " She paused, and wondered about how much he needed to know, an exhaustive history would be rather self-indulgent and unnecessary. "Well, you'll have heard of Waterdeep?"

This was a slight over-simplification of the facts since she had been travelling for several years, but it was her last resident address and that was probably what she was being asked. "The cold isn't such a problem for me, at least until it gets quite damaging. My name is Pwdn, I've come of behalf of Ilmater to offer what help I can to your village. Who are you?" The horse shied from her as she approached the two, seeming to sense danger, but calming as she stroked its' neck. "I was going to look for the temple but apparently your elder isn't there, and so I decided to look for some supplies. Not my usual choice, but the cold is quite deadly here and I will likely need to conserve what power I have as best I can." Her head bowed apologetically as she spoke, but rose with a wide smile. It was a little difficult to see the expression on a transparent face, but it got easier after a while. "What about you? May I help you in any way?"
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Post by NathreeDe'Shezbron »

OOC: For monks, vow of poverty owns!!!!! And I tried doing all the other vows for another character... I ended up havng to kill him, cause I couldn't stand not punching kobolds in the face :p

IC: Zazzt bowed, "My oppologies, I am not from around here, and I guessed that the best place to look for a priest would be in his temple." He looked around, and his gaze fell on Adian, "Ah, well this is most certainly a welcome surprise. Adian, how fare thee? I was a while since our journey to the Promenade. As you can see, I have changed a little from those days." He laughed, and walked over to Adian, setting his pack and staff on the floor.
A fight need not end with the death of participant. A fight also ends when the desire to do violence is gone.

Ra'Sona Races-The-Wind
Posts: 562
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Post by Ra'Sona Races-The-Wind »

((Mine's an Ilmaterian, hardcore. No possessions, she takes the gold but gives it all away. Never harm anyone else no matter what, she's completely nonviolent. And of course, never refuse a request for help.

Holy symbol if the red ribbon around her wrist, and she's an unarmed fighter specialising in parry and riposte, so she's a nightmare to land a blow on and does only nonlethal damage. Undead of course are another matter, Ilmater isn't keen on those.))
Zarae Zyne Kilanatlar
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Post by Zarae Zyne Kilanatlar »

Siavara watched the female, intrigued by her, as she neared them.
"Waterdeep? the one of the largest cities? yeah. I have always wanted to visit. Pwdn, I'm Siavara. My grandfather is the priest you are likely looking for. He's in the store with 'adventurers'," a bit of an edge to his tone, "I am heading to prepare horses so they can get out of my home. You are welcome to follow. The store is near the Inn."

Pyoro motioned for Zazzt to come after seeing Adian recognize him.
"My, The Three work in unique ways! Sit and join. We're just beginning the tales tonight."
He walked over to the pot and spooned out a portion for the new guest, "My daughter makes the best venison stew around. she seams to be, busy this moment tho."
back in her room Kyahel sat in the far corner trying to ignore that now three drow had entered her establishment and was in her home! She wanted to run them off or run them thru. Stories of good drow were myths to keep elves off their guard so the drow can conquer them. Kyahel decided to pray to her elven deities for quidence before she did something her father would shun her. She already lost her husband and all she had was Pyoro and Siavara.

Zarae looked to Adian, [i:3rtzh1bs]I suppose you know him? [/i:3rtzh1bs]
She watched the new comer join the table. Pyoro's comment struck her as funny, three drows working together to solve their surface cousin's problems, not that didnt mind the adventure or doing her part for her new goddess. She watched as he sat near Adian and joined the group.
signature made by Larlan
Adian Novar
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Post by Adian Novar »

"I, on the other hand, have only changed a little," Adian said. "Still learning the ways of the surface. Everyone, this is Zazzt De'Shezbron, a wizard and warrior when I knew him. A bit of a madman, but one that I trust at my side and back."

He clapped Zazzt on the shoulder as he sat down.

"Zazzt is likely the most experienced of us," he said. "I will vouch for his capabilities. I wonder who else the winds will blow to us this evening?"
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Post by NathreeDe'Shezbron »

Zazzt laughed, "Oh, I would not say that, few can match you prowess at surviving in the wilds of this world, all I can do is burn a village to the ground. You however, can build a city from the earth, and that without magic. The insanity still endures, although I have some tricks to cope with it when the need arises." He winked, "Did you not know that all great mines are a tad bit insane, tis what is called creativity among the surface folk." He shrugged, "You will find that I have only changed my attire, and manner of fighting, instead of swords I now use my fists, since through a vow to a person dear to me I forsook the use of magical items, and I find myself all the stronger for it." he smiled and winked, "You trust me because you know I have the subtelty of a drunken dwarf in fullplate." as he said this, a noise came from his bag, like a suit of armor shiftig, that the simple, mostly empty bag could not have physically made, but Zazzt had made no motions of spellcasting.
A fight need not end with the death of participant. A fight also ends when the desire to do violence is gone.

Adian Novar
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Post by Adian Novar »

Adian looked him over.

"You [i:2ub4x9s2]have[/i:2ub4x9s2] changed," he said. "But I am glad you have found a measure of peace. But enough time for that later. We were just speaking of the trouble that has bought us here."

He looked to their host and nodded.

"Forgive our interruption," he said.
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Post by NathreeDe'Shezbron »

Zazzt nodded, "My deepest appologies. If you could give me the condensed version of what I missed and what thy plan is so far I would be very grateful."
A fight need not end with the death of participant. A fight also ends when the desire to do violence is gone.

Zarae Zyne Kilanatlar
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Post by Zarae Zyne Kilanatlar »

Zarae sat watching the fire and listening to the two. She wasnt sure if she was glad the new guy interrupted or not. Everyone in the room was intent on the conversation between the two males so she stayed back and unnoticed, her hood still up and face hidden. Keeping herself unknown was her usual survival tactic.

Pyoro listened to the exchange between the two friends. He looked at the bag and shook his head. "Yes, well we're were just exchanging introductions. But I can start. Theres not much history here. This town is named after the largest tree that makes up the base for our home. The leaves are a rare herbal ingredient in many medicines. This is one of the few bitterleaf trees left. My wife and I settle here a century ago after retiring from traveling and adventuring. She was ready to start a family and live her later years in peace. We found this clearing and the four trees that make up our home. I set up the stones around the base to provide a sanctuary for me and to honor my goddess, The Three. My wife daughter, granson, and late son-in-law still worship the Seldarine. Soon people slowly began to build huts around here and move in; mostly elven rangers and human woodsmen. when the population reached high enough, we established trade and built the Inn and this store.
As for this lake- Teardrop, I'm sure you can guess where its name came from. Some of the people were not too creative when naming places." Pyoro winked as he spoke that last sentance. "About a year ago strange things began to happen. several people noticed the piles of bones littering the shores. many who ventured there for the prized fishing never came back. I scryed one of my best apprentices as he went there. right before he died some awful death, I saw an unusual purple, green and yellow lights beneath the water. they grew larger and mingled then burst into numerous lights. these floated to the surface and then rose out of the water. A brilient beam shot out and my scrying went black. I have sent many of the most experienced up there, but the same happens everytime. I suspect that this light disenegrates them to bones."
Pyoro paused, letting it all sink in watching everyone's faces (those he could see anyway).
"I have been spending this whole year seeking answers and I think I have discovered a way to get close enough before getting zapped. Something or someone is looking for 'the one.' what that is, I am not sure yet. But we accidentally discovered that about 10 miles north of the lake their is a guarded cave and jewelry that I believe is a key to entering the lake. beyond that is what I need yall to find out. I have maps of the area. this lake is several days north of here. you can travel horseback to the outpost, 3 day, and then will need to travel the last 4 on foot. any questions? Basic supplies will be provided as well as 3 scrolls of water breathing."
signature made by Larlan
Adian Novar
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Post by Adian Novar »

Adian's face became grim. How many people had faced this? Seen the lights and then nothing? Had they gotten some sort of answer before their lives were extinguished? Did they even know that was about to happen to them?

"I see," he said, partly to himself. "Very well. Seven days...not an easy trek in the winter at all. Perhaps around eighty miles plus the walk to the cave. Very well. We will likely need an extra horse for the food and water we will need for ourselves and the horses...unless Zazzt has some sort of trick or two to speed our steps or provide extra sustenance.

"The question becomes what we do when we get to this cave and its cache. If there is a secret to find there, will we even know what it is when we see it? Well...perhaps a solution will present itself."
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Post by NathreeDe'Shezbron »

Zazzt smiled, "Why walk if you can fly?" He waved his hand dismissivly, "But those are simply the finer points of a larger plan we have yet to concoct. I have never heard of the like occuring elsewhere... Pehaps it is some form of beholder magic... In which case we all have cause to worry." He scratched his cheek, "Well in any case, let us get to this cave first."
A fight need not end with the death of participant. A fight also ends when the desire to do violence is gone.

Ra'Sona Races-The-Wind
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Post by Ra'Sona Races-The-Wind »

"My thanks, that would be very kind of you." Pwdn bobbed her head again, and followed her guide and his horse to the inn. "These adventurers, who are they?" She asked mainly to imagine if she should alter appearance somewhat, often she provoked a hostile response and she so hated fighting. "You say you should like to visit the great city? It is a beautiful place, but dangerous. Maybe more dangerous than here, should you catch the wrong kind of attention, but thankfully that is rarer now than it was. I wonder if Dalisha still cooks at the golden shield, she made the best savoury mousse I've ever tasted. Mn, I'm sorry, this can;t mean much to you- ah, this is the place?"

Arriving at the inn seemed to have passed her notice until they were almost upon it. Whether she could actually see with her featureless, glass like eyes or whether she had just been distracted by memory was unclear, but she recognised those inside easily so it had to have been the latter. "Ah! Vendui, rethors lu'dalninin." She seemed pleased to see them, genuinely pleased, which might not have made as much sense to others. The drow however might well recognise the form of one who had become like the ooze, driders weren't the only unnatural fate to meet Drow who strayed where they didn't belong but it was very rare to see one who moved on the surface, or spoke. "And you are the elder? I had not realised that others had come to your aid, but I would like to offer mine nonetheless." She waved to Siavara as she entered the inn and greeted each of the others and the Elder formally, as was proper for an uninvited guest. She glanced once at the stew that had been served, but did not ask for a portion; she was not starving and it was winter, those here would need the food they had. "I'm afraid I am not a fighter, but I am capable as a healer." Pyoro would probably not have heard of her restoration of the missing ranger, so the modesty would likely be unnoticed. She looked to the three sitting at the table, wondering how much she'd missed. She didn't wish to return home, or see those she'd been parted from, but nonetheless she wondered after them often. "My name is Pwdn."
Adian Novar
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Post by Adian Novar »

Adian stared at the strange, glass-like girl. He had never seen the like. And her dialect...he didn't recognize it either.

This wasn't very surprising since he had grown up rather sheltered, he admitted to himself, but this was unlike anything he had ever heard of. He sensed no malice in her, however. Quite the opposite, in fact.

"Venzui," he said in reply. "Welcome. We were just discussing the troubles of this town and strange lights in Teardrop lake, and the possibility of a solution laying in a cave close to the lake. I rather suspect we might be in need of your capabilites."
Zarae Zyne Kilanatlar
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Post by Zarae Zyne Kilanatlar »

Siavara walked Pwdn to the store. His face screwed up, "yeah adventerures? their stinking drow. But thats all I can really say, the sooner they're gone, the better! here you go. now i must fix up this mare for travel. Shall I see you around more? Come back when possible, maybe we can visit your waterdeep perhaps?" he said with a wink.

Everyone turned to the new girl confused by her appearence. Zarae replied back (in drow) from the shadow of her hood, "Vendui," still unsure of all these people here now, at this place for the same quest, "and welcome to this rag-tag group. Now we need a barbarian or druid to show up," she joked and motioned to see if anyone else would walk through the door. They had a good range of classes in this party. "no one else?" She watched the one called Pwdn, not sure of her yet, but trusting in Eilistraee.

Pyoro, replied, shocked more people had come this time of the year, "welcome. would you like a bowl of hot stew. One dressed as yourself should not be in such weather. The snow is falling harder as we speak. It seams to me that these are alright with your help." he looked to Zazzt, "You can fly, but I wouldnt recommend it. outside these walls, Firryl is not safe, and bringing attention to yourself is not wise. He's been asleep awhile, but their is a young dragon know to inhabit these woods. She normally doesnt bother anyone as long as we stay out of the air. She ate the last wizard. Thus I am providing the best horses around, my prize horses! As to Beholders, I have not heard of this creature."
signature made by Larlan
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