Shores of Despare (part 7)

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Re: Shores of Despare (part 7)

Post by veraka »

Sanisa stood to her full height, her wings folding back behind her gleaming half-plate armor, whilst Veraka tended to Neriah, casting minor healing spells on her, including his [i:35v322p0]Lay on Hands[/i:35v322p0] ability. The solar then walked over to Adian, confused as he was, and smiled gently.
"Well, young paladin; it seems fate has given you a blessing like my son has," her voice, though still commanding, had taken on a more maternal side. As Adian looked like he was about to say something in his defense, Sanisa merely raised an armored hand and stopped him in his tracks.
"Adian, you do have a set of twins growing inside of Cinder's womb; and before you ask, [b:35v322p0]Yes[/b:35v322p0] it can happen only after one round of lovemaking. It doesn't take much for to impregnate a fertile female, regardless of race; though I imagine for drow, it would seem an easier task compared to Neriah, or any other surface elf."

The Solar looked to Cinder and Zarae, whom now were in the company of Aurora, as the great wolf had plopped herself down near the two, if not for anything else, to just be in the company of other females. "Also, young Adian, what our Druidess was referring to was when you bedded her; you were quite, well, suffice to say, content in those moments and the mourning that followed. It is your reaction now, the freaking out, and the confused, jumbled thoughts, that are causing Cinder to say that you are complaining; however, it could just be her way of teasing you about your lack of knowledge up until know about the twins." Sanisa gave the young paladin a warm smile.

"To be blunt, Adian, you are, or will be, the father of one young male and female drow younglings in just under a year, and yes, you are still very young for such a responsibility," the Solar very slightly narrowed her eyes at the paladin, "however, I imagine you will be a fine young father for the children. That said, don't do anything too brash or foolhardy that could get you killed, where my son or I could handle it. I don't wish to revive a brave young warrior, but more importantly; I don't want Cinder to see you take such a death blow."

With that said, Sanisa made her way over to where Zarae and Cinder.

"That and, it doesn't help a pregnant mother when she sees horrifying sights that behold her eyes; it makes it easier on her if she has her husband right next to her and [b:35v322p0]not[/b:35v322p0] flinging himself into the inferno," after saying that statement, Neriah gave a pointed glance to Veraka, who merely cracks a grin on his face, while Neriah gives Adian a soft pat on the shoulders, then glides on over to Sanisa, Zarae, Cinder and Aurora, swaying as she went. In comparison to Sanisa, Neriah was almost like a dancer in rhythm, her steps flowing and graceful.
"So, what did I miss here?" she asked Cinder and Zarae, while sitting down next to Aurora.


Veraka came trodding over to Adian, and squatted down, his armor bending along with the contours of his muscular frame of his body, and the thicker dragon scales keeping their shape and rigidity.
"So, Adian, how does it feel to be a father yourself?" The grin on Veraka's face suggested he was teasing the young drow paladin as much as he was seriously asking the question.
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Re: Shores of Despare (part 7)

Post by Adian Novar »

"Still trying to sink in," he said honestly. "This is...most disorienting. I am not certain exactly [i:2y9hm6r4]what[/i:2y9hm6r4] to feel. Especially given that we are right in the heart of the enemy we've come so far to face.

"I shall have to get her back to the Promenade," he said, his bemusement giving way to some kind of order at last. "The entire community will participate in raising them and protecting her, just as they did with me. My brothers and sisters will be surprised I would return so soon, or under such odd circumstances. Perhaps there is something wrong with me, Veraka. There is the joy and pride that I could see in you, but there is a strong and confusing vein of fear as well. Cinder, it seems, has always anticipated children in her future. I have not.

"They will get every bit of the love that the Promenade showered on me and mine," he said firmly. "There is a great deal to think about now. Their safety, their upbringing...Gods above, where to start?"

What had been a confusing mess had now morphed into what he imagined to be a monumental task. He ran his hand through his hair as he found himself worrying over an undertaking that would be at least as difficult as whatever purpose the Lady had laid out before him.
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Re: Shores of Despare (part 7)

Post by CinderSuru »

Cinder looked over the mushrooms a chose one for the Solor and handed it to her as she sat on the edge of the pond. " Good gods " she muttered " some times I shock my self as to what comes rolling off my toung some times ... poison ! " Cinder raised a brow and stared off for a moment then looked back at the beautiful Solor. " Well I was shotting off something about how beautiful Adain was and that i might be inclind to poison any female that might have designs on him." She looked puzzled.
Suddenly she burst out into a rush of emotion and flung her arms around Sanisa she was trembling with fright. " I am afraid M' Lady Sanisa two babies and Adain seems more disapointed than any thing as I am sure my grandmother is thow she would never say." Cinder disappeared in the warm loving arms of her friends mother.
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Re: Shores of Despare (part 7)

Post by Zarae Zyne Kilanatlar »

the rogue smiles and took the piece from CInder, rolling it around in her fingers. the youngest of everyone, and least experience, she still had no clue what to say. Most everythng that threatened to come out her mouth was either a joke or general smart elic comments. the girl had a hard time being serious.
"if you can manufacture poison, save me a bundle in finding or crafting it," she again jested, then lightly smacked a hand over her mouth.
Keen ears listened as Veraka's mother gave advice to Adain then joined. Surprised by the affection shown. Zarae still found such actions...strange yet she wasnt as confused by them s much. despite having been in an Eilistraeen house for a couple years back in Lith MyAthar.
"Cinder," Zarae's attempt to be serious, "we are here for you...your...friends," she smiled, "plus you might get some awesome mother powers," again jesting to change the serious mood, just as the rogue was known for. "Look at Neriah, she's got V on a nice leash." sticking her tongue out to any forthcoming comments (if context determines).
Zarae scratched Aurora behind the ears, whispering, "guess we're the odd balls now."
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Re: Shores of Despare (part 7)

Post by veraka »

Veraka looked to Adian, and studied his fellow paladin as the young drow went to talk about his feelings on the issue of his children.
"Adian, first off, who in their right mind would mess with us with my mother around?" The question was more to calm the drow than anything else, but still the aasimar pressed on;, saying "besides, my wife was already threatened with my own twins inside the womb; if anything has happened, it's that whomever cast that spell on us earlier, has only ticked my mother off all the more. Be the divine looking celestial that she is, Sanisa is still living being, immortal yes, but still a living breathing sentient woman, and she still has the feelings that all of us mortals share; love, joy, zeal, pain, suffering, anger. . . the list goes on, my friend."

Veraka held his gaze at Adian a moment longer, than let it go, and continuing "believe me, Adian, my mother wouldn't let harm come to your children, or mine, at all."

To Adian's idea of returning to the Promenade so earlier a time, the aasimar cocks a silvery brow; "Not to be the prudent paladin, but wouldn't Cinder want some time to consider all of the options as well; remember, my friend, these younglings are not just your own, they are also Cinder's too, and she has just as much a say as to what will happen to them as you do. Also, Adian, it might have been complete joy and pride for me, but keep this in mind; Neriah and I have tried more times than I can hold on both of my hands to conceive; only now did is seem to work." A thoughtful expression crossed the aasimar's face; then he said, "I think we tried for over a year to have a child; only in the past months has it proven successful. Consider yourself fortunate you don't have celestial blood and that Cinder doesn't have an infernal bloodline; makes for a very hard time trying to conceive. I suppose your confusion is understandable, given how fast the knowledge came to you, and how recklessly it was brought on."

The aasimar put a platinum armored hand on the young drow's shoulder, attempting to calm him. "Adian, perhaps you should think less about [b:2lmqepe7]what[/b:2lmqepe7] you will do for your children, much more as to [b:2lmqepe7]how[/b:2lmqepe7] you will accomplish such tasks; remember, my friend, kids are not cheap."

"You should know, sweetheart, [b:2lmqepe7]you're[/b:2lmqepe7] the shiny one paying for them!!" Neriah cooed out from her position over with the girls; the aasimar brought his armored hand up to his face, put his right thumb on his nose, and wriggled his fingers around like a beached octopus, while sticking his tongue out at the fey'ri. Neriah burst into laughter, rolling over onto her back and her wings, while Sanisa turned to regard her son with a stern look and cocked brow, her smile gone, replaced by a serious expression.


Sanisa turned back to regard Neriah, Zarae, and Cinder. The celestial woman silently accepted the mushroom from Cinder, taking a bite of it and swallowing.
"Cinder you don't have to worry about Adian; he's tougher than he looks and my son is now giving him the father to father chat; he'll be fine I think."

However, right as she said that, the Solar was embracing the small druidess, her long white hair flowing down her back; Sanisa smiled and closed her armored hand around Cinder, being gentle as a flower doing so; "it's alright Cinder; no one is judging you for your newly conceived children; and Adian loves both you and them, one and the same. There's nothing that has told me otherwise; in his heart, though he was more concerned that he had not harmed you in the process of creating these younglings."

Sanisa continued to embrace Cinder in her hug, even as Aurora gave a huff, and plopped her head down on the ground next to Zarae, enjoying the ear-scratch that the rogue gave the wolf; [i:2lmqepe7]nah; we're just the limited editions of our kind,[/i:2lmqepe7] The wolf replied to Zarae, just as Neriah came over and sat on the other side of Aurora, stroking her furry back.
"I think I can agree with Aurora for once; but on a side note, when was either me or my husband an ordinary person by any standards?"
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Re: Shores of Despare (part 7)

Post by Adian Novar »

Adian let out a soft bark of laughter.

"I suppose providing for them does not come 'cheap,'" he said. "The downside of living in the Promenade was not being taught about money. We just provided each other with what was needed at any given time. Money is still a new concept. Until now I have spent anything I earned only on necessities used the rest to buy food and healing for those I found in need. Now...I shudder to think of the mistakes that I dare not make for their sake.

"And of course it is primarily Cinder's decision," Adian said, realizing that he'd overstepped his concerns. Like most drow, Adian reflexively deferred to the females. "I suppose if all were let to me I would have them wrapped in silk inside a shell of steel, and that would do no one any good, would it?"

Adian looked over to the females and their bath. It was hard to believe, listening to their cheerful banter, that moments ago they had been trapped in madness. They were resilient, more resilient than Adian had given them credit his shame since he'd been rained almost exclusively by strong-willed females.

* * *

What fools these mortals be. Blathering on about their secrets and weaknesses in her home, as though she hadn't just demonstrated that she could touch them at will. Clearly they needed another lesson, and she knew just the means to do it.

She turned to the pool of water she used for bathing, exploration, and food. Like most underwater caves, the air-filled cavers were all touched by a common water sytem. Including the one the women were bathing in. The very vulnerable women.

The very vulnerable, pregnant women.

It would expend a great deal of her resources, but the results would be worth it. When the pregnant little harlots were in her grasp, their men would almost certainly loose what little intelligence they had. Easy pickings. As for the Celestial, she had a trap for just such a thing. If the winged woman dared to come after her, she would learn what it would be like trapped in a gemstone on a shelf of nicknacks. After that...well, the unborn were ideal subjects for the right experiments...

She activated her summoning circle and called on the lake itself to provide her with the power she needed. In minutes a powerful water elemental was splashing about at her command.

"Go through the tunnels," she said. And bring these two females here. Do not let them drown, but if they give you difficulty you may render them unconscious. When you return, hold them until I tell you otherwise. When they have been properly imprisoned, then you will guard the waterways and drown anyone who comes after them until I dismiss you. If, at any time, I give you other orders you will obey them without fail. Is that understood?"

She hadn't really needed to ask the last question. Of course the being understood. It would obey her instructions to the letter until she sent it to its home plane or the fools somehow found a way to defeat it. She wondered if the great oaf would be stupid or enraged enough to use his lightning on the elemental with their women trapped inside it?

The elemental entered the water with barely a ripple and struck out unerringly towards its unknowing targets. She could hardly wait to see their faces...
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Re: Shores of Despare (part 7)

Post by CinderSuru »

Cinder was calmed by the warmth of Sanisa and the rest of her friends she squezzed the Solor and kissed her check then reached for her dagger, thow she was naked she rarely took off her daggers. " Well I know fairies like to eat flowers " she said " but to be honest the thought of flower eating demons ... hmmm well " Cinder cut a hand full of the bloosoms. " These I believe are quite pacted with energy she handed them to Neriah they will rejuvienate you some what ." She offered with a giggle.

She climbed up on a highstanding rock to make a long backward dive she had practice since she was a child in the many hot springs in the mountains of Evermeet. Standing on the tall and strieght once again she posed sensuously for Adain laughing and made ready to dive in.

******* ********
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Re: Shores of Despare (part 7)

Post by Adian Novar »

Adian might have said more, but Cinder's pose sort of fuzzed out rational thought for a moment. He shook his head to try to shake it off.

"A minute ago she seemed to be mad at me and now...I don't get it."

The attack took mere seconds. The water seemed to come alive, suddenly encasing Neriah in a cocoon of water while a second great mass of water lanced out of the water and caught Cinder in the middle of her graceful arc. Both women were completely engulfed instantly and were dragged down to the bottom of the pool and carried into the nearly invisible tunnels under the surface. Their bodies scraped hard against the rocks but were sufficiently protected to keep from serious injury...outside of the terror of being dragged underwater and in danger of suffocation. Zarae, Sanisa, and Aurora were left alone.

Adian stared at the space where the women had been, at first unable to process what he had seen. A second later he let loose a wordless shout and ran towards the waters edge, looking frantically for them. There was, of course, no trace.
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Re: Shores of Despare (part 7)

Post by Zarae Zyne Kilanatlar »

Zarae sensed something was up. her instincts still underdark sharp had not grown accustom to the surface laxity yet. but still a bit weaker than she normally was, (due to the shadow's demise) it was too late. the force of whatever reaching up shoved her to the side, the edge of the underwater rock clipping her side, to take the two then suddenly vanish in its depths. levtating herself and launching up out of the water she propelled herself twords her stuff.
grabbing the cloak and removing the her house insignia in seconds, she activated the water breathing spell, ran for the water's edge, and prepare to dive into the depths of the small cave pool, dagger leading.
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Re: Shores of Despare (part 7)

Post by CinderSuru »

Cinder could hear Adains thought as clearly as if they were her own " Don't get it she wispered to him. " Ha! yes that does seem to be a keynote of your disposition you manage to maintain without difficulty " She rolled her eyes :roll: .

Cinder sprang high into the air arching back suddenly she was in the grip of some thing very larg that coiled itself around her. before she was able to call out to Adain she was pulled under the water she could see that Neriah was also in the strange creatures grip.
She was brought deep into the deepths of the under ground current so swiftly that she could barely comprehend what was happening. She felt a cold dark presents of the evilness surrounding her unable to reach her daggers she opened her mind calling out to Adain fortunately she was able to reach him. Quickly she secured the link with him before what ever was engaging the attack severd her link. She reached out for Zarae and could feel her preasants in the water coming toward them she secured there link as well.

ADAIN !!! she called out " this creature is taking us throw tunnels under the caves "
Suddenly she was taken to an under ground cave were there was a women standing at the waters edge rapped in a black cloak with deep red hues. Her long straight black hair glissoned in the light of the fire that she stood by. She had a snear on her lips her red eyes reeked evil.

Cinder was well train to protect her mind she knew she would try to control her thoughts and sever her link with Adain and Zarae. Cinder kept her focus on this one thing she called the red lights to her that were her gift from the spirit relems with intence powers of vision.They swirled anound her. Cinder would be able to see the thoughts emerge befor they were able to take action, the lights ready to strike at any attempt the evil women made to interfere with their physic links. She sent one to Adain so he was able to see what she was seeing in his minds eye. Cinder maintained her focus hiding her abilities with success the women would not be aware that she had failed at her attempt.
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Re: Shores of Despare (part 7)

Post by veraka »

Aurora was the first to sense the disturbance that ran through the air, followed closely by Sanisa, as she took on a look of worry and finally Veraka, when his head twitched around, as if looking for some invisible opponent.

Aurora again sniffed out, then yipped loudly; [i:2nibly4v]The water!![/i:2nibly4v] By the time Veraka had turned his head around, Neriah's half-attempted scream was muffled as she was drug under the now rippling water along with Cinder.

"NERIAH!!" came the aasimar's bellowing howl from where he was; about to dive in and go after his pregnant wife, he was stopped only by his mother's half-armored arm.

"Wait my son;" came Sanisa's commanding voice. "While you're wife is in immediate danger, if we both go blitzing into there, there's no telling what will happen; we could be walking right into a trap for all we know."

"Mother, I won't stand by whil. . . . "Veraka started to protest, his anger rising.

"I KNOW, VERAKA!" The Solar shouted, her voice thrumming with power and authority, her eyes glowed solid gold again; "but rushing in blindly, with no spells prepared, and no means to breath underwater, you, me and Aurora mine as well drown ourselves with no hope of success. Save your rage, my son; it doesn't suit our needs here."

Sanisa might not be able to follow them underwater, but she knew another way around such an obstacle; Her hands glowing with magic, the celestial woman cast [i:2nibly4v]Elemental Swarm[/i:2nibly4v], opening up a portal to the plane of water, and bidding two large water elementals to come through, followed by two huge elementals, then commanding a greater water elemental to come through. When the Solar was finished, five water elementals stood before her, two large, two huge, and one greater, all of them under her command.

Solar woman turned around to face the two male paladins behind her, as well as the one wolf; "well, gentlemen, hop on; we have our transportation; just hold your breath." There was a fire in the Solar's eyes that bordered the vengeful.
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Re: Shores of Despare (part 7)

Post by Zarae Zyne Kilanatlar »

((yep. so most our equipment will stay behind unless someone thinks to grab it.
since she was already in the dive, she wouldnt heard the words to wait.))

Zarae was in mid dive when the solor's words were spoken. into the water she went swimming down into the depths as much as she could. her speed was nothing compared to the beings that snatched up the two. and was far behind. arms strained as fast as they could. the rogue was only trained in the basics of swimming. the tunnel was dark, even with her darkvision. water made everything blurry much less mess with the temperature of their sight. grabbing the edge of stone she propelled herself into the strange L shaped turn of the tunnel.
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Re: Shores of Despare (part 7)

Post by CinderSuru »

No sooner had they arrived Cinder and Neriah were wisped into cages hanging behind the evil women a ways deeper into the cave. Cinder was angery and fightened thow she was not about to show her fear to her kidnapper. " Who are you? " she demanded shouting at the women.
" She is standing at the edge of the water by a large fire Adain where you will arrive " she wispered to him in her thoughts knowing that the women would not detect their communications.
The women did not answer she seemed to be preparing herself for the arrival of the others.
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Re: Shores of Despare (part 7)

Post by Adian Novar »

"Seen, not heard," their "host" commanded. With a gesture both Neriah and Cinder were incapable of making a sound and their arms were held by chains that seemed to have come from nowhere. "Don't interrupt, children. It's bad manners. Be good Damsels in Distress and let your heroes come to rescue you."

That done, she turned her attention to the pool of water, preparing a proper reception for the fools sure to follow. All the raw might in the world couldn't help them against a properly sprung trap...

* *

Adian stood feeling completely disoriented as he began getting sensory input from both his own senses and Cinders.

"Someone else is with them," he said, his eyes unfocused. "Someone...a woman. A mage of some kind. She doesn't look alarmed or angry...she's smiling. This is bad...she's doing something to the water..."

He forced himself to refocus when the elementals appeared. Gods above and below, just how powerful was Sanisia? Wait...this was their [i:35ywuynu]ride?[/i:35ywuynu]

That was all Adian needed to know. He took a deep breath and, trusting Sanisa's creations to be able to handle him and his armor, leaped into the pool with the elementals.

* *

Zarae came around the bend and suddenly the current seemed to reverse itself, violently. She was almost hurled against the rocky walls as the elemental, virtually invisible in the surrounding water, turned the tide against her. If she had not had her water-breathing magic spell going, it would have tried to drown her as well. Instead it simply grappled with the drow rogue, forcing her back down the tunnel and pinning her to the rocky floor.
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Re: Shores of Despare (part 7)

Post by veraka »

Neriah finally came around when she was locked in their cages; She found herself gagged and chained, almost completely immovable. Her crimson eyes fell on their captor, whom was standing over a pool of water; slowly, Neriah's mind pieced two and two together, and the conclusion enraged her.

Veraka, who probably weighed the most out of all of the party members, was wary, like Adian, but he then remembered that his children were in danger, as well as his wife. He then remembered the band that his mother had given him, as well as one to Neriah; those bands allowed the two to feel the other's emotions, regardless of the distance. He activated his matrimony band, and felt a surge of anger flood over his senses. At first he was taken aback by the feeling, but he then realized that Neriah was angry at her captor most likely.
This realization gave him some comfort.

Veraka, Aurora, Adian and Sanisa, safely up and inside their respective elementals, were then plunged into the pool that Zarae dove into, each being carried by four of the five water elementals, which then took them beneath the water's surface, moving at an ungodly speed underwater, the greater elemental leading the pack. Veraka, along with Aurora, were slow to release any air from their very limited supply, but slowly they did, releasing air very slowly from their nostrels. Sanisa, a celestial of great power, and a soldier of countless wars, had little difficulty keeping her breath in check whilst their elemental carriers sped them towards their friends and loved ones.

The group of five elementals and their four passengers, came upon Zarae, whom looked to be pressed up against the floor by the very water itself; however, to Sanisa's eyes, the answer lay in the fact that there was sixth water elemental scurrying around; and they'd stumbled right upon it.
Divine power enraptured celestial woman, as she wove her hands through the motions to a powerful abjuration spell.
"From this plane I command you," the solar spoke, though her words were barely more than sound filled air bubbles; "BEGONE!!" This time however, Sanisa's voice roared out through the walls, the power of the heavens coming down and flowing through her extended, armored hand. From her palm, the solar woman cast [i:1jeaor4n]Banishement[/i:1jeaor4n]. Should the elemental be less than a Greater elemental in power, it would find itself back in its home plane of water.
In War, Justice; In Peace, Hope; In Death: Sacrifice


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