A Return to Faerun from Elben Aator

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Adian Novar
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Post by Adian Novar »

Within the temple, a single voice began to rise above the others. Although many of the other voices quieted somewhat, most of the speaker's words were distorted by the stone walls of the church. A few words, however, did manage to drift on the wind to waiting ears.

"...with the eye of Tyr watching..."

"...demon-worshipping monsters..."

"...victory against the darkness..."

"...families can sleep tonight..."

The speaker was obviously a skilled orator. His words had just the right tone, the right ring of righteousness. Whoever it was, he was playing his audience like a lute.
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Post by NathreeDe'Shezbron »

Zazzt squinted his invisible eyes, trying to make out any words, but he couldn't hear the rest, he sighed, dissappionted, a choice had to be made, he could wait for his friends, or he try to sneak in himself... well since covert never was his style, and who knew when his friends would arrive, the situation seemed hopeless, unless... Zazzt realized that he was running low on divination spells, actually, this was his last, and one he had hoped to save until later... hmm, he might have to rethink his spell allotment with this new group, he had never needed this many noncombative spells before... oh well, Mystra offered him a challenge of his magic, and Eilistraee offered him a test of his blades. Zazzt, ever proud, wasn't about to fail them, or his sister, he realized, and smiled... Soon her fate would be decided... Back to business, he reminded himself. He knealt down, and cast a simple spell, one that would create a simple immoblie sensor, in the temple, so it might not be detected, it was after only a slight shimmer in the air, and either way, Zazzt wasn't worried, humans he could take, even without his impressive spell repetoir. He concentrated on the image it showed in his mind.
A fight need not end with the death of participant. A fight also ends when the desire to do violence is gone.

Adian Novar
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Post by Adian Novar »

After a few moments, the interior of the temple came into focus. The male villagers were gathered here, feasting on the food and drink that had doubtlessly been taken from the shrine. No small number of them had sustained bruises and other marks, but no serious injuries were evident. Standing on one of the tables was a man wearing the ecclesiastical robes of a priest of Tyr, and it was he who was doing the speaking.

His robes were of noticably better quality than everyone else in the place, including those of the other, younger priest near the back of the room. He was a tall man with a slightly craggy, charismatic face. Silver touched his temples, giving him a worldly air, and he was vigorous and energetic as he spoke.

"...the accursed demon-worshippers have faced the wrath of Tyr, and now they will face the wrath of their own filthy spider-queen! Their plot has failed! Failed thanks to the might and faith of the good people of Greenhaven!" (Loud cheers) "None of your wives and children will be bent before their altar awaiting their sacrificial knives!" (More cheering) "No more need you rush to your homes in fear of sunset!" (Still more cheers) "Tonight you can hold your heads up high and bravely face the beautiful night!"

The priest finished with a grand, sweeping gesture meant to include the entire village. His eyes shone with energy and his smile was that of a proud father greeting his sons returned from war. He bowed to great applause and stepped down, retreating to the door near the altar.

The young, unbearded priest in the back of the hall--no more than nineteen, if even that--looked a bit unsettled though he applauded with the rest. His heart didn't seem to be quite into the celebration as the rest of the townsmen. His eyes were darkened with vague doubts.

Not one had noticed that the usual sparkle of the altar of Tyr was slightly tarnished.
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Post by NathreeDe'Shezbron »

(Hooray for insane moments :D )
Zazzt resisted the urge to put a fireball in that man's face, he was a good speaker, give credit where credit is due, but still, the context of that speach seemed completly at odds with what Zazzt had learned of the Eilstraeen, or Tyr's faith. Hmm, mabey a fireball woudln't be such a bad idea... as soon as the villagers got out, of course... and where was the rest of his group, he wondered, he was certain that they could make the trip from there to here quickly... unless his sending had failed, in which case he was alone, he could have some fun, then. He disspelled his invisibility, and touched one of the two rings on his hands. It glowed a little, and its magic altered his features and skin color, (ring of chameleon), and where there was a drow, now stood a human, looking exactly like Zazzt, only with dark skin, and light brown hair.
But Zazzt decided to give the humans a sporting chance, and left his eyes unaltered, and pulling up the hood of his cloak, walked towards the temple.
A fight need not end with the death of participant. A fight also ends when the desire to do violence is gone.

Adian Novar
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Post by Adian Novar »

Berevar saw the reckless eccentric don his disguise and head for the temple. Gods only knew what he would stir up.

[center:hmke4chb]* * *[/center:hmke4chb]

Back with the horses, Umraeari's eyes fluttered open. Without warning she was suddenly flailing at Adian and at anyone nearby, trying to fend off attackers long since gone.

"It's all right!" Adian shouted, grabbing at her wrists as she tried to fend him off. "We're here to help! We're here to [i:hmke4chb]help[/i:hmke4chb]!"

Her struggles stopped and her gray eyes regained focus. She stared up at Adian and the others, shuddering. After several moments she seemed to regain her wits at last.

"The others...did they get away?" she asked, a faint Underdark accent in her voice.

Adian looked up at Delia for an answer.
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Post by NathreeDe'Shezbron »

Zazzt opened the door quietly, and stood near the back of the congregation. No need to draw attention to himself, he was crazy, not suicidal, after all. He itched to set off a fireball in the place, oh, that would have a very nice effect on the man on the pedestal, but decided that the "innocent" people who had simply been used by this man, weren't going to be judged by him. Nedylene would be the one to do that, but Zazzt planned to be the executioner, if need be. So he just stood in the background, hands on the hidden hilts of his weapons, and listened to the foolish cleric speak his little tirade against Eilistraee. It was a little funny, to one who had worshipped the goddess.
A fight need not end with the death of participant. A fight also ends when the desire to do violence is gone.

Adian Novar
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Post by Adian Novar »

A cup was lifted, one filled with wine taken from the shrine.

"To Brother Tanek," he said. "For showing us the truth!"

Most of the other cups and goblets were raised with a great rumble of approval, with the exception of those too deep in their cups to lift them. Brother Tanek smiled and lifted a hand as if to wave the toasts away.

"I merely pointed you in the right direction," he said. "It was you who made certain the drow would never trouble your homes again. You faced one of the most terrible evils in the Realms, my friends, and you are the victorious ones."

There was some general applause as Tanek retreated towards the door near the altar, amid much back slapping and handshakes. As the priest opened the door to the back rooms, a cup of wine was shoved into Zazzt's hands. The crowd dug into their newly won food and drink with enthusiasm...energy not shared by the young priest who hovered uncertainly in a corner.
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Post by silke_rahn »

Lady Nedylene came up to the injured Umraeari. She knelt down beside her. Then she gentlely touched her.

"Dalninil, the shrine had been defiled. I have just returned from reconsecrating it. I left my eldest Ingrid a young Moon Dancer and Darksong Knight with the Dawnsinger and Dawnbringer Ulrike Himmelstochter my guardian to protect it. I am Lady Nedylene Rahn the Argent Maid of Lunar Temple on the Isle of Elben Aator. These two young ladies, (points with her whole left hand to Delia and Elfie), are my adopted daughter Delia and my youngest daughter Elfie. Both are half-human, but are as much of Eilistraee as I am. Delia found you and the wreckage of the Shrine to the Lady of the Dance. Her, Elfie, young Adian, and the rest helped bind your wounds and protect you from further harm."

Nedylene then said a quiet prayer of unction and laided her hands on Umraeari's shoulders.

"Umraeari, dalninil, take this blessing of Eilistraee's and heal your wounds physical, spiritual and mental. Those that attacked your shrine did so while misguided by someone not truly of their faith. At least that is what I am told from the Dark Maiden."

"My dalninil in Eilistraee's love remember the villagers and others locally were deceived by this person for what ever goal so forgive them."
Drow on the Surface face as many dangers as those in the Underdark. Just because the Rivvil is friendly does not mean he wishes to help you, he may just want to get you off guard before knifing you.
Adian Novar
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Post by Adian Novar »

Umraeari took a shuddering breath as she regethered herself.

"I cannot thank you enough, Lady Rahn," she said as she accepted the blessing. "The debt I owe you and your kin is beyond words.

"Our first contacts were going well," she said. "Providing food for their hungry, aiding the lost. We were on the way to a face-to-face meeting next year. Today, though, it all vanished in a hearbeat.

"We sent two of our number into the woods with the children in our care," she explained. "While my sisters and I remained to try to buy them time. We tried to fight back, but we could not bring ourselves to strike down these people. They swarmed us under. I remember the screams of the others...the fire in the human's eyes..."

She shuddered. Adian wordlessly handed her his waterskin. She drank deeply before continuing.

"The ones who fled...have you found them? They were the youngest and are not practiced at woodcraft."
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Post by NathreeDe'Shezbron »

Zazzt sipped his drink thoughtfully, but otherwise joined in the revels fully, if a bit reservedly. He kept his eyes on "Brother Tanek" throughout the entire time, and had to fight the urge to plant a few magic missles in that man's face (no more firballs, at least). He excused himself from the party for a moment, and walked outside again. He cast another sending, for Adian this time, telling him to hurry with the rest of the group, or Zazzt would take measures into his own hands. Then he returned to the party, and ate along with the humans who had destroyed that shrine.
A fight need not end with the death of participant. A fight also ends when the desire to do violence is gone.

Adian Novar
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Post by Adian Novar »

Adian's eyes lost focus for a moment, then he looked startled.

"My Lady," Jace said, addressing Nedylene. "It sppears Zazzt has found the village. He suggests that we get there quickly before he does something himself."
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Post by NathreeDe'Shezbron »

Zazzt sighed, he hoped his friends wouldn't always be so slow to come, and decided that a little fun might be in order. He left the temple, and once again levitated to the roof, and snuck over to an open window. he quickly found Brother Tanek, and made sure to not lose sight of the man, as a precausion he cast a spell that would allow him to see the true form of the man, wanting to know who he was up against.
A fight need not end with the death of participant. A fight also ends when the desire to do violence is gone.

Adian Novar
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Post by Adian Novar »

Tanek was packing. He was busily packing together the most valuable and choice plunder from the shrine of the Dark Maiden, including the six bastard swords and their silver inlaid sheaths. Silver bowls, cups, eating utensils, and jewelry--unquestionably from the shrine as well--were being carefully wrapped in cloth and tucked away into a set of saddlebags.

The man, the spell indeed confirmed that he was a mortal man, was humming to himself as he worked. Even as Zazzt watched, Tanek finished packing the last of the valuables and was raiding the larder for food and water.

Suddenly Tanek stiffened and looked quickly towards the window. His eyes narrowed suspiciously and he began to move with more haste...and pulled a nasty-looking darkwood club from a drawer.
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Post by NathreeDe'Shezbron »

Zazzt smiled, it seemed as though the man would attack him... oh well, this would be self defense, he supposed, and smiling, he sent a lightning bolt at the man, and used its flash to lower himself to the floor of the room, throwing off his illusory self as he went.
When he landed, he drew one of his swords, the one that was made in the likeness of a dragon, and held it in his right hand, facing Brother Tanek. However, he still expected an attack from behind.
A fight need not end with the death of participant. A fight also ends when the desire to do violence is gone.

Adian Novar
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Post by Adian Novar »

The crackle of the bolt shattered the furtive peace of the room, blasting the priest had and hurling him up against the far wall. Incredibly, the man got to his feet with his club still in hand.

"Drow," he spat, his eyes flaming with contempt and hate. He raised his club and pointed it directly at Zazzt. [i:e1669fs2]"Elcha!"[/i:e1669fs2]

A bolt of pure force shot out and hammered into Zazzt, hurling him back towards the window with the force of an ogre's fist.

In the main hall of the church, the party continued unabated.
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