Shores of Despare (part 7)

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Re: Shores of Despare (part 7)

Post by veraka »

Seeing both Adian and Zarae both succumb to the effects of a spell that she'd only read about, Neriah was in the middle of casting a counter spell, when she too became enraptured in the [i:2lk5a5h0]Insanity[/i:2lk5a5h0] that was surrounding her.
Suddenly her vision went into a blur as she was back in one of her memories, when she first was about to give herself up to another person, though not by choice. being a slave in Faerun is hard enough, but when one has to willing surrender their body for the pleasure of another, it brings a whole new meaning to the thought. Seconds became minutes, which became hours as Neriah relieved every waking moment of that dreadful memory.

Neriah was standing in a room she couldn't' recall, but there were three humans and a drow male in the room; two of the humans were male, and both armed and armored. The third was a female dressed in the same way as she was; a simple silk robe that came only around one of her shoulders, and then draped to the ground. Neriah remembered that she had willingly given herself over to the drow male without hesitance; however something didn't feel right with her this time.
[i:2lk5a5h0]I'm carrying children; [b:2lk5a5h0]my[/b:2lk5a5h0] children![/i:2lk5a5h0] The thought raced through her head as she saw one of the human males pull out a dagger, while the other one closed in.

"We need to first make sure that you won't have any problems in our session," the drow spoke in a calm, but vengeful tone. Fear gripped Neriah as she instinctively placed a hand over her belly where she felt the life of her twin children. The humans closed in, one with the dagger in hand.

"NOOOO!!!!" she screamed, falling to her knees, clutching her head and her womb.

The fey'ri's voice was enough of a distraction for Veraka to make him turn his head in worry and surprise. However, in that moment, Adian collided with the aasimar. Veraka had been caught completely off guard by the drow paladin; first because of his beloved wife screaming out, and then cause of Adian slamming into him. The drow's shouts of anger made Veraka think for a quick second before Adain's hands were clenched around his neck. Air slowly stopped coming to the aasimar, his windpipe being crushed by one whom he considered a friend.
Then Veraka's eyes became solid silver.
"Adian!!" the aasimar growled as he locked his hands onto the drow's head; with one swift movement, Veraka brought his head down upon the younger paladin as he pulled Adian's head forward, smashing his forehead into the drow's in a solid headbutt. For Veraka, who was a barbarian by birth, such a move was not uncommon for him. The assimar guessed, however, that the drow was not so used an Uthgardt barbarian's way of saying 'get off'.

Neriah let loose another scream from her mouth, this one like Zarae's, as her memory quickly turned nightmare, and she wailed. Veraka turned his head and shouted; "mother, help my Neriah and my friends!"

Sanisa, having faced this kind of magic before, was already uttering the words to one of the most powerful spells that one could cast; her armored gloves glowed with holy energy, her eyes were solid gold orbs as she weaved her magics through the air.
"Torm, my lord, grant your servant her request, that she quench these good people of these malicious magics;" Sanisa had her head bowed low, her left knee bent to the ground with her eyes closed, where she was continued to speak her prayer and spell; "Let them not suffer from what evil has been done here, and may it creep back to the pits from which it CAME!!" Her eyes flashed open, burning with divine wrath, right as she brought her hands together to close over her holy greatsword, which released her summoned spell, [i:2lk5a5h0]Miracle[/i:2lk5a5h0].
A whirlwind force blew Sanisa's silvery hair back, as she again summoned down the energies from her god to aid her son, his wife and children, and all of his friends. The holy energies washed over the group, cleansing them of all the effects of the [i:2lk5a5h0]Insanity[/i:2lk5a5h0] spell that had enraptured the group.
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Re: Shores of Despare (part 7)

Post by Adian Novar »

Adian fell to his knees, stunned by the surprise impact. He hadn't even it coming through his veil of madness. Even so he fought through the pain, clambering to his feet to rejoin the battle...and lurched sideways. Where before he had fought to slay, now he fought to simply regain his balance.

Suddenly the nightmare fabric was torn away. A great bearded human face appeared in his mind, slashing the tatters of the living nightmare into nothing.

[i:gjgj588g]"Easy, lad,"[/i:gjgj588g] the man told him. [i:gjgj588g] "And stand down."[/i:gjgj588g]

At the same moment he felt a touch on his forehead, a touch he had felt once before in his life. He would know her touch anywhere...

Adian relaxed as his vision cleared. His head hurt and his sword was on the ground, as were Cinder and Zarae. The terrible images were disappearing from his memory like an awful dream. He found himself string at Sanisa, the most commanding force in the room. He looked around at what the brief chaos had wreaked on them. He couldn't see it but the four silver dots on his forehead had glowed briefly in response to Sanisa's miracle.

"What...what happened?" he asked, still too dazed to come up with anything original.
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Re: Shores of Despare (part 7)

Post by CinderSuru »

Cinder fell hard on the floor of the cave Adain having pushed her away in his fit of terror.
She was knocked unconscious as she lay there she could hear what was going on around her but could not move.
Pain serged throw her back Cinder tryed to link with Adain but found it difficult. She could feel the power of the Solors prayers being answered as the energy moved throw the cave releasing the grip of the evil on every one thow she lay there helpless and limp. Again she called out to Adain fearing for the life in her womb. She also reached out for the Solor who she though might have stronger perseptional abilities.
She layed still unable to move hoping that the Solor could revive her.
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Re: Shores of Despare (part 7)

Post by Zarae Zyne Kilanatlar »

Zarae had been in the weakest state with her shadow having succumbed to the skeletons earlier. Else she would have not so readily fell into the spell. And it was slowest to dissipate from her. Averl and Nilrae vanished, the movement and colors stopped. and the ground return to stillness. Her voice hoarse and throat raw, her screams died down. the spell flooded over her wiping everything away as a cloth on a chalkboard. Zarae's eyes opened again, this time they were their normal color, besides the tint of blue edging them. Trying to catch her breath, and understand what was going on, she reached out to the wall behind her and tried standing. She felt a bit lightheaded but it wasnt long before she was on her feet, somewhat solidly.
the rogue looked around, Cinder, Adain and Neriah seamed to be also recovering from whatever ordeal while Veraka and his mother remained unscathed. (since CInder is down, she's assuming). About to head to someone, her steps were wobbly and she almost lost balance. but managing a few steps twords her group, she called out with a voice so hoarse it was screeches and groans, then nothing.
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Re: Shores of Despare (part 7)

Post by veraka »

Veraka, hearing Adian's question, came walking over to him, extending an armored glove to him, and hoisting the young drow paladin, should the young lad accept the hand.

"You were caught in a nightmare spell, or at least as far as I could tell. It got hold of Neriah, Zarae and Cinder as well."

[i:2nvsb8bd]Don't forget me,[/i:2nvsb8bd] came a female wolf voice in Veraka's head. Aurora came padding out of a dark corner, her white fur shaking as she walked over to the aasimar and drow paladins. [i:2nvsb8bd]I have not wanted to relive those memories of when I was a pup at all. Seeing it, even if it was a repetition, was all to real, and very earth-shaking.[/i:2nvsb8bd]

"It's called an [i:2nvsb8bd]Insanity[/i:2nvsb8bd] spell, and a damn right for it is the bane of any folk, good or evil," came Sanisa's voice, as the Solar herself came walking back towards the two men, though she angled towards Cinder, her white, feathered wings furled the entire time. Her voice carried with it a millennium's worth of knowledge and wisdom, though her strides suggested something much more powerful beneath the elegant skin of the celestial woman.
"One of most perverse and devouring pieces of magic that one can wield, [i:2nvsb8bd]Insanity[/i:2nvsb8bd] is never to be taken lightly, and never to be cast without proper knowledge of just want kind of school of magic the caster is delving into." Veraka's mother placed her hands on Cinder's chest, and cast [i:2nvsb8bd]Heal[/i:2nvsb8bd] upon the pregnant drowess. From Sanisa flowed the radiant, healing energies, which mended any damage that Cinder had sustained, both during the fighting and during her struggle with a once insane Adian.

If Cinder recovered as the Solar expected her to, she'd open her eyes to see Sanisa's golden orbs looking down upon her.

Veraka turned then, and headed over to Zarae, giving her a hand when she stumbled, but making sure she got back to the group in time. Veraka, being a paladin, had a few spells at his disposal that he figured could help the young rogue. Extending an armored glove to her, he waited for her to accept; Should she choose to do so, Zarae would feel a light fuzz of energy flow over her as the aasimar cast [i:2nvsb8bd]Cure Light Wounds[/i:2nvsb8bd] on her.
By the time, Veraka turned around, his mind going towards his wife by then, he already saw his mother kneeling over Neriah, her mithril armored gloves glowing with healing energies as she slowly made sure that Neriah, and the unborn children were safe.

Sanisa slowly got up, and turned to face her son, nodding slowly towards him, a smile of joy and relief crossing her features; "Neriah will live; she needs rest though. Reliving those memories of hers seems to have had an adverse affect on her; from what I saw with my magics, my grandchildren were fine from the ordeal."
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Re: Shores of Despare (part 7)

Post by Adian Novar »

Adian was tremendously relieved to see Cinder and the others recovering. He put his hand to his head...and winced when he touched his forehead. Veraka's head had been very solid.

"I can't...seem to remember it all," he said. "Just that it was terribly frightening. Did anything?"

Ice seemed to form in his chest as he remembered that Cinder had not been hurt in the moments before the horror had started. Gods above...what had he done?
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Re: Shores of Despare (part 7)

Post by CinderSuru »

Cinder gazed into the face of the gleaming Solor as she realized she was cured her back was healed as she probed her womb she also was relived that the twin embryos were safe as well.
" Thank you My Lady Sanisa " she said smiling bowing her head, Cinder looked at Neriah smiling.
she knew everyone was fine feeling the mood of everyone.

She sprang to her feet and walked over to Adain " Well you throw me to the ground is what you have done and oh by you have gone and got me pregos as well. " she flung her arms around and fipped him to the ground over her shoulder then dove onto him sitting on his chest she gripped his shoulders to hold him down without much success.

<<<<<>>>>> <<<<<>>>>>
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Re: Shores of Despare (part 7)

Post by Adian Novar »

She didn't have to try all that hard. Her words floored him far more thoroughly than anything else.

What? He'd assaulted her [i:3b8i4xgs]and[/i:3b8i4xgs] gotten her pregnant? Had he [i:3b8i4xgs]raped[/i:3b8i4xgs] her while in his fugue state? No...that couldn't be right. She certainly wouldn't be smiling.


Drow, like most elves, had a comparatively low birthrate, though by elven standards the Drow were particularly prolific. Nevertheless it was still not something that happened easily. Adian had never considered himself consort material...he'd been chosen for something else. And now Cinder was saying...? After [i:3b8i4xgs]one[/i:3b8i4xgs] time?

He had no idea what to say. He was having a hard time stringing two thoughts together at the moment.
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Re: Shores of Despare (part 7)

Post by CinderSuru »

Cinder sat on top of Adain his face rather blank and his mind was not to far behind.
" It is as much a shock to me " she commented.
" Childern or a mate was not something I had planed on either Adain but odviously that will be a larg part of my future and if you recall it was one night but all night and several times and much of the morning I don't remeber any complants at the time " She said with a sharp glare.
Cinder got up and was rather disturbed at his thoughts " I think I will explore the cave it seems the danger is over at the moment. "
She scanned the area with her mind and started walking to were she sensed a hot spring not far down a close cavren. It was dark but she could hear water trickling over rocks as she walked a ways down the cavren sure enough a ways down there she found a deep pond were there was a fisher in the rock over head, light pored in over the pond she could see white fish swimming along the bottom and mushrooms and other strange flowering foliage grew in and around it.
She put down her bow and arrows took off her armor and dived in swimming along the bottom with the beautiful shining white fish.
Cinder surfaced and sat on a rock with her feet dangling in the warm water tears streamed down her face her hand over her tummy, she was so frightened this was so unexpected perhaphs this would be a uwellcome burden on Adain they were both so young, perhaphs she should not have told him she just blurted it out, sometime i just don't think before I open my mouth she said to herself.
The giant white wolf padded over to her sitting beside her with a comforting look she nudged her affectionatly. Cinder drapped her arms around the great wolfs neck and kissed her nose.
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Re: Shores of Despare (part 7)

Post by Adian Novar »


But she was gone, vanished into the water. In an annoyed huff that had seemingly come from nowhere.

"Would someone please tell me what just happened? Is the madness still clinging to us, perhaps?"
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Re: Shores of Despare (part 7)

Post by CinderSuru »

Cinder was glad to see Zarae at the other edge of the pool she dried her eyes and looked at Adain rolling them skyward :roll: . " male drow can be so clueless sometimes " she pointed out.
Zarae agreed looking at Adain and dived into the pool.
Cinder stood up her long white hair ran dripping down her naked torso she posed rather senuouasly teasing Adain and dived in with Zerae otherwise ignoring him.
" I am starting to understand why drows are matrialchal" Cinder mentioned " Yes " Zerae agreed splashing Cinder with a giggle and dove to the bottom of the pool. She was beginning to like this idea of swimming and found it invigorating.
Cinder dove after her the two drow females swam playfully with the curious but shy fish.
Cinder seemed to forget her sorrow enjoyng the company of Zarae and the fish leaving Adain
with Aurora and the news that he would be the father of both a boy and a girl in a year from now to chew on.

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Re: Shores of Despare (part 7)

Post by Zarae Zyne Kilanatlar »

((ok done with finals...D-U-N...DONE! lol.
wait, Zar is going swimming? ok, i can work this. how about, short break...I'll assume Neriah and the solar have gathered to talk with Cinder, complain about guys, and give advise. so RP any of it you want then we'll move on shortly.

if what i suggest is unsatisfactory, will edit. ))

the group decided to take 10 minutes to rest, the girls gathered over by the small cavern pond while the guys stood over ont he otherside trying to understand their women. Zarae was quiet as she remained in the water, Cinder listening to words of wisdom from the older females. the rogue had little advice in romance and families. She grew up with the normal drow in the cities below. and she had yet to find a special someone.
of course Zarae was known to make jokes or smart off, "well, there are males. Its in that Y-chromosome," she jested.
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Re: Shores of Despare (part 7)

Post by CinderSuru »

(( OOOWah YAHHH Z<<<>>> Hope ya all get great marks ))

((( OOps! sorry Zarae I thought you said you would be gone for a wile and some how i got out of that that we could move you Zeara <<>> reading too fast and did not read it a second time as I usally have too )))

Cinder was happy to have the company of the women she had not had much oppertunity to realy get to know Neriah, it was some kinda odd fate that they both were carring twins.
Cinder found her quite interesting she had not met a demon fairy before she found herself in very interesting company indeed. Zerae was her age and there minds seemed to meld with out difficulties as with Adain perhaphs it was that they were all three drow. Cinder found herself having a warm affection for Zerae and her zeal for adventure appitizing.
Cinder Sighed playfully " yes Zarae i suppose the creator did have something in mind when creating them " Cinder looked directly at Adain.
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Re: Shores of Despare (part 7)

Post by Zarae Zyne Kilanatlar »

((no problem. i did expect to be out longer than i actually was. and thanks!
gunna let the others get 1 post in then we'll move on unless yall wanna spend longer yaking.))

"besides physical uses," she continued to jest, then shook her head at that thought.
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Re: Shores of Despare (part 7)

Post by CinderSuru »

(( I can never resist yakin ))

Cinder swam to the edge and looked over the mushrooms growing there, she chose a large one and pulled it out breaking it in half offered one peice to Zarae " I can vouch for that Zarae, well as far as Adain is concerned anyway " she smiled a crocked smile. " He is qualified enough, I think i will keep him. I hope i don't have to poision any other females that might have idea's of there own thow, that can be a problem i suppose when you have a such a beautiful mate " she said in a matter of fact tone then bit into the mushroom.

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