Vale of Shadows Part 6

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Post by Zekafae »

At mentions of killings he said flatly" I don't buy the religion need to kill. Coin and boredom are good enough excuses... nature seems to agree when it comes to doing things on a whim." Looking to the 'happy' pair" I wonder.. if they still have me banned at almost all the taverns along the coast.." He mused slightly, looking to inrii." Making a name for ourselves doesn't always involve getting treasures, it just helps and makes it all the more fun." Rubbing his chin slightly" I could use some more weapons.... perhaps some tomes.." Eili chimes in 'Right... you have enough weaponry to supply a whole army to last a war..' to which he muttered" try enough to supply both sides and make money all around.."
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Post by Delvaro »

He raised his arms in a defensive posture. "Woah, theres nothing religious in the killing of Lolthian drow, unless they're not truly Lolthian. I admit, i have a slight grudge against them and i wont mourn the ones i killed, since i usually kill the ones who need to be killed." he explained.

He fidgeted with his bag until he pulled out a small bottle, pulled out the cork with his teeth and took a swig and held it in front of him, as if offering it. "Im not usually a morning drinker but that trek through the desert made me rather thirsty."
Vel''bol zhah veirus, shlu''ta tlu pahntus. Vel''bol zhah velkyn, shlu''ta tlu muth. Vel''bol zhah dossta... shlu''ta tlu usst.

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Post by Inriiaynrae Jaelre »

the sorceress gave the newest drow a look that would clearly remind him to not speak so loud and obvious. there were plenty of ear listening, and to have her business, even if she didnt say, heard... the priestess was only tolerating her at best as it were. that was fine enough with her.
"if i were a stinkin spider-kisser, I doubt you would have gotten this far to begin with," she said matter of factly.
as for making the name, she hadnt really saw this trek as that. she had her own reasons, as did the others, even if they didnt know it at the time. but among this group that they were staying with, it was best to make them think they were just treasure hunters.
jokingly she replied to the ranger she was leaning against, "why, i didnt think you would need to have a reason; and of course the 'shiney stuff' always makes it more fun. maybe not as fun as some of the company."
as if on cue, the emerald scaled lizard popped out of her pack and crawled over to Inrii's lap.
'[color=red:1yryzl4p]brrrrr, its cold,[/color:1yryzl4p]' Zarstra replied thru the link.
Inrii turned down the alcoholic drink before speaking to the stranger, "if you just came from the desert, then what make you willing to go back?"
Main character: Inriiaynrae
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Post by Delvaro »

Vel froze, thinking about that hellish place again. What will make him go back there? he placed his chin on his hand, assuming the 'thinking man' pose and 'hmmm'd.

"Well, shiny stuff certainly sound tempting, and you look like a bunch who could easily get the job done. I already have a contract with my supplier, who is...a long way from here so i guess a lovely dagger, preferebly enchanted, would do, if we happen to stumble upon one of those. I dont really need coin, since i already have more than enough to survive and most town chase me out with pitchforks, a thte best case scenario..." he said, a pondering expression on his face.

"Well, i guess several drinks, good company and some good, shiny loot will do." he finished with a smile, which turned into a wide grin as he added: "Maybe a kiss will make me forget about the loot and just come for the company?"
Vel''bol zhah veirus, shlu''ta tlu pahntus. Vel''bol zhah velkyn, shlu''ta tlu muth. Vel''bol zhah dossta... shlu''ta tlu usst.

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Post by Zekafae »

" Okay, kiss a lich and call it done." he mused coldly before shrugging" There'll be enchanted weapons I'm sure. If not then there most likely will be some very nice antiquities to sate your thirst for treasure." Looking to inrii" The company is quite pleasant and depending on how things go, one could almost say desirable." he mused slightly though she if anyone should pick up the slight undertone he had.
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Post by Inriiaynrae Jaelre »

things were going rather ok, until the last statement. she narrowed her eyes and gave him a obvious look, tho she didnt throttle him, yet. Zek speaking sorta helped her to not do anything rash. and Velken woulda been able to guess something tween them.
"i suggust anyone departing needs to get prepared to leave at noon," she said to them, "we got a couple hours before heading out."
looking to Vel, "if you have been from the desert, then you have some knowledge and thus making you useful at the moment."
Main character: Inriiaynrae
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Post by Delvaro »

He saw her narrow her eyes and backed away slightly, raising his hands apologetically. "Sorry, couldnt help it. Just dont...whip me or something, i have enough females back home who will want to skin me alive and then dump me into a barrel of salt for such words..." he trailed off there, thinking about his sister and his elven companion, wincing when he remembered that both of them had whips.

His experience taught him that females were perhaps the most dangerous creatures in the realms. "Well, what they dont know wont hurt me, as long as they dont know... hells hath no fury like a woman scorned," he mumbled under his breath.

"Anyway, you're right. I am perhaps the most useful drow in the realms, since i basically have anything to say about anything. Regardless i will give you several advices right now," he paused to take another swig from his bottle, "first, take a lot of water. Like, a lot of it because its pretty dry there. Second, since i see that like myself you are not exactly sun-friendly. My eyes have been enchanted and they are rather used to the sun but in the desert, its damn bright and to me its damn painful. And third, its hot there. The sun burns you, the sand burns you and your eyes burn. At night though its damn cold, but i prefer the night anyway so i wont complain." he explained, telling what he learned from his treck through the great desert. If he knew it was there in the first place, he wouldve taken a detour, even if it took him tendays.
Vel''bol zhah veirus, shlu''ta tlu pahntus. Vel''bol zhah velkyn, shlu''ta tlu muth. Vel''bol zhah dossta... shlu''ta tlu usst.

My character:

Velkyn Val''''Serra
Inriiaynrae Jaelre
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Post by Inriiaynrae Jaelre »

"and you should again be glad im not a spider-kisser," her hand purposely fidgeting with Firecracker (a whip) just to see his reaction. then gave a slight smirk, for who knew what reason.
"and here i thought you'd be more useful than that..." she replied in her usual sarcasm.
of course she knew to take water and watch for the sun, she was surface born after all. her surname, had she given it out, woulda been clue to that. but she had better use for him, assuming he's been to the area they were looking at.
turning to Veraka, "how many canteens, waterskins and such do you carry? and how much water could you carry if we managed more?"
she knew Neriah was a magic user as well, but she refused to ask her. the sorceress still would not let the grudge go. (at least she's up the scale than Alya)[/size:3a2r8ryi] Aurora, a winter wolf, was gunna be hurting the most in the desert heat, tho with it just now winter, it might be the slightest bit milder. which wasnt saying much.
"Aurora, how do you plan to handle the desert? do you have some way to keep cool?"
plans still turning in her head, she would see what supplies this group of the forest would part with. tho who was still coming was still up for debate. she would need to see if Virgil was coming. and the redspawns who'd been so quiet (assuming asleep).
"you," indicating Zek, "i know must have plenty of room for food if you dont already carry enough for a town. do we still need more?"
still thinking and with her new raw energies.
she had an idea.
Main character: Inriiaynrae
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Post by Zekafae »

Listening he just had a wry smirk, that if he were female, it meant most likely a country would be dead by sun rise. Speaking" Plenty of room for food and water for awhile. I have spare water skins and I learned how to pace my rations to survive. I might have something to use for makeshift protection of our eyes. I would also advise traveling at night, however there maybe horrors lurking.. also we don't know for certain if there is any shelter to hide out in or under until night."
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Post by veraka »

Veraka, despite what Velkyn had said, had a slight, though very [b:f8r8ntqi]real[/b:f8r8ntqi] inclination to throw a serious punch at the drow for his comment about a kiss to keep company with them for their journey.

However, Zek's comment about a lich and what not, made the aasimar smile a bit, as it did Neriah. Though the fey'ri took it one further; "well, we wouldn't want you to have [b:f8r8ntqi]two[/b:f8r8ntqi] females here with the inclination to pull a lash on you, now would we."
Her devious smile was more than enough for Aurora to laugh, in her winter wolf way.

However, it was Inrii's questions towards Aurora and Veraka that made the trio lay off.
Veraka, hearing Inrii's question about water, replied nonchalantly, "about seven waterskins, and a couple of canteens that we pilfered back from Daggerfalls. As to how many I can carry should we have more to spare; probably another ten on my own, maybe fifteen if need-be."

Aurora, hearing the sorceress about the desert, growled lightly; [i:f8r8ntqi]I'll be able to travel in the heat, but unless we have a plentiful water-source, for which I would need just to keep myself hydrated, traveling by night will be a must if we are to keep water consumption down to a manageable level.[/i:f8r8ntqi]

Neriah was a slightly irratated that Inrii hadn't asked about her being of help to the group and was about to ask the sorceress why, in a not-so-nice fashion, when she caught Veraka looking at her, his silver eyes glowing as if to say something.

She tilted her head as to why. However, when the aasimar inclined his head towards his pack, she caught on. If Veraka was gonna be slugging additional water on himself, he'd need to let some of his burden be lightened. Whilst Neriah didn't appreciate the fact that Inrii had completely ignored her, though she let it slide, seeing as Veraka needed her help anyways.
However, she [b:f8r8ntqi]did[/b:f8r8ntqi] give Inrii an intense glare, her crimson eyes blazing as she narrowed them.
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Post by Delvaro »

Vel was a bit worried about their not-so-hidden hinting. He decided that the flirting should stop right here and now, else he might find himself in an equally awkward and painful situation, perhaps from both the females and aasimar, although the wolf might also join in.

"I already have my protection," Vel said, gesturing at his hat, "As for shelter...the only thing i can think of is rocks. I passed near some large boulders and i used them for shelter, both shade and against predators but i havent seen anything else that could be used for the same purpose." he explained, recalling his trek through the hellish landscape. "The only thing we [i:343matsg]really[/i:343matsg] need to look out for are the sandstorms. While i havent been in one i did manage to witness one from many miles away, and i dont wish to meet it up close. I've heard that many travelers and fine warriors perished in such places, mainly due to sandstorms."
Vel''bol zhah veirus, shlu''ta tlu pahntus. Vel''bol zhah velkyn, shlu''ta tlu muth. Vel''bol zhah dossta... shlu''ta tlu usst.

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Velkyn Val''''Serra
Inriiaynrae Jaelre
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Post by Inriiaynrae Jaelre »

Inrii saw the the fey'ri and her not so subtle look. and she maintained a smug look almost daring her to try something. Inrii had her spells back, she wasnt as weak as before. and if the traitoress tried it, she'd let her have it.

after a few moments, getting back to the business at hand, "yes, I think night travel will be best for all. assuming nothing haunts at night worse than the blazing sun and sand. the mines I wanna stop at was taken over by orcs. but if i remember right, they had been run off. ((for this RP they have anyway))[/size:1tnfffy0] so which ever group occupies should have some desert supplies; particularity- camels, some desert proof tents, and mountain gear. we never stopped and got some in Daggerfalls. and all this loot from the spider-kissers should sell for a nice price."
Inrii looked back to the trees where Xull and her group were. as much as she hated to go to her, it would be the wisest.
"oh, and whilst I think of it..." she started, then looked to the ranger, gave him a mischievous look, then playfully yet purposefully pushed him over without explanation.

then she looked in the creases of the armor; tho what she was doing or even why would be a loss to most, as they would just chuck it up to her usual insanity.
maybe there were trapped horse hairs from Midnight. if he didnt, then she have to wait to test the possible new spell.

(( [/size:1tnfffy0]))
Main character: Inriiaynrae
Second Character: Ariali
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Post by Zekafae »

Watching the scene he shook his head" So, you're absolutely useless without your hat? Well Now I know who will be bait against any fiends we come across. And here's a nice little lesson young one." he let the last two words be more pronounced almost dripping in venom" Thank you for exposing your weakness to Others around you. Don't do it again, there's most likely unseen ears around waiting for you to say something and expose a weakness." He looked to inrii and shrugged slightly" I prefer finding the black market and selling it there.. such wares sometimes fetch far higher prices..." He was going to say something at how she looked at him before being pushed over. He knew she was up to something then raised a brow" Careful in what you're looking for.. You never know what you'll find." There probably was hair, whether from the horse or on his shoulder from her who knew. He didn't preen his armor that often.. it did it's purpose preening was not needed.
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Post by Delvaro »

He looked at Zakafae with mock hurt in his face. "The sun is a mere inconvinience to me, and let me tell you something, old man," he emphasized the last two words, only with a grin from his part. "Some fools will exploit my weaknesses when i know they will exploit it and thus it is no longer a weakness but only a trap because i know what they will go after and i will be able to stop them and use it against them." he finished, still wearing that grin. "its all in the mind my friend. I have met dozens, ney, hundreds of fool that fell for that trap."
Vel''bol zhah veirus, shlu''ta tlu pahntus. Vel''bol zhah velkyn, shlu''ta tlu muth. Vel''bol zhah dossta... shlu''ta tlu usst.

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Velkyn Val''''Serra
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Post by Inriiaynrae Jaelre »

"ah ha!" she said pulling out a few strands of black horse hair and putting them into her spell component pouch. she then 'released' the ranger to allow him to get up. and with the conversation tween him and the new guy tensions were high already. and with the issue tween her and the fey'ri, another one wasnt needed.
"play nice, or else..." she said hopping up.
the fire was basically smoldering, the roasting deer already been stored and put away. a half drow was walking around cleaning up. the seer was sitting on the porch of the 'tree house'. the sun was above the tree tops; ((like 45 minutes past sunrise))[/size:3abbyocj]
Inrii headed over twords Xull to speak with her.
Main character: Inriiaynrae
Second Character: Ariali
Antagonist: Alya
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