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Post by Nedylene »

[t:3d9e6ck8]"Another drink?"
[t:3d9e6ck8]The orc says with a smile to the ibixiri,
[t:3d9e6ck8]"Of course,"
[t:3d9e6ck8]He pours more of the ibixiri's chosen beverage into a cup, handing it to him, before turning to the hostile drow,
[t:3d9e6ck8]"Do you think your Goddess and her avatars have the time to just drop everything they are doing to come and get you because you die? They hardly spend all their time sitting on their thrones and looking pretty.As for what would happen if I were attacked, well perhaps I should now answer another question many of you are probably thinking about."
[t:3d9e6ck8]He clears his throat before continuing and wipes up a spill off the bar.
[t:3d9e6ck8]"My name is Marcus. Although I may appear to be a full blooded orc, I assure you I am not. My mother was a minor deity of the elven pantheon. One night the goddess was attacked in her own domain. The god Korelian Lorethian came upon her in time to save the poor woman from death, but not in time to prevent her from being raped and impregnated with me.'
[t:3d9e6ck8]" The god who attacked that poor Goddess was none other than the evil orc God Gruumsh. When the goddess, whose name I am not disclosing in order to protect her, found out she was pregnant she almost had me aborted. But she was far to sweet natured, so when I was born she thought to abandon me on the mortal plane. But the other gods intercepted. Though my powers in comparison to my father's are minut, I am none the less, a full blooded God."
[t:3d9e6ck8]"Upon my birth, the gentle and accepting drow Goddess Elistraee adopted me and raised me as her own. I now work for Kelemvor, guiding the souls of fallen warriors until their accension to their Gods, and then, yes, to their final judgement."
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Post by Zakharra »

She listens to the orc's explanation quietly, an elbow resting on the top of the bar. Hearing of his mother's rape, she smirks. The smirk fades when she hears the name of Eilistraee, it is replaced by a scowl.

"So, you where raised by the Dancing Fool. Figures, and now you help the dead find their place? For your information, I should have gone to my Goddess's home. There I would wait until summoned and then be judged by Her. You obviously have a false idea of what She does. Something or someone diverted me for a reason. This", her finger taps the cocuntertop, "is not where I should be."

Flipping the key in the air, she grabs it and pushes off from the bar.

"Send up hot water. I have to bathe", and vanishes up the stairs.
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Post by Rooky »

*Kadgama looks over the cup to the dark elf. He had no idea what so ever who the Hells was Eilistraee, or who was She. But the she sounded like a pretty strict deiety. When the woman left he watched her walk away still figuring out who were the goddesess she and the orc spoke of. Not having much luck at it, he truned to the orc.*

- Who were these gods you spoke of? Our shamans know nothing of them...

OOC: Do what you want here. If you don't have the will to reply don't. Just say something deep :D
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Post by Nedylene »

[t:mxibti5v]'Well the Goddess who raised me , the one the drow insulted, Eilistraee, is the only drow deity of the light. She is the daughter of the elven high God Corelian Lorethian and the evil drow Goddess, Araushnee, who later became known as Lolth. Lolth is more than likely the Goddess our 'sweet friend' worships. Eilistraee is not liked amongst the below ground drow because she is a good goddess and encourages the drow to leave the under dark and come above, putting their evil deeds behind them. So as you can imagine Lolth and her followers have an intense disliking towards this 'wayward' daughter."
[t:mxibti5v]The orc sighs then, and turns towards the kitchen,
[t:mxibti5v]He calls out and a small human boy comes out of the kitchen, wiping his wet hands on an apron.
[t:mxibti5v]"Yes master?"
[t:mxibti5v]The boy asks the orc,
[t:mxibti5v]"Send the drow lady some hot water and soaps for bathing, and mind your p's and q' s, she's a feisty one."
[t:mxibti5v]The human boy laughs,
[t:mxibti5v]"Aye , master, right away."
[t:mxibti5v]The boy returns to the kitchens and the orc turns back to face all of you,
[t:mxibti5v]"Have you any more questions? I will tell you all this as well. The drow vehemently believes she is in the wrong place, and that is simply not so. The reason all fallen heros come here, regardless of their chosen faith or.."
[t:mxibti5v]The orc clears his throat,
[t:mxibti5v]Temperament, is because when many of you leave that life in battle you are confused. Sometimes you do not realize you are even dead and at times your wits are addled. This place was created to give you a chance to clear your mind and prepare you for your accension to your deity and your judgement by Kelemvor, for , yes, all of you will be judged by him. Lolth is many things but no Goddess of Death and judgement is she. It helps, often times, for you to speak of how you died, and what your goals were, in order to truly accept the fact that you are dead."
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Post by Zakharra »

Upstairs, the drow woman uses the key to open her room door. Inside she finds a small, simple, but very clean room. A comfortable bed lay along side the far wall, and a small dresser/washstand with a stool on the other wall, under the window. A armor stand stood at the end of the bed, a weapons rack next to it. On the last wall was a fireplace, with a fire merrily burning. A pile of wood was neatly stacked next to it.

She ran her hands thru her hair, wincing as her fingers caught on rats and clumps of dry blood in the thick mane. She turns to close the door, and her foot hits the side of a large empty tub.

"The washbasin.. Such a vessel of refinement and luxury." She sneers, kicking the door the rest way closed and begins removing her armor. Blood coated steel comes loose, to be neatly set aside for later cleaning. The padding underneath was soaked in blood and sweat. The liquids leaving large blotches on it. That to is removed and she stretches. Her weary bones and muscles burning with exhaustion.

Hearing a knock on the door, she grabs her mace and pads over to it. "Xas? Who is it?"


"Come in." She flips the latch and pulls the door open, letting the boy in with pails of hot water. Once they were poured into the tub and he left, she relocks the door and sinks into the tub with a sigh of relief. The heat soothing her tired and weary muscles.
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Post by Rooky »

[quote="Nedylene":3lzmf9ns][t:3lzmf9ns]'Well the Goddess who raised me , the one the drow insulted, Eilistraee, is the only drow deity of the light. She is the daughter of the elven high God Corelian Lorethian and the evil drow Goddess, Araushnee, who later became known as Lolth. Lolth is more than likely the Goddess our 'sweet friend' worships. Eilistraee is not liked amongst the below ground drow because she is a good goddess and encourages the drow to leave the under dark and come above, putting their evil deeds behind them. So as you can imagine Lolth and her followers have an intense disliking towards this 'wayward' daughter."[/quote:3lzmf9ns]

- So there's a constants cosmic struggle beetwen mother and doughter? So, Llolth, the one that's bad, and Eilistraee is the shining beacon of hope and light for all of the...drow...what ever the Hells they are....that want to leave cruel and wicked homeland to start a new life filled with good and kidness?
Truly interesting...I think I'll go and worship the gods of...*looks to the half-orc*...the-beautifull-smell-of-pine...
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Post by Makasta »

Korg, the disgusting smelling half orc looks around the tavern in confusion. "Huh. me guess me drink." He approaches the bar, nearly stepping on a halfling fellow, and everyone near by gets out of his way. Pleased that his massive body was able to make these smaller people move (or atleast thats what he thinks anyways) he smiles showing a wicked looking grin filled with blackened teeth and a horrendous smell protrudes from them when he speaks. Getting to the bar he says "me want dug bluud". ( ooc: dug bluud as he calls it is actually 'dragons blood' in partial orc and partial common) He gazes at the hostile drow lady's butt as she goes up the stairs. "mmm me likey.' Looks at the bartender "You likey? she gots purty lipzz" grins waiting for his drink.
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Post by Nedylene »

[t:1lyleehy]The bartender laughs,
[t:1lyleehy]"Alright big fellow, I suppose you can't drink yourself to death here."
[t:1lyleehy]The bartender pours a decent amount of the foul smelling whiskey into a large tankard and hands it to the half orc.
[t:1lyleehy]I'll drink with any man who has the courage to stare at that one's rear."
[t:1lyleehy]He laughs again, pouring himself a shot of dragon's blood and draining it quickly.
[t:1lyleehy]"So tell me , big fellow, what manner of monstrosity managed to bring you here?"
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Post by Zakharra »

She soaks for nearly half an hour before reluctantly picking up a bar of soap and washing her body. Her hair takes longer. To free from the braid, then from the blood. Once she was clean, she steps out of the bath, wrpping a thick fluffy towel around her hair, and another around herself. Then she uses the warm water to clean her armor and mace.

Once her armor and mace are clean, her padding is washed and hung up to dry. The armor and mace are hung on their respective racks. The drow woman looks at her clean gear, then with visible reluctance, pulls her towel open and looks at her chest, where she'd taken the blow that had killed her.

"Lolth take the wererat and torment his soul for eternity. She mutters, rubbing the spot. Grimacing, she dries herself off and looks for something clean to wear downstairs. For some odd reason, she was hungry and thristy.
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Post by Makasta »

Korg looks at the bartender trying to understand him; "Uhh mun-stroos-itty? That some critter err sumpin?" A few moments later he comprehends" OHhh!!!! me got yous. Let like fight lots o dem dark elfies...den me an' me wifey twy ta kills da big big dark elfie lady...her is matron err sumpin....den me take mes axe an' split her head but shes points at me wifey and she dies..." At the mention of his 'wifey' he looks especially sad. "yuh know we's in loves...but when she dies she gets explodipated...and den me get REAL REAL mad...and split da dark elfies head in two...but me gots bad hurts...den as me look at me wifey, bluud fill me eyes....den me come here..." he looks extremely angery and sad.....The air around him becomes thick with rage...he clasps his mug tightly whispering in orc "my gruumshs spear rend your soul matron". It appears to the bartender that he speaks better orc than common.
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Post by Nedylene »

[t:q79vv41m]The bartenders smile seems to falter a bit, but replaces itself quickly.
[t:q79vv41m]He says in perfect orcish,

[t:q79vv41m]"A follower of Gruumsh you are, well that goes to be expected. Although warn you I will, when he sends an avatar in here look out for hostility.As you can imagine we do not get along well. But be gladdened, your wife should be here soon."
[t:q79vv41m]The bartender turns back to his other patrons and speaks in common,
[t:q79vv41m]"Anyone else wish to tell their tale?"
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Post by Rooky »

*Kadgama looks up from his drink with a big frown over his face*
- Mind if I give a go at it?

*He lifted his head eaven more, his eyes showing the pride only a tribe leader can show*
My name is Kadgama. I am...was the Warchief of the Longohorn tribe. We contolled a small portion of the grassy steppes, and foothills surrounding the Blackcap Mountains. It was particularly fertile. Unfortunately to local human tribes found out and tried to destroy us to get to the land. I survieved many fights, but this last one...*He looked away. For a while he stared at the tavern, and was the past...His doughter is to replace him, until someone stronger comes along. It's not his problem anymore*...that must have been the biggest greataxe I've seen a human wield.

Many of my tribesmen went down with me. They fought bravely, but I see none of them here...They deserve they're place with the gods...
Anyways I'll be staying here for a while, since I have no god or gods. I never took to much to that, my tribe was a bigger concern. I had no time for that.
My doughter Marhii is my current succesor. Until someone whos bigger stronger and smarter (witch is very unlikely) comes along, she will lead the tribe.
I only hope she remembers to feed fish in me hut...
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Post by Nedylene »

[t:1tkvx48b]"Then die with great honor you did."
[t:1tkvx48b]The bartender says with a smile,
[t:1tkvx48b]" The gods more than likely sent you here in order to choose your deity. Kelemvor frowns upon the faithless. I know little of your people and know nothing of your pantheon. ( ooc..gimme info on the ibixiri and their pantheon , if they have one) If you have no pantheon particular to your race , it is my job and my honor to steer you towards Gods or Goddess's that would be a suitable match for you. In God's Home, you need a sponsor , and that is what the God's do.'
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Post by Unen_Stealthfoot »

[color=red:1tqyvdqt]Brettian: *being a typically well educated drow he understands both common, drow and goblin and orc, and draconic, high-elven, dwarven, gnomish, undercommon and every other language known to man and... whatever* I was slain fighting one of those damned demon lords. A group of moronic lolthians decided to do a raid on some so-called drow traitors (Eilistraeens and Vhaeraunites) and decided to get themselves some unholy help. I was pleased to see the demon lord ravage their own party and destroy them before I died of my wounds. *looks smug*[/color:1tqyvdqt]
Life before death
Strength before weakness
Journey before destination
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Post by Nedylene »

[t:21iy8oyq]The half elf, who until now had been sitting quietly in the corner of the bar, nursing her drink , speaks up,
[t:21iy8oyq]" I can sympathize drow.I was killed by demons as well. Although for a far different reason."
[t:21iy8oyq]The orc bartender looks at the solemn half elf and seems to see through the disguise her blood soaked visage provides. He approaches her and puts a hand on her shoulder.
[t:21iy8oyq]"Your pain and rage burn very strongly, half elf, why don't you talk about it? That is what this place is here for. Everyone here is raging against the dying of their light, so you are in fit company."
[t:21iy8oyq]She just shakes her blood caked head and looks back into her drink.
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