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Post by Makasta »

The half orc looks down at the little girl; "yous pertty lil birdy ha ha ha ha ha. deedy? whaz a deedy? ohh one dem tings...ohs yous mean a gods er sompin? yuh, no buddys gods want me. i like aminals doh, ou like aminals? dhey izz cutesies...hee hee hee" "if yous want go to da bar me go wiz youus. but you not go in cause yous lilttles.
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Post by Nedylene »

[t:2ljf3src]The child looks up at the orc with a confused expression, obviously attempting to make out what he said,
[t:2ljf3src]"Oh you don't have a deity. Well , thats alright, that is the other purpose for this place. If you do not have a chosen deity there are people here who can help you choose one. There are some Gods who will choose everyone, and I am sure we can find someone just right for you."
[t:2ljf3src]Seemingly oblivious to the fact that those of orc blood make it a habit to devour small children, the little angel girl takes the giant , smelly man's huge filthy hand . The large hand completely covers her own.
[t:2ljf3src]"Shall I lead you both to the tavern now?"
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Post by Zakharra »

"Died?" Her eyes widen and she stands abruptly. "Died!? That rat bastard KILLED ME?! How?" Incredulious disbelief is very easily heard in her voice as it reaches the higher registures of her range. She wobbles on her feet, and has to brace herself with a hand on the rock.

Wincing again, she rubs her chest, "That explains the pain I suppose. Who are you", a finger stabs towards the young girl, "then? I'm not going near him. He smells terrible." The head of her mace, bits of grass and twigs sticking to the blood, at the orc blooded creature.
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Post by Nedylene »

[t:1kul6yly]" I am sorry the rat naughty word killed you, lady drow. But if there is one thing I know it is that death is not the ending of our life, merely a new beginning. The rat naughty word will die sometime , too, for that is something all you mortal folk share. As for me, I am just an angel child. My name is unimportant, the gods who run this place ask the celestial folk to send down one of their children to lead the fallen to the tavern. We switch off the duty every once in a while. They chose us to do it because we are cute and innocent looking, but if someone does try to hurt us we have the capability of planes hopping and can simply teleport away. The bartender at the tavern can answer the rest of your questions."
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Post by Zakharra »

She glowers at the angel child. Then sighs, giving the meadow another look. "An inn, you said, xas?" Changing to the human tongue, her accent is heavy and unpracticed.

Normally, she'd have just brained the child. Or broke her wings to keep her from flying away, but this place was too strange and until she knew what was really happening, she'd place it safe. She hefts the bloody mace again. Grimacing at the grass and twigs that are sticking to it.

Flicking her eyes at the girl, "I can bath there I hope and clean myself.."
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Post by Nedylene »

[t:q7fck56z]"Yes, of course. Right this way."
[t:q7fck56z]She leads the two of you through the woods , thick with brush and undergrowth, that however, do not effect the angel child whatsoever. She takes you to a large hill or mound of some sort.
[t:q7fck56z]She traces her finger over the side of the mound, and some runes illuminate revealing a door.
[t:q7fck56z]"It's right in here. Go on in, I have to go back to the meadow now."
[t:q7fck56z]At that the child promptly disappears.
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Post by Zakharra »

Warily, she follows the girl. A hand held over her nose in a futile effort to keep out the rancid stench of the orc-blood. She kept her mace ready and her stride was cautious as they travel thru the forest. She kept behind the girl and orc until they reach the small clearing that abutts the hill. Shaking her head, she opens her mouth to ask her a question when the girl vanishes. Startled, she jumps back, mace held to strike. Then she lowers it and with a growl, enters the mound thru the entrance that was pointed out to her. The orc-blood, she ignores. Here was no way he'd be able to sneak up on her with the foulness of his smell.
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Post by Rooky »

*Kadgama was enjoying his drink, when this green cloud of vapor violently made it's way up to his nose. He cought out what he drinked and grabbed his nose in the attempt to make the smell go away. His eyes watered*

-Oh, no...It's my mother-in-law...She's coem back for me!!!!
*Starts to panic*
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Post by Nedylene »

[t:3sc36z52]The two new comers can see that the cheerful well lit tavern is occupied by a half elf female, an ibixiri male, and a male drow.
[t:3sc36z52]Behind the bar is a full blooded orc , apparent by the two tusks that curve out from his mouth. He however, lacks the stench of the half orc, and smiles at his newest patrons.
[t:3sc36z52]"Come on in , have a seat and tell me your poison. Now that everyone has arrived, if any of you have any questions, now is the time to ask."
[t:3sc36z52]The orc's voice is deep and guttural, but it seems to lack the unintelligent quality his kin possesses.
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Post by Unen_Stealthfoot »

[color=red:qwtzx69o]Brettian Dragonsword:*to ibixian* "Your mother in law is a male half-orc?!?!"[/color:qwtzx69o]
Life before death
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Post by Zakharra »

At the sight of the half elven female, the blood covered drow woman's hand tightens on the handle of her mace. Slowly, she loosens her grip and walks wiht a arrogent stride to the bar.

"Xas. There are a few things I'd like to know. Where in the Abyss am I? How did I get here and where is a bath? I need to get clean." Disgustedly, she looks down at her blood spaked body. By now the blood was drying and starting to pull on her hair.
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Post by Rooky »

*to Dragosword*

No, but she does have this same pine fresh smell....
*raises hand*
- I have a question....*hears the questions the drow asked*...nevermind!
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Post by Nedylene »

[t:3kztdxg1]"You are in Warriors Rest."
[t:3kztdxg1]The orc bartender answers,
[t:3kztdxg1]"This is a half way point, or resting place, so to speak, for fallen heros.Anyone who dies in battle will come here, to rest and prepare themselves to be taken by their chosen God or Goddess.If you have no chosen deity you are stuck here until you choose and are accepted by one."
[t:3kztdxg1]He looks to the drow woman then,
[t:3kztdxg1]"If you wish to freshen up here is a room key for you. It is number 6 and I will have water sent up to you."
[t:3kztdxg1]He holds out a key and says in a somewhat more serious tone, looking mainly at the drow woman.
[t:3kztdxg1]"I will tell you all this as well, if you wish to fight in here, that is all good and well, so long as it is not in my tavern. But keep this in mind, you are all already dead. You can hack away at one another as long as you wish and nothing will happen. If you decapitate someone, they will simply put their head back on and keep on fighting you.Also , if any of you are spell casters, your spells may work strangely here."
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Post by Zakharra »

Taking the key, she looks at the orc with a baleful stare.

"You mean that I was taken here instead of going to my Goddess? For some purpose of chosing a god or waiting for my goddess to come and get me?" What fool idea is that?"

She flicks her eyes at the other 'patrons' of the inn, then back to the orc.

"What if you were attacked? would you do the same?"

Her fingers tighten on her mace handle, as if she is concidering braining him with it.
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Post by Rooky »

*Kadgama looks over his shoulder thinking what a sweet flour the newest girl is. He gets up to the barshaking his head to annoy the patron.*

*He speaks to the orc calmly.*
- Can I have another one? I'll be here a while, so I might as well pass the time...
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