Clone encounter Part 3

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Aylstra Illianniis
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Post by Aylstra Illianniis »

At the word "bug", the bard nods slowly, his face ashen, as he knows what they can do. A moment later, his fears are confirmed as the thing comes into view. It sucks one of its own masters' men dry, and then rushes toward the defenders. "These people are insane! They would sacrifice heir own people to let this thing loose! That's it- no quarter, no MERCY!!"

As if he has suddenly snapped, the young drow lets out a note of intense power and force, which slams into the thing like a tsunami, rolling over it and the remaining enemy troops. He comes in behind it, throwing down the SMG and swiping his swords off the floor to slash wildly like a madman at anything which comes in reach- particularly the life-draining tentacles. He manages to slice two of them off, and rolls under the massive creature to come up behind it, He leaps onto its back, and jams both sabers down, sliding into its back between two plates, Pushing them down as far as he can, he shakes and twists hem savagely, attempting to open a crack with brute force and leverage.

His eyes have gone wild, face contorted by pure rage and hate, and he utterly ignores the remaining two tentacles and the thing's head, perched on its back like a homicidal parrot intent on cracking it in half....
By the Dark Maiden''s grace do we meet. May she guide and protect us.

"Where Science ends, Magic begins." -Spiral, Uncanny X-Men #491

A link to my tales, including my Marvel hero!:
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Post by Calabask »

Ryltar growled a bit at the bug, once it made it appearance known. He was torn between getting Lynx to the Miedical Bay and taking out his frustration on the bug. Though, after a few moments of debate, the former seemed to be the most important. Quickly he'd scoop Lynx up into his arms and would dart off, heading as quickly as he could to the Medical Bay, muttering the entire time. [i:2rx8pyh9]Going to make those things pay..[/i:2rx8pyh9]
Luexena Deana
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Post by Luexena Deana »

She kept trying to say something, reaching to a rapier on her belt weakly as Ryltar carried her off. She heard the noise the bug was making - that sickening sound, then a yelp of the drained one. Her eyes sought to lock on the drow who carried her. Her lips moved. [i:1d1fzduu]'Go back'[/i:1d1fzduu]. She mouthed. [i:1d1fzduu]'They need you'[/i:1d1fzduu].
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Post by veraka »

Onix saw Lothir jump into a rage and zoom towards the Leecher, and was about to scream towards him to wait, but the bard already goes nuts toward the bug. Onix shakes his head, muttering under his breath to have a talk with the bard later on about battlefield chain of command.

It is the roar of the Leecher that snaps his attention back to the bug; growling under his breath, he pulls out his M92 'Mauler', slams a slip of APHE shells into the receiver and cocks the weapon, chambering the first of 150 .408 caliber rounds.
"Thetas, switch to HMG's; APHE load-out," he calmly into his comm.

Aiming at the bug, as does the the rest of Theta Sqaud, Onix comms the marines; "marines, on my mark; blast that thing with full-auto."

"Lothir, get the fuck outta there, NOW!!" Ironside roared at the bard.

"Stinger, NOW!" Onix yelled into his comm. Behind the defensive line, five exo-armored clones uncloaked from behind the Theta's and marines, each with the clones' signature weapon in hand. Beta squad, along with Onix, the Thetas and all of the marines, opened fire upon the bug, unleashing a salvo of hellfire that a battlefield commander of Toril could only dream of.
In War, Justice; In Peace, Hope; In Death: Sacrifice


Aylstra Illianniis
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Post by Aylstra Illianniis »

Somewhere in the midst of his rage-filled attempt to make lobster on the half-shell out of the leecher, the bard hears someone yelling at him to get out. He ignores the voice, still intent on cracking the beast open like a crab from the cove back home. He hears a sharp cracking sound, and works even more furiously, gripping both sabers with murderous glee as they work back and forth to widen the gap that has just opened in the shell.

It is when the bug's thick, slimy ichor and unidentifiable fluids begin to leak out around his feet that an inkling of memory returns- hasn't he done this before?- and he suddenly finds himself slipping all over the thrashing leecher's back, loosing all balance. He has a moment of deja'vu as one particularly hard buck from his involuntary mount flings him off, blades still in hand, and sends him crashing into the nearest wall. His head slams into it with a loud metallic thud, and his eyes roll back, as he slumps sideways to the floor, out cold. Yet even that cannot loosen the death-grip on the twin swords, as Onix and the Thetas open fire to make mincemeat out of the bug and finish it off.
By the Dark Maiden''s grace do we meet. May she guide and protect us.

"Where Science ends, Magic begins." -Spiral, Uncanny X-Men #491

A link to my tales, including my Marvel hero!:
Zarae Zyne Kilanatlar
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Post by Zarae Zyne Kilanatlar »

nothing, not even an echo. just empty void.
'what messes you get into,' she said to herself shaking her head. with no terrain, no land markers, she pulled a coin out and flped them, 'heads, that way; tails, that way,'

she walked for what seamed like hours, tho time passage was uncertain, she couldnt even feel fatigue. and as the time went on, her courage seemed to slip. maybe she was dead, and life did end in oblivion? that sent a cold shiver threw her, or seamed like it did.
no, she'd seen the Dark Maiden's work, her intervention. it couldnt been a lie, could it? she paused in her walking, just stood there processing so many thoughts as well as trying to get rid of whatever it was nagging at her. looking back, there was no evidence of how far she'd traveled. it was just...emptiness, oblivion...

the spider was unaffected by the spell as she crawled along the ceiling. she'd been working on some of the enemy who'd broke off from the main group. one by one, Shade would descend and cocoon them securely.
when the three were hanging wiggling bundles, she continued on twords the main battle. below she saw Zarae being carried off. eight eyes watched confused as the link had been them had been disconnected. only one real enemy was left, some large thing she didnt know.
Last edited by Zarae Zyne Kilanatlar on Sat Nov 20, 2010 11:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Calabask »

Ryltar paused at Lynx's thoughts that entered his mind and glanced back to Onix iand the group. Seeing the additional men appear from thin air renforced the desire to get Lynx to safety. He quickly made his way to the Turbo Lift and pressed one of the buttons to take them to the appropiate deck. T[i:3g377tlu]hey'll be fine. They have the matter well in hand. [/i:3g377tlu] He'd say as he began to make his way to the medical bay.
Last edited by Calabask on Sat Nov 20, 2010 10:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Luexena Deana
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Post by Luexena Deana »


The darkness, the emptiness was disheartening. As the young drowess moved through it, she'd not be able to see where she came from or where she was going. Or was she just standing on her spot? "Where are you going, Zarae? Where are you coming from? What are you running from? What do you seek to find?" A whisper came from the darkness, filling the void for a moment, caressing her mind tenderly before all went quiet and empty again. Yet she'd feel the answers were needed.[/color:14m73oi5][/i:14m73oi5]
Luexena Deana
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Post by Luexena Deana »

Lynx just closed her eyes and relaxed, cradled against her lover's chest snugly. Her fingers were curled, barely moving as she felt trapped inside this drained, weakened body, unable to communicate much, screaming inside but no sound was escaping her. Her keen mind was analyzing the situation, she knew exactly what happened. It was the price. The spell altered her body to be able to emit that sound, but the reverse process was taking much much longer, all due to her lack of skill. Her pale lips curled a little and the elf sighed quietly, listening to Ryltar's quickened heartbeat as he carried her to the sickbay.
Zarae Zyne Kilanatlar
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Post by Zarae Zyne Kilanatlar »

[quote="Luexena Deana":1q53izud][i:1q53izud][color=brown:1q53izud]Zarae:

The darkness, the emptiness was disheartening. As the young drowess moved through it, she'd not be able to see where she came from or where she was going. Or was she just standing on her spot? "Where are you going, Zarae? Where are you coming from? What are you running from? What do you seek to find?" A whisper came from the darkness, filling the void for a moment, caressing her mind tenderly before all went quiet and empty again. Yet she'd feel the answers were needed.[/color:1q53izud][/i:1q53izud]

about to continue...somewhere she heard or actually felt the voice's 'warmth'. she stood there the words not forming on her lips, an answer not forthcoming.
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Luexena Deana
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Post by Luexena Deana »


Again the whisper came, embracing the lone drowess, encompassing her with warmth, with the -presence-. "Where are you going, Zarae? Why are you -here-?" The memories would flood her, all memories of her past, her mistakes and her little victories, her fears and her desires and hopes... They would all come before her, unfolding. How long did it last? A mere second or eternity? The whisper remained there, asking her over and over again "What are you running from? What are you running to?"[/i:3jv0rnyu][/color:3jv0rnyu]
Zarae Zyne Kilanatlar
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Post by Zarae Zyne Kilanatlar »

"maybe i like the view? decided to check out the place" she joked, her usual way when a situation got tense, and often serious.
'im utterly losing my mind!' she thought trying to swollow it away.
but the questions were deeply sinking in, and no amount of smarting off, cracking cheesy lines and such was changing that. and then the memories were so overwhelming, she slumped to the ground in a an almost defeated way. the pain had never healed in some areas, had only been pushed down and buried. and confronted with those fears- her failures most of all. the hopes and dreams she'd yet to accomplish, and the few real 'victories' her short life had. all of it weighed so heavy on her small shoulders; she was just laid open bear to this, voice, everything seen, even those deepest darkest parts. the slightest bit of moister gathered in her now bluish eyes. this was the end, [i:2fxfokfx]oblivion[/i:2fxfokfx].
finally she just hollered, "i dont know!"
signature made by Larlan
Luexena Deana
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Post by Luexena Deana »


The whisper never left her, it kept cloaking her with comforting warmth, ever so tender, supportive. "There is the darkness behind you... and light before you. You left one path to walk the other, but you keep doubting yourself. That's why you're here. Stuck here. It's a place of your doubt." The emptiness around her changed, turned lighter somewhat but she could not see the source of this light. "You need to trust yourself and trust the choice you made to leave this place, Zarae... Your friends need you. Would you want to return to them and walk the moonlit path?"
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Post by veraka »

Ironside, Onix and the rest of the Thetas watched as Lothir was flung from the Leecher's back, and sent crashing into the wall, rendering him unconscious.

"That lad has some spunk in him, don't he sir?" crowed one of the marines from behind Onix.

"Yeah, a little [b:16x954ll]too[/b:16x954ll] much if ya ask me," Onix muttered under his breath as he stood up to his full height, right as several teams of medics arrived with gurney's and trauma kits.

Onix flagged 'em down as Pyro went over to the now dead bug and scooped up Lohtir into his massive arms and brought him over to the medics. The massive armored clone handed the bard over to the medics.
"Get him stabilized and ready to head to the med bay;" he said to the med crew as they put the bard on a gurney, and started to check his vitals.

Onix got up as the medics and Thetas get the wounded and dying marines loaded and ready for transport to the medical bay. The clone moved into the HVG station and found Maryne still at her station.

"Lady Maryne," he said over to her; "there's a lot of wounded among our ranks; any support or assistance that you could offer would be a great help."
If she followed, Onix would lead the Priestess and her animal companion outta the HVG control station and regroup with the rest of Theta squad.

"Stinger," Onix shouted over to the Beta leader; "could you take over here? We got some friends and wounded to look after."

Onix turned to the great armored tiger somewhere near him; "Vlad, this way; we need to get these marines and wounded friends to the med bay now. Get your friend, Zana, to trail us, and if possible, grab a wounded as well."

Stinger merely nodded his affirmative to Onix. Onix then took off in a light jog, with a wounded marine in his arms, right behind his squad and the medical team, all of them with marines in their arms.
As the jogged along, Pyro and Ironside felt a pang of remorse for the young female as she kept pace with the med team, tears streaming down her eyes for her dying loved one. Both clones mentally hated themselves for not doing more for the troopers. Having arrived at the battle scene too late, Onix, Ironside and Pyro felt as if they'd not done enough to help those marines that were wounded, bleeding from gaping chest wounds and howling from agonizing pain.

Edge and Stalker, both with a wounded in their arms, kept pace with the medics and others, despite them feeling slightly odd. Yes, Stalker had done what he did best, but something still didn't feel right as if, he should been able to kill every last enemy soldier that took a shot at his fellow troopers.
Edge, feeling slightly woozy from seeing his fellow brothers blown to pieces in space, and friendly marines taken down right before his eyes, held his emotions in check, steeling himself; but it was still painful.

The medical bay, which seemed dead to begin with, was now bustling with activity.
Chief surgeon Wilhelm Clinck, a human in his mid-30's, now directed his staff as the first of the wounded arrived. ((10XP points to the person who can guess the reference here, TV show to be specific; And Zana you can't guess!))

The medical team that was caring for Zarae, came in first, followed quickly by Ryltar with Lynx in his hands. Theta Squad wasn't that far behind, maybe a minute at most.
"Dear god," Clink breathed as he looked over Zarae's still, but bloodied, body.
He quickly flagged down on of his staff; "Ire'vae, we have a dark elf; abdomen shot, fatal."
A female drow doctor came running over to Zarae; "I'll see to her with the team."

Wilhelm moved to Ryltar as Zarae began to get some good care.((I'll describe next post))
"What can I do for you, sir?" he asked the wizard carrying Lynx.
((Ok, so if ANYONE wants to play out an NPC in this scene, you have my full permission to go ahead))
In War, Justice; In Peace, Hope; In Death: Sacrifice


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Post by Calabask »

[i:3uj4bdqm]A bed is needed, that is all for now. I think. She's exhausted from the magic she used that was ordinarily beyond her.[/i:3uj4bdqm] He glanced ab out for any open beds, and seeing one he quickly saw fit to place Lynx on it, carefully.[i:3uj4bdqm] Still, a scan should be conducted to make sure she's not injured in any other ways. [/i:3uj4bdqm]He'd then glance back to Lynx and would smile down at her.[i:3uj4bdqm] I will remain here with you.[/i:3uj4bdqm]
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