Vale of Shadows Part 6

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Post by Pheurazath »

To see others stand up for him, Virgil was impressed, not that it hadn't happened before, though not against this adversary. He knows all these people around him mean well, but there's no denying what else he knows, and calls out,[color=indigo:2eaqummm]"No wait!"[/color:2eaqummm] He steps forward, resting a hand on Xull's sword arm, pressing it down gently, speaking softly to her, [color=indigo:2eaqummm]"I appreciate what you're trying to do, but attacking this one will only make matters worse. Please..."[/color:2eaqummm]

Cut off, with whatever more he might have to say, the alluring demoness presses in with all confidence, yes, the holy place was an irritating place indeed, and her presence did soil it too, but better than these elves, she knew the folly of striking her on Virgil's behalf. [color=violet:2eaqummm]"Oooh, so protective, Virgil, is this the sort of woman you fancy?"[/color:2eaqummm] Mocking Xull, grinning at Virgil, who stares back at her defiantly, the nearly completely nude creature presses herself to his side, putting herself between warlock and priestess, and speaks low in his ear, [color=violet:2eaqummm]"I could give you that, and so much more."


Virgil, well expecting this display to provoke his companions, his friends?, to action, reluctantly plays along, submitting himself if only in part to prevent an attack in force, rather than visitation by a singular messenger. He allows his eyes to soften toward the succubus, inside it disgusts him so, but forces himself to see her as someone he secretly does desire. It's an illusion in his mind, he's held many times, and even still questions if it's in all actuality, true. [b:2eaqummm]This[/b:2eaqummm] one in particular, Shar, by name, or so he was told, has never actually harmed him, never actually tormented him in any fashion, which he never quite understood the reasoning of, though it made her seem.... different.
To reinforce his acceptance, or facade of it, his arm lifts to hug around her waist, and pull her closer, striking at her now placing him too close to be sure he'll not be struck as well. And so that wyvern's tail does wrap upon his leg, and a wild giggle elicits as this Shar presses all the closer, thinking his stubborn resistance defeated. His voice kept low, but not at all beyond the hearing of those nearby, [color=indigo:2eaqummm]"Why have you come here? What decree has your queen for me now?"[/color:2eaqummm]

An overly dramatic sigh from the succubus issues, as the encounter gets all to business, but she does not pull away. True to her nature in every way, only the most educated individuals on the behavior of these vile seductresses might notice the subtle ways that she so differs from her kin. One of those, in no matter how the warlock spurns her presence, she [b:2eaqummm]seems[/b:2eaqummm] to genuinely care for him. In this way, the auras of Chaos, and Evil do not cling to her quite so strongly. Whether this is naturally so, or some sort of conditioning remaining unclear.
She cocks her head to the side, and asks, [color=violet:2eaqummm]"Where were you for those few moments, Virgil? As always she had been keeping an eye on you, when suddenly you vanished from detection. I'm sure you can imagine how angry she was, to think our dear Virgil has found a way to sneak away. How fortunate you sent that Baatezu back where it belonged, and reappeared, I barely convinced her to let [b:2eaqummm]me[/b:2eaqummm] come find out what became of you, rather than some of my sisters."[/color:2eaqummm]


Knowing well the implication of these 'sisters' coming for him instead, this time the softening of Virgil's expression comes across sincerely, [color=indigo:2eaqummm]"I am not certain how it happened, myself, though I would guess I happened upon an anti-magic field. I honestly could not begin to guess where I might find it again."[/color:2eaqummm] Still aware of all the attention this unwelcome guest brings, he asks of her, [color=indigo:2eaqummm]"Will you be departing now? I suspect your report is eagerly..."[/color:2eaqummm]
Fingers pressed to his lips, silence him, and her reply, [color=violet:2eaqummm]"Time passes differently here, and we have plenty of it to spare, besides I thought you enjoyed my company? And if it's sanctuary you seek, no one else from Shendilavri will bother you, if I'm here."[/color:2eaqummm]

Now it was Virgil's turn to look defeated. No matter how he hated his fate with these demons, he could not deny that confusing allure this [i:2eaqummm]one[/i:2eaqummm] held over him. The charms of the others were tempered all too often by their tempers over his stubborn resistance to them. Never Shar, and how that gentle patience with him, plucked at the strings of his heart. Knowing... or at least thinking he knows, she is beyond any sort of redemption, he still could not deny the truth, [color=indigo:2eaqummm]"I do Shar, I do, but these folk I travel with for now, frequently beset by Baatezu as they seem to be, they surely do not, the paladin least of all I imagine. I..."[/color:2eaqummm] with so many people well aware of him, and of her, a source of his fears, so familiar with each other,the pale-faced Virgil finds himself blushing furiously, frightened they'll not understand his actions, [color=indigo:2eaqummm]"I think it would be safest for now if you went back, though..."[/color:2eaqummm] his voice softens to a whisper, dialect switching to Abyssal, and the words whatever they are that follow, eliciting an expression of annoyance, then acceptance.

He looks steadily at this demon, then to Xull, even across toward the surely observant Veraka, and back, [color=indigo:2eaqummm]"I know my word does not count for much among any of you, but Shar would like to stay with me, and I would vouch for her promise of good behavior. Will you permit it?"[/color:2eaqummm] A risk, he knows this to be, and even as he speaks, a note of sarcasm plays through his mind, [i:2eaqummm]'Of course she wants to stay with me.'[/i:2eaqummm] which aptly turns to confusion again, asking himself, [i:2eaqummm]'But why? Does she so admire my defiance and mean to emulate it? Or is it all another trick? Does it matter if it is?'[/i:2eaqummm] Surely even Lolth could not weave a web that could ensnare the defiant warlock so well.
Primary (Pheurazath AKA Kalkyril Ilindl)
Secondary (Virgil Stahne -- A repentant Warlock)
Other Secondary (Skrach -- A rogue, a rat, touched by the best)
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Post by veraka »

As soon as the succubus ported in, or however she managed to gain access to the grounds on which everyone was on, Veraka bolted upright as his celestial blood roared inside his veins, forcing his hand into reaching for Marala Vharc reflexively, even as Neriah twitched her tail, flaring her wings and twirling her now-readied sais into a ready position, hissing all the while, for her tanar'ri blood was to, howling in the presence of the demoness.

The aasimar's face grew stern and unreadable, as he observed the conversations between Virgil and this newest arrived 'guest' of theirs, despite the fact that she seemed to be taunting them into striking.

Veraka felt a surge of power well up inside of him, as the berserker came crashing up against his mental barriers, howling for it to be released upon the succubus. The paladin gritted his teeth as he shoved the berserker back down, keeping it's oh-so very tempting power back behind his barriers.
Seeing Virgil's hope of avoiding a fight, Veraka, not sure as to the result that would ensue if the scenario played out, sheathed his now crackling bastard sword, and sat up, his half-armored body straightening, it's thickly corded muscles still tense, should anything happen.

[quote="Virgil":3uks623n]He looks steadily at this demon, then to Xull, even across toward the surely observant Veraka, and back, "I know my word does not count for much among any of you, but Shar would like to stay with me, and I would vouch for her promise of good behavior. Will you permit it?"[/quote:3uks623n]

Observant Veraka was as he looked from Virgil, over to the succubus, then back to the warlock again, his silver eyes blazing.
Then he spoke, saying "If your word is what you give, and you are true to those whom you claim to follow on your life's path, then that is all I require." His voice was calm, concise, and steel-edged as the words came out.

"Hmph; [b:3uks623n]she's[/b:3uks623n] one to speak about staying," came Neriah's hard voice; "at least I'm only a fraction of demonic heritage that was oh-so generously passed down through my bloodlines." As the fey'ri finished the statement, she sheathed her weapons, very much [b:3uks623n]not[/b:3uks623n] liking the presence of succubus, Shar.

Aurora, by this time, had raised her head, as well as her entire frame, from the ground, and had her white-furred head pointing directly at the succubus and Virgil.
[i:3uks623n]I, for once, have to agree with Neriah; I [b:3uks623n]do not[/b:3uks623n] like this . . . [b:3uks623n]Shar[/b:3uks623n] within our camp or our even near us for that matter.[/i:3uks623n]

Veraka turned to Aurora and replied; [i:3uks623n]even if I could do something, what would you have me do? Paladin I may be, but [b:3uks623n]she[/b:3uks623n] is a full-fledged succubi, outmatching me in probably everything except my ability with Marala Vharc; and even then, I'm uncertain. Besides, I'm not sure attacking outright is the [b:3uks623n]smart[/b:3uks623n] thing to do right now.[/i:3uks623n]

The wolf rolled her eyes; [i:3uks623n]the barbarian talking about smarts, odd.[/i:3uks623n]
In War, Justice; In Peace, Hope; In Death: Sacrifice


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Post by Zekafae »

Zek remained composed watching, of course having the sleeping inrii perhaps influenced this. Watching the scene of the succubus and Virgil's actions he just shook his head, catching wind of inrii's state of mind, more from how she seemed to sleep he shook his head slightly. Almost amusedly he spoke" Such a happy little group we have gathered here, hanging by a thread before blood is shed in wanton abandon." Shaking his head slowly he was calm dreadfully calm, which was not a good sign. It was a level of calm that usually would be before a violent storm." I swear.. the demons are out numbering the drow in our happy little group."
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Twilight vampires are the vampire equivalent of Pluto...
Inriiaynrae Jaelre
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Post by Inriiaynrae Jaelre »

priestess paused her spell only at the 'intervention' of the warlock. but she was still ready. her eyes narrowed at the demoness as now a few of the visitors had arisen., the spell ready on her lips at the first sense of treachery. she was beginning to doubt this group, doubt letting them in here. 'trap' rang loudest in her mind, particularly when he moved to embrace her. a young cleric moved in closer from behind, Xull looking to him to hold off. for her concern for those she was in charge of weighing most heavily on her and the risk and danger were severely testing her patience now. as much as she wanted to believe, it was almost impossible.
the priestess was internally torn on her decision of what to do. finally she spoke.
"to do as you ask, means to put these folks," her free hand moving to indicate her people, which unknown at the moment did include some younglings, "at such a risk. lives I am responsible for." at first it was seaming that she was gunna banish them, maybe even attack the succubus. there was something less dark of her aura, tho not much. hearing the aasimir so readily take his word... this warlock who seamed so genuine, however was still unknown to her. looking around she spoke again.
"to even consider this, I then must ask that she stay in a secured area, guarded at all times, and away from this part of camp."
sounds of disagreement from her bowmen above were heard. she raised a hand to silence them, still commanding, yet doubts plaguing her.
"we almost never keep prisoners," and those knowing of most eilistraeen, those who might have been prisoners were treated rather fair, maybe even good compared to some. "but there is a place on the other side of the pond, a ruined stone outpost on the edge of this forest. this is my offer. any of your friends are welcome to join. there is a fair amount a freedom, tho Bhaern (im stealin his name)[/size:2wnuv47g] will accompany."
she looked to Virgil to his reaction. she knew he would likely be put off by it, maybe betrayed, but there was little else she could do. she could still hear the whispers of disagreement.
the older half drow realized he'd been called and dropped down from his position. a dusky skinned fellow with bright orange runic tattoo slowly stood up. short cropped blondish hair covered one eye. his bow was still at the ready but his fingers were relaxing on the string and letting it move to its natural spot. his seen hazel eye nearly glowed from the spell he'd had upon himself.

((i hope i did this right. just so yall know, clerics are a hard class to play! and to play a high level wise one....but its fun tho my lack of knowledge is showing up more and more :D ))
Main character: Inriiaynrae
Second Character: Ariali
Antagonist: Alya
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Post by Pheurazath »

Virgil's face, despite the the faith he had tried to hold in the hospitality of this place, did not betray any sense of betrayal. Yes, he wanted to escape this burden, but it was his, and though none could see it, he wouldn't let it be seen, he was doing everyone a favor. Better to suffer Shar's presence he thinks, than to invite a more violent inquiry into his disappearance. And so long as she was near, he could not deny others would not likely follow, at least anytime soon. He did so wish others could understand his inner turmoil on the matter, or how unlike the rest of her kind [b:1oh3vmnr]this[/b:1oh3vmnr] succubus had never tormented him in any fashion beyond a headache, more his own fault than hers, in trying to figure her out.

No, Xull would not find betrayal on his face, but only acceptance, and something almost diplomatic about it, the man she thought him to be, surely quite genuine, for in that cryptic look, lay a hint of the sacrifice he was making for that treasured safety. He withdrew his cloak then, and wrapped it around Shar, whom would not protest, at least not for now, knowing all too well, the intent behind such gestures from him. He then gives a nod toward Xull, and then Bhaern, [color=indigo:1oh3vmnr]"Lead on then. We are ready, none need join us though, that doesn't wish to."[/color:1oh3vmnr]
Primary (Pheurazath AKA Kalkyril Ilindl)
Secondary (Virgil Stahne -- A repentant Warlock)
Other Secondary (Skrach -- A rogue, a rat, touched by the best)
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Post by Grahl »

Naien, becoming distracted with watching others, while Nixue was first to prepare some arrangements for himself an Naien, always trying to impress her, she watched the scene with the demoness unfolding with some amusement. Even moving over beside Nixue and elbowing him in the ribs, to draw his attention away from setting a small camping fire, and point across toward the human and demon, even pointing out how their captor and his lover boiled at that presence. She set about casting from her clerical repertoire of spells, one to detect lies, directed at the human. Elder redspawn to younger, then explaining some things quietly, as both enjoyed the show thoroughly, until the human and demoness seemed to be under way, and leaving their 'merry' little group. This is the moment Naien turns her gaze pointedly in the monk-wizard's direction, knowing well how wizards tend to study draconic as part of their training, [color=red:ciyxre7l]"Jalla qe thanking jacion! Iguyo ergriff vucotic svabol jaci ui|ulph ti yentair, shar jaci tepohaic authot wux shio vi totafit. Creolnali hefoc," Zahhar wer messenger, ysik loupon coita pliso."[/color:ciyxre7l]
Red Dragon: See how the elf writhes as it burns, Little Naien?
Young Naien: Oooooh! So beautiful, can I burn one?! PLEASSSSE?!
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Post by Zekafae »

Looking at the reds he just shook his head and knew what he'd say probably would shock them given his knowledge in hunting them but also the language. "zahhar pamon, wer messenger ui filki lae mar lae wer messenger sjek ti throdenilt zyak. remember, thesek douta ooble creol di udoka kampiun svabol wux yenta. si tepoha killed throden vin tilabil vur zezhuanth persvek sia boja, persvek ywrats si jikahshi si nomag qe tilabil loupon wux danthe ranprin ternock." He just grinned to the dragons for a moment before looking to the rest of the group. The ranger had as many surprises as any skilled rogue or wizard. Which was a combination he enjoyed playing with constantly.
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Post by Grahl »

The effect of Zek's surprise did not shock Naien for long, though Nixue was not so quick to find that confidence, while she retorts, [color=red:1fuvx3jz]"Hefoc wer juanth ir batobot wer ingoeth svaust hired udoka, meant ekess torkta? Axun, yth tepoha slain vi lauth di hesi vivif kin lae algbo, though throdenilt ekess xurwk vin example di nebani. batobot wux yor hesi ooble ui ehis jathila ekess ve, filki shishin wux tir ti renthisj kiarf di douta exploits lae darastrix sventlin, wux ornla ti tuor ekess majak ve vi dril ekess ehtah wux ghent nomeno ui svern, vur yth tepoha gethrisja duulo."[/color:1fuvx3jz]

Oh, the arguing and warning tones in her sharp reply, and all in that unfamiliar tongue mostly only spoken by the more scaly races. Lizards, kobolds, dragons and the like. As to the other matter, there is another, though only any others fluent in the draconic language would know it, she keeps a smug, confident grin, and bobs her head in a nod toward Virgil, as if to direct something at him, but says no more.
Red Dragon: See how the elf writhes as it burns, Little Naien?
Young Naien: Oooooh! So beautiful, can I burn one?! PLEASSSSE?!
Inriiaynrae Jaelre
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Post by Inriiaynrae Jaelre »

((i cry FOUL!!! :( not fair, [i:2grhzn0x]i[/i:2grhzn0x] cant read dragon, inrii knows it, but i guess its a good thing she's asleep. and i already tried the language thingy on this sight....))

Xull's face showed the sorrow at the decision, but she trusted it was the right one. again and not for the last time would the weight of responsibility weigh so heavily on her small shoulders. after all, it they werent prisoners, and wouldnt be treated as such neither. she was most surprised at the warlocks reaction to her decision. Bhaern nodded to them and moved to lead, when Xull called to Virgil. she walked over and placed the item (i'll let you decide what it does. some minor simple single spell or a 1 use big spell, ect)[/size:2grhzn0x] in his hand then departed from him. when he looked, he would see an opal shaped like a tear drop, slight magical energies surrounding it. the priestess somehow knew he would need it more.
bows moved to a resting position and the gathered more or less scattered back among the dwellings. the priestess headed to a large tree to be alone.

((is Naien done talking with Iulia? and the reds have a plate of food that was given to yall, unless not wanted.
Zazzt hasnt been around in a while, and prolly wont be back for a while, he's done this before. so the assumption for now, he departed again or he is here but hidden.))
Main character: Inriiaynrae
Second Character: Ariali
Antagonist: Alya
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Post by Zekafae »

He narrowed his eyes at them for a moment before shaking his head unphased." As you do not need to give me a reason. I do not need any, but I have a few I can give. You play nice and we'll be fine. Besides I was almost tempted to be more civil with you. A rarity when dealing with ones like yourself, and the path you follow."

It wasn't often he backed from things, when he did there was usually a reason and being drow, it meant there was a side plan most of the time, other times it was when it was needed or for diplomacy.
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Twilight vampires are the vampire equivalent of Pluto...
Inriiaynrae Jaelre
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Post by Inriiaynrae Jaelre »

((just writting this since im bored. go ahead and finish the scene in the glade))

Bhaern watched as Xull walked off some what understanding the situation she was dealing with.
"this way," he said, still watching the succubus.
the path was nearly invisible but he knew well. it wound around the pond, silver predawn reflecting off the dark waters, mist rolling off (like water has in winter, a foggy steam like essence)[/size:2vcqnllb]. the land increased in elevation slightly. the trees thinned some, a few early morning animals beginning their day while the nocturnal were heading to bed. and some were heading into their hibernation until the spring thaws. the path they traveled on then became clear and evidence of the cobble stone seen in the dirt. nearly frozen sand crunched beneath boots.
the partially ruined outpost then came on the horizon the setting moon highlighting the stones. the door was sealed, and in good condition. he lead them to the door unlocked it and entered. he did a quick look thru for any dangers.
the main room was the largest, and furnished with a few cots and a couple seats. a simple fireplace was against the far wall, dry wood stacked beside it. a window was facing the moonlight. the adjacent room was where prisoners would stay. a secure room with a cot, a short table. no windows in that room kept it dark and the only evidence of it was the barred door.

Iulia went over to check on the unconscious male. he was still alive, and still asleep. she then walked around the camp before she headed to her quarters.
Main character: Inriiaynrae
Second Character: Ariali
Antagonist: Alya
Inriiaynrae Jaelre
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Post by Inriiaynrae Jaelre »

((after Phe and/or Grahl post, it will be sunrise. but the plan is to head out after noon. so characters need to rest, eat, and what else needs to be done before then.))

Inrii who'd been in a deep sleep began moving and twitching, the dreams taking a rather freaky twist.
[list:253z2vte][color=orange:253z2vte]the was land a dimly lit dimension; color itself had been bleached from the environment. still laying on the cold ground, she noticed that she was still in the glade, yet it was void of 'life'. or so it seamed. her companions were gone, the eilistraeean were gone. she grabbed her bag to find Zarstra, who was also gone. the sorceress was clearly confused as well and growing irritated. hopping up and moving into a defensive position, she looked around for the others.
still there werent to be found. far from her she saw something in the far distance, humanoid in shape. the being who'd been heading way stopped and to her appeared to turn and face her. she blinked a few times, yet golden pools were watching her, she was sure of it. drawing Dancing Shiv, she began walking twords the figure, who again was moving way, shrinking on the horizon.
frustration was building in her. finally she challenged it.
"come and face me you coward"
it was unfazed or completely ignored her. conjuring up a fire ball, she aimed it to toss, but it fizzled out, all more to her frustration. not letting it deter her, she again pulled deep from the reservoirs from he magical energies, pulling forth a fireball like before. shadows highlighted it. her hands shot forth the it streaked out twords it as she fell back from the sheer power, the fireball amplified by this place. the figure was gone.
'great!' she started, when she felt the cold numbing sensation thru her. the swipe of the creature's claws cutting across her arms, weakening her, draining the energy from her.[/color:253z2vte][/list:u:253z2vte]
the sorceress was clearly attacking something as she was still sleeping, her arms now moving and flailing in attacking patterns, a fist coming around tword Zek's head (im sure he will catch or move)[/size:253z2vte]. from her other hand was released a darkened flame at someone's head. (new meaning to sleep walking...;) )[/size:253z2vte]
[list:253z2vte][color=orange:253z2vte]a familiar voice, one she knew she had killed years ago. that voice that still haunted her. it faded and a voice she remembered rather well, cold, stern, unrelenting. the words were confusing as it spoke of one from Jaezred Chaulssin and a name of a woman, Rhayne; somehow she knew the name, tho she could not recall it. it too faded. then she swore she saw Mayindia, her insane teacher with words to continue the quest, to finish what she began.
the figure used the seconds the sorceress was distracted, moving to strike again. her dagger came in to strike. [/color:253z2vte][/list:u:253z2vte].

a few noticed the commotion and was watching the squirming and fighting drowess, a few with concern. but no one moved yet. then a call to duck. the seer nearby, an unusual smile on his face. then he pushed the three in front of him down as the fireball soared twords them, he then moving with surprising dexterity out of range. Xull had been in deep meditation and prayer when the blast shook her from it. she hurried back, her blade drawn and ready for the enemy. arriving into the clearing, a spot was smoldering, three slowing getting up and the rest gathered around the fire and the girl.
"wake her up before she sets the forest on fire," one who was finished getting the flames down called.

((the orange is the dream sequence. this just because i didnt have much to do and allows those waiting to still write.))
Main character: Inriiaynrae
Second Character: Ariali
Antagonist: Alya
Posts: 768
Joined: Wed Apr 23, 2008 2:41 am

Post by Zekafae »

He had been reasonably quiet and settled watching the scene before him when inrii's dream turned from reasonably settled to a fit. Looking at his water skin he leaned back just enough to avoid the swing. Grabbing the bag he opened it fully and splashed her in the face with the cold water." Wake up!" He all but snarled at her almost ferally. Dropping the bag he'd grab both her arms by the wrist and moved them behind her back palms facing her body so as not to make any spells go off at him. Aside from the tone of voice, he appeared calm otherwise.
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Twilight vampires are the vampire equivalent of Pluto...
Inriiaynrae Jaelre
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Post by Inriiaynrae Jaelre »

Inrii jerked awake as the now freezing water hit her and soaked her clothing. she struggled for a few seconds longer before coming to a realization what was going on. the small crowd just watching her, a few crossed armed and tapping feet. and of course being pinned, again, by the ranger. the sorceress didnt get embarrassed easy, but rather rolled with the situation, often with humor and anger.
Inrii looked up to the ranger above her (if i have the correct image in mind), "well, if you were planning something of the sort, may i suggest less of an audience?" she jested in a whisper to him.

a few of the spectators threw their hands up in aggravation before leaving the situation to the priestess. the flames had been put out and no real damage done. but Xull was still not happy, this only confounded the problems she was already dealing with.
Main character: Inriiaynrae
Second Character: Ariali
Antagonist: Alya
Posts: 768
Joined: Wed Apr 23, 2008 2:41 am

Post by Zekafae »

Just shaking his head watching her and at the comment he patted her cheek." Perhaps on the next leg of the adventure then?" he mused before releasing her." We seriously need to find out why suddenly your dreams are plaguing you, they hadn't before you were captured."
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Twilight vampires are the vampire equivalent of Pluto...
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