Half Moon Inn: Part 5

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Post by veraka »

Onix looks dumbfounded as Krom lumbers past, still intent on pile-driving the uprooted tree into the assassin.

This time however, a 6'7" aasimar strides past Onix, and puts himself right in front of the minotaur's path, which in their culture, can be taken as a challenge. Veraka knows what he's doing is both suicidal and stubborn, but he also knows that if Krom goes through with his action, he would have dishonored himself, both in front of a fellow barbarian, and in his gods name, Tempus.

Veraka doesn't not draw his sword, merely addresses Krom directly.
"You would choose death before dishonor?" he shouts to the minotaur. Veraka knows what honor in the barbarian culture is like, and being one himself, despite his paladinhood, Veraka knows the deep-rooted, honor-bound traditions of the barbarian cultures.
The aasimar's muscles tense like steel cords as he stands his ground, not yielding an inch, despite the impressive minotaur

"To kill and destroy your enemies in battle is noble and honorable. To see them tremble before your thundering roar is righteous in Tempus's eyes. But [b:zn8xzwp2]this[/b:zn8xzwp2] is sacrilege. You would place murder outside of combat above your own honor. If you are telling me, by your actions, that you wish to answer this assassins attacks with one of your own, despite the fact that your using assassination as the means by which to destroy her. You would choose to kill recklessly and dishonorably outside of battle, when it is apparent that the battle is already one?!" Veraka roared at the minotaur, his deep voice resonating through the night.
The aasimar met Krom's blazing eyes with his own radiating silver pools of determination.

"To wage war in battle is right, YES!! To kill those not in battle, but when the battle is already said and done, that is to fall to the way of the assassin itself."
"[i:zn8xzwp2]Consider the consequences of the violence of war, and do not wage war recklessly.[/i:zn8xzwp2]"
Veraka said the latter part of his statement directly from Tempus's dogma. Paladin he may have been, but Veraka was still a barbarian at heart, knowing that an honorable battle and righteousness are two very real ideals among barbarians, himself included.
In War, Justice; In Peace, Hope; In Death: Sacrifice


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Post by LiNeee-niss'xae »

LiNeee was at a loss, everything was happening so quickly; she merely had a chance to glance around as it rolled out like a large rug before her. The minotaur was raging; she only realised [i:17fnbblz]just[/i:17fnbblz] how much when he glanced over to her and saw the blood upon her hip; his eyes said it all. LiNeee gave a small wince as she stepped in with the others; though she stood even before Veraka. Slowly raising her hand she let that child-like grin spread from ear to ear across a mischeivious looking face; [i:17fnbblz]"Krom, put the tree down. Landscaping doesn't suit you in the like, trust me on that one, and plus;"[/i:17fnbblz] she lifted her dress above her thigh to show him the blood on her hip, accompanied by [i:17fnbblz]no[/i:17fnbblz] sign of laceration or the sought. [i:17fnbblz]"I'm fine."[/i:17fnbblz] She finished, [i:17fnbblz]"just a tiny cut as if I fell off my mount. Stop this foolishness and place the tree down. Now."[/i:17fnbblz] Surprisingly her voice rang with an air of nobility, one of finality. She held her ground with square shoulders even though the Minotaur was trotting towards her.

Bella and Phoebey watched from the corner of the ruckus, Bella's claws were tucked in to her sides, threatening and rather sinister looking; Phoebey and her hooves plodded around on the spot as she watched, now very uneasy, as LiNeee faced off an angry Minotaur. The girl had always got what she wanted, just most of the time it was peace that she wanted.

[i:17fnbblz][[ Has anyone else had Eilistraee mucking up on them? ]][/i:17fnbblz]
Li Neena~

Aster zhah l''dalharil d''Draeval
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Post by Alaun-raena »

Hands digging into her back Alaun growled and sneered as the bard of some sort leapt onto her. [b:2wsv0fgt]"Get off me you pig!"[/b:2wsv0fgt] She shrieked, writhing beneath him trying to get her hands undone. [b:2wsv0fgt]"I'll kill you!"[/b:2wsv0fgt] she was saying, completely bound and laying upon the eaarth. they spoke of leaving her in the dungeons, but she'd get out. And after she did, she'd destroy all of them. A smile broke her face and she snapped her mouth open to try bite Lothir, a snarl ripping up her throat which was neither human nor drowish.
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Post by Grahl »

Right from the start of Veraka's speech, Krom was halted, and though he still held up his hefty load, glaring evenly at the Aasimar, those words bore through his determination to finish his attack. 'Twas as if someone had struck him square between the eyes, hard, he stood there staring, and it all made sense, it all defeated his will to end it all with the tree. Finally seeing reason in it all, he issues a low grunt and tosses the tree aside. Someone will have plenty of firewood to chop up there.

In the meantime, he gives Veraka a respectful nod, followed with a rough clasping of wrists,[color=brown:2fxiv84y] "Thank you."[/color:2fxiv84y]

Of course the mouthy assassin had to go and ruin his good mood, but this time, his attack comes fast, and making his point VERY clear. Around he spins as his large great axe swings over his shoulder, and into a down-sweeping arc aimed.... no, not at the assassin, but the angle comes in just short burying half of the two-bladed head into the ground inches from her face, and [i:2fxiv84y]maybe [/i:2fxiv84y] a few inches of hair from one side. as she lets off her threat to kill someone, [color=brown:2fxiv84y]"Silence wretch! One more word, and I'll gladly transport you to Luskan, for the Carnival." T[/color:2fxiv84y]o a surface dweller, this threat will likely carry more weight, than it would to one not from Toril.
Red Dragon: See how the elf writhes as it burns, Little Naien?
Young Naien: Oooooh! So beautiful, can I burn one?! PLEASSSSE?!
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Post by veraka »

Veraka, glad to see that Krom had come to his senses and had held his honor for a greater fight, returned the nod with one of his own as he clasped his own gauntlet into the minotaur's hand. The aasimar knew what it was like to lose one's honor in meaningless bloodshed.

It was when Krom brought his mighty axe around at the assassin, that the aasimar held his breath. However, seeing the axe fall short of her head, he let it out in a short reprieve.
In War, Justice; In Peace, Hope; In Death: Sacrifice


Luexena Deana
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Post by Luexena Deana »

Luexena breathed out quietly, wincing again as the massive axe hit the ground. Yet seeing the assassin remained unharmed, the relief surged through her and the priestess curled her lips, that little smile lit up her face. [i:32vdnm91]Thank you.[/i:32vdnm91] The quiet words escaped her and her gaze drifted 'twixt the figures present. The blue light in her eyes faded, revealing their lavender colour again as she dismissed the spell.

The young drowess squatted down then, sitting on her haunches, the high cuts of the dress baring the sides of her thighs - yet it was the least of her concern right now. She looked to Alaun, making sure to be beyond her reach. [i:32vdnm91]Who are you? Why did you attack so recklessly? That was not a wise tactics, attacking with so many armed people present. Were you looking for death? Or just overconfident?[/i:32vdnm91] Holding her hand out, Luexena attempted to pin the wriggling assassin down. [i:32vdnm91]Why did you attack?[/i:32vdnm91]

A thought crossed her mind then as she was waiting for answers and she looked to Delrum for a moment. [i:32vdnm91]We should take her to the Promenade. The Grandmother would know what to do with her.[/i:32vdnm91]
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Post by Alaun-raena »

[b:3gtgf68r]"Why do you care!"[/b:3gtgf68r] Alaun spat, writhing and wriggling even more, intent on getting to her feet. [b:3gtgf68r]"I got told what to do! I did it! That's all there is to it!"[/b:3gtgf68r] She yelled, spinning her head towards Leuxana and snarling; [b:3gtgf68r]"take me wherever you want, I'll still find you!"[/b:3gtgf68r] She didn't understand why she was angry, but inside; it was hot and nothing else. She hated being pinned, feeling like this wasn't something she ws used to.
Luexena Deana
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Post by Luexena Deana »

[i:474gniuw]We just saved your life and I healed your wounds instead of leaving you here in pain. I think I deserved some answers.[/i:474gniuw] Luexena sounded calm, patient, perhaps even soothing, bringing her hand up to rest it upon the woman's forehead, though watching her closely to avoid getting bitten, her other hand pushed Alaun in the shoulder to try and pin her down. [i:474gniuw]You need to calm down. Raging won't get you anywhere. Now... What's your name? [/i:474gniuw]Those lavender eyes of the priestess looked the wriggling frame over. [i:474gniuw]Are you still in pain?[/i:474gniuw]
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Post by Alaun-raena »

[b:krviib7r]"How about you tie your hands behind your back, get on the ground and than have some oaf sit on you!"[/b:krviib7r] The Assassin spat, writhing once again, trying to shake off the girls hand. [b:krviib7r]"Just leave me, this was my first quest and I failed. I can't go back now..."[/b:krviib7r] Her voice had calmed considerably, her eyes; not so narrowed.
Inriiaynrae Jaelre
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Post by Inriiaynrae Jaelre »

hidden well in the natural shadows of nature, her velvet black fur blending and hiding well as the silver highlights looked like simple moonlight filtering thru the bush. gold pools were on them. the commotion was not hard to miss as her window was right there. and so easily she slipped out to investigate the problem.
the lythrai, currently in her wolf form, watched the scene play out before her. she was prepared to help with healings but it seamed the other priestess had it under control at the moment. and as all lythari, she didnt fight unless she had to. so she chosen to stayed hidden still, the anger of the drow woman clear. she knew much of her cousins, having been a follower of the Ladies of the Moon (selune and eilistraee). the plan to leave her in the basement as they went about their mission...maybe she could take the assassin somewhere for them so they could get about their important work.
stepping out the large black wolf, nearly 5' at the shoulders, neared the group. but unlike most wolves she had nothing ferocious about her.
but she hoped her appearance would startle the assassin- large black wolf, bad omen maybe?
communicating to the other fellow priestess via telapathy, "[i:vb6zhtok]I can take her, else where[/i:vb6zhtok]." (her and some not going to menzo)
Main character: Inriiaynrae
Second Character: Ariali
Antagonist: Alya
Aylstra Illianniis
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Post by Aylstra Illianniis »

"I am NOT 'some oaf' as you put it. And trust me, shielding YOU from an enraged bull was the LAST place I wanted to be, thank-you-very-much." Lothir snaps, rolling away from the snapping female to get up. He dusts himself off, and looks down at her with obvious disgust. "Pfft, SOME gratitude. You'd think she would EXPECT a male to put himself in danger for her- not be angry about it. Maybe next time I'll just step aside and let her get clobbered."

He notices Ariali coming over, and looks at her curiously. At her offer, he shrugs. "Guess that's up to them," he says, pointing to LiNeee and Phoebe."
By the Dark Maiden''s grace do we meet. May she guide and protect us.

"Where Science ends, Magic begins." -Spiral, Uncanny X-Men #491

A link to my tales, including my Marvel hero!:
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Post by LiNeee-niss'xae »

LiNeee had been rather frozen during the assassins little display, her hair tussling around her waist and flickering around in the slight nip of the breeze. She glanced towards Leuxana and the woman who had tried to end her, a hand settling over the hip that had been lacerated, absently. She shook her head as she watched the Assassin spit and writhe, her words coming out like the sharp edge of her onix dagger. She sighed; her head dipping just as Phoebey trotted up beside her, mane swinging gently. [i:23eu5dyg][color=darkred:23eu5dyg]LiNeee, are you ok? You havn't moved, at all..[/i:23eu5dyg][/color:23eu5dyg] The childs concern had LiNeee's heart dropping to knee level, she let a smile casually lift her lips up as she turned and placed a small, tender kiss upon the mare's muzzle. [i:23eu5dyg]"Just fine my beauty,"[/i:23eu5dyg] LiNeee whispered, her fingers gently braiding through the mare's mane and pushing it away from the forward twitching ivory ears.

She had turned back to the assassin and Leuxana just as a large black wolf entered the picture, she hadn't heard what the animal had said but apparently Lothir had; indicating that whatever it were; was up to herself and Phoebey. A blank expression rushed her and she tilted her head, much the same look as a curious puppy. [i:23eu5dyg]"What is up to us?"[/i:23eu5dyg] She asked Lothir, her voice light, maybe even a little giddy, a little shaken. Phoebey stepped in close to the petite girls side, the ivory lots protruding from under the ebony hooded cloak. [i:23eu5dyg][color=darkred:23eu5dyg]The wolf wants to take the assassin away.[/i:23eu5dyg][/color:23eu5dyg] She told LiNeee nonchalantly, LiNeee looked up at the white mare and shrugged, [i:23eu5dyg]"in that case,"[/i:23eu5dyg] she swung a glance at Lothir and than the assassin, than back to Lothir, [i:23eu5dyg]"I don't care what happens to her. But the stars help her if I see her again."[/i:23eu5dyg] A warning? More a threat. LiNeee looked down at the Assassin and narrowed her eyes, than before anything else; she turned and strode towards the cart Bella, now in her black mare form, had hooked herself up to. [i:23eu5dyg]"Hey I don't think so."[/i:23eu5dyg]

She pointed to the saddle with the gold inscription, [i:23eu5dyg]"you're my mount, Bell."[/i:23eu5dyg] She said with a large grin, walking over to swing the bridle up onto her shoulder. However, she found herself looking behind her to see what would come of the assassin.
Li Neena~

Aster zhah l''dalharil d''Draeval
Aylstra Illianniis
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Post by Aylstra Illianniis »

He looks at the girl who has changed into a horse getting hooked to the second cart, and blinks, raising his eyes skyward and rubbing his forehead as if in pain. "Um, ladies, forgive my pointing this out, but you DO realize that where we are going, a horse will likely not fit? It's why I found the smallest cart possible, and used a pony instead." He waves over to the one he brought along, and smirks s lightly. "Where we are going, size matters."
By the Dark Maiden''s grace do we meet. May she guide and protect us.

"Where Science ends, Magic begins." -Spiral, Uncanny X-Men #491

A link to my tales, including my Marvel hero!:
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Post by LiNeee-niss'xae »

[i:25c3wj5l]''Lothir m'dear, you forget that both girls can change into whatever we want them too. I for one am not riding a pony through the forest, we have a while before we reach menzo. By than, both girls could be small spiders or lizards.''[/i:25c3wj5l] LiNeee flashed a large grin in the bards direction as she pulled the bridle up over Bella's head, the golden indents shining brilliantly in the low moonlight. [i:25c3wj5l]''Though of course if you'd rather I go by foot?''[/i:25c3wj5l] She hesitated with picking the saddle up, her eyes finding Lothir, her head tilting. In reality, LiNeee saw nothing wrong with riding the distance from the Inn to the entrance of Menzo, though of course her insight had mislead her before. She was open, however, to anything they said to her.
Li Neena~

Aster zhah l''dalharil d''Draeval
Luexena Deana
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Post by Luexena Deana »

Luexena looked to the wolf and studied the creature for a moment before smiling. [i:2bhxaci9]Do you know where the Promenade is, friend?[/i:2bhxaci9] She uttered softly before opening her mind to the wolf, using the already established telepathic link - showing the lythari a way to the Lady's Temple and a face of the one she should seek. [i:2bhxaci9]Can you take her there without harming her on the way?[/i:2bhxaci9]

The drow kept Alaun pinned, turning to look to her now. [i:2bhxaci9]You do not have to come back, kin. We could take you where you will be safe.[/i:2bhxaci9] Again her voice was quiet and ever-patient as she sought to calm the assassin. [i:2bhxaci9]Tell me your name if you would? Or I will have to come up with one.[/i:2bhxaci9]

((need Alaun's consent to take her out of the rp - if Alaun would rather stay in the thread, we can leave her with veraka and others in the inn.[/size:2bhxaci9]
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