Half Moon Inn: Part 5

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Aylstra Illianniis
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Post by Aylstra Illianniis »

He gives Onix an amused look, and laughs. "A war? I'd hardly call one cart, two ponies, and a few supplies for a trip- plus that lush's rum cask- a suitable start for a war." He grins, then pauses to pace fora moment, with a furrowed brow. "Hmm, a House name- hadn't even thought of that. Hmm, how about Rilyn'May'erel? House of the Silver Moon." He says, with a wry grin. "I wonder if they'd realize it was literal?"

Then he cocks his head at the clone with a knowing look. "So- you and her, huh? Not one I would have guessed. Hope it works out for you. She seems like she needs a steady influence. And you- well, you could stand to let loose a little once in a while." He says it completely without judgment, as if making an observation.
By the Dark Maiden''s grace do we meet. May she guide and protect us.

"Where Science ends, Magic begins." -Spiral, Uncanny X-Men #491

A link to my tales, including my Marvel hero!:
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Post by Grahl »

Competition? He hardly would consider himself that. Hardly even properly sure how deeply his interest ran, for he'd never before considered, abandoning the Rite of Passage he's been questing upon for so many years, and finding his own road, a life lived for more than his tribe. Certainly, though, if this beautiful Drow creature were inclined to accept his interest, and reciprocate mutually, he had little doubt he'd second guess himself any further.

A shrug is offered to her proclamation, [color=brown:1rki3vln]"Perhaps you can, I have heard how skilled your kind are with swordplay, even the most skilled swordsman can fall prey to mistakes, poor footing, or being simply outnumbered. How the earth, and your enemies might then tremble at my approach."[/color:1rki3vln]

He puts the coin back away, and considers, it is perhaps time, to consider some armor for himself, under the conditions as a bounty hunter, he has seldom had need of it. This upcoming battle, he knows nothing about. And to that end, a fanciful imagining places him in a suit mixed of plate and leather armor, dark as his black fur, but lending details to his shadow, to make him appear perhaps almost demon-like.
Red Dragon: See how the elf writhes as it burns, Little Naien?
Young Naien: Oooooh! So beautiful, can I burn one?! PLEASSSSE?!
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Post by veraka »

Onix looked to Lothir with a look a bemusement; "what can I say, Lothir. I'm full of surprises." When Onix said this, he sounded strangely familiar to his squad-mate Pyro.

A look of confusion then crossed the clones face; "you honestly think that I can be a steady influence with LiNeee, huh? Why's that, ehh? Because of our experiences in our lives are so similar?"

Onix then looks to Lothir with a look that says 'Ooookkkk'.
"Loosen up, me; HHAA!!"

[i:3cqhshyx]Actually, the bard stands correct,[/i:3cqhshyx] came Valor's thought as the eagle swooped down to land on Onix's armored shoulder; [i:3cqhshyx]you're wound up tighter than a viper ready to strike.[/i:3cqhshyx]
In War, Justice; In Peace, Hope; In Death: Sacrifice


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Post by LiNeee-niss'xae »

And so Bella stood corrected; the priestess was ordering her around like she was a dog. Well she just wouldn't have that. She turned around to where Phoebey had vanished, eyebrows half narrowing and pulling together in the infuriating moment. [i:n60dl5tp][color=darkblue:n60dl5tp]''Very well m'lady,[/i:n60dl5tp][/color:n60dl5tp] she said through gritted teeth, adding a gentle bow into the equation before turning to Lothir and Onix. [i:n60dl5tp][color=darkblue:n60dl5tp]''I will go usher up LiNeee and the warthog... Oh and Phoebey too. We will return with the cart. Including Zarae and anyone else who wishes to join our quest.''[/i:n60dl5tp][/color:n60dl5tp] With that she spun on her heel, digging her toes in, she recoiled back like a snake; knees bending. With a smool -whoosh- of a noise, she launched herself forwards and into the air, from there her body bursted inwards, caving in. Wings shot out sideways and now carried the raven-black eagle soaring up into the ebony night; dissapearing within seconds.

LiNeee had turned around again, fiddling with the saddle, undoing it from where it was being held. [i:n60dl5tp]''You could say that I guess, but really, I've never lost a battle yet. I was forced into at the age of eleven, since then, I havn't stopped. Don't mistake me for someone who despises, or fears death itself. If it wishes to take me, than so be it...However, you are welcome to join our little trio on the road....''[/i:n60dl5tp] As if to emphasize the point; Phoebey came sliding into the clearing, the girl dug her toes in, blonde hair flaying out around her shoulders. Behind her, a black bird dove from about one-hundred feet up. Half way to the dirt, it spun in the air and exploded outwards, legs and arms, long black hair; creating the image of Bella. LiNeee grinned at the girls and nodded; [i:n60dl5tp]''It is time,[/i:n60dl5tp] she told the male, [i:n60dl5tp]''make your decision.[/i:n60dl5tp]
Li Neena~

Aster zhah l''dalharil d''Draeval
Luexena Deana
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Post by Luexena Deana »

Luexena's brows arched as she saw that odd reaction to the softly spoken decision. She knew she was feeling rather strongly about the mission and felt the responsibility for the lives of those who would descend into the Night Below. Was she misunderstood that greatly? As the firmness and the passion of her words were clearly NOT directed at Bella. They were directed at the lack of organization that she saw and the men that seemed to seek to rush with everything in this dangerous mission. Is she going to get a cold shoulder now from the shifter who never even bothered to thank her for reviving her? The young priestess sighed, thinking back of her words. She spoke softly and asked nicely, what was the woman's problem now? Then Luexena shrugged. [i:16rjw286]If such flipping out continues, we're not going anywhere.[/i:16rjw286] she thought, then made her way to the inn, plunged in her own thoughts.
Aylstra Illianniis
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Post by Aylstra Illianniis »

At last he had acquired everything he thought they might need. costumes for those who would pose as performers, supplies for the trek down, even Kalannar's rum had made it into the wagon. With the second one the three girls were attempting to wrestle into service, he thought they had left nothing out. His only real worry was that the group was perhaps not taking things as seriously as he would wish. <Wonderful,> he thought, as he tied up the pony and headed back inside to ask the cook to make several dozen pastries and confections to take down. <The first time in my life I find a quest that truly means something to me, and no one takes me seriously. The price I pay, I suppose...>
By the Dark Maiden''s grace do we meet. May she guide and protect us.

"Where Science ends, Magic begins." -Spiral, Uncanny X-Men #491

A link to my tales, including my Marvel hero!:
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Post by LiNeee-niss'xae »

Bella strode into the clearing, her chin held high. She seemed so wise for a mere shifter, her tussels of ravenish hair tendralling down each side of her waist like thickets. As Phoebey looked over to her, she thought one word; [i:1i0z6rz1]beautiful.[/i:1i0z6rz1] Even elegant, graceful. All the words of a fine priestess, of course, that is how it had always been. Phoebey played by the rules she was given by Bella, who was usually given them by LiNeee. Always a competition between the two. But anyone who looked at the three could pick LiNeee the leader any day, at that Phoebey gave a small grin and straightened up out of the crouch she was nestled in; [i:1i0z6rz1][color=darkred:1i0z6rz1]"I guess I should probably take this more seriously-"[/i:1i0z6rz1][/color:1i0z6rz1] but Bella cut her off; [i:1i0z6rz1][color=darkblue:1i0z6rz1]"yeah you should, because I swear to the goddess that guides our path, if you so much as mess up a strand of hair on one of our heads, I will drown you in but a foot of water."[/i:1i0z6rz1][/color:1i0z6rz1] Even the smile on the elder shifter could not hide the seriousness of her ice-like voice; Phoebey found herself recoiling from it.

[i:1i0z6rz1][color=darkred:1i0z6rz1]"Yeah yeah, don't make me pee myself. Now, shall we shift?"[/i:1i0z6rz1][/color:1i0z6rz1] In all thoughts; Phoebey was excited. She had never ventured further than the thickets with LiNeee or Bella, never had the stomach to go further. Now she was on the way to a quest to Menzo, to rescue but children; just like how she was rescued. She found it a thrill. Bella shot a glance at her from where she stood by the cart; [i:1i0z6rz1][color=darkblue:1i0z6rz1]"go in and get Edmond will you? I saw him scamper in before, his probably piss drunk at the bar. He will not want to miss this, and, for no ones information; I need the old chap."[/i:1i0z6rz1][/color:1i0z6rz1] Phoebey nodded and dissapeared through the heavy Inn doors. Bella nodded and strode over to the cart where LiNeee was standing; one hand braced against the beautiful saddle the other bunched together a pair of reins and a bridle. Bella grinned at her, only to have it widen as LiNeee shot an even larger grin back, [i:1i0z6rz1]"ready?"[/i:1i0z6rz1] She asked.

[i:1i0z6rz1][color=darkblue:1i0z6rz1]"Xal l'quar'valsharess mrigg udossta menvis, ussta abbil, ussta fuma. Udos inbal natha z'hind ulu alu pholor. Ji ori'gato udossa kre'j, xuil l'linath d'dro. "[/i:1i0z6rz1][/color:1i0z6rz1] Bella said in her harmonious voice, LiNeee nodded and lifted the hand that was on the saddle, dropping it to her side where she unsheathed her katana-like sword; Bella always appreciated the way it shone. [i:1i0z6rz1]"To the House of the Silver Moon!"[/i:1i0z6rz1] She cried, birds fluttering from the trees; a little startled at the sudden loud shout. Bella grinned and rose her dagger into the sky; [i:1i0z6rz1][color=darkblue:1i0z6rz1]"ulu Rilyn'May'erel!"[/i:1i0z6rz1][/color:1i0z6rz1]
Li Neena~

Aster zhah l''dalharil d''Draeval
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Post by veraka »

((OOC: well now that I'm super pissed off IRL, I suppose I'll start here; Stupid internet))

Valor looked to Lothir before he left and then to Luexena. Shaking his feathered head, the eagle said to Onix; [i:3nf4xrol]perhaps it is time you focus more on the mission at hand rather than personal matters, hmm?[/i:3nf4xrol]

The clone looked to his bird companion and nodded his head, agreeing wholeheartedly.

Onix then made his way back to the Inn, following the same path that he'd taken to get there. When he caught sight of the priestess, Luexena, Onix decided to show some cautionary intelligence on the matter and ask her something he felt was important to the success of their quest.

Making his way over to Luexena, Onix stopped but a few paces from her and asked; "Lady Luexena, how would you recommend getting [b:3nf4xrol]into[/b:3nf4xrol] Menzoberanzzan? I've no experience what-so-ever with these cities of drow, and since you seem to have [b:3nf4xrol]extensive[/b:3nf4xrol] knowledge with them, I would like to have your opinion on this matter of getting inside the city of our destination."
In War, Justice; In Peace, Hope; In Death: Sacrifice


Luexena Deana
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Post by Luexena Deana »

((okay, so I make it clear, since it's getting not-so-fun to me. Please, do not put your words into my character's mouth, it's not cool. If my character gives orders, I'll make sure to make it known. if there is a HINT of a tone, then it is a HINT only. /end rant[/size:3l9duphi]

She looked thoughtful now, pausing, then gestured lightly at the path leading from the lake to the inn. [i:3l9duphi]Perhaps we could talk on the way, Onix?[/i:3l9duphi] Then, if Onix followed her, the priestess continued her way toward the inn. [i:3l9duphi]To be completely honest. I have never been to Menzoberranzan itself. But I've dealt with several from there. My mother's ex-House - the Kenafin - has its presence there too. It's a minor noble House, none too important.[/i:3l9duphi] Luexena tapped her lips with her slender digit, pensive, stepping carefully across the path to not trip. [i:3l9duphi]What do we want to be? A circus? Or a House coming to the city to establish some trade? Mercenary band? There are different approaches to each. A female should be in charge, of course.[/i:3l9duphi] She looked to him, unsure. [i:3l9duphi]Shall I poise as a priestess of spider? Then we would be questioned less. We'd need drow armors and weapons. You all would have to wear one glyph, a glyph of the House you belong to.

The non-drow would most likely have to play slave roles. That includes you, Onix, the elf.. the feathery one and the dwarf. One female in charge, Lothir can play her consort. The rest drow females would be playing lesser females of the House, either relatives or servants. You see, the Houses have a rather strict hierachy. The Matron Mother as the head, then the First Daughter, Second and so on. The First Son can gain a rather respectable position if he is a mage, yet it still will be lower than female positions.

First we need to decide what we're going to represent, then we decide on the approach.[/i:3l9duphi] The drow managed to smile some. [i:3l9duphi]That's why I wish to speak with everyone present to make sure they understand. Because if I play a Matron and Bella leaves as she did, with a huff, on public, I'd have to punish her right there to not appear weak and an easy prey to other drow. Weak do not survive in the Night Below.

If we come as a noble House visiting, I'd simply demand to be let in. If we come traders, we might need to buy our way in, the same with the circus.[/i:3l9duphi]
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Post by LiNeee-niss'xae »

Moments later came Phoebey with a rather unsturdy looking Edmond, his slick ivory hair was pushed back with a head-band of sorts and he wore heavilly rimmed reading glasses. As he came into view LiNeee couldn't help the small chuckle she let out; Bella gave her look though she was smiling; [i:275srp5r][color=darkblue:275srp5r]"nice to see you still know where your feet are, Papa Edmond."[/i:275srp5r][/color:275srp5r] Bella told him with a sly smirk as she prepared to shift; she atleast wanted to say goodbye to the old man before she set off on a journey she may not return from. LiNeee on the other hand was glad to be-rid of him. Endless nights of drunken ranting was starting to do her head in, she gave a heartily sigh as the erlderly drow wrapped his arms around her and hoisted her up from the ground. [i:275srp5r][color=green:275srp5r]"LiNeee! I 'ill misss you mothst![/i:275srp5r][/color:275srp5r] He slurred and lisped, spitting all over LiNeee's shoulder; she merely grunted a reply of [i:275srp5r]thanks[/i:275srp5r] before he let her down. [i:275srp5r]God, it's like he never see's me.[/i:275srp5r] She complained through her telepathic portal with Phoebey and Bella, both girls nodded.

[i:275srp5r]"Alright, here comes Leuxana and Onix. And if I'm not mistaken I saw Lothir go into the Inn before? Go on Papa, on your way. Stay outta trouble will ya?"[/i:275srp5r] LiNeee told Edmond who waved a sniffly goodbye and retreated back into the Inn for more drinks. [i:275srp5r]"Okay, Phoebey and Bella, come here."[/i:275srp5r] Both girls hustled over; heads low with a look of seriousness on each face. [i:275srp5r]"We have been together since we were ten, Phoebs you were five when we met you. We've always had each others back, no matter what. So lets keep the truce and stand by each other, and Bella, I know you hate being talked down too, but Leuxana is smart, if we have a chance in doing this; it's her. No more snotty business ok?"[/i:275srp5r] The girl nodded, [i:275srp5r]"great, you both can listen when in form, so go behind the cart and transform, I trust we'll be on our way shortly."[/i:275srp5r] Phoebey and Bella both nodded and dissapeared behind the wagon, LiNeee turned back to the male she had been talking to earlier, wondering if he had made [i:275srp5r]his[/i:275srp5r] decision.
Li Neena~

Aster zhah l''dalharil d''Draeval
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Post by Alaun-raena »

Pushing her knee higher, Alaun thrusted herself forwards, her stomach grazing against the soft grass. She had been listening; watching. So these carneys thought they could get to Menzoberanzzan and save some of the children there? [b:3w4nzkml]Ha![/b:3w4nzkml] She thought, [b:3w4nzkml]fools, they won't get past the gates![/b:3w4nzkml] Rolling onto her back she looked up at the shining stars for a moment before launching off her shoulders up onto the balls of her feet. A male named Onix, and a woman, Leuxana? They had past by her hiding spot; a fern, not too long ago. They were all heading back to the Half Moon Inn, a place Alaun had never been [i:3w4nzkml]in,[/i:3w4nzkml] but had been [i:3w4nzkml]on.[/i:3w4nzkml] Grinning the Drowess lifted her hand up, leaning it over her shoulder to wrap her fingers around her bow; the green light shining irrevocably tonight. [b:3w4nzkml]"Hush my love, you will be needed shortly."[/b:3w4nzkml] Alaun told it, fingers sliding along its wooden spine before she brang her fingers to the front of her chest, looping them under the velvet-like string, pulling it tighter so it wouldn't move.

Emerald eyes were stuck on one inparticular: A girl. Her name was Phoebey, only small, but a shifter. The elder was too naggy, too frustrating for Alaun to bother about. Flipping her toes forwards she bent her knees and took off at a run, the lake was behind her but she could still smell that sweet scent of the water. Always mesmerising. Rounding the bottom of a hill a large willow tree came into play; a simple flick of her hair back over her shoulder and she bent her knees; kicking off hard and soaring up into its branches freely. Hands unlooping from her bow-string, she clung and latched onto the bony limbs of the tree, swinging herself up and over until she was close to the Inn. The branch she was on; reached out over the cart the three girls were trying to move not too long ago. Alaun smiled, two pincer-like teeth jaggering out the front of her mouth. This phoebey girl would be hers.

Bending down into a spider-like crouch, Alaun rolled her neck. Hearing several bone-on-bone shearing cracks she leant up and pulled her bow free of her back, along with an arrow; blazing green. It looked like something from a horror film, smokey green, almost like lightning, flame pouring from its point. Alaun smiled again, lacing her fingers around her grip and setting the arrow in place. [b:3w4nzkml]"Jala vaen daewle,"[/b:3w4nzkml] she whispered, fingers hooking around the string; holding the arrow in place as she began to pull it back, arms perfectly square. [b:3w4nzkml]"Xal dosst bronretla quar'valsharess ser dosst quortek,"[/b:3w4nzkml] she hissed again sarcastically before the arrow touched her cheek, with a final intake of breath; she unhooked her fingesr quickly and sent the arrow flying. She had aimed for a good place; right at the Phoebey girls chest. Perhaps if the elder shifter wanted to save her she could, but who would save a child?

Alaun smirked, slinking her bow back over her back she sprung from her branch to a higher one, than again and again until she was at the highest branches. Making small to no noise at all as she leapt. There; she watched to see what would happen in the mere seconds Phoebey had until she was sprung.
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Post by veraka »

Onix listened to Luexena explain her thoughts on how to get into Menzobneranzzan. The clone then gained a face of thought as he mentally went through each of the possibilities.

"While I have some doubts of going with this methodology, I do however agree with you on one thing; deception will be our greatest asset on this mission, hands down. Though here's a question for you; can[/c] you play the role effectively enough to fool a true drow, whose a worshiper to this . . . " his words trailed off as he and Luexena neared Phoebey, Bella and LiNeee, all three waiting, as his augmented hearing picked up a the odd creak of a bow, and then the very slight sound of it being released.

Onix knew something was about to happen; his 6th sense, or his danger-close' feeling, as the clones called it, went off blaring.

Valor let out a shrieking warning to those close, unfurling his enormous feathered wings and lifting off from the clone's shoulders just as Onix spun pulling out a [url=http://www.swordsswords.com/images/prod ... g:2k3rc27t]throwing knife[/url:2k3rc27t] from his belt and hurling it at the unknown source of danger. To the clones surprise, his knife hit something completely unexpected as he heard the sound of steel-on-arrow shaft.

"Not on my watch," he breathed outward, his voice taking on the edge of venom.
In War, Justice; In Peace, Hope; In Death: Sacrifice


Luexena Deana
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Post by Luexena Deana »

[i:2ive6rzb]Playing the role is possible as long as I am not forced to perform any... rituals...[/i:2ive6rzb] Luexena shuddered a bit, musing. [i:2ive6rzb]Though I'd rather -not- do it as a mere thought of such disgusts me. Then... bribery would be our way in. The Melt'lars have--[/i:2ive6rzb] The woman trailed off a second before Onix spun around, tossing the throwing knife and hitting the arrow in flight - Erel'lua'ae warned her of a danger. The drow reacted immediately, drawing her sword in a single swift movement. The blade began singing again, though this time it was a song of anger, battle. She was not armored right now and she knew it, so whispered something hastily and slipped into [i:2ive6rzb]Greater Ethereal Sanctuary[/i:2ive6rzb], becoming invisible to all of the present. Her eyes narrowed as she looked around then, seeking the direction from which the shot was made.

Again the young woman whispered a prayer, granting herself a [i:2ive6rzb]True Seeing[/i:2ive6rzb] ability, her eyes began to glow with a bright blue light, able to pierce and the darkness and the shadows concealing the attacker.
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Post by Grahl »

Krom, not having the benefit of extraordinary vision, or magical powers, merely the sheer physical prowess of his race, and the instincts of a Barbarian warrior, raised upon lands where war and danger were routine, had no reason to suspect attack, even as Onix was nearing, and speaking, the bull had begun to dip his head in a respectful bow. He recognizing the man's own prowess, and perhaps recognizing him as a worthy opponent, though for no manner of desire for conflict, but a strange sort of friendship.

When words fall short though, he looks up to regard the clone, unsure of what has brought that pause about, and then goes out the dagger, and in comes the short-fallen arrow. His reaction comes automatically, estimating the route back to where the arrow had been fired from, and goes charging in, full-stride, not quite yet raging, but plowing in head half-lowered, that if an enemy appears low enough it might lower, and line up to gore them on his horns. This not being the case though, when he comes upon a tree, signs of its limbs disturbed, clear to him, growls furiously, and grabs at the trunk, throwing all his strength, all his weight, and soon all his berserking rage, into uprooting the whole tree, in order to topple it and any occupants it may carry.

Few are the trees he has ever known to get the better of him, except oak, better used for toughening the skull for head-butts. Against the very angry minotaur, [b:35fcaimi]this[/b:35fcaimi] tree is coming down... and he still hasn't pulled that huge great axe of his. Which, all considered, he could probably bring the tree down with, [u:35fcaimi]faster[/u:35fcaimi].
Red Dragon: See how the elf writhes as it burns, Little Naien?
Young Naien: Oooooh! So beautiful, can I burn one?! PLEASSSSE?!
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Post by LiNeee-niss'xae »

[[ Having trouble posting... So my apologies...P.s, Alaun that was truely random. ]]

Phoebey had been getting ready to shift; maybe that was why the creature of the night sought attack. Though of course the night was growing short and soon the sun would fall upon them. Beside her, Bella was working on stripping off her clothes, Phoebey found herself staring at the scars adorn on the woman's chest; [i:fazk2smh][color=darkred:fazk2smh]"where did you get all them?"[/i:fazk2smh][/color:fazk2smh] The girl asked curiously, tilting her head to the side as she too, laced her fingers under the blouse she wore and popped the top button.

Bella shrugged and looked up to the blonde girl; was she always so blunt? [i:fazk2smh][color=darkblue:fazk2smh]"Does it matter? They're there. That's all that matters."[/i:fazk2smh][/color:fazk2smh] She said sharply, though as she looked up to Phoebey, her hands dropped. [i:fazk2smh][color=darkblue:fazk2smh]"What's the matter?"[/i:fazk2smh][/color:fazk2smh] Bella demanded, trying to catch a Phoebeys attention who was utterly frozen, eyes wide in horror.

Phoebey had been about to laugh, looking up she found herself looking at Onix. Not just Onix but Leuxana aswel. They were talking, until Onix looked over to where she was standing; out came a dagger, than with a whirl he threw it at her. Through the night her scream could be heard as she finally unfroze and skittered backwards; her eyes closing tightly as she recoiled. That all stopped rather suddenly. The arrow landed infront of her; burying itself into the dirt with the dagger laying beside it. So Onix hadn't aimed at her at all, he had been stopping the arrow. Bella was by her side in a split second, arms around her tightly holding a shaking form. Crying? No, laughing.

LiNeee whipped around at the scream and soon the minotaur tore off towards a tree. Her eyes found Onix first, and still her heart leapt though she wouldn't let it take over. Turning her head towards where he was looking she sought out Bella, and Phoebey. Phoebey; laughing. She tilted her head and soon was by the girls side, leaning down with a hand on her shoulder. The arrow was close by, next to a dagger; Onix's she presumed. [i:fazk2smh]"Are you ok, Phoebs?"[/i:fazk2smh] She asked the young girl who replied with a gentle nod of her head, a smile plastered across the young looking face. LiNeee just shook her head and stood up, eyes climbing the tree searching for the attacker. It appeared the Minotaur was taking care of that though.
Li Neena~

Aster zhah l''dalharil d''Draeval
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