A Clone Encounter (Part 2)

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Post by Drakashin »

Drakin followed Ironside and the others. He serously needed something to drink, this day has been one of his strangest. As he moved through the weapons cache though, he was envious of the vast array of weapons displayed before him.

Grisnaw's hands began to open and close as he looked at the amount of weaponry. "Have I died?" he asked himself for surly this was paradise to the chaotic gargoyle. Drakin slapped his hands as he began to reach for one of the guns.

"That's the last thing I need right now," Drakin whispered to himself, "An over eager gargoyle with an itchy finger."

He turned out of the weapon's bay and found Pyro, Stalker, and Scar heading to the tavern. He fell into step behind them.
Last edited by Drakashin on Mon Sep 20, 2010 5:09 am, edited 2 times in total.
No Mercy for the Weak;
No Pity for the Dying;
No Tears for the Dead.

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Luexena Deana
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Post by Luexena Deana »

The newcomer drow could have been rather authoritive, yet Lynx did not even blink, as it had no effect on her. She heard about Eilistraeeans before and for some time was even led to believe Ryltar was one of them as well. Despite of that it was not her faith, not her people so she saw no reason to comply or grovel. The young mage studied the creature next to the intruder female, then looked to Onix.

[i:qjl62mer]Ryltar and I can ward your vessel from such random teleportation. Otherwise it's not safe here. If she managed to port in, the other mages that we fought earlier could do this too and assault us here.[/i:qjl62mer] Her forehead wrinkled slightly as she looked to Ryltar in thought. [i:qjl62mer]Runes... For Disrupt Teleport... Or Dimensional Anchor? We'd have to place those.[/i:qjl62mer] Then she lowered her voice slightly, murmuring to him. [i:qjl62mer]It will be rather draining... But we need a Nondetection too... Misdirection...[/i:qjl62mer]
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Post by veraka »

Pyro and Stalker rounded another corner of a hallway, and turned to pair of heavy doors were opened partially. Stalker brought his hand over the control panel and the doors opened. In the two clones went, followed by Scar and Drakin. ((OOC: I'm gonna let Scar describe the tavern, I'm not really the one who'd know))

The four entered the ship's tavern. The place was a bust as usual with it's regular patrons.

Next to the tavern was the lounge where clones marines, and personnel just gathered and had a good time, chatting or making jokes with each other.

Pyro took a seat at the bar and ordered his usual round of 'The Zombie', while Stalker grabbed a good beer.

That was when a group of shady marines entered the tavern and made their way over to the two clones. Stalker was chatting with a few marines and the barkeep when one of the marines, a male dark elf of some size, moved next to Pyro, drew his sidearm, and smacked him one over the head.

The clone collapsed onto the bar.
"Filthy bastard," the marine muttered, holstering his sidearm.

Stalker noticed this, set his drink down and came over to the marine; "you wanna try that again, ya fat fierfek?" he asked in a very pointed, threatening tone.
In War, Justice; In Peace, Hope; In Death: Sacrifice


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Post by Scar »

[quote="veraka":kq38d8me]Pyro and Stalker rounded another corner of a hallway, and turned to pair of heavy doors were opened partially. Stalker brought his hand over the control panel and the doors opened. In the two clones went, followed by Scar and Drakin. ((OOC: I'm gonna let Scar describe the tavern, I'm not really the one who'd know))

The four entered the ship's tavern. The place was a bust as usual with it's regular patrons.

Next to the tavern was the lounge where clones marines, and personnel just gathered and had a good time, chatting or making jokes with each other.

Pyro took a seat at the bar and ordered his usual round of 'The Zombie', while Stalker grabbed a good beer.

That was when a group of shady marines entered the tavern and made their way over to the two clones. Stalker was chatting with a few marines and the barkeep when one of the marines, a male dark elf of some size, moved next to Pyro, drew his sidearm, and smacked him one over the head.

The clone collapsed onto the bar.
"Filthy bastard," the marine muttered, holstering his sidearm.

Stalker noticed this, set his drink down and came over to the marine; "you wanna try that again, ya fat fierfek?" he asked in a very pointed, threatening tone.[/quote:kq38d8me]

Scar’s eyes open wide as the doors open to the tavern. He has never seen a place of drinking this big, nor this packed. The bar itself was a marvel to him, it was a giant circle in the center of the room assorted drinks and bottles scattered about the surface of a fine metallic counter. Seemingly floating above the counter was selves of glass that stored even more bottles of liquor. Scar was drooling a little bit from seeing all the liquor. Glancing off to his left he saw two pillars and over to his right were two more parallel to the left two. There were tables almost as far as the eye can see and booths with comfy looking chairs. Almost every table was filled, and most of the people were not in armor. He could see all the range of races. Most he hated because of his past, and a little flicker of red went off in his eye.

“Vigil.” He mumbled out loud.

He was going to stay close to Pyro and Stalker here, because for some reason he was starting to trust them more, at least more than everyone else in here. Till, he finds Drakin.
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Post by Calabask »

D[i:2n7t1q0d]imensional Anchoring is all we could do at present. To prevent an escape. Disrupt Teleport last I remembered was a ninth circle spell, and thus is beyond both of us.. For now. We will strive to learn it soon, though.[/i:2n7t1q0d] He nodded once to that and once again tapped his chin in thought. [i:2n7t1q0d]Non-detection might be good. I'm unsure if it can be applied to a ship, but.. We're mage's, are we not? We'll make it work[/i:2n7t1q0d]. He gave Lynx a confident smile and begin to sift through his spellbook, looking for any notations he may have made on the spell.
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Post by Drakashin »

Drakin moved up to Scar, it wasn't everyday that he was able to sneak up behind him, and said, "Makes you a bit envious doesn't it? I wonder what kind of foreign liquors they have?"

He began to move toward the bar.


Grisnaw began to look for another opportuntiy to find something fun to do, now that the strict assassin had finally left. [i:tllst9um]Thank some god[/i:tllst9um] he thought.

Now all he had to do was sit and wait, though this didn't come easily to the gargoyle. Whenever something didn't make a loud bang or cause fire, or some other destructive force, he began to get twitchy.
No Mercy for the Weak;
No Pity for the Dying;
No Tears for the Dead.

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Drakin viewtopic.php?t=1701
Luexena Deana
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Post by Luexena Deana »

[i:2pvdwwx1]Then we can set warding glyphs for now... [/i:2pvdwwx1]She mused, turning to Ryltar fully, seeking to meet his gaze with hers.[i:2pvdwwx1] You learnt many runes back in Broken Reach. Have you learnt any that could work as an alarm of magical intrusion? Detect magic is one of the simplest cantrips afterall.[/i:2pvdwwx1]
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Post by Calabask »

He winced a bit at that, scowling once more. Due to his study of necromancy divination was barred from him. [i:hjyfn6k0]Unfortunately, I do not know that spell, or any such divinations. It would fall to you my dear to do it, and I more than sure you are capable of pulling off such a trick.[/i:hjyfn6k0]
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Post by veraka »

((OOC: for eveyrone, me and Scar are gonna have a little bar brawl, so don't worry about it))

Ironside looked to the half-drow called Zana and nodded his head; "we have plenty of weapons like that; it truly depends on what you're looking for; if you;re into power and not worried about sound suppression, then I'd go with one of the anti-material rifles over there;," he points out the huge caliber sniper weapons.

"If on the other hand, you're interested in ranger and stealth, then a railgun might be more along your line of thinking."

At Lothir's comment, Ironside chuckled; "perhaps they might, my bard; but honestly, even if they could get past all of our defenses on-board, there'd be nothing in hell itself that'd stop this ship from self-destructing should the captain deem it worthy to do so, and most gunships would be off, then I'd highly doubt that you're fellow kin would make it off this ship in one piece with ANY piece of tech."

[quote:yv2ax99n]"If it's ll the same, I think I'll stick with mine. These are certainly as fine as any I've seen, but they do not feel the same- there is no soul in these."[/quote:yv2ax99n]

"perhaps not, Lothir; but they do have some value," with this, Ironside pulled out an adamantine plate that he'd scavenged from the battle below.
"I take it this is a very strong piece of armor among your world, yes?"

The clone took a vibro-sword, activated the vibration-rotors in in it, and swung at the piece of metal that was now propped upright. Ironside's sword sheared through the metal, not fully but gave it a good, deep cut into the chest-plate, as metal on ultra-sonic metal clashed. Lothir might not have been expecting that one.

Ironside removed the weapon from the plate and turned to the bard; "while these weapons may not 'feel' the same as you say, we DO have tech that can produce theses same results with your blades."

Onix looked to the Ryltar and Lnyx; "while the [i:yv2ax99n]Nighthammer[/i:yv2ax99n] may not posses magical barriers that you two are referring to, it might be good to know that, if possible, any kind of jamming spell that can prevent what has just happened, would be much appreciated."
Last edited by veraka on Mon Sep 20, 2010 5:29 am, edited 2 times in total.
In War, Justice; In Peace, Hope; In Death: Sacrifice


Luexena Deana
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Post by Luexena Deana »

[i:1bf5i0ln]Joys of being a Generalist. I get to do all the work.[/i:1bf5i0ln] She flashed him a brief smile, then turned to look to Onyx. [i:1bf5i0ln]I'd love to do that. Set magic detectors here and there, so we all would not be caught with our pants down so to say. That is until we are able to ward the vessel fully, of course.[/i:1bf5i0ln]
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Post by Calabask »

[i:30r6ma88]Indeed, I will help Lynx as I can. We should have the ship properly warded in time. We're going to need components though... And lots of them. Perhaps we should see to the place Onix mentioned to see what's there before we get too involved in preparing the Wards?[/i:30r6ma88] The drow glanced around the ship and winced, it was definitely going to be quite a labor in the long run, for Lynx and himself.
Aylstra Illianniis
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Post by Aylstra Illianniis »

The bard sighs as he looks around the armory, realizing that it's really just like the ones he is used to, if a bit more high-tech. "I've seen magical weapons that could do the same thing, and without changing the feel or weight of the blade," he says, unimpressed.

He shrugs, and wanders back out again, catching sight of the two clones and some of the other party members rounding a corner far down the corridor, and jogs along to catch up. He turns the corner just in time to see them go into a pair of doors, and slips in after them.

He stops dead at the sight of the huge room filled with more people of every race than he has ever seen in one place save the Bazaar in Terrillis. And all of them are living side-by-side, without killing each other! "I must have died again!" he says in wonder. He glances at the bar with its dozens of bottles, and wanders over, staring in amazement at the many strange drinks. Some he recognizes, but others are in colors he has never seen in any liquid.

He wanders over to where Pyro stands, and looks at him with an expression of curiosity. "What do you recommend?" he asks- just before the strange dark elf thumps the clone on the head. He stares in shock at the stranger, then whips his daggers from his boots and swiftly snarls out the commands to enlarge them to their saber form. "You'd better have a good reason for doing that, dalharn'd'natha'elg'caress," He says coldly.
By the Dark Maiden''s grace do we meet. May she guide and protect us.

"Where Science ends, Magic begins." -Spiral, Uncanny X-Men #491

A link to my tales, including my Marvel hero!:
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Post by veraka »

Onix looks to Lynx and has to smile, knowing that he got more than he bargained for with his allies; "alright then, well since we're on that subject, perhaps I could start by giving you some tidbits on killing those stupid things," he motions toward the bug.

"Oh and Ryltar, now probably would be an adequate time to re-size that damn thing to."
In War, Justice; In Peace, Hope; In Death: Sacrifice


Arya Baenre
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Post by Arya Baenre »


"Zarae!" Maryne smiled and ran to the drow, hugging her before stepping back, "Oh, I haven't seen you in a while! Off, Tasha! Don't bite!" The cat moved away from Zarae, and Maryne touched his head, "You remember him, don't you? He's grown quite big since you left ... almost too much to handle, now." {{OOC: Note, I was planning on introducing to cat in Facade, Zar, so she would know him}}

[color=indigo:2eroh5aa]Nice of you to barge in here and then demand explanations, lass.[/color:2eroh5aa]

"Barge in?" Her eyes widened slightly as she looked at the elf, just as the man beside her turned around, catching his look before he smiles, "Well, forgive me. I didn't mean to sounds so ... rude." She frowned at them for a moment before adding, "And twist? Like a field of some sort?" Her voice was a little more condescending than sorry.

As she looked out at the window, following the gargoyle's lead, she tilted her head, not understanding. After Onix responded, she paled, almost visibly. "Oh vith. How ... how the hell are we up here in the first place?"

She pursed her lips, just about to vomit.
Last edited by Arya Baenre on Tue Sep 21, 2010 12:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Calabask »

Rylltar grinned and just made a dismissivine gesture at the bug, when this was done the spell would abryuptly end, and any near the bug would likely get tossed back as it snapped back to it's full size. [i:n54tg2d0]Done.[/i:n54tg2d0]
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