The Half Moon Inn and Festhall

Above all the Chosen are a roleplaying group, and this forum is the place to do just that. All posts are expected to be in character except when specifically noted otherwise. A few rules to keep it fun for everyone are posted within, please read them before posting. Otherwise we encourage everyone to participate. Please keep the out-of character discussions to the Out Of Character forum.

Moderators: Shir'le E. Illios, Bhaern Quel

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Post by NathreeDe'Shezbron »

Zazzt squinted down on the person who yelled encouragment to the paladin, "Ele xun dos naut mziln xxizz l'velg'larn? Vel'bol uriu uk xunor ulu ibo'a dosst phlith?" He yelled down to her. Then he jumped down, off of the roof, and levitated down to the ground next to her, "Doer, telanth whol mina tu'."
A fight need not end with the death of participant. A fight also ends when the desire to do violence is gone.

Talwyn Aureliano
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Post by Talwyn Aureliano »

OOC: Doh! :bored: forgot escape artist... :-[ my bad ;)


I stoically endured each of the slashes and cuts that the assassin inflicted on me. My enhanced plate aborbed most of the damage but such was the enchant of the assassins blade that it still managed to cut through. I was heartened and drew strength from the cheers of encouragement which came from the crowd.

I concentrated, focusing on calling on upon Torms [b:1qhfmwam][color=orange:1qhfmwam]DIVINE MIGHT[/color:1qhfmwam][/b:1qhfmwam] to aid me.

Immense strength flowed into my body as a golden hued aura enveloped me briefly. I now had the strength of a Stone Giant suffusing my muscles for a few minutes.

The assassin darted in again, launching another series of swinging slashing strikes, some of which painfully hit.

I lunged forward as he swung in with his sword, my open palm outwards. My arm shot forward with a [color=red:1qhfmwam]Stunning Blow[/color:1qhfmwam]. I drove the strike directly into his solar plexus. I felt part of his sternum shatter and rib cage buckle from the tremendous force unleashed by the [color=red:1qhfmwam]Stunning Blow[/color:1qhfmwam]. The impact smashed him flying backwards off his feet, his breath whistling out of his body as he crashed onto the ground gasping desperately for air.
In War: Resolution. In Defeat: Defiance. In Victory: Magnanimity. In Peace: Goodwill.

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Post by NathreeDe'Shezbron »

Rogar struggled to his feet, "You are good, paladin, but..." A ring on his finger flashed, "It has been a while since I have had to use this ring." His wounds started to heal. "Now, then, you might as well draw your sword, fool of Torm, you fists will not avail you any more." He drew his dagger again, and with speed to match Talwyn's dashed forward, and the dagger and sword pumped rapidly, from different angles, forcing Talwyn to either retreat or lose his limbs to that horrible sword.
A fight need not end with the death of participant. A fight also ends when the desire to do violence is gone.

T'risstree Helviiryn
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Post by T'risstree Helviiryn »

T'risstree spun about, her golden eyes narrowing dangerously as she listened and grew angry at Zazzt's questions.

Her support an assassin? Never! It stood against everything she believed in.

[color=indigo:2lxd3a9l]"Ka dos inbal ulu joros nindel t'yin dos zhaun naubol d'l'quar'valsharess Usstan kla'ath. L'velg'larn zhah khurzon d'streea whol jal l'jiv'undus uk uriu thryarus!"[/color:2lxd3a9l] she snarled at Zazzt.

[color=indigo:2lxd3a9l]"Rath tarthe dal uns'aa waela jaluk lu'plynn dosst og'elend ul'hyrr xuil dos!"[/color:2lxd3a9l]

Her Bastard Sword sang out of it's sheath in a blur. The silvery shinning singing blade humming melodically in her hands as she glared at Zazzt while shadows began to envelop her once more.
L'''' ghefna i''''dol ulu doera natha wael zhah talinth dosstan mzild bekea taga byrren
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Post by NathreeDe'Shezbron »

Zazzt looked at her sword doubtfully, "Xal, jhal zhah ol llaar dosst quarthas ulu khluryar ukta? Nausbyr dosst faer xor dosst killian toun uns'aa. Usstan tlun galla ulu morfeth nindol malar mzild jivvin." He looked at her "In any case, I am not looking for a fight, Lady."
A fight need not end with the death of participant. A fight also ends when the desire to do violence is gone.

Talwyn Aureliano
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Post by Talwyn Aureliano »

I ignored the assassin's challenge. He was not worthy of death by my blade.

His blade may be dangerous but my fists were the hammers of his destruction.

Again he struck with slashing blows, many of them landing but I smahsed back with a [color=red:2dp32p6u]KNOCKDOWN[/color:2dp32p6u] strike, blugeoning him backwards once more with my superior strength. I lept forward this time before he had chance to stand and unleashed another [color=red:2dp32p6u]Flurry of Blows[/color:2dp32p6u], pummelling him mercilessly as he lay prone. With each strike I felt bone break and shatter from the immense force behind every punch.

I started intoning with every smashing blow,

[i:2dp32p6u]"Those who walk the road of good and the paths of righteousness are beset from all quarters by the inequities of the selfish, the ignorant and the tyranny of evil men!"[/i:2dp32p6u]
Last edited by Talwyn Aureliano on Wed Jul 22, 2009 6:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
In War: Resolution. In Defeat: Defiance. In Victory: Magnanimity. In Peace: Goodwill.

T'risstree Helviiryn
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Post by T'risstree Helviiryn »

[color=indigo:ydo2o5v2]"Mzild jivvin? Dos rul'seloz uns'aa yeunn jaluk lu'er'griff natha wael uriu nau treemma. Udos orn kyorl lu'oh jivvin ol zhah vel'drav dos kyorl dosst vlos a dosst talwien,"[/color:ydo2o5v2] she said as she faded into the shadows.

[color=indigo:ydo2o5v2]"Unbuwun wun nindol xonathull lu'dos orn zhaun jiv'undus, dos orn zhaun treemma lu't'yin dos orn el. Nindol zhah nau turi'ko, ol zhah natha iglata,"[/color:ydo2o5v2] came her voice from the shadows before Zazzt could no longer see her at all.
L'''' ghefna i''''dol ulu doera natha wael zhah talinth dosstan mzild bekea taga byrren
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Post by NathreeDe'Shezbron »

OOC: I think you forgot that monks can't use flurry of blows if they are in armor... or their improved speed, or anything, really :)

IC: Zazzt chuckled, "You know, my own mother said those words to me... the next day, I razed my House to the ground, ah, those were the good days..." He shrugged, not really worried by the threats of that female, he had many like her in his family, fanatical to a fault. He turned his attention to the fight just as the human upon whose armor he had left that stain, pummeled the life out of the assassin with that marvelous sword.

Rogar had felt pain, and had been in more painful situations than this one, he already felt the ring healing the majority of that accursed paladin's blows, true, he wouldn't look pretty, but the necessary effect was reached. He spat out a few teeth, and smiled at Talwyn, "Admitedly, you might be the finest, fighter I have met, but in any case, I believe this fight is over." Rogar's hands latched on to Talwyn's head, and Rogar turned his head so that his eye was directly in front of Talwyn. The spiral started spinning, and a bead of black energy formed in the middle, "This is a gift that my master gave me, and with this, you die!"
A fight need not end with the death of participant. A fight also ends when the desire to do violence is gone.

Talwyn Aureliano
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Post by Talwyn Aureliano »

[b:1h7hr95s]"Blessed are those, who in the name of selfless good, endeavour to shield the weak and the good souls from the shadow and the darkness, for they are truly good people and keepers of the faith,[/b:1h7hr95s]" I intoned loudly as the assassin gabbled on.

A light from above started to form about us as we grappled. Tiny objects, motes of dust and specks of dirt began to rise from the ground as the illumination increased. It was now as bright as daylight. The crowd who had come out to observe the duel as spectators started to edge away from the growing circle of luminescence

[color=darkred:1h7hr95s][i:1h7hr95s]"Admitedly, you might be the finest, fighter I have met, but in any case, I believe this fight is over." [/i:1h7hr95s][/color:1h7hr95s]

The Assassin's hands latched on to my head, and he turned his head so that his eye was directly in front of me. The spiral in the eye start to spin and a bead of black energy formed in the middle.

[color=darkred:1h7hr95s] [i:1h7hr95s]"This is a gift that my master gave me, and with this, you die!"[/i:1h7hr95s][/color:1h7hr95s]

[b:1h7hr95s]"Torm commands me to strike down with great vengeance and furious anger at those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers."[/b:1h7hr95s]

The assassin crowed as I shouted over the top of his threats as the light surrounding us began to blaze in glorious intensity, shimmering heat hammereing down.

The assassin suddenly stopped raving, looking about in surprise as his clothing and hair start to ingite into flame. I held on to him tightly, gripping in a bear hug as I shouted the final words,

[color=orange:1h7hr95s][b:1h7hr95s]"And you will know his name is TORM when he lays down his vengeance upon thee!" [/b:1h7hr95s][/color:1h7hr95s][/size:1h7hr95s]

The heavens opened up as a raging golden column of holy fire, sent forth by Torm himself, roared downwards with the noise of a mighty hurricaine, smashing onto us with dreadful effect. The spectators were blown off their feet from the force of the blast and shielded their faces from the radiant heat. Torms Fury, which I had called down upon me, smote us but I was triumphant.

The assassin's terrified screams of tortured anguish were cut short as the tremendous conflagrating inferno utterly consumed his body absolutely. The flesh melted from his bones and fell away into swirling motes of whirling fire. His bones were incinerated into ash and nothing remained but the awful eye which had fused into a crazed black spiraled marble size orb which rolled from where he had stood.

I too was consumed in the fire but I rejoiced as I felt my body burn and die. The agony was beyond comrehension and I collapsed onto the glowing, melted ground dead only after the assassin was gone.

My plate armour, which was enchanted to protect against fire, had saved my body from suffering the same fate as the assassin.

I felt my spirit begin to move from my body but it was stopped from leaving its mortal shell.

A huge figure in dusky purple hued plate armour materialised next to my body. He spoke in ringing tones to the gaping awestruck crowd,

[color=orange:1h7hr95s][b:1h7hr95s]"No greater love hath thee who layeth down his life for others,[/b:1h7hr95s]" [/color:1h7hr95s]intoned Torm, his voice ringing out with a clarion call that rolled like thunder.

He turned and knelt next to me, laying his hands on my chest. A golden light shone out and I shuddered back into life with a cry of pain.
In War: Resolution. In Defeat: Defiance. In Victory: Magnanimity. In Peace: Goodwill.

T'risstree Helviiryn
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Post by T'risstree Helviiryn »

[color=indigo:3l2nctwy]"If you managed to raise your own house to the ground then they must have been pathetically weak!"[/color:3l2nctwy] She snarled as she began to concentrate on Summoning a Shadow Lord to drain this annoying insect of its miserable life.

[color=indigo:3l2nctwy]"But no What is that light?[/color:3l2nctwy]" T'risstree muttered from the shadows as she was distracted from berating Zazzt by the growing radiance surrounding Talwyn and the assassin as they grappled and fought. Her concentration was broken and the summons stalled as she stared at the growing instense light in bewilderment.

She heard Talwyn calling out in an intonation and felt her skin begin to prickle as the air grew greasy with the build up of incredibly powerful magic. Talwyn, suffering from a multitude of wounds, gripped the assassin and yelled out his final words in a shout of triumph.

[color=orange:3l2nctwy][b:3l2nctwy]"And you will know his name is TORM when he lays down his vengeance upon thee!" [/b:3l2nctwy][/color:3l2nctwy][/size:3l2nctwy]

From the sky, a pillar of flame thundered down with an awful roar, impacting onto the two duelers, engulfing them utterly. She and everyone else where blown off their feet from the force of the blast and many were temporarily blinded by the blaze of light. She'd managed to avert her eyes in time and was amused to see Zazzt had been knocked down with everyone else by the divine strike of holy wrath.

Shakily she stood up, shielding her eyes from the still powerfully bright glow. Her heart sank as she saw that the inferno had consumed both assassin and paladin, although the paladin was still intact, albiet a charred body inside his blackened plate armour which toppled over slowly to the ground.

[color=indigo:3l2nctwy]"Oh no..."[/color:3l2nctwy] she siad with a mournful intake of breath. She was about to step over to where Talwyns remains lay when she was stopped by a new source of incredibly powerful magic forming. A huge human figure, clad in dusky purple hued plate armour, appeared in a small flash of light next to Talwyns body,

She stopped dumbstruck as she beheld an avatar of the human god, Torm. Her eyes rounded in absolute awe and wonder as she and many others, fell to their knees without a thought before the living god which stood before them.

His voice rang out, like the clanging of massive church bells, almost deafening to hear.

[color=orange:3l2nctwy][b:3l2nctwy]"No greater love hath thee who layeth down his life for others."[/b:3l2nctwy][/color:3l2nctwy]

Torm spoke, his voice thundering with amazing power which struck into the soul of every being present.

The god then turned and knelt next to his fallen paladin, laid his hands on his chest and infused life once more into his faithful servant.

She felt like crying, laughing and cheering all at the same time as she saw the paladin gasp in pain as he came back from death.

[color=indigo:3l2nctwy]"Vel'bol natha bronretla ml'aen...."[/color:3l2nctwy] she breathed in religious rhapsody as she gazed on Torms perfect and kindly face.
L'''' ghefna i''''dol ulu doera natha wael zhah talinth dosstan mzild bekea taga byrren
Zzadrina Kel'Shri
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Post by Zzadrina Kel'Shri »

Meanwhile, Zzadrina had taken it upon herself to beat her head on the table, while Elenwe watched in amusement.
[color=darkblue:v22tee8o]" Stupid...freaking...humans..."[/color:v22tee8o] She mumbled, mindless of the few pairs of eyes she brought from her odd act. The conversation had been going swimmingly, and everything had been fine, until those two had to go and duel. They weren't too fond of Katrianas rules, but in order to keep the place completely neutral, she had to follow each one she set down, and Drina admired that about her. She caught glances of the fight, and wasn't even the least suprised at Talwyns change. It just seemed like the thing he would do, turning into an avatar of Torm.
" Hey Lil, what''''s going on in the world news today?"
" Some woman got whacked!"
"....Apparently, this is cause for celebration in Lil Land."
--My friend and I
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Post by NathreeDe'Shezbron »

The assassin's sword, dagger, and eye, were all that remained after Talwyn's transformation, then they too vanished Zazzt's eyes flew open at the abilities both combatants showed, He stepped forward, and he stood before Torm, looking him in the eye, Zazzt pulling back his hood to show Torm his partly worm eaten face, his eyes were the only thing that seemed normal about his face, Scrap flew over to perch on his shoulder, the hawk's eyes turned the same color as Zazzt's and it too looked at Torm. Zazzt waved a hand, and layer after layer of wards and contingencies blinked out, "Tell me, do you think that I am undead?" He asked in all ernesty, in such a quiet voice that only Torm could hear him.
Last edited by NathreeDe'Shezbron on Thu Jul 23, 2009 4:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
A fight need not end with the death of participant. A fight also ends when the desire to do violence is gone.

Aylstra Illianniis
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Post by Aylstra Illianniis »

Lothir had followed the two out, and watched the debacle unfold, his own code of fairness preventing him from interfereing. "
By the Dark Maiden''s grace do we meet. May she guide and protect us.

"Where Science ends, Magic begins." -Spiral, Uncanny X-Men #491

A link to my tales, including my Marvel hero!:
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Post by Myna »

She ducked behind the wall that had so far sheltered her from attention as the force blew everyone back, her hair whistled along her face and she closed her eyes briefly, the gods presence was not uncomfortable but it was enough to make her not want to be there.

Whispers surrounded her and she closed her mind off to it, she didnt want to hear it right now, the voices that echoed through her head, so often now a days it was starting to effect her a bit more than she would like. She almost snapped out loud for the voice to shut up, but she bit back the words and peaked back around the corner to see the vision of the paladin's god bringing him back. She closed her eyes briefly, he was alright, she was glad. With that she moved off to the side and back around to the gardens. Her emotions raged, threatening to rage out of control as she found a tree out back and pressed her back to it she closed her eyes again enjoyed the blackness behind it and pulled the white leather braided rod shaped holster up and pulling something long from it, its entire frame was black except for a few orinate silver castings over it, it wound in a delicate and unique pattern across the lengths of wood.

She lifed it to her lips and started as she slid down the tree to sit at the base of its trunk sitting in the soft grass. The music started to flow, soft and full of emotion, sad and uplifting all at the same time, it was the one thing she was good at in her opinion. She could play, she could express herself, her emotions through the soft tunes of her preferred instrument, she was no bard her music didnt work in that way but it was just as well played, however no magics played into her music it was just that, music. Honed and practiced and studied and partially from a natural talent.

The music was obviously from that of a flute and it had a rich undertone to it that the traditional metalic flutes just could not achieve. This was hers and it was her joy to indulge in when she had the time to.

Her eyes stayed shut as she focused entirely on her unque song, the unique tune of her music. If anyone was there with her she would not know it untill her song ended, untill she opened her eyes, which she eventually would. When she was done.
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Post by NathreeDe'Shezbron »

Scrap's keen ears heard the sound of Myna's music, and with a screech, he flew into the air, and landed on a branch above her head. His eyes turned red, and his feathers darkened slightly, "What beautiful music," He screeched out, but with Zazzt's voice underlaying it, he tilted his head to the side, "Is something the matter, Lady?"
A fight need not end with the death of participant. A fight also ends when the desire to do violence is gone.

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