The Half Moon Inn and Festhall

Above all the Chosen are a roleplaying group, and this forum is the place to do just that. All posts are expected to be in character except when specifically noted otherwise. A few rules to keep it fun for everyone are posted within, please read them before posting. Otherwise we encourage everyone to participate. Please keep the out-of character discussions to the Out Of Character forum.

Moderators: Shir'le E. Illios, Bhaern Quel

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Zzadrina Kel'Shri
Posts: 116
Joined: Tue Jul 07, 2009 12:40 am

Post by Zzadrina Kel'Shri »

Zzadrina had trouble holding in her laughter at those crazy songs. Bawdy songs didn't bug her-she was a bard after all and had spent alot of time in taverns- they were just funny coming from Lothir and Talwyn. Elenwe looked mildly disgusted and amused in equal parts, but said nothing.

Though, when Lothir asked her to dance, Zzadrina was thrown off and left gaping like a fish for several seconds before Elenwe nudged her with one of her knobby elbows and sent the drow off to dance, before claiming the attention of Talwyn with a story.
Zzadrina grumbled at Elenwe after she nudged her, but slipped her arm through Lothir nonetheless. She laughed softly as he spun her around once, then called out the to rest to the tavern.

[color=darkblue:3q9eq58a]" Hey, what are you louts sitting around for? I wont be made the fool with my horrible dancing skills alone!"[/color:3q9eq58a]
Many of the men and women laughed and paired up to dance aswell in the large open space made for minstrels and dancing. Even the halfing waitress coaxed the bartender out for one jig. It was a song Zzadrina had heard before, so she had no trouble finding her rythm and keeping up with Lothir, who even sometimes had a hard time keeping up with her. This was one of those wild spinning dances that Drina loved and that could sometimes be dangerous among an inebriated crowd, but suprisingly, no one got hurt.
" Hey Lil, what''''s going on in the world news today?"
" Some woman got whacked!"
"....Apparently, this is cause for celebration in Lil Land."
--My friend and I
Aylstra Illianniis
Posts: 1933
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Post by Aylstra Illianniis »

He makes a slight show of pretending to have trouble keeping up, so as not to show off, but after so many years of winning those wild neriarras, this actaully seems tame.....
By the Dark Maiden''s grace do we meet. May she guide and protect us.

"Where Science ends, Magic begins." -Spiral, Uncanny X-Men #491

A link to my tales, including my Marvel hero!:
Zzadrina Kel'Shri
Posts: 116
Joined: Tue Jul 07, 2009 12:40 am

Post by Zzadrina Kel'Shri »

Zzadrina frowned slightly as she turned under his arm. His expression was slightly bored. As they went into a quick swing, she nodded at the instruments. Adding her bardic magic to his, the pace of the jig quickened, adding new melodies and rythms to resemble the complicated [i:2v6scfr0]neideirra[/i:2v6scfr0], a dance of the drow. She grinned momentarily at her dance partner.
" Hey Lil, what''''s going on in the world news today?"
" Some woman got whacked!"
"....Apparently, this is cause for celebration in Lil Land."
--My friend and I
Talwyn Aureliano
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Location: Western Australia

Post by Talwyn Aureliano »

I watched as Zzadrina and Lothir whirled around the floor. If anything, it seemed that Lothir was holding back. He's a sly one I thought. Elenwe meanwhile had engaged me in a spritely tale. In truth it was nice to sit back and listen to her. I spoke up as she paused to take a drink and asked,

"So Elenwe, tell me, why did you decide to take up the vows of monastic life?"
In War: Resolution. In Defeat: Defiance. In Victory: Magnanimity. In Peace: Goodwill.

Zzadrina Kel'Shri
Posts: 116
Joined: Tue Jul 07, 2009 12:40 am

Post by Zzadrina Kel'Shri »

Elenwe looked away from her friends on the dance floor and over to Talwyn. She wasn't suprised by his question.
[color=green:3va8cg36]" I was raised by them, actually. My mother, who was the human between my parents, was good friends with the head monk, and after she died when I was young, he took me in and raised me as his daughter. My father never showed up, but he was an adventurer, so either he died, or found some pretty elf lady to love."[/color:3va8cg36] She shrugged.
[color=green:3va8cg36]" I've never met him. But it's all that I know, so I didn't so much as take up monastic life as lived it, you understand."[/color:3va8cg36]
" Hey Lil, what''''s going on in the world news today?"
" Some woman got whacked!"
"....Apparently, this is cause for celebration in Lil Land."
--My friend and I
Talwyn Aureliano
Posts: 1480
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Location: Western Australia

Post by Talwyn Aureliano »

"I am sorry to learn of the loss of your mother when you were such a young age. I am curious though to learn more about your order. Could you tell me what rules you follow, what your order and god expect of you?"
In War: Resolution. In Defeat: Defiance. In Victory: Magnanimity. In Peace: Goodwill.

Zzadrina Kel'Shri
Posts: 116
Joined: Tue Jul 07, 2009 12:40 am

Post by Zzadrina Kel'Shri »

Elenwe looked thoughtful.
[color=green:2rxgatw4]" That is a little difficult to explain, really. Seeing as we mix our monastic practices with magic, we're constantly at odd with the Cowled Wizards that rule Athkatla. They persecute anyone in Amn who wields magic without their sayso, so it's caused much of the order to go to ground or leave the country. We arent much of an order anymore."[/color:2rxgatw4] She frowned sadly.
[color=green:2rxgatw4]" We are pretty much disbanded, Im really only a Monk of the Shining Hand in name and ideal."[/color:2rxgatw4]
" Hey Lil, what''''s going on in the world news today?"
" Some woman got whacked!"
"....Apparently, this is cause for celebration in Lil Land."
--My friend and I
Talwyn Aureliano
Posts: 1480
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Location: Western Australia

Post by Talwyn Aureliano »

"Ahh the infamous Cowled wizards of Amn, I have heard of them and their draconian laws on those that practice and weild magic. In a sense they are just a guild and seek to maintain their position and power by denying anyone else access to the weave. It's tyrannical and in my opinion, hypocritcal too. The Cowled Wizards as almost as bad os the Red Wizards of Thay. They too are a bunch of power mad socio pathic egomaniacs." I paused and had a swig of my ale.

"So if it is just you then, what is the code you practice if you do not mind me asking?"
In War: Resolution. In Defeat: Defiance. In Victory: Magnanimity. In Peace: Goodwill.

Zzadrina Kel'Shri
Posts: 116
Joined: Tue Jul 07, 2009 12:40 am

Post by Zzadrina Kel'Shri »

Elenwe chuckled.
[color=green:1yiho0f1]" It's not just me. But, anyway. They typical monk codes, really. Deliberate lies are confessed, she damaging of a living plant is confessed, as we do not think it is right to deliberately destroy nature. We eat no meat, only plants. No drinking liquor, if we intentionally deprive an animal of life, that animal is to be respected and we repent for such a killing. Also, we are celibate."[/color:1yiho0f1] She smirked at the last one and took a sip from her mug.
" Hey Lil, what''''s going on in the world news today?"
" Some woman got whacked!"
"....Apparently, this is cause for celebration in Lil Land."
--My friend and I
Talwyn Aureliano
Posts: 1480
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Location: Western Australia

Post by Talwyn Aureliano »

"I had no idea you followed vegetarianism. I understand the prohibitions on the imbibing of alcohol and the vow of celibacy yet am intrigued to learn about the code of not harming nature and animals intentionally. I assume you only kill, if absolutely necessary, in self defense?"
In War: Resolution. In Defeat: Defiance. In Victory: Magnanimity. In Peace: Goodwill.

Zzadrina Kel'Shri
Posts: 116
Joined: Tue Jul 07, 2009 12:40 am

Post by Zzadrina Kel'Shri »

[color=green:1zcbs9ix]" Exactly. Only in self defense, and still, there is repentance that follows that, sometimes fasting or speaking to someone higher in the order."[/color:1zcbs9ix] She shrugged.
[color=green:1zcbs9ix]" I havent spoken with any in my order in a long time, I haven't seen them."[/color:1zcbs9ix]
" Hey Lil, what''''s going on in the world news today?"
" Some woman got whacked!"
"....Apparently, this is cause for celebration in Lil Land."
--My friend and I
Talwyn Aureliano
Posts: 1480
Joined: Sun Mar 16, 2008 2:27 pm
Location: Western Australia

Post by Talwyn Aureliano »

I looked slightly concerned.

"Isn't there other monastries of Azuth that you could contact? Surely you must missed the company of your order?"
In War: Resolution. In Defeat: Defiance. In Victory: Magnanimity. In Peace: Goodwill.

Zzadrina Kel'Shri
Posts: 116
Joined: Tue Jul 07, 2009 12:40 am

Post by Zzadrina Kel'Shri »

She shook her head.
[color=green:103cl0k5]" No, it was only in Amn. But truly, I do not lack for company. Zzadrina is worth 10 people with all her personality." [/color:103cl0k5]She chuckled.
[color=green:103cl0k5]" I was never very close with my foster father, and I didn't develop many friendships with the monks."[/color:103cl0k5]
" Hey Lil, what''''s going on in the world news today?"
" Some woman got whacked!"
"....Apparently, this is cause for celebration in Lil Land."
--My friend and I
Talwyn Aureliano
Posts: 1480
Joined: Sun Mar 16, 2008 2:27 pm
Location: Western Australia

Post by Talwyn Aureliano »

I smiled at Elenwe.

"It is good that you have found a solid and loyal friend then to share your travels," I said as I nodded in Zzadrina's direction. "Otherwise you would have quite a lonely road to walk."
In War: Resolution. In Defeat: Defiance. In Victory: Magnanimity. In Peace: Goodwill.

Aylstra Illianniis
Posts: 1933
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Location: Texas

Post by Aylstra Illianniis »

OOC: What he started playing.... ... man-gypsy/ ... ry-nights/ ... s-of-fire/

With the quickened pace, the agile young bard begins to truly enjoy the dance. "Well now. Here's a surprise! First time in years I've found anyone who could keep up! This might actually be fun! Care to go all in, my Lady?" he chuckles slyly, and suddenly the music begins to play even faster and more heart-pounding then ever.

OOC: here's what you hear: ... man-siamsa ... n-dervish/ ... the-celts/

His eyes are half-closed in an esctatic madness of sheer joy. He whirls and swings his partner ever faster, until both are moving like a blur of arms and legs about the floor. Several others stop and clear a path for the pair, gaping at the sight of the two ebon-skinned whirlwinds in their midst.

At last they collapse together onto a bench, laughing and breathless as the exuberant music ends....
By the Dark Maiden''s grace do we meet. May she guide and protect us.

"Where Science ends, Magic begins." -Spiral, Uncanny X-Men #491

A link to my tales, including my Marvel hero!:
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