A Return to Faerun from Elben Aator

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Post by NathreeDe'Shezbron »

Zazzt nodded, "Let us see what Lady Veladorn can do..." He pulled out the stone, rolling it over in his hands "However, what I truely fear is where her soul would go, should she die..." He spoke under his breath "Will she go to Lolth, and possibly die there, or be trapped in Vhaeraun's realm..." He sighed, "At least here, like this, I know she is safe, if uncomfortable." He turned to Nedelyne, "Lady, what should I do?"
A fight need not end with the death of participant. A fight also ends when the desire to do violence is gone.

Arya Baenre
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Post by Arya Baenre »

{Nyah >< Sorry for being so crappy with posting regularly}

She sits up, watching the others talk from afar, and pulls her knees into her chest. Sleep-rimmed eyes stare up at the rest of the group as she struggles not to yawn. She quickly snatches her bag and stands up, walking over to them.

"We'll find a way to set her completely free, Zazzt."
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Your hair is pretty like a tree.
Adian Novar
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Post by Adian Novar »

"And to do so we must continue on soon to reach the next safe place before dark," Adian said, fixing the cloth over his eyes and bracing himself for the sunlight-drenched trip. "I'll get the horses."

With a last sympathetic look at Zazzt, Adian stepped out into the sun and headed to where the horses were tethered.The youth greeted them with soft words and gentle brushing before he led them back to be saddled and burdened.
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Post by silke_rahn »

"Those of you not used to the daylight yet shade your eyes with a large hood, bandages, or a broad brimmed hat. We travel by day because too few of our underdark brethren can see safely in daylight."

Then Nedylene made sure all her people had secured their gear on their horses. She enjoyed working with horses over the riding lizards of the underdark. Her brief time below when she first got to Elben Aator from Faerun was a nightmare for her. She adapted, but none could say she was happy there. Szith was more tightly controlled by its noble houses than was Menzoberranzan. Nedylene had gone to Menzo on her last trip back from Elben Aator. That trip ended in a matracide and the death of that matron's daughter and heir.

"If anyone finds a Drow in livery similar to mine, but with Lolth instead of Eilistraee covering the House Creast. That Drow belongs to the darkside of the House and is likely seeking revenge on my side."

Then she looked around to see if her companions including the Ilythiiri here from the mainland wore appropriate head gear.

"If we come across any rivvin or other kivvin that can't abide by our race being on the surface don't provoke them. If they attack by all means defend yourself and make any combat swift and final."

She looked at her children, really three half-Drow in their late teens and her adoptive daughter now a beautiful half-Drow woman in her early twenties. They went about getting their horses ready to leave the Moon Shard and its shrine and sanctuary. Ulrike Himmelstochter, the captain of the Darksong Knights of Lunar Temple, a beautiful half-Drow in her own right, was ready to leave in a timely manner. Then again Ulrike was a veteran of many campaigns on Elben Aator against Szithite raiders and the local colony of former Vhaeraun followers on Elben Aator that refuse to follow Eilistraee.

Ulrike looked around the cavalcade and then nodded satisfied.

"Nedylene everyone is ready even the local company of Darksong Knights know their business. You really should not worry so much m'lady. After all Nedy we are nearing our destination. After this meeting we can go on to Llorkh and visit your father and your other sisters at the estate near there."

Ulrike looked over to Delia Rahn, the bard-fighter and Harper Agent was already in her saddle. A Darkhuntress of Lunar Temple's Guardians of Luna, Delia was a veteran campaigner like Ulrike and Nedylene.

"Don't worry Ulrike and Nedy, I will make sure the triplets keep up. Besides did the projection message from Qilue' say what this Drow knight wanted to tell the gathered Argent Maids anyway?"

Nedylene looked at her companions and shook her head.

"No, she did not let me know what was going on. I guess we will see when we get there and the leaders of the gathered Moon Shards have time to hear out this Drow knight from below."
Drow on the Surface face as many dangers as those in the Underdark. Just because the Rivvil is friendly does not mean he wishes to help you, he may just want to get you off guard before knifing you.
Adian Novar
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Post by Adian Novar »

Adian rode along close to the head of the group, occassionally offering assistance with directions and landmarks that he had noted on his previous trip. He remained deferential, now more aware than ever that he was a novice riding among veterans. Once in awhile he let himself drift back in the group to check on the well-being of the youngest as they rode more or less safely in the middle.

His cloth eye covering protected him well enough from the glare of the day, but it also limited his sight. As a result, he could not see the distant thread of smoke rising from the forest directly ahead of them.
Arya Baenre
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Post by Arya Baenre »

She followed right behind Nedylene and her children, the rest of her group fanned out behind her. She continually glanced sideways, checking to see that the path was clear. Her hood was bundled up against her neck, shielding her from the slight chill of the morning.

She looked straight, her eyes narrowing at the small line of smoke. "Lady Nedylene." she called out harshly, her hand automatically dropping to the weapon at her belt.
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Your hair is pretty like a tree.
Adian Novar
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Post by Adian Novar »

Adian's head came up sharply at Kaeli's shout. He looked around for immediate threats, but saw nothing.

"What?" he said. "What is it?"
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Post by NathreeDe'Shezbron »

Zazzt, riding on a carpet that flew a few feet off the ground, the gem hadn't left his hands since their departure. Even though his eyes were used to the light of day, he was deep in thought, wieghing Nedlyne's promises to save his sister against the miserable failure that was the majority of his life. True, he would be happy to see his sister again, in a body, not some worthless stone, but he also feared the results of such a reunion. He had, after all, killed her, then trapped her soul, causing her great pain.
His inner battle continued until Arya called out. The gem that held his sister's soul was put back in the pack, he didn't dare risk it in the possibility of battle. Coming out of his reverie, Zazzt saw the smoke, "Why would a thin line of smoke cause you alarm? We are not few, or weak, and I have a spell that could allow me to scout the location, or we could send a pair off in the direction to investigate, while the rest continue onward." Even though he made the suggestion, it was obvious that Zazzt was loathe to leave the group, he feared that they might leave him behind, once he was gone... but he buried the thought, habits and all that, he told himself. "What do the rest of you say?"
A fight need not end with the death of participant. A fight also ends when the desire to do violence is gone.

Adian Novar
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Post by Adian Novar »


Adien at last dared to pull down the cloth over his eyes. The sunlight was like an ice pick in his head, but he squinted under his hood to try to see.

"That...that is where the shrine is," Adian said, worry starting to creep into his voice. "Perhaps...perhaps there is a feast happening today. They were in the process of beginning contact with a nearby human village. Maybe they are celebrating..?"

He let it trail off. The suggestion sounded foolish even as he said it.

He looked to Nedylene, his desire to go to the shrine writ as clearly in his face as if he had shouted it.
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Post by NathreeDe'Shezbron »

Zazzt put a comforting hand on Adian's shoulder, "Do not fear, if Lady Quile is as powerful as you say, you do not have cause to fear." He smiled, "Nonetheless, our help could be valuble."
A fight need not end with the death of participant. A fight also ends when the desire to do violence is gone.

Adian Novar
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Post by Adian Novar »

"Lady Qilue is still at the Promenade," Adian said. "This was a second shrine, another safe haven along our route. Still, there are six shrinemaidens there, and a handful of travellers when I first passed through. Surely they could handle anything that might happen."

Nevertheless he stared at the forest until the pain from the sunlight forced him to put the cloth over his eyes again.
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Post by silke_rahn »

Nedylene looked ahead toward the column of smoke rising from the location of the next shrine. A veteran of two wars and the constant campaigning on Elben Aator she knew that this was not the smoke from feast fires. Looking at the Paladin-Cleric of Lathander, Ulrike Himmelstochter then back to Delia the bard-Ranger and Harper Agent she noticed both of them saw the smoke as well.

Nedylene readied herself for possible battle. She lowered her hood and placed her Drow Warrior's Helm on her head. Then with her shield hand she took the reins of her horse. With her weapon hand she then loosened Eilistraee's Justice to make it easier to draw in case of combat. With her periferial vision she noticed that Ulrike also had readied herself for possible combat.

"Bandits or local?" she asked Ulrike.

Ulrike looked ahead toward the column of smoke. Then she spoke without looking at the Argent Maid.

"Both, but Delia could go on ahead and tell us for sure."

Nedylene raised her weapon hand and made a gesture for Delia do come forward. Delia saw this faint one handed command and rode up as fast as she dared to be beside her Matron.

"Yes, mother, what do you need?"

"Do you see the column of smoke down the trail from us?"

"Yes, I noticed it. Young Adain is hopeful if that is a feast fire, but the color of the smoke is wrong. There is too much of it too."

Nedylene on her heavier mount just looked down the road toward where the shrine should be.

"Ride down there, scout it out, then come back and report."

"Yes Argent Maid," then Delia rode off on her lighter cavalry horse toward the location of the shrine. She wore Guards Lament, a chainmail shirt made for one of the Darksong Knights of Lunar Temple's Guardians of Luna when Calia Tyne was just a Dark Huntress within the Guardians. Calia gave Delia, Guards Lament when she became a Dark Huntress or Scout in the Guardians. This chain shirt combined with her boots of Elvenkind, her cloak of Elvenkind, and her ring of hiding she virtually disappeared when scouting. Of course being a Bard-Ranger-Shadow Dancer-Harper Agent helped too.

Nedylene watched as Delia road off down the trail.

"Don't worry Nedy, Delia may not be as roguish as Silke, but she is very good at traveling unseen and unnoticed."

Nedylene nodded then spoke.

"I know, but Elfie has been hanging around those two Delia and Silke alot lately and shows a tendency toward their vocations."
Drow on the Surface face as many dangers as those in the Underdark. Just because the Rivvil is friendly does not mean he wishes to help you, he may just want to get you off guard before knifing you.
Adian Novar
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Post by Adian Novar »

It was not a pretty sight. Even as she approached the site, Delia could tell that something was terribly wrong. A large number of footprints, disorganized but directed, were visible both going towards and away from the shrine area. Bushes and grass were ground under the tread of many feet...possibly as many as three dozen individuals. Their size and depth made them larger than elves...and by the quality of footwear they were likely human.

The shrine was a scene of destruction. The bonfire the worshippers here normally used to dance around had been put to a different use: Logs had been hastily cast into it and lit and in the middle of the fire was the non-flamable remains of the Dark Maiden's altar, blackened and cracked. Decorations that were sometimes used by the Eilistraeean drow were scattered about, ritual robes torn into ruin. The attackers had vandalized everything in the grove, braking branches of the trees and trampling the bushes. Bits of food were scattered about, and a single wine cask had been smashed to let its contents spill into the earth. Here and there were scattered weapons: branches turned into clubs, and one or two blunt tools, and a single handaxe embedded in a log.

Outside the cave mouth that had housed the shrine, three bodies lay, their bodies like cast away dolls after a child's tantrum. Their deaths had not been quick or easy: two had simply been beaten to death with clubs or other blunt tools. One had been cut and bled out, her body kicked repeatedly. All three had been savaged.

There was no trace of any valuables outside the cave: The silver jewelry that Eilistraeeanns loved, the silk robes or gowns they wore, were not in evidence. The weapons of the shrinemaidens were also gone without a trace.

The scene was not without hope, however. A number of footprints told of individuals leaving the area at a rapid pace, scattered in several directions. The attackers had not tried to pursue, but had remained content to demolish the grove instead: Very unprofessional for bandits.

The interior of the snmall cave had been avoided by the bulk of the crowd. The place had been completely looted, the stores of food and supplies robbed entirely. In a small alcove was to be found a fourth body, another drow slightly larger than the rest, her robes slashed open and her flesh terribly bruised...and again no sign of her weapon. Above her was a crude chalk drawing of a pair of scales: The symbol of...[i:aa61rq35]Tyr[/i:aa61rq35]?

A faint coughing sound echoed in the small cave. The source was the motionless body of the maiden at Delia's feet. A second look showed that her chest was moving, taking very challow breaths.


Desperately in need of healing, her grip on life so tenuous that merely moving her could be fatal...but [i:aa61rq35]alive![/i:aa61rq35]
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Post by NathreeDe'Shezbron »

Zazzt sat on his carpet, waiting for Delia to return with the news, but patience was never one of his strong points, along with horse riding, he turned to Nedylene "I do not intend to doubt Lady Delia's prowess, but it does not seem to me that she can perceive magically concealed enemies, perhaps I could assist her with her search?"
A fight need not end with the death of participant. A fight also ends when the desire to do violence is gone.

Arya Baenre
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Post by Arya Baenre »

She turned to Zazzt as he asked Nedylene his question, her hands curling tightly against the reins that she held. She longed to go after Delia as well. Although she fully trusted, and was aware of the Drow's skills, something did not seem right, and she felt useless back here. She held her arms tight against her side, the familiar dig of hidden weapons assuring her that they were not unprotected.

She looked at Nedylene and the others. "Perhaps we should all go after her if she does not return quickly? If the threat has passed ..." she winced slightly as a memory came up, reminding her of what most likely awaited them. She closed her eyes and continued, "If it has passed, then we would be wasting time for both catching up to them - if need be - or continuing on with our way if she is to come back."
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Your hair is pretty like a tree.
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