Silent Slough

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Bhaern Quel
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Re: Silent Slough

Post by Bhaern Quel »

Reaches into his back pack and pulls out a few sweet rolls and pits them on the counter..

Here you go little one.
So you can not touch iron. It did not appear to bother you being near it. Just we have to worry about iron touching you. The less we have the better for you.

Looks to the others
After lunch, I will see about the perimeter and maybe plant some weed. I am a little concerned about a shadow that we have seen. So all should not go far from the building here. While out there I will see if there are any herbs I can used, gather stones for sling. The rest of you should assemble what you need and if you are done help the others if you can. If you run out f things to do for the trip help protect and keep what is here. Hep Bludgeon preserve the boar for example. Or collect fire wood that would be needed here for winter. Also be alert for danger.
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Re: Grab, Root, & Growl

Post by Drathiranon »

We all saw the shadow hovering over the store like a large cloud but nothing there.
With a mischievous smile Mouxsie looks to Tarvis.
Uh, ok. Thanks mate!

The fairy then dives into a sweet roll with gladness.

Llelanni picks up the bearing.
Hmm..I can think of a few things but most of what I'd like to use is beyond my learning. I've have another look at my book and let you know what I can do.

Mouxsie chimes in.

Think about cantrips, Elf. Had some fun just there with the sparkles and colours. They are easy.

Bludgeon takes the tray of dumplings in front of the dark elf out to cook.

Slog leans his barrel chair back against the wall, pulling his hat down over his face to take a nap while waiting for the food to cook.
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Re: Silent Slough

Post by Bhaern Quel »

I do have onions, potatoes and cheese to add for lunch if you want them.

Stands ready to help make the meal.

Maybe I can get some help. A friend might look in on me.
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Re: Grab, Root, & Growl

Post by Drathiranon »

Bludgeon has taken inventory. She has a pile of the dried food and light but useful weapons she intends to consider as final choice. As the orc woman enters from the back of the store with a tray of freshly made dough, her ears twitch. With a gracious smile she turns to Tarvis.

Bludgeon appreciate them, Friend. Will make nice casserole.

The orc woman takes the food and a skillet from the face of the fireplace then hums a happy tune walking back outside.

Slog slightly lifts the brim of his hat. Red eyes peeking out.

The dark elven woman stirs the mushroom dipping sauce over the hearth. She looks to the fairy who is sitting up on the counter top, one tiny arm holding her tiny legs to her chest. The other tiny arm is holding a bit of the sweet roll while she takes tiny bites.

Mouxsie, will you teach me a few of these things this evening?

The fairy stretches her arms in the air and lays flat on the counter top, sighs. She then rolls onto her side facing Llelanni while feasting on another chunk of the roll.

To be sure, we give it a go after me nap.

The direwolf looks inside from the back door. He cocks his head to one side as if listen to the conversations. The fairy takes notice. Touching the clover charm around her neck, the direwolf then disappears, returning once again to his place of rest.

Llelanni looks to Tarvis.
I'll be glad to lend a hand with your tasks should you need it, Sir Tarvis.
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Re: Silent Slough

Post by Bhaern Quel »

The onions and potatoes appear as ending as the rolls, Bludgeon got all she needed for her stew.

After the talk between Mouxsie and Lielanni learning magic spells, wonders what help the elf offers while the fairy sleeps

Calling for help or planting the weed. Chooses the later.

While I could use some help with the weed and looking for stones. Maybe I might have an idea or two that you could find useful.

Steps over to look how they were doing, to decide if they are ready to transplant in the weather.
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Re: Grab, Root, & Growl

Post by Drathiranon »

Mouxsie lazily rolls over on her belly, resting her tiny head on one folded arm, and falling asleep.

Slog lowers his hat, falling back to sleep as well.

Llelanni takes a pair if tongs and steps behind the counter to stuff dumplings with cooked cut slab bacon.

Oh, Sir Tarvis? What do you have in mind?

The oder of sizzling potatoes and onion frying drifts inside as the sounds of Bludgeon's humming and scraping of the skillet mingle in the background.
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Re: Silent Slough

Post by Bhaern Quel »

Lady Lielanni, I was thinking of herb lore, some healing herbs might be good for you to know about. Though maybe you know some of them now. I am not sure it will be safe to transplant these snall plants. Besides if we lose the boar for good. No need to plant some of them where I had planned. I also could maybe tell you about some of the magic I have seen that might help you with your spell craft.

Thinks about some of the people he has met, customers among them, that have talked some about how they used the herbs he found. Decides to try to catch an eye of a friend that uses crystal ball at times. Takes from his pack a red strip of cloth and wraps it around his left arm Above the elbow.

For luck Not wanting to build hope of aid, or let them know someone might be watching.
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Re: Grab, Root, & Growl/Day Before Journey

Post by Drathiranon »

As Llelanni ladles a little mushroom dipping sauce into each dumpling, Bludgeon walks back inside with the fried onions and potatoes. She adds some onions to the dumplings then pours the last of the mushroom sauce into a baking pan with the rest of the onions, potatoes, and cheese. The orc woman then goes back outside to bake the casserole.
While folding and sealing the dumplings for steaming, Llelanni replies to Tarvis.

I will pay you for the training, Sir Tarvis. Planting the weed is surely still advantageous.

Slog lifts the brim of his hat and sniffs the air. With a deep grin he lowers his barrel chair back onto the floor.

Slog pay for Friend to do this. Even if boar not here, Slog plan to put some kind of livestock in pen. Maybe, chickens. Still useful.

Slog leans to one side, hoping to catch a glimpse of Bludgeon.
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Re: Silent Slough

Post by Bhaern Quel »

I am concern they will not live.

Looks to Lielanni
There is some learning even if they do not live on how to do it. There is more learning if they grow as to their care.

Looks over to Slog

My concern is more the failure to grow, however this weed would not fence chickens like it does boar as well. If it gets warm enough, I can plant the outer fence. That if it grows would protect your fields from wild boar eating your crop. I just do not want fence that dies rather then grows.
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Re: Silent Slough

Post by Drathiranon »

With huge casserole in her green hands, a side of fried onions and potatoes with cheese, the orc woman enters the back door. She carefully places the food on the counter top.
Llelanni nods to Tarvis and quickly assembles cups, plates, and dining utensils for everyone.
Mouxsie rolls over and sits up rubbing her tiny eyes.
Slog looks to Tarvis with a grin.

We make something work, Friend. First we eat lunch.

The fairy's wings buzz, carrying her over to one side of the fireplace mantel. She sits watching the others, allowing her tiny legs to dangle over the edge. Mouxsie smiles reassuringly to Tarvis.
They will live, me laddine, they will live.

Outside the sun is almost to the highest point in the sky, illuminating the small village. The chilly winds send more leaves into a whirling dance to meet the ground and create a breath like sound through the catails. The swamp has a less offensive oder this afternoon as a blue heron dips his long slender bill into the murky depth in search of a fish. The water winds slowly along the back of the store rocking Llelanni's rowboat, causing it to tap against the weather worn, old wood pier.
While everyone is enjoying a meal together, the moose wanders in the distance, looking to the foggy windows trying to catch a glimpse of the forms that are making noises inside.
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Re: Silent Slough

Post by Bhaern Quel »

Walks over to the counter to add sweet rolls and strawberries to the meal.

Nods to Slog.

Indeed we will plan and work for success.

Smiles at Mouxsie

With your magic watching I am sure they will live.

Looks for Bludgeon and Lielanni to sit.

If all the ladies are ready, we should eat lunch
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Re: Grab, Root & Growl

Post by Drathiranon »

The orc woman returns again with a sack of large dumplings to put aside for the journey.
She and Llelanni set out a buffet of food on the countertop. There is roasted boar with gravy, mixed woodland greens, a casserole, fried onions & potatoes with cheese, and of course fresh tea.
The women sit on barrel chairs, mousie flies over to nab a strawberry, and Slog pulls his barrel forward.

Slog want to say thank you to Friends. Is good to have like family again.
The orc farmer grins.

Bludgeon want to say thank you all too. We have food, help, and soon maybe peace of mind.
The orc woman pours a cold tea with a sprig of wild mint leaves in each cup.

Llelanni looks around at everyone.
I am thankful to all for such kindness and acceptance. May we always be prosperous in our hard work and find joy in hard times.

Mouxsie Nibbles on her strawberry while sitting on a shelf of jams and preserves listening while watching the others eat.
"If I'm lost in the World's Shadows I'll Use the Light That Comes to Me
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Re: Silent Slough

Post by Bhaern Quel »

Draws up a seat for himself

May There be blessings on this food and the tasks we set our hands to. To free this land of darkness may the Blessings of light be with us. Friends facing the troubles of this place. May the Goddess send us aid to complete the task before us

Sits and raises the tea as a toast.
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Re: Silent Slough

Post by Bhaern Quel »


As she prepares a potion, thinks of Tarvis that provided the special herbs. He became a friend when she needed one. Does he continue in helping others as was needed by her. Decides that when the potion is complete to look in on him. Just a feeling he or those he helps might need help.
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Re: Silent Slough

Post by Drathiranon »

Bhaern Quel wrote: Mon Mar 10, 2025 5:10 am Draws up a seat for himself

May There be blessings on this food and the tasks we set our hands to. To free this land of darkness may the Blessings of light be with us. Friends facing the troubles of this place. May the Goddess send us aid to complete the task before us

Sits and raises the tea as a toast.
Everyone cheers raising each their glass.

Well said, Mate, but wait, where me drink?

Mouxsie drops down from the shelf landing on the counter with her half eaten steawberry in one hand and thimble in hand. Bludgeon pours her a bit of tea.

Slante' !

The fairy takes a drink then looks around to the others.

Uh, don't suppose there be any wild cats around these parts?

Slog swallows his drink.

Slog has seen bobcats here, mainly eating rabbits.

Llelanni looks to the fairy.

Why do you ask, Mouxsie?

The fairy points to a tree branch with eyeshine glowing in a branch by the front windows.

The fairy then takes another nibble of her half eaten strawberry.

A large cat-like creature's head is updide down, peeping inside and watching everyone eating. It has black fur around its eyes like a mask, a long ringed tale hanging down from the branch, really long arms with clawed hands, and grey furry body.
"If I'm lost in the World's Shadows I'll Use the Light That Comes to Me
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