Silent Slough

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Re: Silent Slough

Post by Bhaern Quel »

Tarvis dose not understand that the elf thought only shields are built for boar. The armor of a fighter of course to protect from weapons, moss used to warn of invasion or intruders. Such a barrier also can be a warning to stay away. Though boar are unlikely to recognize a visual effect of plants in the underdark. Notices she adds the few things to the water.

One learns when they want or need to. Many often regret not learning something before they need to learn it.
I still am not putting my hands in boiling water. It needs to be colder than that. I do have some soap that we can use

Reaches into his pack to pull out a bar of soap and holds it out. Turns to Slog.

We eat soon, when Bludgeon say

After Llelanni washes, washes himself.
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Re: Silent Slough

Post by Drathiranon »

Slog takes his turn at hand washing. He sniffs the water and his soapy hands. He frowns.

Slog smell like woman.

At that moment Bludgeon returns. She tosses her bloody apron into an empty basin. She also washes her hands as well.

Slog sniffs the air and hides his hands behind his back.

As the orc woman trundles inside the store to get some wooden plates and forks, the dirty fairy untangles herself from the orc woman's hair to fly down to wash her tiny hands as well. Her wings buzz like a bee.
Mouxsie touches down on Tarvis' shoulder.

Eh, might I trouble ye for a wee crust o the sweet bread? Dun like meat. :#

Bludgeon cheerfully walks outside to pull the boar meat onto the plates, handing each person a plate piled high.

We sit inside now! Too cold!

Llelanni takes a kettle of water indoors for tea.

Slog pulls a large flask of blackberry mead from his overalls chest pocket.

Inside the Grab, Root, & Growl there are 3 bar stools in front of the counter. Bludgeon lights the oil lamps, throws a log in the fireplace, and takes her seat behind the counter, savoring every bite from her plate.

Once everyone is settled in, the warmth and ambient mood of the room seem to encourage conversations.

Bludgeon starts first.

Is good day! Meat for all winter! We share!
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Re: Silent Slough

Post by Bhaern Quel »

As he walks into the store slips Mouxsie a roll. Carries the plate of meat inside and sets it down on the counter/ Then reaches into his pack to pull out a few rolls and some onions and potatoes. Sets them on the counter as well.

I have only a little to add, some roots and bread, I do have a few spices if you want to add taste. ask for what and I likely have some. Many ask for salt or pepper. Others at times also. Gives any spices they might ask for their food

After all are seated and eating listens to the others to speak first.
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Re: Silent Slough

Post by Drathiranon »

Slog swallows the meat on his plate whole, sets his open flask on the counter top, and steps out the front door.

Slog be back.

Mouxsie is nibbling the roll while sitting on Tarvis' shoulder. Her tiny legs dangle down, her tiny eyes closed, a wide smile on her little face.
She opens her eyes, and with a shiver, looks to the others,

It’s absolutely Baltic today! Llelanni, you gonna wet the tea yet? :squint:

The dark elf responds to the fairy's request with a chuckle, pouring water from the kettle into a bowl of jasmine tea.

Mouxsie notices Bludgeon looking expectantly out the front windows. She drops down to the counter top, stands, resting one of her hands on the potato. :)

Ah sure, your man just went up the boreen fer another pint o the mead. I reckon he'll be back from his sheeben soon enough! ;)

The orc woman blushes violent purple, quickly turning her head away in embarrassment.

Need more meat!

Bludgeon blurts out and huriedly rises from her seat to go out back for more boar meat on her plate.

The fairy then turns her head to have a gander at Tarvis.

So, 'bout ye,mate? Eh what’s the craic? Ya gonna be leavin' before ya cut me loose? :/

Llelanni giggles under her breath, pouring some tea in a thimble for the fairy.
Shy much?

Slog returns with a couple bottles of his homemade blackberry mead. He pours everyone a glass just as Bludgeon walks back inside.

Slog share with friends.

And with that, Bludgeon happily takes a swig from her glass.

Llelanni, not wanting to seem rude, also takes a sip of the mead.
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Re: Silent Slough

Post by Bhaern Quel »

Slog going out and and then Bludgeon out back, becomes a good time to speak to the fairy.

Little one it would take time to make a lipstick, unless you can come up with some. However also there is a deal to be made with Bludgeon. She has to be willing to talk a deal when she desires to release you. The other way would be to try to break the curse and that is something I can not do with what I know. Maybe the elf knows a way.

Looks at Llelanni

Have you any ideas?

As Slog returns with his brew, takes a drink.

Thank you friend. A good brew.
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Re: Silent Slough

Post by Drathiranon »

The fairy nods, listening to Tarvis.
Llelanni speaks up first.

Hmm, lip colour can be made from tallow, wax, oil and a pigment. Don't have caverns near by for earthwax, no bee...wait!

The dark elf looks up to the lamps.

Mouxsie, will you fly up and check out what kind of oil is in the lamps and see if there are any candles?

With the words barely out of the elven woman's mouth, Mouxsie takes off to the ceiling to investigate. She sniffs near one of the lamps and quickly turns away.

Oil smells like bear. :#
Mouxsie can see out the windows to the table where Bludgeon cut the boar.
There's a bit o lard on the table too. :#
As her wings slowly bring her down she sees and points to a box of candles on the shelf by the orcs homemade jams.
Colours over yonder, maybe. 8)

With a clap of her hands, Llelanni is quite happy at hearing the news.
Well done! Tarvis, we have the ingredients, what is the process? :D

Upon his return Slog pours the drink and another round to match. He raises his glass to Tarvis and slams his other hand hard on the counter. His grin is wide and deep.
Ma pi naog nak! (ooc=orcish form of cheers, he says, More drink, no fight!)

The fairy scoops up some into her thimble. :eek:

The blackberry mead is slightly tainted, apparently with some kind of healthy fungus. Everyone drinking experiences only a slight elevation to their senses. Colour's are a bit more vivid, ordinarily unoticed sounds become noticeable, moods are only slightly more cheerful, and the food is a lot more appetizing.
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Re: Silent Slough

Post by Bhaern Quel »

Trust the elf to misunderstand, was hoping she had ideas on breaking curse by magic. However making the lipstick appears to be the price Bludgeon will ask so might as well make it with their help.

Well two pots one smaller than the other, water, a fire and lipstick cases for the mixture. As for scent some will cook out and I should be able to reduce the rest if needed. The process is bringing the items together in the correct ratio, blended. Then poured and allowed to cool and harden. When one substitutes sometimes the ratios need to change. The candle though likely made from bees, if from another source might require adjustments.

Slog takes his drink and drinks

Ma pi ar lug (More drink with friend)
Places hand on counter.

Starting to feel the effects of the extra, turns his attention to the meal and its spices. He sorts though his pouches. Tasting a few.
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Re: Silent Slough

Post by Drathiranon »

Slog's eyebrows raise in amazement and joy. He is impressed to hear his own tongue spoken by a human. He laughs deeply, downs his mead, and refills Tarvis' glass, overflowing.

Bludgeon is smiling, her emerald eyes watching Slog enjoying himself. She downs her drink and steps back out to pile more meat on his plate.

Llelanni raises a snow white arched eyebrow for the drow takes notice from Tarvis' expression, that perhaps he might be wanting more information. She looks at his spices, watching to see which ones he uses then downs her drink.With Bludgeon stepping out, the dark elf continues talking with Tarvis.

Easiest way to break gaes would be to exploit any weaknesses in the wording of the spell. So, the goal would be to satisfy to the letter but actually to cleverly thwart it from the inflictor's intent.
The commands Bludgeon is using do not go against the fairy nature to do good deeds and work for their keep. So, if she is not going against her true nature she wont encur any conflict worthy to cause any damage but if Mouxsie goes against Bludgeon's comands she will in fact receive damage.

Mouxsie downs her thimble of mead. Upon hearing this news she ponders what her father's words were when he demanded her to make things right. The tiny fairy starts crying.

I dun wanna be an unsealie! :'(
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Re: Silent Slough

Post by Bhaern Quel »

Selects a few herbs and eats them, then takes another drink of the Mead. Considers the effects of the drink appear to be negated some to him. Considers Llelanni's words.

I was hoping for something more powerful, however if that is what we have to work with so be it. I know lipstick is a price , but what is the curse. Though there is the other problem, the name power. Even if curse taken care off the name power remains.

Looks to Mouxsie

That is what you earn in the eyes of others. The others must decide how they will call you. You need to be right by them. So tell us the curse and why you got it. That is first step.
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Re: Silent Slough

Post by Drathiranon »

With the back of her tiny hands, wiping away the tears streaming down her little face, Mouxsie recounts the event for Tarvis.

Well now, all me relations are of the seelie Spring Court. Me beloved father did warn I shunna get caught.

Drathiranon wrote: Mon Jan 06, 2025 7:57 am GRAB, ROOT, & GROWL

Bludgeon takes up the jar of fairy from the shelf and looks into the glass.

Ok, you work now but how I know you keep word?!

Bludgeon set the jar down on the counter.

Mouxsie abruptly stops playing her harp. Her tiny eyes fly wide open. Standing on the counter next to her is a leprechaun holding a stout knotty stick with a large knob at the top. He taps it lightly on her jar.
He has fiery red hair, is dressed in green clothing, leather vest and shoes, wearing a leaf green felt fedora. He smokes a long, curved clay pipe, blowing smoke rings over his head. He lowers his red eyebrows and tighten his lips.

Eh, so here's me wee gombeen!

His stands there, holding his pipe in one hand while shaking his finger in a gesture of disaproval.

Never thought I'd see the day me and yer mammy would have an unseelie in the family. :nonono:

The leprechaun father lowers his little head in shame of his wayward fairy daughter.

Delbachaem, if you don't make this right with the orc, we'll have ta trow ya out with the bad fairies!

The leprechaun turns over his pipe to tap the fire out into his hand. He then tucks away the pipe into his vest pocket while it's still smoking.

Not only has her father used her real name, giving Bludgeon power over her, but he is threatening her position in the Fairy Court!

Delbachaem (MOUXSIE) stands in the jar frozen in fear, her mouth hanging wide open and hands pressed against the glass.

With a wave of his finger, the leprechaun 's fairy daughter appears wearing a tiny tavern server's dress!

The leprechaun brushes his hands together, tucks his shillelagh under his arm and with a twinkle in his blue eyes, as he walks off singing, his voice is carried away.
A toora loora loo
A small bird sat on an ivy bunch and the song she sang was the jug of punch...

Slowly he disappears into thin air.
Mouxsie lowers her head, her tiny hands slowly slip down to rest at her sides.

So, me laddine, tis a fine mess indeed. I dunno how to decode his spell. Gotta love me father though, he's quite clever! :)

Llelanni ponders this and is worried, then asks Tarvis about her thoughts.

Could it be that the spell could be broken with REMOVE CURSE, GREATER RESTORATION, or WISH but, if it is, and she has not completed the task, would that make her an unseelie? :?
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Re: Silent Slough

Post by Bhaern Quel »


"It appears that if the apron disappears your task is done. It might be better to make the orc right. The question then becomes who decides you have made right. Do you know what was wrong that you got such a gift as a curse?

Turns to Llelanni and nods

"It is very possible breaking the curse could be seen as cheating. Something that unsealie do.
So it might be better to help her make things right, After all I have no desire to have the fairy world call me unsealie , it might effect my travels and deals."
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Re: Silent Slough

Post by Drathiranon »

Bhaern Quel wrote: Thu Jan 16, 2025 1:23 am Mouxsie

"It appears that if the apron disappears your task is done. It might be better to make the orc right. The question then becomes who decides you have made right. Do you know what was wrong that you got such a gift as a curse?
Mouxsie considers the implications of not following the rules. She doesnt want to give up the good life of Spring Court fun and frolic. To become a changling does not sit well with her so yes, if it is her choice, she will choose to do the right thing by the orc!
She is relieved to know Tarvis understands her situation and is willing to help.

Me father gave precise instruction how to deliver his message, but, i took it upon meself to change couse of action, leading meself astray and in the predicament without remedy until, yourself now can out for me see!.

Mouxsie's tiny smile is full of light and sparkle.

Aye, me precious laddine, once the apron be gone we know the work done!

The little fairy's wings hum and buzz with excitement and just maybe ...from the effect of Slog's wine. The room is delightfully spinning and she too starts spinning like a child's toy top,, playing a dazzling foot-stomping reel on her wee harp.

Bludgeon suddenly grabs Slog's arm, snatching him up, from his drinking to dance with her.

Slog blushes deep purple but his red eyes and light head give him away, showing his real, true feelings. He summons his courage quickly, not wanting to pass up a chance to get closer to her. He takes her up on the dancing.

Between the two orcs, the wood floor groans and creaks under their stress of their feet. Who would have thought these two serious orcs could be so joyful and carefree?
Bhaern Quel wrote: Thu Jan 16, 2025 1:23 am Turns to Llelanni and nods.

"It is very possible breaking the curse could be seen as cheating. Something that unsealie do.
So it might be better to help her make things right, After all I have no desire to have the fairy world call me unsealie , it might effect my travels and deals."
Llelanni also nods to Tarvis.
Seeing the fairy in raptures glee, the drow moves closer to the human to quietly speak her mind, to keep anyone else from hearing her words. Her voice is calm and cool, her eyes clear of negativity and bright, but her reasoning is firm, grounded in truth.

I dont think It has yet occurred to Mouxsie that she would be under a compliment to anyone helping her. A favour extended to a fey means yet again another master and again servitude. Albeit not as demanding but none the less, still in debt to someone.
Should she realize this, the little fairy will then need to find a clever way of her own to avoid such spiritual capture!

Llelanni refills Tarvis' glass and hers. Not sure if its a spell in the music or the effects of Slogs wine but, the dark elven woman can't help to tap her feet and clap along with the tune. A secret smile seems to play in her slightly pouted lips.
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Re: Silent Slough

Post by Bhaern Quel »

With Mouxsie spinning in circles , listens to Llelanni concerns

"Well I am not ell versed in Fairy law, helping a friend should not cause a debt. If you think best that she not have help. Can she trade for lipstick instead of learning how to make it? I do know that they often do do some magic. That might help her as well. "

Only takes a small sip of his drink. Smiles to you, however turns his attention back to the fairy,

Aye, me precious laddie, once the apron be gone we know the work done!
So what is the work to be done? Who decides the work is done is also a question?
This to be figured out. Deliver the message as planned you can not do. It is now a job to do first, I take it what ever went wrong because of that might also have to be paid for. First things first you need to take care of the orc for damage to her.
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Re: Silent Slough

Post by Drathiranon »

Llelanni watches the orcs dancing, while tracing her finger along the edge of her glass.
Hmm...beginning to think it best to simply solve the problem as soon as possible.

The tune ends. The orcs seem to be in a world of their own. Perhaps they are under a spell but Bludgeon and Slog seem to enjoy it as they go out the back door to gleen more meat from the smoldering boar, laughing, and talking in their own way.

Mouxsie turns around to answer Tarvis with a delighted smile.
I have done a days work cleaning for the one i took to muck it up.
She curtsys.
Only thing left to wind this up is for me to replace her lipstick. The old tube fell behind one of those barrels.

Mousie points to the three barrels full of iron, copper, and tin ingots standing against the back wall.

The dark elven woman seizes the moment to look for the empty tube. Perhaps there is still some of the original color inside that can be of help. Llelanni smiles holding the bamboo lipstick tube up for Tarvis and the fairy to see.
She hands it to Tarvis.
Have you ever seen such a hot pink colour in all your travels? :?
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Re: Silent Slough

Post by Bhaern Quel »

Mouxsie listens to her words and nods.

"Well cleaning a day might be enough, though sometimes damage done in one day can take longer to repair. Cleaning does not fix things broken, maybe as you hope fixing the lipstick is the only repair that needs to be done. That should not take long to gather what is needed, of course you will need to pay for the candles and oil I would think. Finding or making new takes longer. Finding the old lipstick would be good."

As Llelanni finds the tube and comments on the colour smiles.

"Well the shade falls in line with the colour of some flowers that I have seen. It should not be that lard to match it. This clearly is an important step. As for paying for the others things I am sure I could trade for them. As a friend maybe will be good enough. If the curse require you to pay me, maybe collecting a few herbs or some other task that might not be hard might be good enough to pay me. I think the most important thing is to get your name protected from the orvs"
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