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OOC for "For Winter's Witch And The Dawn Of Ice"

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 1:11 am
by Morfilmar_Desh
Waiting on the new guy :)

I'll post a character description...

The giant's name is "Snow Crow", in the common tongue.

About 15' 2", 3000 lbs. Bit taller than the average frost giant, and in good shape so he'd look very muscular.

Frost giant way of measuring strenght...Lets just say he could hurl one mean-sized rock at you ;) Stat is 37, so go figure...

Pale white skin and dark blue hair. He trims his beard down to a stubble, which can be considered unusual, and he keeps his hair in braids, sort of like cornrows, at about shoulder-lenght.

He's wearing full plate that covers most of his body, not the feet or arms, wields a big, jagged-edged battleaxe called "Fimbulwinter", and he's got a giant-sized tower shield.

The axe appears to be made of ice rather than steel, but that's just because it's frozen.

He's got big plain fur boots, and he doesn't wear a helmet. He enjoys his hair and likes to show it off.

He's seen alot of battle, but there's no evidence of it in the form of scars or such on his arms or face.

Probably because he likes to kill things that can't reach that high. He also tends to kill most stuff in one blow, not making for much of a fight.

Yeah. :p

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 8:20 pm
by Arya Baenre
Interesting charrie ^^
... I finally figured out who my charrie is ... I got it from your title XD She's the Witch of Winter - daughter of, actually ^^

All of the description is already in the RP - most of it, at least ... her swords aren't made of steel, but of the fangs of an Ice Dragon, and freeze at the slightes cut - but a giant like yours would probably need a really deep cut for it to work xP

Ummm ... yeah o.o I think that's it ^^

And don't ask me what the name is, I still don't know :p