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Lost in Names

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 5:47 am
by Sszvrae Gauss
I seem to be having name troubles. I had initially thought I should register under my typical handle, but I decided to register as the character (that I would fashion) to suit as my "main". However, I seem to have run into a sort of a bind concerning Drow names and I'm starting to think my initial thought was best.

A few months before I found this site, I found this one: ... names.html

It thrilled me, because I would love to finally have a way to name the Drow I always wanted to play. I ran with Sszvrae Gauss. Male version of Silk/Silent (female version "Shri", but I didn't like the sound half as much), the female version of "Mistress/Master, Overseer" and the female version of "Vile, Dread, Fear, Feared". The second name being just that, not a house name, as per one of the rolled suggestions.

Then I found this site, sporting very similar information, just moments ago:

Now, prior to this site, I wasn't aware which forms were male or female. The first site didn't specify, so I just picked which I liked best. This one specifies, and states further that, ordinarily, male names for female Drow do not occur often unless A.) it is a male-dominant society, or B.) the mother was cruel when it came to the naming of the child. While the second reason wouldn't be too unusual, I most certainly was not going for anything remotely like the first reason. To worry me more, the option for a second name is not listed on the second site.

So, I ask any Drow gurus out there, what would I do to fashion a *proper* name for my hopeful main for this site?

...And it is a woman...despite my preference of the sound of "Ssz" over "Shri".

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 10:39 am
by Shir'le E. Illios
Hi there and welcome to the site. :)

Regarding the name, I personally wouldn't worry about it overly much. I think that more important than whether it is technically a male or female name is whether it looks like a male or female name to (other) players. If one can't really tell (and for me, looking at the name Sszvrae I don't think "oh, that's a male name") it doesn't matter that much.

I also think that while one could strictly divide names in male and female, there's probably a bit more flexibility in it with names that would work for either (the way "Alex" is a name that seems to be equally suited as a male or female name in modern society).

I can also see it as a bit of a cultural thing. Where in some drow cultures a certain name might be a 'male' name, in others it might be a 'female' name; you've got names like that in the real world too and I'd expect similar for drow societies. So it depends a little on your character's background (where it helps if she's from a place that's relatively unknown in the lore).

And finally just because it's not a usual thing, doesn't mean that your character isn't an exception to the rule (I've always believed that player characters are the exceptions). Normally maybe a female drow might only get a male name in a male dominated society or when her mother is cruel, but who's to say that your character completely follows the norm? Perhaps your character's mother had a certain fondness for someone with that name and decided to give that name to her daughter out of a sort of self-serving desire to have the continual reminder.

Whatever you go with, I think that it is an opportunity to make your character's background a bit richer. For Shir'le's name I not only created a history for the character (she wasn't born with that first name, but picked it herself at one point in her history), but created a whole society with a slightly different approach to family and house names and a history to explain why. This even grew out into determining a fair bit of how she lived her early life. Though that never really comes up in roleplaying, I feel that it makes the character richer to have such a background behind all of it.

In short, do what you feel is right for your character and take it as an opportunity instead of as a potential problem. :)

Hopefully that was helpful. And once again welcome to our corner of the web.

Love -x-x-x-


Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 6:03 pm
by Aylstra Illianniis
It's also possible that the mother wanted the name to convey a particular idea or vision of the child's future. She may have wanted the daughter to grow into a particular role, and named her accordingly. Many RW names are likethat- they have a menaing or expectation attatched that the child may or may not grow to fit. So keep that in mind, too. Otherwise, the mother might have just wanted a more "masculine"-sounding name to remind the daughter of her place in the family (especially if she is far down the ladder)....

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 10:19 pm
by Inriiaynrae Jaelre
Vendui or welcome 8)

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 12:01 pm
by Rhei Lor'akris
Salutations, and welcome to the forums, Sszvrae. :)

I think Shir'le and Alystra nailed it fairly well. *nods*

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 1:52 am
by Sszvrae Gauss
Thanks all for your welcome...and your responses.

I am glad no one here is too incredibly picky. I suppose it doesn't matter so much, unless I did actually name my character "Alex", hmm? :P

It seems I will have to tackle working with the name I picked. I wasn't thinking to weave an overly unique character background, intending to stick to rather basic information with a dash of flair to give my character room to grow and shine.

However, perhaps my feelings on why I preferred one over another may be applicable, somewhere. To me, the feminine "Shri" sounded open, frank, and oddly, without guile--a picture rarely painted of Drow. "Ssz", on the other hand, sounded quite the opposite. Ssz sounds wicked, cruel and better yet, coming off as more sultry, in my opinion, than its female version. It's sound called to mind the impression of a middle-ground between the tone of a lover's low-spoken carnal promises and a blade in your back.

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 8:22 am
by Bhaern Quel
Nothing wrong with Alex *S*

Though I would offer Alexee as it appears some Drow names use a lot of "E" *G*