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Myna's Profile

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 6:25 am
by Myna
[color=deeppink:1ram7nt0] Mostly...done I think!
Oh well I'll edit if anything comes up. Enjoy.
Feel free to comment if you like/ don't like something :D[/color:1ram7nt0]

[b:1ram7nt0]Name[/b:1ram7nt0]: Myna
[b:1ram7nt0]Age:[/b:1ram7nt0] 100
[b:1ram7nt0]Birthday:[/b:1ram7nt0] April 23
[b:1ram7nt0]Zodiac:[/b:1ram7nt0] Taurus
[b:1ram7nt0]Gender:[/b:1ram7nt0] Female
[b:1ram7nt0]Siblings:[/b:1ram7nt0] None
[b:1ram7nt0]Diety:[/b:1ram7nt0] Eilistraee
[b:1ram7nt0]Class:[/b:1ram7nt0] Cleric / Divine Oracle
[b:1ram7nt0]Languages:[/b:1ram7nt0] Common/Drow/Elvish/Celestial


[b:1ram7nt0]Eyes:[/b:1ram7nt0] Red - Occasionally develops violet streak like hilights to them
[b:1ram7nt0]Hair:[/b:1ram7nt0] Long - Silvery Blonde - Straight
[b:1ram7nt0]Height:[/b:1ram7nt0] 5'0
[b:1ram7nt0]Weight:[/b:1ram7nt0] 120
[b:1ram7nt0]Build:[/b:1ram7nt0] Slender
[b:1ram7nt0]Skin tone:[/b:1ram7nt0] Dark

[b:1ram7nt0][u:1ram7nt0]Physical Description:[/u:1ram7nt0][/b:1ram7nt0] Myna was a slender woman with excentuated curves which amply showed off her womanhood in ways that left pleanty to the imagination but too much. This was accentuated by the white robes which hugged her body loosely silver trim flowed along the edges giving the whole rather ordinary outfit a bit of flare a bit of style.

Around her shoulders she often wore a white and silver cloak which she usually kept the hood down, the front was clasped shut with a dual hooked silver clasp which held the insignia of Eilistraee. The sleeves of her robes cut off short leaving her arms exposed. She did not wear alot of jewlery but one necklace which held a silver pendant with a red gem in the middle that matched the color of her eyes, and a simple chain with a simple pendant which hung elegantly in the center of her forehead. Her hair which hand roughly trimmed bangs giving her an attractive wild look framed her face while the rest of those silvery white lockes cascaded down her back just past her waistline.

From the slender belt around her waist a few objects could be seen, a couple tiny pouches and on her right hip a long slender object which was hooked to her belt, inside some sort of a braded leather sheathing, whatever it was seemed to be carefully placed and taken care of, even to the casual observer it was easy to see it meant a great deal to the woman. Along the other hip a sword sat, its length measured to fit with her size and stature with an
elegant ordinataly carved handle, the blade its self was hidden inside its white leather sheath.

[b:1ram7nt0][u:1ram7nt0]Background:[/u:1ram7nt0][/b:1ram7nt0] She raced down the corridors, white hair steaming behind her, people watched as she raced passed with little more than a smile and a raise of an eyebrow, every being accounted for in these large halls where dressed in white and where unmistakably drow. She skidded to a halt as she breached the doors that lead into the large dojo that was her destination.

Inside was a young man sitting there without a top and long brown pants sat snugly around his waist, while not tight they where not baggy either. He did not seem to even notice she was there, she knew better.

"Illiamavin" she breathed slightly winded from trying to not be late and failing "I'm sorry.."

He was moving and raising to his feet, only to turn around and gaze down at her, he was a good foot and some taller than she was the look he gave her made her voice aswell as her air catch in her throat. He wasnt happy, and instead like most would expect it to be a harsh or angry look she got a devilish looking smile. It could steal one's heart away but she knew better.

"Myna, ussta d'anthe, taudl? Dos inbal naut tlusher ulu tlu taudl. Dos orn tlu d'elezz, dos orn tlu."

She bit her bottom lip and moved slowly inside, she barely got a chance to react before a very well aimed foot nearly caught her in the stomach and she spun away, crouching down into a defensive stance. He was right ontop of her and she pushed the next strike away and slammed the heel of her hand into his jaw, it caught him and he swiped down knocking her feet out from under her. He stood wiping the slight tickle of blood from his mouth as he looked
down on her.

Falling on her back like that had driven the air out of her lungs, flipping back onto her feet she whirled away grabbing a sword from the many that lined the walls, hers was smaller easier for her to wield, he picked a larger one and as they spun back in the metal clanged in the air.

And so the dance had begun, twisting and spinning, metal clashed against metal, occasionally sending a few sparks flying from the friction of the metal, and it continued for hours to come, one neither really getting much up on the other, the only problem was he was the master here, he was the stronger one and he was her teacher. She tired and she slipped up and striking her sword down he parried it to the side before knocking her feet out from under her and before she had time his sword was at her throat and his foot on her chest.

She breathed laboredly and didnt dare move, not that she was afraid of him but she knew it was over, as always he was stronger than her though she was getting better she wasnt better than him yet. He made her stay there for a good five minutes before he removed the sword and eventually gave her a hand helping her back to her feet.

"You're improving but your not quite there yet" he said now soft, kindly to her. She nodded once looking up at him again he chuckled and messed up her already messy hair.

"We'll work on it more tomorrow for now..." he cut off looking at her, he knew her well enough to see the warning signs. "Myna..."

She nodded to him once before she closed her eyes, the intense reds now starting to change shift as flecks of violet started to appear. The whispering started soft at first, then more insistant, more all at once, as voices and they never sounded like one flooded, screamed in her head. Her vision went red, then white and images passed before her eyes.

She couldnt tell through the pain but she had collapsed and as she started to fall he had scooped her up supporting her warring body in his strong grasp. As the vision started to fade away the pain lessened but did not dissapear, she could feel herself moving, she became aware she had nearly passed out again, that she had lost herself to it again and that again he was taking care of her.

The voices dulled away to a soft hum and the pain receeded and with the loss of the pain so did she loose conciousness as she lapsed away into blackness. She didnt know how long it had been but she heard the voices calling to her. Her name in soft concerned tones as she started to stir, the voices where gone as was the pain and she finally chanced it by opening her eyes.

"Illiamavin" she called out softly and felt a hand over hers, it was his she could tell by the feel of it.
"It's alright you are safe, what did you see?" he asked in that too kind tone of his, he was her protector, her guardian and he was always at her side when she needed him to be. He weathered the storms so she didnt have to. but they depended on her on her gift, on her curse.

"We..have to move. They will attack when the moon sits at its highest peak in the sky"

"Don't worry child, we have faught them off before and we will again now" came a raspy voice from further away, she knew the voice it was one of the elders. She just shook her head

" cant...we cant...if we stand..." she covered her face and faught back the emotions that threatened to flood over as she remebered, saw the faces of everyone she loved bloodied and lifeless all around her. Remebered another one that had Illiamavin strapped and tortured, his broken bloodied body as they hurt him for not betraying her, another where they had won and he had revealed how to find her. So many paths, she could sort it in her mind but to explain it was a different story.

"If we stand" she sounded firm and strong again when she spoke this time "We will fall, one way or another"

"Theres no time" Illiamavin said shaking his head "Start the evacuation, if she says this is the way it is, this is what we must do, she is the Xa'los, our Qu'essan. Her word must be trusted. I'll get her safely away, but everyone else must be protected aswell."

A young woman put her hand on his shoulder, her long white robes bushing the ground as she walked, she had the same kind soft features Myna had but with the lines only age could bring.

"Take care of her, keep her safe, we'll get everyone else to safety. He is right, there is no shame in picking the battlefield, but first we must ensure we can do so."

The rest of the drow gathered nodded to her and left the room organizing the retreat from the sanctuary, as the woman nodded to him and he too got up leaving though he waited just outside the room, leaving the two to talk.

"My daughter" she said softly and Myna looked at her
"Yes mother?"
"You have to be strong, now more than ever and practice your gift. There will come a day and I fear it may be too soon when you can no longer depend on Illimavin to weather the storm for you. You will have to weather it yourself"
"I know"
"You have seen it?"
"More than I can...I mean...we just have to leave before it happens" Myna said her voice cracking as she tried to get her point across without saying the words that would break her completely.
"Theres only so far your visions can take you. You cant stop everything my daughter"
"I have to stop this" her mother didnt say anything more to her, mostly because some lessons children had to learn for themselves and because Illimavin had moved back to the door.
"I am sorry mi'lady but we must move if we are to get her safely away" he said softly, and the elder of the two rose with a nod, she placed a kiss on her daughters forhead whispering a prayer before she turned and moved out of the room.

"It's time we have to go!" he ordered. She nodded and grabbing her cloak she moved out of the door infront of him, it didnt last long he was right on her heels then ahead of her. As they made their way through the winding hallway, the crash that sounded like an explosion reverberated through the complex, it was soon joined by others and the sound of fighting. It had started, and he picked up the pace, leading her quickly through the passage ways that lead further into the shrine's structure.

She yelled and tore away from him and went running down the passageways towards the fighting, no she couldnt just turn her back on her people, she couldnt let them die..she didnt care what she was told she couldnt follow that path! As she ran with Illimavin right on her heels she stopped outside in the center of the round structure, there where so many. She didnt care, she rose her hands as light started to gather around her making her appear to glow.

From six different drow black lashed of magic bound around her hands and legs cutting into her flesh winding under the skin and through the muscle. Tears flooded her eyes as she cried out in pain, as she faught to keep from screaming. The light didnt dwindle nor did the power that started to surround her, it drove the enemy drow to lash at her more painfully, Illimavin caught up and with sword in hand he cut down each dark skinned cousin that moved to lash out at Myna. There where too many to fully pull off of her and finally in an explosive burst light shot out lancing into every nearby drow. Those devoted to her patron diety, those devouted to Eilistraee, the light passed through harmlessly, those loyal to lloth where struck down by the light searing skin, then muscle.

Pain filled her vision again as they fell and soon after she too, on her knees crying as the pain took over her mind, the voices screaming in her head and the vision that swam in her head brought her to tears. Illimavin had grabbed her and after flinging her over his shoulder was carrying her away running down passageways. Foolish girl, what was she trying to do? Get herself killed? No she was too important for that. He cursed under his breath again as he flattened himself and her too against a wall, waiting for the footsteps he had heard to fall away before turning down another corridor. Behind them was the sound of fighthing and death. He ducked behind a wall holding her tight to him as five enemy drow went running by. He set her down shaking her gently, she had to wake up, she needed to be on her own two feet, they where startilingly close to the passage he would be able to escape with her down.

"Wake up, we don't have time for this right now!" he demanded harshly. It cut through her mind through the haze and the pain and her eyes opened slowly. Her eyes where still flecked with violet and her expression was filled with pain.

"Good come on we don't have time you have to move" He said again and she just nodded forcing back the pain she stumbled to her feet, He then ushered her down another path and around as they hit a dead end in the pathways a dozen drow dropped down surrounding them. He turned to her and with a look that said...goodbye he punched the plate in the wall and shoved her back. She looked at him wide eyed as she stumbled back and through the wall that had opened up. The last thing she saw before the wall closed back down was the lancing of the same spells that had caught her wrapping around his body.

"NO! Illimavin!!" she screamed and beat her fists against the wall, it could not be opened from the inside only the outside and she knew he had destroyed the controls. This time when she heard the voices they narrowed down to one single, beautiful female voice and her words caused tears to stream down her face.

"Siyo, jabbress. Usstan orn xun 'zil dos telanth." she said before turning and running down the passageway that would lead her through the underground passage and surface several miles away, to the surface world. She ran, she ran through the tunnels then when she got above she ran along the grassy fields above ground.

But that was months ago and this is now, much happened since the end of her life as she knew it, since the loss of her family and friends. However not the end of the story, it is just the beginning of the story, and the truth of how much really has been lost is yet to unfold.

[b:1ram7nt0][u:1ram7nt0]Additional Information[/u:1ram7nt0][/b:1ram7nt0]

[b:1ram7nt0]Weather:[/b:1ram7nt0] Spring
[b:1ram7nt0]Type of Music: [/b:1ram7nt0]Instrumental
[b:1ram7nt0]Food:[/b:1ram7nt0] Impartial
[b:1ram7nt0]Drink: [/b:1ram7nt0]Coffee
[b:1ram7nt0]Store:[/b:1ram7nt0] Apocathary's
[b:1ram7nt0]Scent: [/b:1ram7nt0]Jasmine
[b:1ram7nt0]Material: [/b:1ram7nt0]Silk
[b:1ram7nt0]Flower: [/b:1ram7nt0]Jasmine
[b:1ram7nt0]Color:[/b:1ram7nt0] White and Silver

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 7:54 am
by T'risstree Helviiryn
That's a wonderful character biography Myna :)

I like it, it's good back ground and introduction. :D

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 11:15 pm
by Aylstra Illianniis
Very nice.

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 8:10 pm
by Vizh'tho
Quite arousing and superb if I do say so myself. 8)

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 10:42 am
by veraka
You mentioned that she knows/understands celestial; does she have celestial blood within her veins? Just outta curiosity.