Adian Novar ... -103629503
Level 2 Palidin
Str 15
Dex 16
Con 15
Int 14
Wis 16
Cha 18
Alignment: Lawful Good
Abilities: Aura of Good
Detect Evil
Smite 1x/day
Divine Grace
Lay on Hands
Concentration 3 (6)
Diplomacy 5 (9)
Heal 4 (7)
Perform (singing): 3 (7)
Ride: 4 (5)
Bonus Feat: Exotic Weapon: Bastard Sword
Feats: Power Blow
Bastard Sword (Masterwork)
Elven Chain mail
Short Bow
Quiver with 20 arrows
Horse, light
Flint and Steel
Hooded Lantern
Holy symbol
Hooded cloak
Adian Novar was a part of a small group of children who, for unknown reasons, were seperated from the rest of their community. Adian was the equivalent of five at the time, and the youngest male of the group. Frightened and hungry, they would have been easy prey had it not been for the Song.
In an eerie echo of Qilue' Veladorn, the group of children were led by the song to water, to sources of food, and ever on through the tunnels. On the final night of their journey, Adian awoke to find a beautiful female dark elf kneeling over beautiful that her image was forever etched into his memory. Without knowing the how or why, he was instantly filled with love and sympathy for the sad-eyed Drow maiden. She lightly touched his forehead and sent him back to slumber. When he awoke he had a strange mark on his forehead: Four silvery dots, as though a delicate hand had brushed him.
At last, tired and hungry, the group quite literally stumbled into the Promenade. To their surprise, the inhabitants of the Promenade took them in without hesitation. Upon hearing their story, and seeing Adian's odd mark, Qilue Veladorn herself took the children into the care of the Sisters.
Adian was raised in the religion of Eilistraee and took to it easily. Although he could not be a cleric of the goddess, it became clear that he had many gifts. He was bright, quick, and strong, and decided at an early age that he was going to be one of the Protectors of the Song: The Promenade's elite warriors armed with powerful singing blades.
It quickly became clear that the boy was gifted in other ways beyond the norm: His touch was said to be a reliever of pain, and he seemed to have a sixth sense of danger. He was also fearless, a trait that often got him into numerous scrapes and mischief.
As he grew older and filled out more, he became more devout with his studies and his worship. His devotion to the Dark Maiden bordered on outright adoration, and his demeanor became serious for his age. On the one hand, no one ever again had to worry about him breaking any rules. On the other, he tended to be stubborn and a bit rigid in his worship.
Qilue' Veladorn sensed that this boy had a special role ahead of him, one she was sure had been given to him by the goddess herself. She encouraged his training and saw to his education herself.
There was a downside to all of this: Adian had never left the Promenade. He had no experience at all with others outside of the clergy and the worship of the goddess. The result was that while Adian had memorized every detail of Eilistraee's commandments, he had only vague knowledge of the world beyond the walls of the Promenade.
Adian was an innocent in many ways. In the words of Farfle Feloneus, a halfling Protector of the Song, he had been "wrapped in silk", and the halfling had dourly guessed that the Sisters kept him innocent because it filled some maternal need of theirs.
It was likely that the growing youth might never have left the Promenade had it not been for his own initiative. Adian was expressing interest in the world outside, and answers only led him to more questions. Reluctantly, Qilue's Veladorn made a decision: To send Adian out on his first Run.
Every year the priestesses were expected to participate in a Run, where they went out into the world to do good deeds, particularly for elves, and spread the word that not all Drow were beyond redemption. The duration and extent of the Run was up to the individual, but in this instance Qilue made the descision for him.
She gave him a specific amount of time for his assignment, and sent orders that Adian was to be at the service of any temple he came to. In this way she could loosen the leash gradually, while still keeping him within distant reach. Though Adian is unaware of it, he is being watched carefully.
Personality: Adian is indeed very much an innocent. His knowledge of the world is rather abstract, coming from books and memories of others. He is an honest soul, and unfortunately assumes most others are honest as well.
He is perfectly capable of fighting and defending others, but combat is seen as a last resort. He is aware that he is "special" in some way, but modestly prefers to keep that detail quiet. He is capable of great bravery and self-sacrifice if nessecary, though his inexperience could lead him to take actions he might not need to.
He is often the first to offer a hand to someone having troubles, drawing himself into potential trouble without thought or hesitation. He takes the creed of Eilistraee very seriously, and tries to be as generous as he can at all times. If he were allowed, he might give nearly all his possessions to someone in need.
On top of all that, despite everything he is still a teenager. While he does experience rather less angst than many, he is still subject to the impulsiveness and near-recklessness of his age, as well as the social awkwardness that comes with growing up.
Fortunately for him there are usually people around to keep him from making too many disasterous mistakes. As he gets older and more experience, naturally, he will become more careful and selective . For now, though, he can be seen as an easy mark for the less scrupulous.
He is not stupid, however. This saving grace may be the difference between life and death...or at least keep him out of real disasters. He is a quick learner, and people quickly discover that no trick played on him ever works twice.
Description: Adian is a very handsome teenager, almost pretty, just below the age of adulthood. He is more muscular than average, and his slight frame belies his actual strength. Unless he is seen in action, it is unlikely that the average person would realize that Adian is a capable fighter and not a simple pretty face. This is complicated by the fact that Adian does not seem to be aware of how attractive he actually is.
He wears his hair long, letting it drift down his around his shoulders and down his back. He also wears a headband constantly, covering the silvery mark of the goddess' touch. The headband is white and never seems to get dirty or sweat-stained. His eyes are violet, though they have been known to shift to grey if he is tired or emotionally drained.
Adian Novar: Drow Palidin??
Moderators: Shir'le E. Illios, Bhaern Quel