Rilriina's Profile

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Rilriina's Profile

Post by Rilriina_Arabvier »

[font=tahoma:tpxdqvy6][i:tpxdqvy6]Please not that this bio is merely an outline and will be expanded upon within roleplay settings[/i:tpxdqvy6]
[b:tpxdqvy6]Full Name:[/b:tpxdqvy6] Rilriina Arabvier
[b:tpxdqvy6]House of:[/b:tpxdqvy6] Arabvier-Daughters of Darkness
[b:tpxdqvy6]Race:[/b:tpxdqvy6] Drow
[b:tpxdqvy6]Eye color:[/b:tpxdqvy6] Amber with a red ring around the irises
[b:tpxdqvy6]Hair color: [/b:tpxdqvy6]Silver with a black streak in the front.
[b:tpxdqvy6]Build: [/b:tpxdqvy6]petite, slightly muscular with a child like face
[b:tpxdqvy6]Age: [/b:tpxdqvy6]19
[b:tpxdqvy6]Pets:[/b:tpxdqvy6]A feline/bat hybrid named Arkinina. The creature can change its size according to the setting with the help of a ruby gem embeded in its chest.
[b:tpxdqvy6]Skills: [/b:tpxdqvy6]
[i:tpxdqvy6]spellcasting- [/i:tpxdqvy6]Above Average
[i:tpxdqvy6]Script-[/i:tpxdqvy6] Advanced
[i:tpxdqvy6]Reading- [/i:tpxdqvy6]Advanced
She is a free and lone spirit preferring the privacy of her own mind to the company of others. Violence is an after thought but she is known for having quite the temper when provoked. Clean and pristine, she hates messes and is constantly arranging and rearranging her living quarters at Arach Tinilith, the school of Lolth.
She is daughter to the High Priestess of The House of Arabvier and thus a Noble. However the title does not phase her, what with all the fuss over her and her need for privacy. She has a fascination with things of a shiney and glittery nature and that is where she gets into the most trouble. Stealing things that glint and glimmer is not beneath her. A chest of cherry wood and brass hold her most prized possessions, most of which are shiney.[/font:tpxdqvy6]
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