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Character sheets for the Campaign

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 3:09 pm
by Ix'Chimalxochitzin
Allright, a few basic things worth mentioning.

Act I, the intro, will be Drow only. Other (surface) races will be available (though still somewhat rare) during Act II and freely from Act III onwards.

As i'm opposed to railroading, i can't give away much of the story as most of the plot depends too much on the players involved in it. Suffice to say that i'll do my best to ensure every (major) course of action they take will result in a reaction from the people that wish them dead.

For this RP, information from the following books may be used freely.

Player's Handbook II
Dungeon Master's Handbook II
Monster Manual I, II and III
Complete Adventurer
Complete Arcana
Complete Divine
Complete Warrior
Unearthed Arcana (except Gestalt and Bloodlines. For Traits, read below)
Races of the Wild
Races of Eberron
Races of Destiny
Races of Stone
Forgotten Realms - Underdark
Forgotten Realms - A Guide to Drow


[b:2zro72u8]Traits[/b:2zro72u8]: ("Unearthed Arcana") [list:2zro72u8]
[*:2zro72u8]Abrasive (+1 on Intimidate, -1 on Diplomacy and Bluff)[/*:m:2zro72u8]
[*:2zro72u8]Absent-Minded (+1 on Knowledge, -1 on Listen and Spot)[/*:m:2zro72u8]
[*:2zro72u8]Aggressive (+2 initiative, -1 Armor Class)[/*:m:2zro72u8]
[*:2zro72u8]Brawler (+1 on unarmed attacks, -1 on weapon attacks)[/*:m:2zro72u8]
[*:2zro72u8]Cautious (+1 dodge bonus on AC when fighting defensively; -1 saves vs. fear) [/*:m:2zro72u8]
[*:2zro72u8]Detached (+1 on will saves, -1 on reflex saves)[/*:m:2zro72u8]
[*:2zro72u8]Dishonest (+1 on Bluff, -2 on Diplomacy; non-lawfuls)[/*:m:2zro72u8]
[*:2zro72u8]Easygoing (+1 on Gather Information, -1 on Intimidate and Sense Motive)[/*:m:2zro72u8]
[*:2zro72u8]Farsighted (+1 on Spot, -1 on Search)[/*:m:2zro72u8]
[*:2zro72u8]Focused (+1 on Concentration, -1 on Spot and Listen)[/*:m:2zro72u8]
[*:2zro72u8]Hard of Hearing (+1 on Spot, -2 on Listen)[/*:m:2zro72u8]
[*:2zro72u8]Hardy (+1 on fortitude saves, -1 on reflex saves)[/*:m:2zro72u8]
[*:2zro72u8]Honest (+1 on Diplomacy, -1 on Bluff and Sense Motive; no chaotic-evils)[/*:m:2zro72u8]
[*:2zro72u8]Musclebound (+1 on all strengh checks, -1 on all dexterity checks)[/*:m:2zro72u8]
[*:2zro72u8]Nearsighted (+1 on Search, -1 on Spot)[/*:m:2zro72u8]
[*:2zro72u8]Nightsighted (+10 feet on darkvision, -1 on Spot in bright light)[/*:m:2zro72u8]
[*:2zro72u8]Passionate (+1 on fortitude saves, -1 on will saves)[/*:m:2zro72u8]
[*:2zro72u8]Plucky (+1 on will saves, -1 on fortitude saves)[/*:m:2zro72u8]
[*:2zro72u8]Polite (+1 on Diplomacy, -2 on Intimidate)[/*:m:2zro72u8]
[*:2zro72u8]Quick (+10 feet on movement, -1 hp/level)[/*:m:2zro72u8]
[*:2zro72u8]Reckless (+1 on melee damage, -1 on melee "to hit")[/*:m:2zro72u8]
[*:2zro72u8]Relentless (+2 on saves vs. tiring; if fail, are exhausted)[/*:m:2zro72u8]
[*:2zro72u8]Saddleborn (+1 on Ride, -1 on Handle Animal)[/*:m:2zro72u8]
[*:2zro72u8]Skinny (+1 on Escape Artist, -2 to avoid being knocked over)[/*:m:2zro72u8]
[*:2zro72u8]Slippery (+1 on escape artist checks against being grappled, -1 all other grapple checks.)[/*:m:2zro72u8]
[*:2zro72u8]Slow (+1 hp/level, halve movement speed)[/*:m:2zro72u8]
[*:2zro72u8]Stout (+2 to avoid being knocked over, -1 on Escape Artist)[/*:m:2zro72u8]
[*:2zro72u8]Suspicious (+1 on Sense Motive, -1 on Diplomacy and Intimidate)[/*:m:2zro72u8]
[*:2zro72u8]Torpid (+1 on saves vs. enchantments, -2 on initiative)[/*:m:2zro72u8]
[*:2zro72u8]Uncivilized (+1 on Handle Animal / Wild Empathy,-1 on Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information)[/*:m:2zro72u8][/list:u:2zro72u8]


[b:2zro72u8][u:2zro72u8]House Rules[/u:2zro72u8][/b:2zro72u8]:

The Feat 'Daylight Adaptation' (Races of Eberron) is available as a starting feat at 1st level ONLY.

[list:2zro72u8][*:2zro72u8]'Daylight Adaptation': You have grown accustomed to living in the surface world, such that bright light no longer blinds or dazzles you.[/*:m:2zro72u8][/list:u:2zro72u8]


After every battle, the party may rest, during which every character may opt to eat one of their rations. Should they fall upon a random encounter while resting, those that have eaten a ration will be at full HP, whereas the others would remain at the HP they have started resting at. Any spells that have been cast have not been memorised for this battle. Should no encounter take place, all party members will have rested normally, regaining full HP and with all spell slots memorised.


In contrary to D&D, death is not a permanent thing. Characters that have fallen below 0 HP will be knocked out for the remainder of the battle, to be revived with 1 HP at the end of it. Should there be no party member left standing, the battle (and, most likely, Campaign as well) will be lost.


Combat is map-based (Fire Emblem style, for those familiar with the games). For every 10 ft. your character can move, he or she may advance one square in any direction he or she wants, and switching weapons (between three 'weapon slots') is a free action. However, casting a spell is a full-round action, thus making the caster unable to move during his or her turn. This also means spell range will be an important factor, and area effect spells will be able to hit multiple targets as well. Friendly Fire is [b:2zro72u8]on[/b:2zro72u8], so be careful where you're aiming your fireballs. Making an attack, melee, ranged or magical, counts as ending your turn.

[b:2zro72u8]Mounted Units[/b:2zro72u8]: Mounted and flying units may use the rest of their move after doing an action, but they cannot perform another action (For instance, a horse unit could move, attack, and then move again, but it could not attack again).

[b:2zro72u8]Experience[/b:2zro72u8]: (note that XP doesn't [i:2zro72u8]necessarily[/i:2zro72u8] have to come from battles)[list:2zro72u8]
[*:2zro72u8]Hitting someone in combat gives a base 10 experience. For each level they are higher than you, add 5 experience, for each level they are lower than you, subtract 1 experience.
(Ex: If a level 2 unit were to hit a level 3 unit who hit him back, the level 2 would get 15 exp and the level 3 would get 9.)[/*:m:2zro72u8]
[*:2zro72u8]If you are involved in combat, but don't land a hit, you get 1 experience.[/*:m:2zro72u8]
[*:2zro72u8]Defeating a unit gives a base 30 experience. For each level they are higher than you, add 10 experience, for each level they are lower than you, subtract 2 experience.
(Ex: If a level 2 killed a level 3 he would get 40 exp. If the level 3 killed the level 2 he would get 28 exp.)[/*:m:2zro72u8]
[*:2zro72u8]Defensive and healing spells gain 11 XPs per cast.[/*:m:2zro72u8]
[*:2zro72u8]For the purposes of calculating experience, multiclassed units count as the sum total of their levels. For example, a Rogue 4/Wizard 2 would count as a level 6. A Druid 11/Ranger 13 would count as level 24.[/*:m:2zro72u8][/list:u:2zro72u8]

[b:2zro72u8]Leveling Up[/b:2zro72u8]: When your character reaches 100 experience, they level up. HP gained will be added to current HP as well, and stat points and skills will be available immediately, but selected feats and spells will only become available out of battle.

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 3:12 pm
by Ix'Chimalxochitzin
[u:1ef5a7db][b:1ef5a7db]Character sheet template[/b:1ef5a7db][/u:1ef5a7db][/size:1ef5a7db]:

[b:1ef5a7db]Name[/b:1ef5a7db]: (first and last name preferred)
[b:1ef5a7db]Race[/b:1ef5a7db]: (put your selected race here, as well as the racial stat mods (where applicable))
[b:1ef5a7db]Gender[/b:1ef5a7db]: (male or female)
[b:1ef5a7db]Class[/b:1ef5a7db]: (pick a base class)
[b:1ef5a7db]Deity[/b:1ef5a7db]: (what deity your character worships)
[b:1ef5a7db]Domains[/b:1ef5a7db]: (CLERIC ONLY: pick two clerical domains)
[b:1ef5a7db]Level[/b:1ef5a7db]: (you start out at level 5, unless your selected race has ECL)
[b:1ef5a7db]Alignment[/b:1ef5a7db]: (LG, NG, CG, LN, TN, CN, LE, NE, CE)

[b:1ef5a7db]Appearance[/b:1ef5a7db]: (what he or she looks like. Always handy when RPing)

[b:1ef5a7db]Size[/b:1ef5a7db]: (depends on race: Small, Medium or Large)
[b:1ef5a7db]Height[/b:1ef5a7db]: (nothing all too extreme please...)
[b:1ef5a7db]Weight[/b:1ef5a7db]: (feel free to weigh whatever you want, just don't go crazy)
[b:1ef5a7db]Skin[/b:1ef5a7db]: (skin color, or scale color, whichever applies)
[b:1ef5a7db]Eyes[/b:1ef5a7db]: (eye color)
[b:1ef5a7db]Hair[/b:1ef5a7db]: (hair color and length)
[b:1ef5a7db]Other[/b:1ef5a7db]: (whatever other distinguishing traits you may have :D)


(doesn't need to be long, but it helps me get a feel of your characters)


And on to the game mechanics:

[u:1ef5a7db][b:1ef5a7db]Stats[/b:1ef5a7db][/u:1ef5a7db]: (Standard D&D 25-point buy. Don't forget racial modifiers!)


[b:1ef5a7db]Total Hit Points[/b:1ef5a7db]: (umm... doh?)

[b:1ef5a7db]Speed[/b:1ef5a7db]: (usually 20 or 30 feet, depends on race)

[b:1ef5a7db]Armor Class[/b:1ef5a7db]: (10 + dexterity modifier)


[b:1ef5a7db]Initiative[/b:1ef5a7db]: [dexterity]

[b:1ef5a7db]Fortitude[/b:1ef5a7db]: [base] + [constitution]
[b:1ef5a7db]Reflex[/b:1ef5a7db]: [base] + [dexterity]
[b:1ef5a7db]Will[/b:1ef5a7db]: [base] + [wisdom]

[u:1ef5a7db][b:1ef5a7db]BAB[/b:1ef5a7db][/u:1ef5a7db]: (base attack bonus)

[i:1ef5a7db]Attack (handheld)[/i:1ef5a7db]: [base] + [strength]
[i:1ef5a7db]Attack (unarmed)[/i:1ef5a7db]: [base] + [strength]
[i:1ef5a7db]Attack (missile)[/i:1ef5a7db]: [base] + [dexterity]
[i:1ef5a7db]Grapple check[/i:1ef5a7db]: [base] + [strength]

[u:1ef5a7db][b:1ef5a7db]Encumbrance[/b:1ef5a7db][/u:1ef5a7db]: (depends on STR)

[i:1ef5a7db]Light load[/i:1ef5a7db]: 4x STR lb or less.
[i:1ef5a7db]Medium load[/i:1ef5a7db]: 4-8x STR lb.
[i:1ef5a7db]Heavy load[/i:1ef5a7db]: 8-10x STR lb.
[i:1ef5a7db]Lift over head[/i:1ef5a7db]: 10x STR lb.
[i:1ef5a7db]Lift off ground[/i:1ef5a7db]: 20x STR lb.
[i:1ef5a7db]Push or drag[/i:1ef5a7db]: 50x STR lb.

(slightly altered, since i didn't have the formulas handy. It's approximately right though)


(Unearthed Arcana, if you want)


Appraise (Int)
Balance (Dex)*
Bluff (Cha)
Climb (Str)*
Concentration (Con)
Craft (specific) (Int)
Decipher Script (Int)
Diplomacy (Cha)
Disable Device (Int)
Disguise (Cha)
Escape Artist (Dex)*
Forgery (Int)
Gather Information (Cha)
Handle Animal (Cha)
Heal (Wis)
Hide (Dex)*
Hypnosis (Cha)
Intimidate (Cha)
Jump (Str)*
Knowledge (specific) (Int)
Listen (Wis)
Move Silently (Dex)*
Open Lock (Dex)
Perform (specific) (Cha)
Profession (specific) (Wis)
Ride (Dex)
Search (Int)
Sense Motive (Wis)
Sleight of Hand (Dex)
Speak Language (no stat mods)
Spellcraft (Int)
Spot (Wis)
Survival (Wis)
Swim (Str)**
Tumble (Dex)
Use Rope (Dex)

* = check penalty for wearing armor

[b:1ef5a7db]Feats [/b:1ef5a7db]:

[*:1ef5a7db]---[/*:m:1ef5a7db][/list:u:1ef5a7db][b:1ef5a7db]Class 2[/b:1ef5a7db]: (if any)[list:1ef5a7db]
[*:1ef5a7db]-----[/*:m:1ef5a7db][/list:u:1ef5a7db][b:1ef5a7db]Other[/b:1ef5a7db]: (bought during levelup) [list:1ef5a7db]
[*:1ef5a7db]-----[/*:m:1ef5a7db][/list:u:1ef5a7db][b:1ef5a7db]Spells Known[/b:1ef5a7db]:


(if applicable)


(if applicable)

[b:1ef5a7db]Spells per day [/b:1ef5a7db]:

(if applicable, how many)

[b:1ef5a7db]Familiar[/b:1ef5a7db]: (if applicable)

[b:1ef5a7db]Equipment[/b:1ef5a7db]: (example used, the SRD lists weight and stats. You get 500 gold to start out with)

Studded leather armor [light; +3 AC; max dex +5; check penalty -1; 20 lb.]

Dagger [1d4, crit 19-20/x2, range inc 10 ft., 1 lb., light, piercing]

Hand Crossbow [1d4, 10-20/x2, range incr 30 ft., 2 lb., piercing]

23 lb Weapons / Armor / Shield (from above)
3 lb Crossbow bolts (quiver of 10) x3
2 lb Backpack
5 lb Bedroll
- lb Fishhook
2 lb Rations (1 day) x2
4 lb Waterskin
0 lb Holly and mistletoe
2 lb Spell component pouch
40 lb Total


[url= ... l:1ef5a7db]D&D 3.5 System Reference Documents[/url:1ef5a7db]

[url=]Javascript 3.5 Character Generator[/url:1ef5a7db]

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 8:10 pm
by Bergeth'fryn
Appearance: Obviously doesn't care about how he looks, but is still very handsome.
Skin:Glossy black
Eyes:Bright crimson
Hair: medium messy dirty white hair.
History:Was born to a Matron mother of Menzoberanzzan but was captured by Eilistraeeans on a surface raid, saw the light and so one. from then on has volunteered for the most dangerous missions, as a means of atonement for all of his past sins. This includes several infiltration missions.
will have other stats later.