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First time DM wants a Campaign

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 1:11 pm
by Ix'Chimalxochitzin
Right... Before i start, i feel the need to mention that this is my first attempt at DMing something. Having said that, i've got some experience with D&D in general so at least i'm confident that i won't mess things up [i:od0piu2l]too[/i:od0piu2l] badly.

So far:

[b:od0piu2l]Races[/b:od0piu2l]: Drow, others later on.

[b:od0piu2l]Classes[/b:od0piu2l]: Any 3.5Ed core (want to keep things relatively simple)

[b:od0piu2l]Alignment[/b:od0piu2l]: Any

[b:od0piu2l]Religion[/b:od0piu2l]: Any

[b:od0piu2l]Equipment[/b:od0piu2l], skills, feats, skills: 3.5Ed, full character sheet. No spell components needed.

[b:od0piu2l]Location[/b:od0piu2l]: Underdark, surface later on.

[b:od0piu2l]Combat system[/b:od0piu2l]: Custom (map-based D&D). Random number generator will be used for saves, checks and attack rolls.

The combat system i'm currently in the process of combining. The adventure itself will most likely span across three Acts (counting an intro), possibly more, but it depends on how things are going and, more importantly, how many people are interested.

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 6:48 pm
by Bhaern Quel
Well you did not set level, are you planing on starting with first level or higher one?

As DM you also can limit number of players if you wish. Sometimes a DM might establish some kind of rule to continue play when a player is missing.

You likely should offer at least the plot hook to see if players are interesting.
Plot hook in brief.

Capture Riding Lizard.
Kill Lolth *wink*
Somekind of indication of type of play you are looking for, heavey combat, rescue princess, recover lost treasure, or whatever that you wish the main theme to be.
In actual plan, plans might change goals or adgenda, that you might need to adjust however as DM you have hreater control of guiding the play.

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 11:31 pm
by Ix'Chimalxochitzin
Well, given that starting characters are all Drow, i'd say level 3 would do nicely. With the LA kicking in, there shouldn't be much of a level difference at that point.

As for the plot hook... Dunno. Oh, i know more or less what the plot is myself, of course, but i don't want to hand out spoilers.

Basically, the intro (Act I) is the starting group of Drow attacking a mage's stronghold. Actual details will depend too much on the type of characters that join, so as to have it make sense for them to attack said mage (surface elf for Lolth worshippers, Lolth mage for Eilistraee followers, that sort of thing), so there's not much else i can say about it.

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 11:59 pm
by Tyrmer
I suppose I COULD break back into RPing with a Drow rogue.

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 10:29 am
by DragonMind
I hope you get more luck starting yours, than I did mine!

...really was looking forward to DM in a thread myself, compared to IRL.

...and good luck with creating the adventure, and all DM stuff required.

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 4:09 pm
by Ix'Chimalxochitzin
Well, info post is up, along with a character template.

Let me know what you think ^_^

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 7:10 am
by Avin Jingzu
Oh... send Malek this link. It's about to get interesting.


(forgive the grammatical mistakes i'm in a rush)

First: you need a storyline that you won't get bored with. it also needs to be planned ahead (vaugely mind you, i've given DM's headaches before because i destroyed there plans) leave room for creativity.

Second: give a wealth limit/item power limit to all starting items (a level one character shouldn't be running around with a major artifact regardless if it is a family heirloom or not)

Third: before a character joins have them tell you what exactly they are and what they can do. (this is fun when people forget that one of my mage's can cast disintegrate as an intensified spell at will)

Fourth: don't forget the ad-hoc (bonus) exp for good ideas and good roleplaying.

Fifth: try to be reasonible with the player (unless the get to be a pain in the ass then just find a quick way to kill them off...random inexplicable lightning bolts work great here, just ask Malek)

Sixth: when it comes to magic items throw in a few +1 or +2 weapons and armor but nothing major for a low level quest.

Seventh (are we bored yet): try to make the story interesting to the characters and try to build intercharacter relations but don't let it take away from the actual plot of the story.

Eigth: add humor but don't let it go overboard apply the reins of reason (it may be funny to kill the guildmaster's monkey but it's not so funny when he get's revenge... or the random inexplicable lightning bolts)

Ninth: if someone totally ruins all your plan's then take that person aside and ask them nicely to take back there previous actions in order to fix the storyline. (or you can use the random inexplicable lightning bolts again :D ...i love those things :devil: )

Tenth (finally): FOR GOD'S SAKE HAVE SOME FUN! and remember while people play under you as DM you have the final say as to what happens basically YOU ARE a non blasphemous way of course <_<,>_> :tear:

thank you for paying attention to this rant and if you want to hear about some really hilarious DM screwup's by your's truly just ask Malek or myself for them. I admit i have seriously screwed up in the past and some of the screwups are just hilarious. If you need more advice just ask.

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 3:48 pm
by Ix'Chimalxochitzin
Wow, at first sight i actually got most of that covered, not bad o.O
  • [*:1fo86qst]Did that already. Apart from some plot critical stuff, everything else depends on how the players react to situations.[/*:m:1fo86qst]
    [*:1fo86qst]Already done, 500g per starting character to buy stuff with, following the rules of the 3.5 SRD[/*:m:1fo86qst]
    [*:1fo86qst]Using the standard ruleset with spell slots, so your mage won't be able to do that for a good while :P. Still, any nonstandard feats will have to go through me regardless.[/*:m:1fo86qst]
    [*:1fo86qst]Of course. Evading a battle altogether might even get you more XPs than it would have in a fight.[/*:m:1fo86qst]
    [*:1fo86qst]I have my ways... *cue evil DM laugh* :devil: [/*:m:1fo86qst]
    [*:1fo86qst]Yup, though it depends on what the players have. No use in having the fighters fight over a +2 armor like dogs over a bone i toss at them.[/*:m:1fo86qst]
    [*:1fo86qst]Ohh, don't worry about that one :P[/*:m:1fo86qst]
    [*:1fo86qst]See points 1 and 7 :angel: [/*:m:1fo86qst]
    [*:1fo86qst]Considering only the people that aren't unconscious will get battle XPs, i'm pretty sure a bad player will end up gimping himself in the long run. He'll learn. Or die a lot.[/*:m:1fo86qst]
    [*:1fo86qst]If they survive my plot, they'll survive my decisions, i'm sure of that :P[/*:m:1fo86qst][/list:o:1fo86qst]

    Thanks for the list ^_^

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 4:48 pm
by Avin Jingzu
No problem.

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 11:55 am
by Rooky
I'm in if you'll have me.

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 4:16 pm
by Ix'Chimalxochitzin
Sure thing, the character sheet thread is right here on the forums as well. It also goes more into detail about the rules and custom stuff i've been planning to do with it, so it's a good read.

The character application goes in that topic as a reply, any questions can be asked here ^_^

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 2:23 am
by Malek
Funny that you should mention the lightning bolts.

By the time he got the idea to try to keep my character in line via lightning bolts I was already too powerful for lightning bolts to really affect me. 'Twas amusing.

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 7:51 pm
by Bergeth'fryn
I shall join in this quest as well, given that the others have no objection to my joining