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Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 2:25 pm
by DragonMind
Insulting you...
I wasn't going for you specifically,
but as you feel insulted in special,
I guess there is some truth to my words.

Lies will bounce of the will,
Truth will hit in the heart,
but neither of these thesis are right,
if you're not normal, or dead as a wight.

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 12:02 am
by Talwyn Aureliano
[quote="DragonMind":1dcwf363]Insulting you...
I wasn't going for you specifically,
but as you feel insulted in special,
I guess there is some truth to my words.

No, there is no truth in your words, none at all! However, you can persist with your delusion as much as you like, it obviously makes you feel better about yourself.

[i:1dcwf363][b:1dcwf363]Being a self centred obnoxious git doesn't mean you have a direct font of truth flowing from you. [/b:1dcwf363]

[b:1dcwf363]It just means you're a rude bugger who doesn't know how to engage politlely with people they don't know. [/b:1dcwf363][/i:1dcwf363]

My example to you would be is that if you walked up to a complete stranger and said, "hey mate, you're stupid", I think that the person you have slandered would feel justifyably annoyed at your appaling lack of manners. And quite possibily in real life, you might get punched in the face for your loathesome behaviour. This is why the 'net is dotted with spineless morons who believe they are invincible because there is no reprocussion for that bad behaviour.

Disagreeing with someone over an an opinion doesn't have to equate to using verbal abuse to get your point across.
In fact its a bad debating tactic and loses you the moral high ground in an argument.

In this case, I'll paraphrase H.G Wells who said, "the first person to raise a fist has run out of ideas".

You raised a verbal fist by your call of "stupidity" which means you are a person with no ideas.

I advise that you choose your next words carefully, consider them well before you shoot your mouth off from the hip.

I live in hope that you think about what I have said and become a better person for it.

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 5:18 am
by Thalon Mercrow
lets clam down and be civil and debate like humans,elves,dwarfs,
etc,etc and not like a rabble of orcs. twaylin while h.g. wells mave have said that confuicis created it

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 6:15 am
by Talwyn Aureliano
I'm perfectly calm. I've dealt with far worse than this.

I do though stand up for a principle: that good manners & politeness go a long way in a forum. Bad behaviour and tactless remarks need to be called such and given zero tolerance.

This discusion was fine until Dragonmind decided to make an unwarrented insult, "human stupidity" and thus displayed his lack of manners.

If on the other hand, he'd said,"no, I disagree with you because of...." and given out a rational, well thought out, eloquent statement that was cogent to the topic, then I'd have absolutely no probelm whatsoever.

What I do object to in the strongest terms, is people who interject and make uncalled for remarks.

All I asked for was a retraction, an apology. Yet Dragonmind has seen fit to continue this by claiming that his words hit home by insuating that I am stupid.

If he was a decent fellow, he'd have seen that he'd caused offense, even if he had not intended any and would have apologised, which I would have acepted and left it at that.

He chose not to follow that path.

So, he continues to believe he's done nothing wrong. The attitude of a socio-path who cares not for the welfare of others.

I know that we all can make mistakes, we all can misread somethings that were not necessarily intended to upset or insult. This is where a retraction & clarification is needed.

I offer again to Dragonmind, the chance to make amends and to withdraw his tactless remark.

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 1:45 pm
by DragonMind
Talwyn I am sorry, that you see things in black and white.

I hope one day you will find redemption,
instead of starting crusades,
since you have very low tolerance.

It is people that think like you,
that fuels racism and stoic ideas/mindsets.

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 1:44 am
by Ix'Chimalxochitzin
[quote="Thalon Mercrow":3ufiih1q]lets clam down and be civil and debate like humans,elves,dwarfs,
etc,etc and not like a rabble of orcs. twaylin while h.g. wells mave have said that confuicis created it[/quote:3ufiih1q]

Don't be hatin' on orcs now! D:

We be-um just as Syphilised as y00 <.<

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 1:57 am
by Thalon Mercrow
sorry to all (non-evil)orcs out there i was trying to use them as an example

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 2:31 am
by Talwyn Aureliano
[quote="DragonMind":25ihzpse]Talwyn I am sorry, that you see things in black and white.

I hope one day you will find redemption,
instead of starting crusades,
since you have very low tolerance.

It is people that think like you,
that fuels racism and stoic ideas/mindsets.[/quote:25ihzpse]

Dragonmind, you have failed to see what is important here.
There are some things that should not be tolerated in any form. Its as simple as that, no shades of grey here, none at all nor do we want any either. If we start to let bad behaviour and anti-social attitudes prevail, what's the point of being civil then? This forum would degenerate in slanging matches, flame wars and it'd not be a fun place to post. A line has to be drawn somewhere, a standard set.

Perhaps you've just not encountered someone who actually believes in set of principles and will stick to them? If we always caved in when someone disagreed with our opinion, we'd be living in a very dark world indeed. Appeasement has never worked and its the resort of cowards who have no moral fibre. Just have a look at Neville Chamberlain and see how far that got him. It's better to live on your feet than to die on your knees as someones slave if you are to afraid to stand up for what you believe in.

Stoic adherance to a set of principles is not akin to starting race wars as you've quaintly tried to insinuate. It all depends on what set of principles you adhering to. I stand up for polite discourse, treating your fellow forum members with courtsey & respect and not allowing people to act like thugs who think they can post abuse and get away with it.

You have tried to paint me as some sort of misanthropic ogre, set on smashing my way forward and bugger everyone else but this is not the case, no, not by a long shot. I'm a fair minded sort of bloke but I can't stand people who are rude. There is no need for it unless it's already been provoked by rude behaviour.

So therefore, I put the following questions to you:

Is it wrong to ask to be treated with politeness and to ask that this applies to everyone?

Is it intolerant to point out when someone is being disrespectful and to ask that they stop being a jerk and apologise?

Is it wrong to believe in justice and a fair go for everyone here and that we all live up to a decent set of standards?

If you answered no to those questions above, then I don't see why you have such a problem in recanting your thoughtless remark.

All I asked for was to be treated with politeness & respect, as I would have treated you and continue to do as well, can you say the same? You give out the appearance of being a decent sort of person [but appearances can be deceiving :devil: ], and I'll give you the benefit of the doubt here because I like to let peoplle have a 2nd chance but am always willing to give them plenty of room so that they can disapoint me as well.

It's also very sad to see that you have failed to recognise my repeated polite requests to redeem your self & to acknowledge that we should all condemn bad behaviour and try to maintain a level of civility here.

Finally, if you make an apology, don't try to qualify it with any reasons or excuses afterwards.

You either apologise and mean it or you don't. Sincerity and intent mean everything. Backpeddling is nothing more than trying to weasel your way out of your feelings of uncomfortable guilt, fear & self loathing about doing the right thing.

Go on, I know you have it in you. Be a better man for it ;)

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 2:42 am
by Ix'Chimalxochitzin
[quote="Thalon Mercrow":3hsk9md3]sorry to all (non-evil)orcs out there i was trying to use them as an example[/quote:3hsk9md3]

[img:3hsk9md3] ... e5dad2.jpg[/img:3hsk9md3]

Couldn't resist posting this... Fit too well not to :devil:

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 3:31 am
by Talwyn Aureliano
Thats wonderful Ix :D

Lovely poster, thanks for sharing :angel:

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 10:02 am
by Shir'le E. Illios
DragonMind and Talwyn, both of you stop this. Now.

DragonMind, it doesn't hurt to show a bit more respect when someone else takes offense, rightly or not, at something you post. Talwyn, it doesn't hurt to take things more lightly and assume the best. Looks to me like this might simply be an in-character/out-of-character crossover confusion (again, from both sides).

Now play nice or I'm going to smack some people around. :p

Love -x-x-x-


Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 10:10 am
by Talwyn Aureliano
I always try to play nice. :D

I'll be the first to admit my mistakes and plead mia cupla & as such, I'll walk away and cease this as per your request Shir'le.
[polite bow]


Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 12:44 pm
by DragonMind
I'm always playing nice... when you're around Shir'le :D

I just kept agitating Talwyn because it was that easy in the first place,
trying to find his boundary of no return *LOL*

Oh well... one experiment down the drain,
onwards to new ones.

*looks at Talwyn with a cheeky smile, before starting an evil grin*

...Yeah lets stop here *bows before Talwyn, and retreats to his cover in the dark*

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 5:52 am
by Bhaern Quel
Well I must have skipped a little too much, have been busy elsewhere, but I think I might have done some cutting.
No cutting will be done at this time only because High Priestess decided to warn as opose to cut. I am to follow her lead as oposed to what I would do if this was my forum.

Consider this a double warning, and I will try to be here more often.

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 8:51 am
by DragonMind
Eh... double warning.

damn you paladin!

why don't you just exile me at once,
seems that I'm too much for the people in this forum!