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Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 4:24 am
by Inriiaynrae Jaelre
was what city we're in mentioned? i wouldnt think Menzo but i wanna be sure
Name: Vastyrr (blood posion) Aleundar (traders in the spider's kiss poison)

Gender: female, age 120

Race/Class: Druid(underdark)/Rogue

Alignment: NE at the moment. Tho shifting twords N

Physical: Vastyrr is tall and lanky, lean like a runner with short shoulder-length bluish slivery hair, tho dyed to a dark bluish color. Instead of the dark beautiful ebon color skinned, Vas is a paler ashen grey, mostly due to a poorer diet and less care for her physical appearance. This also has left her with a rather unremarkable plain appearance. Adding to this, down her face is a scar from an incident early in life. Her eyes are a orangish redish almond shape.

Personality: Independent, easygoing and carefree spirit who prefers the company of the wilds and creatures than most people. Stubborn and strong-willed, sometimes moody or emotional with a temper. A large phase spider and a shadow dragon wymling are her closest ‘friends’.

History: Vas was born a fifth daughter of a low level house in the slums, a house that was a keeper of the fungi forests, spider-breeding, and poison-making. Unlike her sister, Vas was never priestess material, at least in the normal since. She had access to a divine magic, druidic magic. This was what made her something, as much as a low level house could be. She spent nearly all her time mostly in the field with the spiders, fungus and out in the tunnels near the house. Vas was never religious, nor was she a true heretic- of Lloth, but not active. She lived life as any other drow, tho the troubles of trying to raise in station and gain power never appealed to her the same way.
(more to figure out here)
not sure how i want her to join up or why she's with the group being that she's a druid and a wilder type person.

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 5:19 am
by NathreeDe'Shezbron
You could easily have her living in the Underdark Wilds along out path... seeing as she is a druid. She could traffic the poisons from the World Above to Menzoberranzen, since they would make a hefty price there... or something of the kind :D. Not sure how Zyeke would respond to that... but we can deal with that as the time comes

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 11:14 am
by Kirintha the Fair
Not to nitpick, but in forgotten realms druids, cant gain power from Nature "as a force"

Andim nervous about having too many chars in who are only loosely affiliatedwith the band, to be honest.

not trying to stomp on your ideas just pointing things out.

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 3:13 pm
by Silasisann
*shy wave* I really like the story-idea; so far away from the current FR world (DR 1374 etc). If it's possible I'd like to join in with the following character idea.

Name: Vlos (meaning simply "blood")

Gender: Male (half-drow)

Alignment: LN with LG tendencies

Class: Fighter

History: Vlos is one of the many simple soldier ragdolls of the city - picked up by a merchant's caravan, then into a poor House's ranks as guard. As a halfbreed his future was predictably grey, gloomy and without much ascension to be had - and that was just as well for him. Sins? He had those like any other would, but up until he heard of Drow opposing Lolth, he was quite happy with avoiding most trouble... martyrdom and unnecessary cruelty alike.
How he got involved in the upstart of Iliryztara: As a male who believes in the concept "an eye for an eye", the day an Eilistraeean helped him in secret got his attention. Eilistraee's spreading name and the concept of mercy intrigued him; now he finds himself struggling between loyalty for the ones he served and the ones he might see his better future with.

Goals: Males belong under females, halfbreeds and lesser under Drow. If everyone could just respect the place they were given, the world would be so much better - too bad Lolth always wanted the opposite. As such Vlos has had little ambition aside from improving [i:1q7b3ah6]himself [/i:1q7b3ah6]every day: the gods and priestesses control the world in a way he can never hope to influence, and he controls himself, for there is nothing outside of himself that he [i:1q7b3ah6]could [/i:1q7b3ah6]change. He is finding a knack for making his own weapons, so forging weaponry (swords in particular) are of interest to him, as are the proficiencies with various sword/blade types. (Eilistraeean reference, hmm?) Eilistraee's preachers might change this view quite quickly; at least in that he would have a rightful place Above.

I'll do a more detailed Bio if he is allowed to come. :) I'd keep him deliberately more in the background as I don't have that much time to check the forum, even though I'd love to join in and see how it goes.

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 2:53 am
by Inriiaynrae Jaelre
[quote="Kirintha the Fair":1415zuqu]Not to nitpick, but in forgotten realms druids, cant gain power from Nature "as a force"

Andim nervous about having too many chars in who are only loosely affiliatedwith the band, to be honest.

not trying to stomp on your ideas just pointing things out.[/quote:1415zuqu]

im confused. did i have something wrong? i wanted to have an underdark druid. as for nature force, i said she had access to druidic magic tho not specififed. still worlimg out something mainly and wanted to get my foirst thought/ideas up before i lost them

and as for enterance, i hadnt decided one yet. figuring out history would better decide.

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 11:03 pm
by Bhaern Quel
As far as it goes, there are no rules that you play by FR rules, any edition.

I see no problem with an underdark druid, in fact I believe I saw one in novel or source book

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 6:52 am
by Kirintha the Fair
Well The idea sounds good the underdark druid, the soldier sounds good too.

Sorry for the Away comp trouble and housesitting sighs..