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Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 10:39 am
by Rainbow Prism
Thrallawin uses standard thieves' cant. All PCs who started rogue from level one have it automatically. And it can be possibly chosen by those who didn't. Anyone has it?

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 10:59 pm
by Darkros
I don't think Drithor does. He relies mainly on blades, stealth, and his natural drowic abilities.

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 10:15 pm
by Zarae Zyne Kilanatlar
always thought that a surface city thing, and mostly humans. and if she would know it, me as the person playing doesnt know the translation

Re: Dragon Slayer

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 6:53 am
by Rainbow Prism
Hey there!

Sorry for being so late.

Re: Dragon Slayer

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 1:19 pm
by Darkros
Sorry it took so long to post. I woke up one morning with a hole in my computer. Problem was, my fist was through the hole. And I'd woken up about an hour before.

Re: Dragon Slayer

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 6:14 pm
by Bhaern Quel
I only tap screen to see if any is online.

Re: Dragon Slayer

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 6:42 pm
by Darkros
I'm here. Whats up?

Re: Dragon Slayer

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 11:38 am
by Rainbow Prism
I think post is nice, but talking about how the poison drains constitution until it goes to zero sounds really OOC.

Re: Dragon Slayer

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 1:39 pm
by Bhaern Quel
[quote="Rainbow Prism":gn5rmba6]I think post is nice, but talking about how the poison drains constitution until it goes to zero sounds really OOC.[/quote:gn5rmba6]

Well describing how an attack is expected to work is often OOC, it clearly makes sense to include description in an IC post. I intend to drive dagger into a human heart, I expect the human to die.

Reducing Constitution to 0, is a game mechanic., however slightly different wording might convey the intent.

The poison is known to sap the vitality of the drinker, that their Constitution and general health becomes very weak. Death soon follows. Would more or less convey the same message.

Of course as far as play goes, no attack of any kind is to be treated as the result, just the hoped for result.

Re: Dragon Slayer

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 5:34 pm
by Ogrim
Really? you're going to nitpick over something silly like that, even write a big long post about it here, but not even bother posting any replies in the RP thread itself? Took me a whole day pouring through game rules for converting monstrous races to playable characters, coming up with a plausible reason for a Tirbana (D&D 3.5 Monster Manual V) to have an abnormally long lifespan, and apply justifying templates for her uncommonly higher intelligence and self-awareness.

'Course, I never really mentioned that to anyone before now, but I do feel a bit like I just got hit below the belt, all this picking apart of a sentence or two that provides person running the plot vital information in case the role of that NPC in the RP is not yet exhausted. I had assumed it's not, as there must have been some reason to deliberately let him live, after killing all his fellows that hadn't escaped.

Re: Dragon Slayer

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 5:19 am
by Darkros
I kept the guy alive to interogate as to why he and his fellows would be sent after a half drow. Also, I'm alright with you putting things like that in the thread. And guy's, please don't mess with his/her character outside the thread. He/she can bring in whatever he/she wants. I have a mage raven, for cryin out loud.

Re: Dragon Slayer

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 9:10 am
by Ogrim
Fair enough, your spared NPC has about 2-3 weeks before the constitution drain is lethal, and to clarify, it's not poison. Due to the character's feature concealing thickness and quantity of clothing, actually visually making out any signs of her species is at very best an educated guess, should the three-digit hands with exoskeletal chitin be spotted, as any number of humanoid insect races. Truth be told, this is a Tirbana Spawner. They come varied forms, Eywings, Drowsers, Slayers, and Spawners. Eyewings look like largish dragonflies. Drowsers like giant stag beetles, however with a sort of grasping hand atop their arm-like horn. Slayers resemble a large cross between scorpion and mantis. These three make up the aerial attackers, and melee specialists of the species. Spawners, are the only one of the race with humanoid-level intelligence, and are also the only Tirbana that can reproduce.

Back to what I was clarifying earlier, a Tribana Spawner resembles a cross between a humanoid and cockroach. To give any clearer idea would require pictures. I'll include some below this message. What was injected in the sedated Drow left alive back there was not poison, but rather, four eggs. Long as any means of removing a disease, be it spell, potion, or healing kit, is applied before the constitution drain from the parasitic larvae is complete, the eggs/larvae will be destroyed, and constitution damage heals naturally.

As to why she's living well beyond the normal two to three week life span of the average Tirbana. She struck a deal with Baalzebul, in exchange for being spared from dying of aging or the usual natural cause of the Tirbana life cycle, she sends to his cults the wealth, materials, resources and other items, that her race considers as refuse, but most humanoids consider valuable, when she and any Tirbana she is leading conquer a village or small town, and use it for a nesting ground. S'rikik, sees more than a longer than normal lifespan in this though, but has a tiny inspired notion that she can change how Tirbana survive so that they can coexist with even the elven races, rather than be consider pestilent vermin.

Well there you have some clarifications and background info, now for some pictures:
Tirbana Spawner (Left) Drowser (Center) and Slayer (right)
[thumbnail:tu413h0s] ... 106342.jpg[/thumbnail:tu413h0s]
Mind that the picture is kinda small, but look at it carefully, as first glance may be a touch confusing. examined carefully, you'll see that the Spawner's left leg isn't messed up, but that the Drowser's 'horn' is in the way of viewing it, and that the attached hand on that horn, is what's holding up the bundle of wood. Unlike this group of varied types, mine is alone, and hiding her appearance for surely obvious, and good reasons.

Tirbana Eyewing
perched on what I believe is the remains of a rusted sword
[img:tu413h0s] ... 106341.jpg[/img:tu413h0s]

Re: Dragon Slayer

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 8:37 am
by Rainbow Prism
I apologize if it looks very offensive that I do not reply OOC on that first post. I do not think that some kind of reaction on the hidden creature's presence would be fair and it would be close to metagaming, so I thought it is better to not do anything until the Spawner will make his presence known in some way or leave some signs. And I did not read correctly, not noticing that it already made action. :-[

Re: Dragon Slayer

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 10:50 am
by Ogrim
It's all good.

Re: Dragon Slayer

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 3:39 am
by Darkros
Sorry if I sounded like a dick back there. Didn't mean to.