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Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 11:59 pm
by Talwyn Aureliano
[quote="T'riss'ae_d'wylthen":1ofkixr7]Is it possible for a character to be a seer? Like dream seers?[/quote:1ofkixr7]

Good question :)

From the D&D wiki

Seer of the Tempest

The Windswept Depths of Pandemonium breed a special kind of magician. Driven half-mad by the eternal darkness and thunderous din of the eternal windstorm, they walk the battlefields of the multiverse bringing the terrors they know to those who do not.

Most characters who become Seers of the Tempest are War Mages, though sometimes this path appeals to Wizards of a particularly martial bent.

[edit] Becoming a Seer of the Tempest
Entry Requirements Alignment: Non-lawful.
Skills: Intimidate 9 ranks.
Spellcasting: Must be able to cast 3rd level Arcane spells, and must be able to cast Evocations of every level you can cast.

more on this here: ... ige_Class)

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 2:21 am
by T'riss'ae_d'wylthen
Oh poo... I was going to use the skills of being a dream seer to partly explain why T'riss escaped the city.

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 2:36 am
by Talwyn Aureliano
Ahh while I know a reasonable amount about D&D, I have to say that my extent of knwledge when it comes to a character class like a seer is quite limited.

I also think that there is a reason that such a fortune-teller/visionary/prophet character class is not available [well none that I could find on a quick google] is that the player would be able to ask in advance what is going to happen thus it defeats the purpose of mystery and suspense. Most "seers" are NPC's controled by a DM that hand out clues or pieces of information to the characters in order for them to stay on track in their adventures or quests.

However, in RP and general D&D, it IS possible for characters to recieve prophetic visions/dreams/messages etc from many sources.

So what I suggest here is this: your character had a dream that the city was going to be attacked and she may have further revelations in the future but she has no control over them nor can she just concentrate, gaze into her crystal ball and fore-tell the future. Also, if you know what is going to happen, simply by knowing it doesn't necessarily mean that it will happen as predicted. Having prior knowledge of future events alters things in the present and events can change subtly or dramatically. Again it leads to all sorts of interesting outcomes in RP.

And finally there is the legendary tale of Cassandra of Troy: a woman with the gift of accurate prophecy but was cursed in that whatever she said, no one would believe her.

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 2:48 am
by Bergeth'fryn
Check out the expansion 'defenders of the faith' or perhaps 'complete divine' loads of divination based prestige classes.

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 3:59 am
by T'riss'ae_d'wylthen
I think I'll go with that Tawny. Thanks a bunch!