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Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 11:06 pm
by Tyrmer
Am I ever going toget a reply? Or have I recieved one and not noticed?

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 9:36 pm
by Ssin'urn Streea
[quote="Tyrmer":26526eoi]Am I ever going toget a reply? Or have I recieved one and not noticed?[/quote:26526eoi]

[color=indigo:26526eoi]Sorry, was writing reply and fell asleep at my comp. [/color:26526eoi] :-[

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 10:04 pm
by Tyrmer
Aww. *Hugs* You need a good dose of RL I think.

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 8:30 am
by Ssin'urn Streea
[color=indigo:2z0z533p]House 1 needs a wizard, I'd like you all to meet a good friend of mine, Marcivo, who has agreed to take on the role. I've given clearance and we discussed this off the boards on msn.

Thanx Marcivo!

If there are any objections let us speak freely.[/color:2z0z533p] :)

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 12:18 pm
by Tyrmer
Heysa Marcivo I know you ain't posted yet but HI!

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 6:28 pm
by Ssin'urn Streea
[color=indigo:3t4ca0r7]Rooky! I like your "House" post!!! [/color:3t4ca0r7]:D

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 9:17 pm
by Ssin'urn Streea
I'm sorry... :-[ I forgot to mention that the[color=darkblue:1er7bumf][b:1er7bumf] Matron Keeshe of House 2[/color:1er7bumf][/b:1er7bumf] is printed in dark blue color and [b:1er7bumf][color=indigo:1er7bumf]Matron Chiana of House 1[/color:1er7bumf][/b:1er7bumf] is printed in indigo color. I think I will make a temporary account for one of them so it will be easier to keep track of Houses. :?

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 9:20 pm
by Bhaern Quel
[quote="Ssin'urn Streea":9rgutmw2]BQ,
I'm sorry... :-[ I forgot to mention that the[color=darkblue:9rgutmw2][b:9rgutmw2] Matron Keeshe of House 2[/color:9rgutmw2][/b:9rgutmw2] is printed in dark blue color and [b:9rgutmw2][color=indigo:9rgutmw2]Matron Chiana of House 1[/color:9rgutmw2][/b:9rgutmw2] is printed in indigo color. I think I will make a temporary account for one of them so it will be easier to keep track of Houses. :?[/quote:9rgutmw2]

Opps, my error will edit, have a hard time keeping track of things. Er I might need to delete.

Guess Who?

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 9:57 pm
by Ssinjin
:angel: [color=darkblue:20yrp7q6]Matron Keeshe of House 2 present and accounted for![/color:20yrp7q6]

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 9:28 pm
by Ssin'urn Streea
[color=indigo:3nesl9kh]I'm here and reading the thread off and on. Trying to get used to new work schedual, finally about to settle into a routine. Posting may continue without me present if you wish. I will return shortly and answer everyone howbeit I may be a little late. Let's hang in there! Thanx!


Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 9:46 pm
by Bhaern Quel
*nods* OK

I thought you might be waiting for a House mage for House 1, somethging I do not think wise for me to do. The Houses IMO should be kept as serperate as posible, to prevent OOC (or out of Game) contaimination. For example I could build a mage revolotion if I end up playing most mages.

Oh one still might develope but different players vying for leadership would be better play.

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 8:49 am
by Ssin'urn Streea
[quote="Bhaern Quel":2k2asuq3]*nods* OK

I thought you might be waiting for a House mage for House 1, somethging I do not think wise for me to do. The Houses IMO should be kept as serperate as posible, to prevent OOC (or out of Game) contaimination. For example I could build a mage revolotion if I end up playing most mages.

Oh one still might develope but different players vying for leadership would be better play.[/quote:2k2asuq3]

[img:2k2asuq3] ... ulb6kb.gif[/img:2k2asuq3]

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 9:03 am
by Marcivo
[quote="Bhaern Quel":id2bz93j]*nods* OK

I thought you might be waiting for a House mage for House 1, somethging I do not think wise for me to do. The Houses IMO should be kept as serperate as posible, to prevent OOC (or out of Game) contaimination. For example I could build a mage revolotion if I end up playing most mages.

Oh one still might develope but different players vying for leadership would be better play.[/quote:id2bz93j]

First, I'd like to apologize for my recent absence. I should have said something before disappearing like that. I suppose I've just been a little short on ideas lately.

However, this was brought to my attention just a little earlier, and, well, I'd like to know if perhaps you and I may discuss the thought in the next day or so.

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 7:47 pm
by Ssin'urn Streea
[font=Garamond:12wol9op][b:12wol9op][i:12wol9op][color=indigo:12wol9op]I'm sorry I have not been posting as often as usual. I have been working on another forum that has also just had a change of boards and I have had to make many preparations for the switch over. I'll be back as soon as possible. I'm still working a few plots as well for this thread.

Sabaal, I owe you in particular, a really big appology. I'm sorry it is taking so long for me to prepare my post.

Please forgive my absence, I'll be back as soon as I can.

~SS~ [/color:12wol9op][/i:12wol9op][/b:12wol9op][/font:12wol9op][/size:12wol9op]

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 7:49 pm
by Ssin'urn Streea
:bored: [font=garamond:3bwgjlrm][b:3bwgjlrm][i:3bwgjlrm][color=indigo:3bwgjlrm]*Thwacks double post demon*[/color:3bwgjlrm][/size:3bwgjlrm][/i:3bwgjlrm][/b:3bwgjlrm][/font:3bwgjlrm]