"Test Run!" OOC

When you want to ask out of character questions, discuss plots, talk about roleplaying or simply present your character’s bio, this is the place to do so. Small OOC bits may be accepted in the roleplaying forums, but this is the place for the larger posts. Do keep the topics related to the roleplaying however, otherwise go to the General Discussion forum.

Moderators: Shir'le E. Illios, Bhaern Quel

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Rainbow Prism
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Re: "Test Run!" OOC

Post by Rainbow Prism »

So, that's how you see it?

Fine. First thread, eh? That's what you think?

That all I did until now was stupid pride and bloated ego? That I want this to continue because it is my thread or my PC is in here? Because I needed success?

Go ahead. Do with this thread whatever you want.
Bhaern Quel
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Re: "Test Run!" OOC

Post by Bhaern Quel »

I would not delete on purpose any RP. Many just move down the list, like Red Eye Clan did, should players no longer post IC to the play.
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Re: "Test Run!" OOC

Post by Vailintin »





All that drama there... is why I've been away, for the most part, until now. The personal attacks through PMs was childish, they ticked me off, and they were absolutely uncalled for. However, the arguments that Dragon Knight was a ritual requiring several rounds to cast, and the Flesh to Stone is not a druid spell, were both valid points.

However, Pheurazath is right about a lot of things too, or at least I certainly can agree with her. In the very least, Rainbow, you brought all that upset upon yourself, and have no one else to blame.

And yet.... I have FINALLY gotten over the upset this drama caused me, adjusted my post accordingly, while preserving the majority of it, and supposing this RP REALLY means as much to you as you claim, Rainbow, then by all means, continue. In any event, I have found the time, patience, and resolve to fix my post, any further delays of Test Run, are no longer on me.
1st: Tristian Gyssemitori (Moon-Elf, Dire Werebat, Druid)
2nd: Vailintin (Accomplished Tiefling thief of riches, hearts, and virtues.)
3rd: Millek Amephran (Hedonistic Satyr Ranger/Bard)
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Rainbow Prism
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Re: "Test Run!" OOC

Post by Rainbow Prism »


Frankly, I said what I meant and it won't change. You are free to create something anew, with replicas of NPCs you have seen and cliffhanger start somewhere before appearance of druid character, because last cataclysms were direct result of his actions. It lost long ago the meaning of original plot that was somewhat pointing finger in one direction, and therefore, lost my support.
Bhaern Quel
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Re: "Test Run!" OOC

Post by Bhaern Quel »

For now thread , the RP, will be locked. If concerns resolved it can be unlocked.
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Re: "Test Run!" OOC

Post by Vailintin »

I would gladly work out these concerns, but that requires telling what the plot goal is, and how I'm tripping it up. I have asked for this before, and all I got was cryptic answers, or a refusal to tell anything at all. I can fully understand if there were frequent displays of metagaming on here, but there isn't. So far all I've done is react to what I know about the plot so far, with a bunch of overzealous inflexible soldiers whose veteran status, I frankly find hard to believe, when their skills at diplomacy are so lacking in the face of superior forces. They also lack for much strategic thinking. I had made no secret, early on in the RP when I introduced Tristian to it, that he is the member of a large and powerful family, that also commands the support of various important political figures. I was fully trying to avoid having to actually involve them in the plot at all, but since NO ONE would tell anything about what the plot is, much less discuss options with me or anyone about how to work things out to make this enigmatic plot get back on track, I can only do one thing, react accordingly to the characters, based on what I DO know, and the behaviors and personalities I wrote for my characters.

We've gone from complaining about not wanting to deprive me of the freedom to play my own characters as I see fit, to allowing that freedom has utterly ruined some enigmatic plot that none of us can help put on track if we don't know what the heck it is. Now, to be honest, through all my attempts to be diplomatic about this, I'm beginning to doubt there actually IS a defined plot, and it's more of an excuse just to gripe because Kars and company are close to getting knocked down several levels. After all, we've gone from no need for campaign rules, to invalid spells according to campaign rules, to can't deprive the players of freedom to RP as they see fit, to can't continue because of the way we RP. The story keeps changing about why it's my fault, and I keep shooting each excuse down. When stories change this much, it's usually the sure mark of someone lying.

Now, again, I'd love to resolve this with discussion of the plot, and how to put it back on track. I'm willing to be flexible, but if all I'm going to get is enigmatic answers, and accusations of ruining everything, then let this post show the failure of this RP was self-inflicted, and not caused by myself, Agmasek, Grahl, or Veraka. I've no need for any kind of bad rep.
1st: Tristian Gyssemitori (Moon-Elf, Dire Werebat, Druid)
2nd: Vailintin (Accomplished Tiefling thief of riches, hearts, and virtues.)
3rd: Millek Amephran (Hedonistic Satyr Ranger/Bard)
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Rainbow Prism
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Re: "Test Run!" OOC

Post by Rainbow Prism »


If I put out summary of pilot plot, will you lay off the case and start something new without nagging?
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Shir'le E. Illios
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Re: "Test Run!" OOC

Post by Shir'le E. Illios »

I think that at this point it might perhaps be best to let the matter rest, unless you both feel that you can calmly and maturely resolve this amongst yourselves.

Regardless, and regardless of what opinions you might have of each other, please continue to treat each other courteously. Treat others better than you would want yourself to be treated. And in any conflict, always first consider that you yourself might be the one at fault.

Thank you. :)

Love -x-x-x-

F'sarn natha tithaur wun l'su'aco.

-= Shir'le E. Illios =-
Chosen of Eilistraee
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