Raiders in the Grain Fields OOC

When you want to ask out of character questions, discuss plots, talk about roleplaying or simply present your character’s bio, this is the place to do so. Small OOC bits may be accepted in the roleplaying forums, but this is the place for the larger posts. Do keep the topics related to the roleplaying however, otherwise go to the General Discussion forum.

Moderators: Shir'le E. Illios, Bhaern Quel

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Raiders in the Grain Fields OOC

Post by Ogrim »

Since an OOC thread for this RP hasn't been established yet, I decided to, as it is I have something to ask. WHERE is everyone? I posted about a month ago, and since then all of you participating in it just up and quit. About the ONLY people I've seen posting in the Roleplay threads, aside from myself, are Nathree and Suru, and that's in a wholly other RP. Good RP threads, without any major player conflicts, are still hanging unfinished, waiting for people to start responding. I understand of course if life is keeping any of you too occupied right now, life comes first, but... *sigh* this is about my ONLY outlet for this kind of stuff, and I miss having all ya folks around, and posting at least weekly if not daily.

It's like joining a club with lots of members, and then they just start leaving, one-by-one, until you're in a huge room where everyone had fun together, and sitting there alone, settling for remembering how it used to be. I keep showing up, hoping to see people start returning, for the good times to keep rolling. Real Life is full of hard times, I understand this too, and that's why I spend what free time I have, wrapped up in one grand fanciful adventure after another. A healthy distraction from the woes of life.

So anyhow, I hope to see everyone in this RP and perhaps others start making a come-back. It's no fun here without all ya.
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Rainbow Prism
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Re: Raiders in the Grain Fields OOC

Post by Rainbow Prism »

Hi, Ogrim.

It was supposed to be fast skirmish, so I considered that there was no need for ooc feed.

I do find this disturbing myself. As much as it can go, all that can happen is time-freeze (again) until sufficient number of characters joins in. Hang in there with N and C/S.
Bhaern Quel
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Re: Raiders in the Grain Fields OOC

Post by Bhaern Quel »

Well can send a meteor strike and end the battle, killing most of both sides, however refrained from doing so.

The more players involved it follows the slower play goes, at certain points of time it is fair to infer a player will not post and the rest play on. The problem is what is considered fair time.
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Re: Raiders in the Grain Fields OOC

Post by Ogrim »

Glad to hear back from someone on this. I knew taking a few pages from the Book of Exalted Deeds, for character inspiration was an angle not often used on here. Part of the reason why I did it, taking a gnoll, using the 'Redeemed Villain' concept, and taking the variant Exalted Ranger, and some Exalted Feats, seemed like a fun new twist to me. Also, I apologize if use of the Lupinal Paragon, Kharash, isn't part of FR. The BoED didn't mention any differences as to if or whether or not he appears in FR, but since it doesn't interfere with the divine hierarchy of FR any, I didn't see why the Guardinal Paragons, should not be part of it.

This is part of the reason, that the gnoll has a celestial wolf, rather than an ordinary wolf, as his companion.

Anyhow, yeah, I was beginning to get the feeling this exotic variant had somehow ruined the RP and derailed it entirely, seeing as the replies stopped shortly after I joined in. I know there's no way one person can be liked by everyone, but it's unsettling to think I might have ruined the fun. Anyhow, I'll remain patient, and hopefully soon we can get most if not everyone back.
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Re: Raiders in the Grain Fields OOC

Post by Olba'id »

I am pretty new but here but this one looked fun so I joined in with my monk. I hope that the others will see more posts and return.
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Rainbow Prism
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Re: Raiders in the Grain Fields OOC

Post by Rainbow Prism »

Greetings, Olba'id.

I have been watching your progress. I am sorry for lack of reaction on your post, but it seems the thread is dead, since no replies were around for long enough for me to consider that any more posts will be around. Thank you for your enthusiasm, everyone. Hopefully, the other threads you posted in will be taken more seriously.
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