The Lizard rider OOC

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Bhaern Quel
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Re: The Lizard rider OOC

Post by Bhaern Quel »

Yes it was Bwael. A Drow male Cleric (Priest) of Eilistraee that Sabaal introduced and I ended up playing.
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Verlansia Arseaniamaen
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Re: The Lizard rider OOC

Post by Verlansia Arseaniamaen »

Was wondering what happened with him, wasn't sure who he realy belonged to :)

Do you think a Duergar (Gray Dwarf Dark Dwarf) artificer could have created eyes for Amara from amber and magetism?

I had intended for her to be an albino drow of the Quel line but wasn't sure how to pull it off at the time.
Bhaern Quel
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Re: The Lizard rider OOC

Post by Bhaern Quel »

As for eyes it clearly is possible, not sure how a bargain could be made with Duergar. Not much to Bargain with them though.

As for being of House Quel, that would be harder, though perhaps outcast in such a way that Bhaern or Lother's character would not Know that she was alive. Did not recognize her of being of the House. Then however if of House Quel it would be a question of Rant, female ranking over male.

Something could have been worked out I guess, but hard to work into story line.
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Verlansia Arseaniamaen
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Re: The Lizard rider OOC

Post by Verlansia Arseaniamaen »

Guess Duergar would have to be desperate, need something he can't get in the place he would be.

Thought perhaps Amara's physical imperfections and "cousin's wife's uncle's brother's mother once removed" kind of connection, would be enough to warrant her a small place of supporting role under House Quel protections. :angel:
Bhaern Quel
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Re: The Lizard rider OOC

Post by Bhaern Quel »

Well a Duergar is not impossible, just having conditions? We might come up with idea.

I can see one way to be of house Quel, of the servants, daughter of the House mage or Weaponmaster of other ally of House Quel Maybe Master of Farms a place where Bhearn not likely to go and know.

I did not picture that the House was that large to have extended family. Though one idea might be married away to an ally House that she survived it falling or losing many in struggle. That no ties remain

Mother married away, child outcast because of albino with Mother. Mother planned to return to House Quel The House married to another city.

Reason for delay of travel maybe that was a wait to have child grow and maybe show special talent. Maybe both required years of service for right to leave. Maybe work for Merchants after cast out. And was attacked then .
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Verlansia Arseaniamaen
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Re: The Lizard rider OOC

Post by Verlansia Arseaniamaen »

:)) Nice! She can fit in after all! Happy she won't take the story away from your original purpose.
Bhaern Quel
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Re: The Lizard rider OOC

Post by Bhaern Quel »

The other problem is continue of story, others missing. It would be bad form and purpose to leave the others. I should not say the rest got killed, also not very credible that only the two, maybe three escape. I do not see Bwael leaving, he would die with his lady.

There never was a policy to write off players gone missing. Sometimes one could write moving away from some to continue play. That does not work for this story line. Bhearn is trying to gather as many as possible together. No good reason to leave four befind.
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Verlansia Arseaniamaen
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Re: The Lizard rider OOC

Post by Verlansia Arseaniamaen »

Totally agree, is bad form to leave others. And, he should not leave any behind. Unfortunately, I can become emotionally connected to characters, mine and others. Is sad to see ther purposes unfulfilled and wonder what would have been.

To know Amara's character concept has plausibility makes me happy, to know she could have regained sight, been connected to House, and had purpose.

Thank you for your help in providing closure for me concerning her. I hope the house will someday be rebuilt. :)
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