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Underdark Abominations

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 11:40 am
by Rooky
Since I can't put this to words, and I haven't had my morning coffee I'll ask like this:

Dark Elf = Holly, godly being
Spider = Holly, godly being

Drider = pice of dog shit


Drider = Drow + Spider

How come driders be treated like dog crap?

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 6:09 pm
by Bhaern Quel
Well you mean besides the fact the transformation is considered Lolth's punishment for failure?

Driders are often describled as ugly Drow (that portion of them that is huminoid of course) and one thing elves (including the Drow) value is beauty and grace. This would be another reason their company is not perferred.
There of course is the factor of not being truely either a Drow or a spider, but stuck somewhere in between. Driders also can not breed, each is made. They are things rather then a race (this of course subject to any rule change I might have missed). They are homeless, unloved and filled with resentment.

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 7:10 pm
by Rooky
I still don't get it, bet hey, it's me ;)

One more question conserning the subject: Are yochlol driders (Drow/Spider), and if so, how come they're...."loved" by Llolth (by loved I mean spared of some annoyment by her)

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 7:57 pm
by Bhaern Quel
[quote:ffah9kjs]Yochlols are fictional demonic creatures in Dungeons & Dragons. These lesser Tanar'ri are handmaidens of Lolth, the drow Goddess of Chaos, dwelling amongst the outer planes and being regularly summoned by the Queen of Spider's priestesses to witness sacrifices in the name of their dark goddess, Lolth.

They appear as tentacled blobs of melted wax and continually emit a foul stench. They also have the power to change their shapes—usually to a comely drow female or to a spider (usually a black widow). They can also change themselves into a gaseous form, allowing their unknowing victims to inhale them, and then suffocating them.[/quote:ffah9kjs]

They are demons and never a drider. As for how they are viewed, certainly not loved (well perhaps the female form might get loved) and to be feared, respected and obeyed should they appear.

Oh another reason driders are shunned is that for younger Drow they serve as a remender of the test to come and of course would be more powerful then them. Of the Drow that passed the test, the Driders looked at with scorn. They are failures and those thatfail can recieve no respect.

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 11:15 am
by Shir'le E. Illios

I think Lolth loves them because, well, they're her servants. Though their 'natural' appearance doesn't fit into the drow and/or spider theme at least they're unique. And they look suitably vile and evil so we won't have to feel remorse for slaying them. ;)

As for driders, I think Bhaern covered that pretty well. Though I agree that at first glance it might be a bit weird that a drow/spider combination is reviled instead of revered. Particularly since one of the drow deities (one that is kinda accepted in Lolthian society) is the deity of driders (i.e. Selvetarm), among a few other things.

Love -x-x-x-


Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 12:36 pm
by Rooky
Viva la Yochlol. Thanks for the info. Both of you...Now, if I can only figure how to get this dog leash of of me, I'll be on my way...

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 1:15 am
by Unen_Stealthfoot
Maybe it'll come off if you turn into a (complete, though temporary) human. :p

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 8:47 pm
by Argoth
Maybe this one is a bit late, but still, the drow love purity. I mean a race, that is pure. You know, they sacrifice their children at their birth if they see there's anything wrong about them etc, and a drider is, well, a mixture, something that in neither drow nor spider. They despise anything, that is half one thing, and half the other... Even some fearie elves think similar. Well, that's what I think...

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 6:45 pm
by Le Seigneur Noir
You can read this, is a great text about Yochlol.

And don't forget, Draegloth rules too !

And the PC of FR "Arachne" can shap a form of the Yochlol :devil:

I've find that : (VO = Espagnol) ... ry_state0=