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Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 11:39 pm
by Bhaern Quel
[quote:3tm67ui5]Grand History of the Realms is out.

**Spoilers** Highlight to show.

In 1384 DR, Tyr kills Helm in a romantic misunderstanding over the heart of Tymora. Though nothing can be proved, the gods believe that Cyric is somehow involved in Helm's death.

In 1385 DR, With help from Shar, Cyric murders Mystra in Dweomerheart, destroying the plane and Savras, as well as sending Azuth and Velsharoon into the Astral plane.

Magic bursts from the bonds of the Weave. Thousands of mages are driven insane or destroyed, and the very substance of the world becomes mutable beneath the veils of azure fire that dance across the sky.

Cyric is imprisoned on his home plane for 1000 years by Tyr, Lathander, and Sune for his crimes. This event is what is known as the Spellplague.

Apparently many planes are "shifted" or destroyed. The book states that only the greater gods can protect their respective planes from the destruction. This implies that some of the lesser [and intermediate] gods might not make it.

The last sentence of the book says that the Weave is destroyed and the "old world" ends and a new one begins. What that means is anybody's guess.


Although this has already been revealed in the novels, most of the Drow gods have been axed. All that's left is Lolth, Eilistraee, and Ghaunadaur. Later Ghaunadaur is attacked by Lolth and moves to the Deep Caverns.

And in 1383 a bunch of dwarven deities bite it. Gorm, Heala, Laduguer, and Deep Duerra die in battle with each other. The book says that Hammergrim "disperses" into the Astral.[/quote:3tm67ui5]

If this source is good at least the Dark Maiden survives, got this from Candlekeep:

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 11:50 pm
by Narsia Ny'Dhun
I don't really get how Ghaunadaur counts as part of the drow pantheon. He's not even a drow, is he? To the best of my knowledge he's just a blob of something embodying evil

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 12:26 am
by Bhaern Quel
[quote="Narsia Ny'Dhun":2ieb7bww]I don't really get how Ghaunadaur counts as part of the drow pantheon. He's not even a drow, is he? To the best of my knowledge he's just a blob of something embodying evil[/quote:2ieb7bww]

Well back in the old days before Lolth had chirdren (In FR only) Ghaunadaur was her great ally against her Consort.

As for Drow deciding to Worship goo, perhaps they considered that beeter then worship of a spider. *Shrugs*

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 1:52 am
by Shir'le E. Illios
[quote="Bhaern Quel":23ihsip1][quote:23ihsip1]Grand History of the Realms is out.

**Spoilers** Highlight to show.

In 1384 DR, Tyr kills Helm in a romantic misunderstanding over the heart of Tymora. Though nothing can be proved, the gods believe that Cyric is somehow involved in Helm's death.

In 1385 DR, With help from Shar, Cyric murders Mystra in Dweomerheart, destroying the plane and Savras, as well as sending Azuth and Velsharoon into the Astral plane.

Magic bursts from the bonds of the Weave. Thousands of mages are driven insane or destroyed, and the very substance of the world becomes mutable beneath the veils of azure fire that dance across the sky.

Cyric is imprisoned on his home plane for 1000 years by Tyr, Lathander, and Sune for his crimes. This event is what is known as the Spellplague.

Apparently many planes are "shifted" or destroyed. The book states that only the greater gods can protect their respective planes from the destruction. This implies that some of the lesser [and intermediate] gods might not make it.

The last sentence of the book says that the Weave is destroyed and the "old world" ends and a new one begins. What that means is anybody's guess.


Although this has already been revealed in the novels, most of the Drow gods have been axed. All that's left is Lolth, Eilistraee, and Ghaunadaur. Later Ghaunadaur is attacked by Lolth and moves to the Deep Caverns.

And in 1383 a bunch of dwarven deities bite it. Gorm, Heala, Laduguer, and Deep Duerra die in battle with each other. The book says that Hammergrim "disperses" into the Astral.[/quote:23ihsip1]

If this source is good at least the Dark Maiden survives, got this from Candlekeep:[/quote:23ihsip1]
Bah, beat me to it. Found the same [url= ... 4:23ihsip1]here[/url:23ihsip1].

Some dim hope for optimism... I've been seeing the whole 4E thing very bleakly until now.

Love -x-x-x-


Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 10:38 pm
by DarkSongKnight
I am SO glad Eilistraee makes it, though I am curious about the details surrounding that. Guess we'll have to wait until the third book is out.

I was very depressed with all of the destruction that 4e seemed to be bringing, but now it doesn't seem [i:2js7u6eu]too[/i:2js7u6eu] horrible...

Definitely looking forward to the new FR campaign setting book, to see all of the new changes. Maybe there will be even more options available for Eilistraeens? If they are making drow a standard race, it looks good to me. That level adjustment is/was annoying...

Heres to hoping for a moonlit future and many joyous dances to come!

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 9:24 am
by Argoth
Even should she make it, she still is changed by Vhaeraun's portfolio. Things will never be the same again. She may be more powerful, but some parts of her dogma that made her somehow my own goddess are changed too drastically in my opinion. Heck, it's not an opinion. It's just so unfair. But I guess survival has its price, and it is a high one.

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 4:07 am
by Narsia Ny'Dhun
I'm going to agree with Argoth on this one, but for me it doesn't ruin things entirely. I'm willing to accept change to a degree. I'm waiting to see what happens. Though what would do it for me is if by the end of it all our Dark Maiden ends up being more evil than good and right now she seems to be pushing it with being so unforgiving.

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 8:04 pm
by Unen_Stealthfoot
[color=darkred:39zuuog0]does unforgiving equate to being evil, or just lawful. I mean aren't there plenty of LN and LG dieties that are (somewhat) unforgiving?[/color:39zuuog0]

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 11:50 pm
by Narsia Ny'Dhun
Hmm...point. Some people might consider being unforgiving as being a form of cruelty, but I see your point.

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 3:03 pm
by Nico
That chapter from the Orc King had me [i:3331q30v]really[/i:3331q30v] scared that Drizzt was going to replace Eilistraee. The urge to hunt down and maim RAS so that he may never again put pen to paper would have become unquenchable at such a point.

Good thing for him Eilistraee survives.

Is it too much to hope for that Regis dies as a result of the Spellplague? Oops, no, I'll bet he's got Player Character Immunity to Major Shifts to the Very Essence of Magic.

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 1:48 am
by Unen_Stealthfoot
[color=darkred:3092rop9]Hey, what's wrong with Regis? He makes a great sidekick.[/color:3092rop9]

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 1:05 am
by anzrel
dont know if this is reviving a dead thread but anyway my first post here, this is an interesting subject and i agree i dont like them narrowing the pantheon down so much my character is a Sharran Monk though so even if its good for him not having so many defenders of the light(or whatever you good guys call yourselves :D ) trying to kill him kinda takes some fun away, as for Salvator characters Jarlaxle is better than Drizzt in all ways

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 3:26 pm
by Argoth
Welcome to the Forums stranger. May you roam here freely and feel at home.

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 11:11 pm
by Bhaern Quel
15 to 20 deities left in the realms, oh there will be servants to the deities but more and more it appears Eilistraee is dead or under the prorection of her father (and under his rule).

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 8:09 am
by Arathen
so far they've only covered the deaths of a few deities, and they've confirmed that Eilistraee survives, in some form at least...there will only be three Drow deities left. Lolth, Eilistraee, and Ghuanadaur.