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Non-NWN Persistant world interest you?

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 8:23 pm
by Kaote Bruchedaine
I got dragged into sitting down with a DM in a chat about the idea of doing a Drow campaign that's inside of a Lolth house. Literally an entire campaign INSIDE the house.

This conversation since grew massively to the point that it would be impossible for one or two DMs to be able to handle.

So I got to the idea of bringing it into a persistent world. But I don't want something as restrictive as NWN because I would like for players to be able to have influence over the world around them. As a results we are looking between building it on Ultima Online private server or Minecraft. Now we are not sure which we will build it on. Right now the way we see it is Minecraft will work better for the way we want players to be able to build freely for themselves but programming it will be harder for us. Also minecraft has the bonus of being 3d and allowing for arcing ranged weapons. Ultima Online on the other hand we are better able to code for and it already has several hundred creatures ready for us to use including a few hundred skin colors for players were as Minecraft only has a couple creatures to use.

So I ask, if we opened a server where you could build and RP in your own little corner of Faerun, woudl you be interested and would you be able to contribute?

Re: Non-NWN Persistant world interest you?

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 8:34 pm
by Irennan
Eh, I would be interested (assuming that you aren't forced to play a lolthite), but between my own campaign and players and standard life issues, I'm quite busy.

Re: Non-NWN Persistant world interest you?

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 10:11 pm
by Bhaern Quel
Well I can play Lolthian as far as that goes.

I see two factors that might deter me.

You say something about " bonus of being 3d" which appears to be images. I do not do well with images.

The other thing mentioned was "contribute" is this ideas or play or monetary to cover costs?

Re: Non-NWN Persistant world interest you?

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 6:15 am
by Kaote Bruchedaine
As for playing Lolthites, that is not likely to be required. And if it is it will be very temporary. That is how the idea was born and that may be our starting point but in the end I plan for it to be just as big as the player base will take advantage of.

As for contribution, while I do hope for some monetary contributions there are plenty of other holes we will need help filling. For example helping to code, helping to build towns(especially if we go with canon towns) and helping to organize the various groups as well as player run governments.

As for the 3D aspect, I meant the two "engines" we are talking of using. Ultima Online is 2D not unlike runescape or Neverwinter Nights. However Minecraft while being rather mondaine in graphics has the added bonus of being able to fire your bow without a target lock. SO instead of shooting at you and the arrow curving and flying through objects to get to you because you are running at a 90 degree angle from me, I actually have to lead you. Moreso in minecraft I don't have to see you to hit you if I have an idea of where you are at or if there are 30 of me seiging your walls arrows can be fired in an arc with the hopes of hitting you on it's return to earth.

Re: Non-NWN Persistant world interest you?

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 10:53 pm
by Kaote Bruchedaine
Welp, we have started working. It would be nice to have someone heavily familiar with 3.5e ruleset to help us out.

My skype is noble.korlas just mention this site in the add request.

Typing or talking, I don't care. Just be warnd I spend a lot of time ripping paper.

Re: Non-NWN Persistant world interest you?

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 12:04 am
by Kaote Bruchedaine
Project has been up for a few days. We decided on Minecraft as the better option of the two choices.