Stats for The Lady Penitent characters

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Stats for The Lady Penitent characters

Post by DarkSongKnight »

[quote:1an0e1q7] Just to let you know, after an exchange of a few mails, Lisa confirmed that Cavatina's stats in EtU reflect her "power" after Sacrifice of the Widow.

For those interested, she is given as a Darksong Knight* 8 / Cleric 14.

*Fighter with substitution levels as given in Champions of Valor.

On another note, while reading the novel again I noted that one might come under the impression that the Vhaeraunite slain by Halisstra while conveying a message to Iljrene (Promenade Battle Mistress) might be Malvag. That is not the case though. Halisstra slew both males, though more happened to Malvag later on.[/quote:1an0e1q7]

Heres the link. [url:1an0e1q7] ... hichpage=4[/url:1an0e1q7]

Cavatina is quite powerful... but that was needed when battling Selvetarm I suppose.
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