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In Need of A Opinion 12: Game play rules for outside of combat

Posted: Wed May 25, 2022 5:25 pm
by Leema Har'gachi
So I just posted my most recent up date, this one is all mechanics for outside of combat including a movement system I had prototyped and show off here about a year ago or so, environment hazard, gravity, creature sizes, and the reaction roll back from its hiatus after 2nd edition. Unfortunately, the way Reactions is written means I need to go back to the Comeliness ability score and rewrite it again for like the fourth or fifth time I think. After I do that the rules on how reaction rolls and reaction effect work will hopeful be clear, concise, and easy to understand.
Here is the link to the current update, feel free to give me any feedback:

Re: In Need of A Opinion 12: Game play rules for outside of combat

Posted: Sun May 29, 2022 9:15 pm
by Leema Har'gachi
Here a layout test I started for the way the book will look. I haven't figured out where to put page numbers or how to plan for inserting images, but this is a very general layout.