In need of a opinion 11: Eilistraee spells revisited, Moonfire and spellsong

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Leema Har'gachi
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In need of a opinion 11: Eilistraee spells revisited, Moonfire and spellsong

Post by Leema Har'gachi »

Hey guys, I've recent revisted the spellsong and moonfire spells along with the cure spells and magic missiles. I've also fininished the healing hit points via resting and rules for dying. You can read the whole document here:
Here is the spells though for a quick read, please tell me what you guys think?

Level: 1st Level Sword Dancer, 2nd Level T’puuli An’ar Special Spell
Components: V, S
Casting Time: one minute (1 melee round)
Duration: One minute per caster level or until discharged
Range: Variable
Area of Effect: Up to 1 cubic-foot per caster level or one creature touched.
Target: Personal or creature touched
Save throw: None
Reversible: No
With this spell the caster conjures into being a manifestation of T’puuli An’ar’s power called moonfire. Moonfire can be of a variety of colors or hues as desired by the caster including blue-white, soft green, white, and silver and moreover the brightness the moonfire sheds can range from a faint glow to a clear, bright light though not blindingly bright as willed by the caster. At T’puuli An’ar choosing she can gift any creature she chooses with an application of moonfire manifesting on their body, though she determines the location, hue, and brightness. It is common for clerics of T’puuli An’ar to use Moonfire as a light for reading, finding one’s way in the dark, or to attract other to a desired location. Illumination caused by Moonfire sheds bright light up to a 10 foot diameter with the strength of the strongest moonlight and dim light for another 10 feet.
The moonfire last for one minute per caster level (or one melee round per caster level) and the caster doesn’t need to concentrate to maintain the moonfire, but the caster can dismiss the moonfire by will anytime as a reaction. It will always appear to emanate from some part of the casters body, but it can move about as the caster wills and it can occupy up to 1 cubic-foot of space per caster level on the casters body in any place desired, it does no harm to the caster, their gear or clothing, and any creature who touches the moonfire will notice it feels slightly colder than the air around it, but will be completely unharmed by the moonfire. It can be dispelled by a dispel magic spell or any 2nd level or higher darkness spell provided the darkness spell is casted against it for this purpose, but the moonfire negates the darkness spell during its own destruction and moonfire can be used to dispel magical darkness as if a light spell of the same level.
Once the moonfire has manifested on a part of the casters body, the caster may choose to touch a creature with moonfire. They must make a successful touch attack roll if the creature is unwilling, once a creature has been successfully touched, the caster can will the moonfire to either harm or heal the touched creature immediately. Once the attempt to touch a creature has been attempted regardless of success, the energies of the moonfire is used up and it is completely discharged. If the touch was successful and they willed the moonfire to deal damage it deals 2d6 +the casters charisma modifier points of cold damage, if they willed the moonfire to heal it instead heal the touched creature of 2d6 +the casters charisma modifier points of damage.
Clerics and sword dancers of 4th level or higher can will the moonfire to move away from their bodies altogether, in this manner if functions akin to dancing lights. When no longer in contact with the caster the moonfire can drift in any direction even through the tiniest openings with a movement speed of 40 feet per minute. When the moonfire has moved away from the casters body it can no longer be used to make healing or harming touches. Moonfire can fill as large or small of an area as the caster desires up to the volume of 1 cubic-foot per caster level.
At Higher Spell Level: If a cleric casts this spell in a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the moonfire can heal or deal 1d6 additional points of damage per spell level higher than 2nd. If a sword dancer cast this spell in a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the moonfire can heal or deal 1d6 additional points of damage per spell level higher than 1st.

Level: 7th Level Sword Dancer spell
Components: V, S, M (A piece of Silver no less than 1 gram in size), DF (Your holy symbol)
Casting Time: two minutes (2 melee rounds)
Duration: Permanent
Range: Touch
Area of Effect: One or more metallic Object touched
Target: One metallic Alloy touched with total mass not exceeding 10 kilograms per level.
Save Throw: None
Reversible: No
This spell allows a sword dancer to touch a single piece of metallic alloy and transmute it into a durable alloy called moonsilver. By touching a piece of metal, the caster can transmute up to 10 kilograms of metal per sword dancer level into moonsilver. Coper, bronze, iron, silver, steel, mithril, adamantine, and even starlight can be affected by this spell. Using this spell, it is possible to transform the blade of a single sword, a ingot of steel or other alloy, or a suit of metal armor. For every three levels the caster has they can transmute another object, by touching it provided that this doesn’t excess the total 10 kilograms of mass per level that they can normally transmute. Ingots turned into moonsilver can be forged into any kind of object and making magical items with moonsilver cost half as much gold to enchant compared to other materials.
Moonsilver is a light weight alloy, that resembles silver and functions as silver for the purpose of bypassing creatures’ resistance and immunities that are weak against silver. However, unlike silver, moonsilver has the tensile strength of steel and one half the weight of steel. Moreover, drowcraft items made of moonsilver do not lose their properties when exposed to sunlight.
Magical weapons and armor can be transmuted by this spell, however there is a 15% chance that they might lose their current enchantments when affected by this spell. However, the item can be reenchanted with a successful craft magical items check using half the usual material components and cost, or with a well worded wish spell.

Lesser Spellsong
Level: 4th level T’puuli An’ar Special spell, Sword Dancer Spell
Components: V, S
Casting Time: one minute (1 melee round)
Duration: Special
Range: Special
Area of effect: Special
Target: Special
Save Throw: None
Reversible: No
The lesser spellsong is a holy song known by clerics of T’puuli An’ar and her sword dancers. The power of this song is much weaker than its normal and greater variants. Likewise, the versatility of the spellsong is much lesser. The spellsong allows the caster through song and supplication create an effect equivalent to any cleric spell of 3rd level or less with it having normal effect, range, duration, save throws, and so on, but without the usual gestures or material components in essence casting the spell through song and dance. Optionally the caster can word the spellsong to instead choose to heal themselves or a single creature touched by 1d4 hit points +1 per caster level.
Multiple clerics of T’puuli An’ar and sword dancers can join in singing the spellsong. If they choose to do so each one may touch a creature (this includes the option to heal the caster or themselves) to heal it by 1d4 hit points +1 per caster level of the cleric or sword dancer touching the creature. This additional healing from the choir cannot be used to deal damage to undead.
In order to use lesser spellsong, the caster must be able to move at least their hands and shoulders, and sing free of any magical silence effect. Any additional performs must also be able to move and sing under similar conditions. If any magical silencing occurs before the spellcasting ends the spellsong may be wasted or only partially effective at the Dimension Masters discretion. All sword dancers and clerics of T’puuli An’ar are trained to be able to sing while in pain and dodging about in combat, but they cannot while physically attacking themselves.

Level: 6th level T’puuli An’ar Special Spell, Sword Dancer Spell
Components: V, S
Casting Time: one minute (1 melee round)
Duration: Special
Range: Special
Area of Effect: Special
Target: Special
Save Throw: None
Reversible: No
The version of the spellsong is much more powerful than its lesser variant. Most high priests, high priestess, and veteran sword dancers of T’puuli An’ar keep at least one spellsong prepared at all times. This sacred song allows the caster through song and supplication to the Silver Dancer create an effect equivalent to any cleric spell of 5th level or less with it having normal effect, range, duration, save throws, and so on, but without the usual gestures or material components in essence casting the spell through song and dance.
Alternatively, the caster can use the spellsong to immediately recall to memory and regain the ability to cast any one spell casted by the caster in the last 48 hours or with a different wording one lost character level that had been lost within the last 24 hours can be restored to any creature embraced during the spellsong, though the caster can do this to themselves. Another differently worded spellsong can allow the caster to heal themselves or a single creature touched by 4d4 hit points +2 per caster level.
Multiple clerics of T’puuli An’ar and sword dancers can join in singing the spellsong. If they choose to do so, each singing cleric or sword dancer who touches a injured creature while the song continues (this includes the option to heal the caster or themselves) to heal it by 4d4 hit points +2 per caster level of the cleric or sword dancer touching the creature. This additional healing from the choir cannot be used to deal damage to undead.
If seven or more clerics or sword dancers of T’puuli An’ar are present, their touch can instead cure blindness, slow poison, or cure disease instead of healing lost hit point as desired by the individual participant. While nine or more cleric or sword dancers of T’puuli An’ar are present, their touch can instead dispel magic, remove curse, or neutralize poison instead. If twelve or more are present, regeneration or spell immunity (limited to only spells known to at least one of the singers, either by casting it or having it casted upon themselves) can be done instead of healing.
The choir usually performs a circular dance around the person to be aided, a fire, or other focal point (commonly a bastard sword driven point first down into the ground or a tripod fashioned from sticks with T’puuli An’ar’s holy symbol mounted on top).
In order to use spellsong, the caster must be able to move about freely to dance and sing free of any magical silence effect. Any additional performs must also be able to move and sing under similar conditions. If any magical silencing occurs before the spellcasting ends the spellsong may be wasted or only partially effective at the Dimension Masters discretion. All sword dancers and clerics of T’puuli An’ar are trained to be able to sing while in pain and dodging about in combat, but they cannot while physically attacking themselves.

Greater Spellsong
Level: 9th level T’puuli An’ar Special Spell
Component: V, S
Casting Time: One minute (1 melee round)
Duration: Special
Range: Special
Area of Effect: Special
Target: Special
Save Throw: None
Reversible: No
This more version of the spellsong is much more powerful, T’puuli An’ar most dedicated cleric have access to this spell and the more powerful sword dancers can use it innately with the Silver Dancers personal blessing. While any cleric of the Silver Dancer or sword dancer can join in the greater spellsong, the number of clerics and sword dancers with the ability to use this spell is few and far between. Through song and supplication, the caster can create an effect equivalent to any cleric spell of 8th level or less with it having normal effect, range, duration, save throws, and so on, but without the usual gestures or material components in essence casting the spell through song and dance.
Alternatively, the spellsong can be worded so as to allow the caster to immediately recall to memory and regain the ability to cast any three spells casted by the caster within the last 24 hours or with a differently worded spellsong restore up to two lost character levels that have been lost within the last 24 hours from a single creature embraced during the spellsong, though the caster can do this to themselves. Another differently worded spellsong can allow the caster to heal themselves or a single creature touched by 8d4 hit points +3 per caster level.
Multiple clerics of T’puuli An’ar and sword dancers can join in singing the spellsong. If they choose to do so, each singing cleric or sword dancer who touches a injured creature while the song continues (this includes the option to heal the caster or themselves) to heal it by 8d4 hit points +3 per caster level of the cleric or sword dancer touching the creature. This additional healing from the choir cannot be used to deal damage to undead.
If seven or more clerics or sword dancers of T’puuli An’ar are present, their touch can instead cure blindness, slow poison, or cure disease instead of healing lost hit point as desired by the individual participant. While nine or more cleric or sword dancers of T’puuli An’ar are present, their touch can instead dispel magic, remove curse, or neutralize poison instead. If twelve or more are present, regeneration or spell immunity (limited to only spells known to at least one of the singers, either by casting it or having it casted upon themselves) can be done instead of healing. If fifteen or more are present, resurrection or restoration spell can be done instead of healing. If twenty or more clerics or sword dancers are present a true resurrection or wish spell can be done instead of healing. Using the spellsong for true resurrection uses all the participants caster levels combined to determine the total number of years the creature can be deceased for.
The choir usually performs a circular dance around the person to be aided, a fire, or other focal point (commonly a bastard sword driven point first down into the ground or a tripod fashioned from sticks with T’puuli An’ar’s holy symbol mounted on top).
In order to use spellsong, the caster must be able to move about freely to dance and sing free of any magical silence effect. Any additional performs must also be able to move and sing under similar conditions. If any magical silencing occurs before the spellcasting ends the spellsong may be wasted or only partially effective at the Dimension Masters discretion. All sword dancers and clerics of T’puuli An’ar are trained to be able to sing while in pain and dodging about in combat, but they cannot while physically attacking themselves.

Magic Missiles
Level: 1st Leve Magic-user, Sorcerer Spell
Component: V, S
Casting Time: 6 seconds (1 segment)
Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 60 feet + 10 feet per caster level
Area of Effect: one or more creatures within a 10 square foot area
Target: One or more creatures within 10 feet of each other
Save Throw: None
Reversible: No
This spell creates one or more magical missiles made of shimmering silver energy, these missiles can take the shape of daggers, swords, crossbow bolts, or arrows as the caster desires. When the spell is cast the missiles dart forth from the caster’s fingertips and strike their target unerringly. No attack roll is made and neither does the target get a save throw, they simply hit the target immediately deal 1d6+1 point of force damage per missile. If the caster has the ability to create multiple missiles, they can choose to have them strike a single target creature or several creature if desired, but all target creatures must be within 10 square feet of each other. The spells range is 60 feet plus 10 additional per caster level, all target creatures must still be within 10 feet of each other regardless of caster level. When casted by a 1st level caster, magic missiles creates but one missile. However, at 3rd caster level and for every two level afterward one additional missile is created when the spell is cast
At Higher Spell Level: If casted in a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, magic missiles has one additional missile for each spell level higher than 1st level to a maximum of 8 additional missiles when casted in a 9th level spell slot. This is in addition to the normal additional missile for every two caster levels the caster has.

Cure Light Wounds (Cause Light Wounds)
Level: 1st level Bard, Cleric, Druid, Favored Soul, Sword Dancer Spell
Components: V, S,
Casting Time: 30 seconds (5 segments)
Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Touch
Area of Effect: Creature touched.
Target: One creature touched.
Save Throw: None
Reversible: Yes, cause light wounds.
This spell allows the caster to lay their hands upon a single creature. By doing so the caster is able to channel energy from the positive material plane into the creature causing living creatures to be healed 1d8 points of damage +1 per caster level to a maximum of +5, undead creatures are not healed by cure light wound and are instead dealt damage equal to 1d8 points of positive energy damage +1 per caster level to a maximum of +5. This healing will not affect creatures without a corporeal body, neither will it heal creatures not living or those that can only be harmed by iron, silver, and/or magical weapons. Willing creatures can be affected by cure light wound without issue, however unwilling creature like all undead require the caster to make a touch attack roll to successfully use the spell on them. This spell will only heal a creature up to it maximum hit point total and cannot be used to exceed that total.
The reverse of cure light wounds, cause light wounds channels energy from the negative material plane into a creature touch. This negative energy causes physical harm to any living creature touch deal 1d8 points of negative energy damage +1 per caster level to a maximum of +5, but undead creatures are instead healed by negative energy regaining 1d8 points of damage +1 per caster level to a maximum of +5. Except as mention here, cause light wounds functions identically to cure light wounds.
At Higher Spell Levels: When casted in a spell slot of 2nd level or higher cure light wounds heal 1d4 additional points of damage and cause light wounds causes 1d4 additional points of damage for every spell level higher than 1st level the spell is casted at.

Cure Minor Wounds (Cause Minor Wounds)
Level: 2nd Level Bard, Cleric, Druid, Favored Soul, Sword Dancer Spell
Components: V, S,
Casting Time: 30 seconds (5 segments)
Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Touch
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Target: One creature touched
Save Throw: None
Reversible: Yes, Cause minor wounds.
This spell function identically to the spell cure light wounds, except as mentioned herein. A living creature touched by the caster has energy from the positive material plane channeled through them healing them of 2d8 points of damage +1 per caster level to a maximum of +10. Undead creatures successfully touched by the caster take 2d8 points of positive energy damage +1 per caster level to a maximum of +10.
The Reverse of this spell cause minor wounds functions identically to the spell cause light wounds, except as mentioned herein. An undead creature touched by the caster has energy from the negative material plane channeled through them healing them by 2d8 points of damage +1 per caster level to a maximum of +10. Living creature successfully touched by the caster are caused physical harm by the cause minor wounds dealing 2d8 points of negative energy damage +1 per caster level to a maximum of +10.
At Higher Spell Levels: When casted in a spell slot of 3rd level or higher cure minor wounds heal 1d4 additional points of damage and cause minor wounds causes 1d4 additional points of damage for every spell level higher than 2nd level the spell is casted at.

Cure Major Wounds (Cause Major Wounds)
Level: 3rd level Bard, Cleric, Druid, Favored Soul, Sword Dancer Spell
Components: V, S,
Casting Time: 36 seconds (6 segments)
Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Touch
Area of Effect: Creature touched.
Target: One creature touched.
Save Throw: None
Reversible: Yes, Cause major wounds.
This spell function identically to the spell cure light wounds, except as mentioned herein. A living creature touched by the caster has energy from the positive material plane channeled through them healing them of 3d8 points of damage +1 per caster level to a maximum of +15. Undead creatures successfully touched by the caster take 3d8 points of positive energy damage +1 per caster level to a maximum of +15.
The Reverse of this spell cause major wounds functions identically to the spell cause light wounds, except as mentioned herein. An undead creature touched by the caster has energy from the negative material plane channeled through them healing them by 3d8 points of damage +1 per caster level to a maximum of +15. Living creature successfully touched by the caster are caused physical harm by the cause minor wounds dealing 3d8 points of negative energy damage +1 per caster level to a maximum of +15.
At Higher Spell Levels: When casted in a spell slot of 4th level or higher cure major wounds heal 1d4 additional points of damage and cause minor wounds causes 1d4 additional points of damage for every spell level higher than 3rd level the spell is casted at.

Cure Serious Wounds (Cause Serious Wounds)
Level: 4th level Cleric, Druid, Favored Soul, Sword Dancer Spell
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 42 seconds (7 segments)
Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Touch
Area of Effect: Creature touched.
Target: One creature touched.
Save Throw: None
Reversible: Yes, Cause serious wounds.
This spell function identically to the spell cure light wounds, except as mentioned herein. A living creature touched by the caster has energy from the positive material plane channeled through them healing them of 4d8 points of damage +1 per caster level to a maximum of +20. Undead creatures successfully touched by the caster take 4d8 points of positive energy damage +1 per caster level to a maximum of +20.
The Reverse of this spell cause serious wounds functions identically to the spell cause light wounds, except as mentioned herein. An undead creature touched by the caster has energy from the negative material plane channeled through them healing them by 4d8 points of damage +1 per caster level to a maximum of +20. Living creature successfully touched by the caster are caused physical harm by the cause minor wounds dealing 4d8 points of negative energy damage +1 per caster level to a maximum of +20.
At Higher Spell Levels: When casted in a spell slot of 5th level or higher cure serious wounds heal 1d4 additional points of damage and cause serious wounds causes 1d4 additional points of damage for every spell level higher than 4th level the spell is casted at.

Cure Critical Wounds (Cause Critical Wounds)
Level: 5th level Cleric, Druid, Favored Soul, Sword Dancer Spell
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Touch
Area of Effect: Creature touched.
Target: One creature touched.
Save Throw: None
Reversible: Yes, Cause critical wounds.
This spell function identically to the spell cure light wounds, except as mentioned herein. A living creature touched by the caster has energy from the positive material plane channeled through them healing them of 5d8 points of damage +1 per caster level to a maximum of +25. Undead creatures successfully touched by the caster take 5d8 points of positive energy damage +1 per caster level to a maximum of +25.
The Reverse of this spell cause critical wounds functions identically to the spell cause light wounds, except as mentioned herein. An undead creature touched by the caster has energy from the negative material plane channeled through them healing them by 5d8 points of damage +1 per caster level to a maximum of +25. Living creature successfully touched by the caster are caused physical harm by the cause minor wounds dealing 5d8 points of negative energy damage +1 per caster level to a maximum of +25.
At Higher Spell Levels: When casted in a spell slot of 6th level or higher cure critical wounds heal 1d4 additional points of damage and cause critical wounds causes 1d4 additional points of damage for every spell level higher than 5th level the spell is casted at.
Real Name:Leema Apollyon Har'gachi
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Weight:158 Ib.
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Re: In need of a opinion 11: Eilistraee spells revisited, Moonfire and spellsong

Post by Irennan »

I have 2 things to say:

1)This one is about the system, not the spells. More precisely about the melee rounds. One minute to make an attack doesn't sound much likely. Real fights tend to be super quick, they often last much less than one minute; likewise, danger strikes in a matter of instants, not minutes. I understand D&D is a game, but I'd personally have the combat segment last 1 second, and the melee round last 6 seconds. On this note, think about Moonfire. Spells like that are usually very quick to cast: picture a situation in which you're in the dark and need light because someone is stalking you, and you just sit there chanting for a minute to conjure some faint light. That would make the spell only useful in relaxed situations.

2)The Spellsongs are cool, but there's something that puzzles me. Namely, the group ritual effects. They're weak as hell, in that they're weaker than using the single person feature of casting a cleric spell. I mean, a group of casters can just slow poison, but one caster can outright remove it? I'd bump the power of the choir effects up by a significant amount, personally, and I'd replace the effects that can already be produced by 1 person spellsong with something more flavorful. For example, have the Spellsong become able to summon the rays of moonlight that can teleport the casters and everything they touch to any other place lit by the moon. Or have the choir effect produce a shroud of moonlight that makes the casters invisble, or yet give them resistance to damage, bonus to saving throws, and heal them constantly. Or yet again a sanctuary type of effect, where all those who want to attack or cast hostile spells at the casters must make a WIS saving throw, or be unable to attack, or cast spells at, anyone or any area in the shroud (unless the people in the shroud attack them, that is). The moonlight shroud could also move with the Sword Dancers and protect the people in it from death (much like an AoE death ward), or heal them, etc... which would make the Sword Dancers able to escort people that they want to protect to a safe place. Another effect that comes to mind and fits Eilistraee's lore is summoning moths that show you the way towards a safe place when you're in danger.

I say these things because we're talking about a spell that requires plenty of sword dancers to reach its actual potential, which means it will rarely come up in play. So, IMO, when it does come up, it should be massive and memorable.

Just my 2c, but I hope it can be helpful.
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Leema Har'gachi
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Re: In need of a opinion 11: Eilistraee spells revisited, Moonfire and spellsong

Post by Leema Har'gachi »

Irennan wrote: Tue Feb 22, 2022 5:47 pm I have 2 things to say:

1)This one is about the system, not the spells. More precisely about the melee rounds. One minute to make an attack doesn't sound much likely. Real fights tend to be super quick, they often last much less than one minute; likewise, danger strikes in a matter of instants, not minutes. I understand D&D is a game, but I'd personally have the combat segment last 1 second, and the melee round last 6 seconds. On this note, think about Moonfire. Spells like that are usually very quick to cast: picture a situation in which you're in the dark and need light because someone is stalking you, and you just sit there chanting for a minute to conjure some faint light. That would make the spell only useful in relaxed situations.
Well, having 1 second segment makes more sense when it comes to attacking with weapon (after all in real life even a large unwieldy weapon takes only a couple of seconds to make a swing with it) however, when you take action like movement it kind of breaks down (which is why you don't see the same kind of movement system we have had since 3rd edition where you all action take place in 6 seconds and yet you can move your full movement speed which can range from 10 feet [30 feet base + heavy armor] to 45 feet [creature with 30 feet base speed with the shadow template]), I've tried to make the speed of which a character can move in a six second period a bit more realistic while still allowing them to (or at least I hope it will) to move their full movement speed in one round. Weapon wise, I've implemented a version of 1st editions weapon speed to give each weapon a rate at which it can be used though I shorten a lot a weapon speeds down as a weapon with a weapon speed of 1 can be used to make a attack every segment (provided you have the ability to attack more than once per round). Granted added the action system to this combat system is probable more limiting than the system should have, but it makes it easier to manage abilities that do not have the weapon speed or casting. Though I guess I implement a system similar to them for abilities and features, but then it becomes a battle to balance out each individual ability and feature to make sure characters aren't doing a lot of actions in one minutes.
Irennan wrote: Tue Feb 22, 2022 5:47 pm 2)The Spellsongs are cool, but there's something that puzzles me. Namely, the group ritual effects. They're weak as hell, in that they're weaker than using the single person feature of casting a cleric spell. I mean, a group of casters can just slow poison, but one caster can outright remove it? I'd bump the power of the choir effects up by a significant amount, personally, and I'd replace the effects that can already be produced by 1 person spellsong with something more flavorful. For example, have the Spellsong become able to summon the rays of moonlight that can teleport the casters and everything they touch to any other place lit by the moon. Or have the choir effect produce a shroud of moonlight that makes the casters invisble, or yet give them resistance to damage, bonus to saving throws, and heal them constantly. Or yet again a sanctuary type of effect, where all those who want to attack or cast hostile spells at the casters must make a WIS saving throw, or be unable to attack, or cast spells at, anyone or any area in the shroud (unless the people in the shroud attack them, that is). The moonlight shroud could also move with the Sword Dancers and protect the people in it from death (much like an AoE death ward), or heal them, etc... which would make the Sword Dancers able to escort people that they want to protect to a safe place. Another effect that comes to mind and fits Eilistraee's lore is summoning moths that show you the way towards a safe place when you're in danger.

I say these things because we're talking about a spell that requires plenty of sword dancers to reach its actual potential, which means it will rarely come up in play. So, IMO, when it does come up, it should be massive and memorable.

Just my 2c, but I hope it can be helpful.
Keep in mind, that a caster by themselves could only replicate the effects of a single spell up to 5th level (in the normal spellsong case), while having seven or more participates allow each one to either heal a touched by4d4 +2 per caster level hit points, slow poison (2st level spell), Cure Blindness (3rd level spell), or Cure Disease (3rd level spell). So think of it like this, this is essentially allow seven casters to casts seven spells of 2nd to 3rd level other each one choice for the price of a single 6th level spell slot, nine caster nine spells of 2nd, 3rd, 4th level spells for a single 6th level spell slot, or twelve caster cast twelve 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 7th level spells for a single 6th level spell slot. It more about quantity rather than quality, while yes slow poison or cure blindness (a very rare condition in more games) isn't very appealing as a option, they are at least there for when the case does arise.
Real Name:Leema Apollyon Har'gachi
Class:Variant Illusionist Favored Soul {gestalt}
Race:Shadow Drow
Weight:158 Ib.
Skin:Pitch-black(surrounded by Shadowy Purple Aura)
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