Another new guy

This forum is for general discussion and open to all. If there is anything you wish to talk about with the Chosen then this is the place to do it. Please limit the use of this forum to out of character discussions. For in character roleplaying please use the Free Form Roleplaying forum.

Moderators: Shir'le E. Illios, Bhaern Quel

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Miz'rin Fey
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Joined: Wed Jun 29, 2011 3:54 am

Another new guy

Post by Miz'rin Fey »


I'm new in this bands too. English isn't my primary language, so I ask you to forgive any aberration that you read (and help me if you must - you are the good guys, right? lol).

I love roleplaying, but since the good nwn brazilian servers faded (and I can't find a group to play the tradicional paper and ink), i'm orphan.

So, how the fun works here? Besides the Roleplay forum (i'd be grateful if someone explain me how that part of the community works), do you have an official NWN 1 or NWN2 server where you play? If not (and if yes, too), which servers do you reccomend? (in my situation, i'm accepting even other games with roleplay option \o/)

I hope have posted it in the right place...

[ ]'s
Zarae Zyne Kilanatlar
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Post by Zarae Zyne Kilanatlar »

hey and welcome!

im not the best to answer all the questions. but the roleplay section is usually done by telling stories in written form. (sorry that wasnt very helpful) one can either begin a story and others join in or see about joining one in progress.
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Rhei Lor'akris
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Post by Rhei Lor'akris »

Kaerol eil shaelysti.

Zarae covered the freeform aspect quite nicely I must say. :)

As for NWN and NWN2 support for roleplaying, we were originally going for it some time ago, but I'm not sure if development is still underway or has stopped.

And as for your brief question regarding our moral/ethical tendencies? Yes, [i:c1s84o37]most of us are [b:c1s84o37]good[/b:c1s84o37].[/i:c1s84o37] :D

*twists own fingers behind back with a sadistic grin*
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Shir'le E. Illios
High Priestess
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Post by Shir'le E. Illios »

Greetings to you and welcome to our forums.

At some point around the release of NWN2 I had some ambitions to create our own NWN2 server, but in the end I abandoned those plans (too much work for one person). And in general am no longer playing NWN, though I'm sure others still are. But who knows what Cryptic's upcoming [url=]Neverwinter[/url:2c6um5kd] will bring.

For the rest all I can do is bid you welcome again and hope you find a home of sorts here. :)

Love -x-x-x-

F'sarn natha tithaur wun l'su'aco.

-= Shir'le E. Illios =-
Chosen of Eilistraee
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